MTrf f! THE CQOS BAY TIMES, MRSHFIELD, JJRGONj WEDNESDAY, N0VEMBER23, 1910 EVENING EDITION. Si1 f ? w ?m mmmmm i!d in i ii ill ! OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENT .Offers the best selection and best values in Boys' wear to be found on the coast. ArVHY? Because we select our own All-Wool Fabrics, and manufacture for FIVE Stores. . ' ' ! I Boys Suitsages 3 to J 7 years, $3.00 to $7.50. Some of these suits at $450 to $6.50 have two pairs of Knickerbocker pants. Ttiff "Mill-to-Man II7AAI PM Mil I CTADr Manhfield YY UUlll lTllLiLi O 1 UIVi Oregon. Clothiers' :. i iiutlfi Haviland China SHE OUIt WINDOW FOR ONE OP THE FINEST DISPLAYS OF D0UI1LE STAMPED GOLD HAND LIMOGES CHINA EVER SHOWN ON COOS IJAY. THIS CHINA IS DIRECT FROM FHANCE AND IS THE MOST ARTISTIC PRODUCTION OF THE WORLD IN FIND 'CHINA. WE HAVE ONLY TWO COMPLETE SETS AND IT IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD NOT DELAY SEEING. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marsh field, Oregon WM FOR RENT Storo room occupied by Mrs. Allcon'ii milliner, on Decern bor 1. Apply Eugono O'Connoll. FOR RENT Plumbing shop net Ekblnd's Hardwnro storo nftor Do comber 1. Apply W. N. Ekblad. B-tt-a -n-tt-a-a-H-tt-M-M-H-'-tt-a-H-n-tt-n-tj u-a-tt-tt-tt-a-a November Real Estate Snaps I WANTED An experienced Rlrl for Konoral housowork, Mrs, P. M. Hnll-Lowls, Catching Inlet. FOR SALE Black Monarchy pnllolH, six months old, $V.o0 each. Apply J. A. Jacobson, North Rend. 40 Acres Fruit Land near Allegheny, adjoining Gould farm, for $250.00 See Title, Guarantee &. Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager -n-a.a-n-a-a-a-a-M-a-t:---------"-"-"-"--"-:j-' 52StSHSE5HEKS5ES2S52SSSiSaS20aS2S2SESE5HSa52SESliilSZ5SHS2SESH5S5; A. ctp KT.r ni C D A AST Ri o i hmh.iv iyi. r . r Ltn s. Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESERVED UF TO THE ARRIVAL OP TRE SniP, RESERVATIONS WILL HE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME UN LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore tS2sSSaSE5?S2SB!i-HSES25SSES2SHSrESS!i'aSH5T52S2SH5E dSiSiSiSiSZSZSiiH FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladles should bring their Dressos, faps or Gloves to us. Satlsfac "" guaranteed. COOS IJAY TAILORING CO., J W. Josephison, Mgr. South Brondwny, Mnrsllfleld. lave That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL PhoBo aiai. REAL ESTATE. I have somo of tho best buys on the Day, Can arrange easy terms. Houses and buildings for rent. AUGUST FRIZEEN, (58 Central Ave. Marshf'Jld, Ore. ITII7 1 1 fWn MarihfleWi pojmwr rnrally IMC. LLUIU HoUl. All lurnlture rew nd clean.' Velvet and Axmlnliter canetln very room. Fpur orle ofltolid com t Katei reduced to; day, 80c, 7Jc and 11.00; week, 3.C0 to 15,00, VUo a few boimVeeplng apart ments with gai ranget. 112.00 per month, free baths. Take bu at depot. Mr. Brldgei. Prop LOST No. a Tinker built row boat. Roward for roturn to Davis, North Bond. Wh,lto houso Storo. FOR RENT Two rooms- for houso keeping furnished with gas raugo $12 per month. Lloyd hotel. WANTED Young lndy to lenrn ty pesettlng. Ono with somo experi ence preferred. Apply at onco at TImo8' ofllco. WANTED Young lndy for ofllco work. Mint hnvo good education. Wages small to start. Address A. Q. caro TImos. WANTED-r-Aii experienced waitress Inqulro "W" Times' ofllce. WANTED Secontl cook. Inqulro Chandler Hotel, LOST Alraut two weeks ngo, dog, black and tan, medium size, Short tall. S. C. Rogers. WANTED An A-l general mcrchnn- dlso man now In California Is anxi ous to locato on Coos Day Mar ried. Address, Box 'A Times'. FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished nvo-roora apartments In the O'Connoll bldg. FOR RENT Four-room bungalow, Frank Dillon at Olllvant and Weaver's. CIDER FOR SALE Pure sterilized elder In pint, and quart bottles, and gallons. Special prices by tho dozen. Freo dollvery. Phono 277. NOTICE If you want Landles tho window and carpet cleaner, Just call up Perry-Montgomery, Phone S-J. Good work. Reasonable prices. WANTED Strong woman or girl to care for elderly Invalid. Apply Mrs. Sengstacken, Marshfield, Or. