Tmmw " 1 wT 'g' ADS. NEWS- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW VZ READING THE COOS IAY TIMSS. ALL THE NEWS AL.j TUB TIM TERSELY 10LU i: :: S tJ ti ,v BUSINESS IS BLOW, Al ptiSE. THAT 1T PAYS 1S EVI yCED SUCCESSFUL BUSl- HOUSES HiViiiitxtvinnni it MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED FRESS Established In 1878 as Tlio Const Mall. ksfcnn. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nml Coos liny Advertiser. 110 TO FIFTEEN UPPfPff VPH'WWPJIPIIMJtiigpi a, WMfHrw r - tfv ffloos iilan ftest ni I GARRISON SENTENCED HOLD BANQUET HALE CASE IS IBANOON !EH SENTENCED YEAHS IN POISON 81 JUDGE lit AT COQUILLE THIS EVENING TO BE TRIED j s 4 um Avicted Murdered of Roy Perkins to Expiate Crime On Gallows. CLIVERS TIRADE ' AGAINST TWO MEN .ars Sentence Without Emo tion but Condemns J. W.' 'Cartcr-and J. E. Graham (Special to tlio Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., Nov. 22. Frank Llion, convicted of murder In tho t dewce for killing Roy Perkins t Sumner, todny prior to bo son-, fd to the gallows by Judgo John a rike. del vercd a long aucircss 10 e court In which ho malntnlncd his Itocenco nnd declnrcd thnt ho hnd La convicted on "tho porjured ovl- sm of Marshal Carter nnd Grn- Ia, and fnrthor declare thnt Car- h and arahnm hnd Invoked dlro brciti to forco admissions from CITY CAUCUS "' !S DUIEt ONE Four Candidates Nominated For Councilmen While Re corder Butler Is Unopposed roii COUXCIM1EN. C. C. GOING. AUGUST FRIZEEN. -R. A. COPPLE. DUNCAN FERGUSON. FOR RKCORDER. JOHN W. BUTLER. JCirrlion's statements nnd nccusn- w'causcd no llttlo stir. Beforo enouncing scntenco, Judgo Colco ilrf Garrison If ho hnd nny stnto- :t to make nnd tho Inttor Bnld ho i Ho thanked tho Jury, saying Kit under tho evidence Biibmltted tbcm, they probably could not I a different verdict .than thoy lid. Then ho started In on his Wait against J. E, Grnhnm nml kiribal Carter. I Wen Judgo Coko pronounced tho w(Dce, Garrison showed no etuo- rloa but took It very cooly. The dale of tho oxocutlon wns not Tho nbovo ticket wns placed In tho j field for tho nnminl city election 'In Mnrshflcld In Dccombor nt tho muni cipal caucus last ovonlng in tho Odd Fellows hnll. Nearly 2C0 wcro pre sent and while considerable Interest wng manifest everything passed off smoothly. City Recorder Butler called tho caucus to ordor and stated that It had been called for tho purposo of nominating candidates for two three year terms on tho city council nnd for city recorder for ono year. Ho said thoro was n question ns to tho actual moaning of tho provision In tho city chnrtor providing for tho caucus, IJo requested City Attornoy Booster Gathering at Chandler Tonight Promises to Be Largely Attended. Ono of tho most representative gatherings of Marshflold business men thnt hns ever been held on tho Dny Is expected to bo In attendance at tho Booster Danquct to bo glvon at Tho Chandler hotel at 7 o'clock this evening. Tho limit of 120, ow ing to the seating capacity ot tho dining room, promises to bo taxed to tho utmost. Tho object of tho banquet nnd meeting Is to nrouso n stronger boost-'' lug spirit nnd push Coos Day's devel opment moro than ever. W. S. Mc Fnrland, F. S. Dow nnd A. T. Hnlncs who hnvo had tho banquet In chnrgo nro cnthuslnstlc over tho prospects for It. T. T. Bennett will presldo ns mas tor of ceremonies nnd tho program will includo tho following: "Coos Day and its Futuro" C. A. Smith. "Public Schools nnd their In fluence" Supt. Tlcdgen. "Chamber of Commcrco and Its Work" I. S. Smith. "General Remarks" J. W. Den nett, Wm. arlmes, C. J. Mlllls, Fran cis II. Clarko, R. M. Jennings, R. A. Copplo, C. F. McKnlght and others. ice aa e oi mo oxecuwun wnn hui , ,, ... .. . . .-.. i Ooss to explain It. Mr. Goss said yee puuuc, u uoing coniiuuuu ,.,. ,. . ..,, M,f Ml iU ttnlAil jtnnMi wnrrnTif whlpb ! ' '.lite Coko will sond to tho olllclnls 1 tbe Oregon Stnto ponltentlnry nt ktm who must oxocuto him. undor lit law, tho dato of his execution ::it not ho fixed for less thnn thlr- 7 days nor moro than sixty days nft- t tbe date of conviction. It wag gtnted todny that nn effort 'Ol be mndo to appeal tho caso, 1'ilfe Coko having donlcd tho mo- Vn for n now trial. Thla nppony candidates rocolvlng tho highest voto In tho caucus should hnvo their names printed on tho bnllot. Ho said that this technically intorprotcd meant that only ono tlckot could bo nlnced on tho ballot unloss tho cau cus decided tho mnttor by tho adop tion of a resolution specifying thoi numuer oi ciuiuiuhu'b iu uu iimtuu on tho ballot. For chnlrmnn of tho caucus, !. S. PROVIDE CLUB j FOR LOGGERS Action of Man Paying Sixteen Cents Taxes Attacking Port of Coos Bay. Tho case of A. Halo attacking tho validity of tho Port Commission ot Coos Day will b'o argued In federal court at Portland this week. Tho Port Commission will bo represented by C. R. Peck while Portland attor neys will represent Mr. Hnlo. It Is understood thnt tho Port Commission vlll nttnek tho stnndlng of Mr. Hnlo ns a party to tho suit on tho ground thnt ho Is evidently a dummy" for somebody else, County Assessor T. J. Thrift hns mndo nn nflldnvlt that tho total tax Mr. Halo will havo to pay for tho Improve ments to bo mndo by tho Port of Coos Dny will bo sixteen cents this year, been nBcortnlnod but ho owns only n. Binnll nmount of proporty In tho port district. Other questions that will doubt less bo raised In tho argument of tho en bo In tho federal cor.rt will doubt less bo as to how n caso Involving only slxtcon cents can bo started in United States court and also why n client should go to tho expenses such litigation will Involve to oscnpo. tho payment of slxtcon cents taxes. WWWWVWSWSWNrfSiSrf,, w E STILL 1 TODAY William Penn White Penalized For Slaying LeRoy Jones Last February. Western Union Has Not Rees tablished Service Between Roseburg and Coos Bay. Tho Western Union wlro between Coos Day nnd Rosoburg Is still down today but Mnnngor Schottor is hope ful ot restoring sorvlco about G o'elock this ovonlng. At noon It was working ns far as Sumner but no further. In consohuenca of tho wlro troublo. Just who Mr. Halo Is has not xuo Times was again unablo to Be- curo Us Associated Press report. ALMOST BREAKS DOWN WHEN HE HEARS IT ' .. n nml a NnRlmrir nnmod O. F. Mc- Kt of execution. IriRST STEEL 1ST STEEL GE ODNE IniifcTrnu across south I'OltK OF THE COQUILLE COM PLETKI) AM) IS FIRST OF KIND IS COUNTY. Thn first Rtpol lirlilirn In fVinn cnnn. has lust boon fnmnlnfnd It la " tho south fork of tho Coqulllo I known us tho "South Fork fridge." i It Was ftccmilrwl liw fVmnfv .Tiiilen I Hill and tho county commissioners Jttterday nnd In nnw nnon fnr trnf- I k, Thn 1.-1,1 ...,.. i .l.,,t 10A - uituhu diiuii in UUUUI. AUW t, Heretnfnrn Mia nm.ntu nnrt TinK Q COnstrnnMno n.nn,1nr. hrMfrnft -iivnii(, tuwuvi tjtnv" wanse they wore cbeaporthao tho 1 brlrtt'Pa Tn l.ln In.lnniui thn Jrtlw was larger than usual nnd ' for both steel and 'woodon lectures wcro called for. Tho bid w the steel structure was only wot 1500 moro than for tho wood- structure and tho stool structuro decided upon. Tho total cost cl tho bridge which will accom if3 a largo amount of traflla -will le H.900. TH WKSGIVINO WINDOW. (j S " """" ' I "in' nny bonqnetB for tho at : irattlv it.-,.-.. ..-j l(lii -"'unRsgiving wiwuuw - nn i,ut in at tho store. It Is feting much attention from pas- L? r Mith I'rotty background of ''"Its an,l 1. t. ... iL.,....i " uusut vo po 111UUKIUI. I VOT TJAT.T. pni, o rrT.vxnin ll A HMIO MW U44J41U4 K" Clnuiln Nnsburir naniod O. F. Mc Knight. On a standing voto, It was decldod that. Mr. McKnlght was electod. For clerk, Alva Doll, tho temporary selection was mado por mnnont. Tom Donnott having ro fused nomination for tho placo. Claudo Nnsburg moved that all candidates nomlnatod by tho caucus bo placed on tho ballot. Tom Hall seconded this. II. G. Hoy thought thero should bo somo restriction on tho numbor of candidates placed on tho ballot. C. A. Johnson moved that as many candidates as any ono desired bo presonted to tho caucus but that tho four candidates rocolv lng tho highest voto should go on tho tlckot for tho city oloctlon. This was adopted and tho nomination of candidates fqr councllmon bognn. Tom Donnott, Claudo Nnsburg, Tom Cdko nnd Chas. Koano wore appoint ed tollora and G. W. Carloton and L. W, Travor assistant clerks. Tom Hnll placed tho namo of R. A. Copplo In nomination. Jons, Hansen placod tho namo of Duncan Ferguson before tho caucus. Claudo Nasburg placed C.jC. Going In nomination. 8. D. Catbcart nominated J. O. Langworthy and II. G. Hoy seconded It. W. N. Ekblad nominated August Frlzoen nnd Arthur McKeown sec onded him. Frank Cameron nominated W. W. Holland. F. S. Rlobo was also placod in nomination. Voting was by ballot, each voting for two of tho candidates and it re sulted ns follows: C. a Golngr -' August Frlzeen. . , .... ....102 ' R. AT Copplo .? 