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Mrs, Hazard, cor. 5th and Market. any kind of salmon In nny way now. From Dccombor 10 to March 20, nny kind of salmon mny bo trolled for but seiners nro permitted to take out only steel head snlmon during that season. COOS BAY TIDES. NOVKMHER High water ATM. P. M. Date. h.m. ft. h.m. ft. Wcd'd'y. 23 0:15 7.0 5:25 7.1 Thursday 24 7:10 7.4 G:52 0.8 Friday... 25 8:05 7.7 8:12 6.7 Saturday 2G 8:51 8.1 0:20 0.8 SUNDAY 27, 9:31 8.3 10:10 0.9 NOVEMBER Low wator Date. Wcd'd'y. 23 Thursday 24 Friday... 25 Saturday 20 SUNDAY 27 A.M. h.m. 11:57 0:18 1 .00 2:21 3:1,4 ft. 0.0 0.G 1.2 1.5 1.9 P. M h.m. I ft. 1:19 2:29 3:23 4:11 3.2 2.4 1.7 1.1 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and Thursday. ' LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ondlng nt 4:43 p. m., Nov. 22, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government mo- teorologlcal observor: Maximum 57 Minimum 47 At 4:43 p. m GO Precipitation. 43 Wind, Southwest: rain. Hold Service. Rev. R. II. Brown ing will conduct Thanksgiving ser vice nt tho Marshflold Episcopal church nt 10:30 tomorrow morning. Tho subject of his sermon wilt bo "Tho Spirit of Thnnksglvlng." SoiiNon Over. Doputy Gnmo War den Cnl. Wright nnnounccs that tlio salmon fishing Benson ended Novem ber 20 nud It Is Illegal to catch THE MASONIC "The Lion and v The Mouse" PRESENTED BY Dixie Lof tin AND COMPANY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER UOTH AND 27TH. PRICES S3, a AND 50 CENTS Scats now on sale at THE BUSY CORNER THE ROYAL (House of Amusement, Instruction and Entertainment.) TONIGHT Now Blograph "A BROKEN DOLL" (A 1,000-foot Drama.) "ARCHIE'S ARCHERY" "HAWKIN'S HAT" (Two Comic Pictures.) " KATHRYN BAKER Songs Pcrformnnco Begins nt 7iOO Admission, Adults 10c, Children 5c FOR RENT Residence EasteJde', j Phone Mrs, Mccann, norm ,upaq. GIVE THANNS Tomorrow i Thero Is much that tho poo plo on Coos Bay havo to bo thankful for. While tho rail road has not arrived thero is. monoy and meat for all who' aro willing to work. Wo nro thankful to our friends nnd patrons for their trade. Wo endeavor to show our appreciation by a constant effort to merit Its continuance by sorvlco and vnluo giving. ? This store wilt close nt 11 O'clock tomorrow. Phono your order early. THE BAZAR HOUSE OF QUALITY. mmaaaanttaaaaaataamaaaaaai Persona! Notes HiMMmiimituiiiimninutumnniiuiu JAMES STAUFF lenves today on tho Rcdondo for RIvorsldo, Cnl., whero ho will spond a few months. E. M. MORRISSHY leaves todny for Snn Francisco and other southern points. MISS BERTHA FOX of Kiowa, Colo., Is hero to Bpond tho winter nt tho homo of her sister, Mrs. E. II. .Joohnk. W. II. WATSON leaves today for Southern CallfornTa whero ho will spend a fow months In hopes of benefitting his health, tho Shoot Iron nnd Motnl Works looking nft or his business during his nbsoncc. T. C. RUSSELL, superintendent of tho Beaver Hill mines, was In Marshflold today on business. Ho roports good progress is being mndo.wlth tho now slopo which will bo sunk to n dopth of 3,000 feot If possible ELKS WILL MUET. Marshflold lodgo of ElkB, No. 1100, will moot Wodnosday night nnd nil mombers nro requested to bo proB ont. 1 DEO. GOODRUM, Secretary. RIG Thanksgiving RAND DANCE nt Englo's Hall, THURSDAY night, Novombor 24 th. A. T. HAINES, tho feodmnn, wnnts ompty grain sacks. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notlco is horoby given that by nn ordor of tho County Court of Coos County, Orogon, duly mndo and en tered of rocord on tho 9th dny of Novombor, 1910, In tho matter of tho estnto of F. E. McCauloy, do- censed, tho undorslgnod was duly appointed administratrix of said estnto. All porsons having claims against said cstato nro horoby notiflod to proBont thorn, duly vorlflod, to tho undersigned nt tho ofllco of John D. Goss, In tho First Snviugs & Trust Bldg., nt Marshflold, Coos County, Orogon, within six months from tho dnto of this notlco. Dated nt Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, this iCth day of Novombor. 1910. , CORA A. McCAULEY, Administratrix of tho Estnto of F. B. McCauloy, doconsed. First publication Novombor 10, 1910 TO PLAY HERE OH THURSDAY North Bend and Marshfield High School Fdotball Teams Meet Tomorrow Tomorrow Thnnksglvlng dny, thor Marshflold and North Bend high, school football toams will play tholr last gnmo of tho season on tho Marsh flold depot grounds. North Bond con siders Mnrshllold's victory of 0 to 5 In tho Inst gnmo, ob n streak of luck, whllu Marshflold Is determined to show North Bend that it was only an nccldont that thnt toam was nblo to glvo It Btich a closo gntno, Tho High School Btudcnts will bev out on masso and tho largcBt crowd, of tho season Is expected nt the game whloh will bo callod at 2:30. Both teams will hnvo tho same llnoupa ns in tho last gntno, MRS. O. P. NOAH DEAD. Well-Known Coos liny Wotrinn Suc cumbs nt Sail Francisco. Word was received horo today oC tho death of Mtb. O. P. Noah, nt Ban Francisco yesterday. Slio had boot Buffering fr6m a pnralytlo stroke slncd lust Fobrunry and a short tlmo ngo wont to Snn Francisco with her sons In hopa of securing roliof. The trip was futllo. Mrs. Noah was sixty-four years old and had boon a resident of Co6s Bay twenty-four years. Sho waB born In Tennessee Besides hor husband, sho la survived by flvo chlldron,: Mrs; Lydln Styffo of Worcester,' Masd., Jcsbo nnd Abnor Noah of Sai Fran cisco and Loyola and Arthur Nonh of Coos Bay. Tho funoral will ho hold from the Dungnn Undertaking parlors Satur day nftornoon nt 2 o'clock, tho body being brought horo on tho M. F. Plant. Tho programme for tho RILEY cntortalnmont will nppenr in TO MORROW'S PAPER. Tnko your THANKSGIVING DIN NER at tho CHANDLER tomorrow. TURKEY Borved from O TO H. Or chestra. RESERVE tablos by l'HOXH Tho BAND will glvo tho SECOND of tholr series of DANOICS THANKS GIVING night at tho EAGLES' hall. TICKETS ON SALE for tho RILEY" ovonlng nt Crosby and Homor's Book Storo. FOR SALE Cheap, bout livery, two launches, ono launch hull, 16 round bottom row boats, shop floats, tools nnd patterns. For particulars call at Allgor's Boat llvory, North Bond. THE TOWN UNITED EVERYBODY wants North Front Street opened, GUS BENNETT says there aro no files on him. He has been after the opening of tho street all tho time, CLAUDE NASBURG says It must be done, A, H. POWERS says it is a disgrace, TOM COKE says it will bo built, J, N, NELSON Has nobody seen Nelson? " E, A, ANDERSON has a plan, t SO THERE you go, The main street of tho town fenc ed In, so that the public must jump hurdles to tako the, fer ry or steamer, All because we supposed that sectioq was divided, Everybody Is boosting North Front street, F, S, DOW, Removal Sale of Millinery AS I WILL CHANGE MY LOCATION TO THE COOS BUILDING ON DECEMBER 1,1 WILL COMMENCE ON FRI DAY, NOVEMBER 25, TQ CLOSE OUT MY STOCK OF LADIES AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMEQ HATS CONSISTING OF FELT, SILK, VELVET AND BEAVER SHAPES, ALSO CAPS, FANCY FEATHERS, ETC, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE, SEE MY SHOW WINDOWS FRIDAY MORNING FOR RE DUCED PRICES, Mrs. A. G. AIKEN Coos Bay Koseburg Stage Line Daily stage bctucen Roseburg nud Miirshllcld. Stage leaves dally and Sunday at 7 p. in. Faro, $0.00. OTTO SOHETTER, Agent, O, P..BARNARD, ISO MARKET AV., MarfihfleliL Agent, ROSEBURG, ORK. PUONB 11