95 Duncan Forguson 81 J. O.- Langworthy 65 W. W. Holland 27 F. S. Rlobo c After announcing the voto, Chair man McKnlght declared Messrs. Going, Frlzeon, Copple and Ferguson to bo tho nominees of tho caucus. Upon motion by Henry Bongstac ken, It was decided to restrict the C. A. Smith Introduces Innova tion In Coos County Log- ' ging Camps. ' ' To Improve tho condition of tho logger nml rob tho logging camp of many of tho hardships thnt Its in habitants must now undergo, C, A. Smith, hoad ot tho C. A. Smith Lum ber nnd Manufacturing Company, will lntroduco 8ome,thlng absolutely now In tho history of tho lumber bus iness. Tho innovation will bo In tho nnturo of n typo of tho city club houso nt oach logging camp. Tho plan Jn brief Is to provldo each logging camp with a clubhouso or apartments which will bo provided with shower nnd tub bnths, reading room, smoking room nnd goneral diversions. Tho club nt each camp will bo maintained at tho company's oxponso, tho omployes paying no thing for tho benefits enjoyed. All of tho details of tho plan liuvo not been worked out jot. Tho clubH nro to be Installed at each of tlio camps of tho Smith Powers Logging Company In Coos County, nnd It Is expected to havo thorn nll in within tlo noxt fow months. Tho Innovation' will eliminate from tho logging camp employe's lot tho desolation nnd hardship that for yonrs havo mado tho work about the hardest encountored. With the modern conveniences, plenty of gooc reading nnd n comfortable placo to spend tholr ovonlngs, Jt Is bo)loved that tho loggers will find tholr work less arduous. numbor of candidates fprrocordor to tho two receiving 'tho highest vote, Tom Dennett nomlnatod John W. Dutler, tho present Incumbent, pay ing high tribute to bis work In that capacity. No other nominations be-j Ing received, the caucus by a ylva voco voto Instructed tho chairman to cas't tho unanimous voto for Mr. Dut ler. This being all tho business beforo tho caucus, It adjourned, TICKKTS ON SALI3 for tho RILTCV ovonlng nt Croaby und Homer's Dook Store. PLUMTUXG Have your plumbing dono by PIONEER HARDWARE COMPANY DON'T PAY MOItU for Hardware than MILNER'S Price. COMT: out to Depot grounds Thanksgiving and seo a fast FOOT BALL GAME. PETTY CRIMES ARE NUMEROUS Thefts of Boats and Appur tenances and Destruction of Blinds. ' The potty depredations around tho Day that caused so -much nnnoyanco a year or bo ago hnvo boon renowed nnd boat owners and others nro talk ing of organizing to offer a roward for tho conviction ot tho mlscronnts. Not all of tho dopredatlons and thefts nro bollevod to havo been com mitted by tho samo party or parties, however. II. W, Pnlntcr had n good rowboat stolen from near his warehouso tho other night. Fred. McCormaa had n dozon or bo decoys stolon from Ills boat Sunday night. A. J. Davis of tho Whltohouso store at. North Dcnd had a flno row boat stolen thoro. Geo. Dlndlnger and a fow othors had their "blinds" on Haynes' lnlot torn down a fow days ago. Tho Glasgow Gun Club had Its blinds on Haynes lnlot torn down by somo miscreant who, according to a cluo obtained by thorn, thoy bo llovo was n cortnln party who was trying to got ovon with cortnln mom bors of tho club. Thoy hopo to so curo Bufflclont evidence to convict him soon. Othor minor offenses have also oc curred and many of tho victims dro becoming decidedly tired of It and will do anything In tholr power to stop It, TO INSPECT NANN SMITH EVANS 18 KNOCKED OUT. Be Taken to Prison With Frank Garrison Carefully Guarded. (Speclnl to tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., Nov. 22. Wil liam Penn White, convlctod of innn Blaughtcr for killing bis stop-fathor, LeRoy Jones, at Ilntidon last Feb ruary was this morning scntoncod to fifteen years In state's prison by Judgo John S. Coko. This was tho maximum ponnlty thnt could bo Im posed under tho law, Whlto having been Indicted ot murdor In tho soo ond degrco nnd found guilty ot man slaughter. Just prior to pronounc ing sontence, Judgo Coko dismissed tho motion that hnd been mado for a now trial for Whlto. Whlto showed considerable emo tion when ho heard Iris sontonco and nil but broko down. Tho dofenso In tho Whlto caso hail been tlio samo as In tho Garrison caso Insanity. Whlto and Gnrrlson will bo tnkon to tho state prison nt Salem togothor, Sheriff Gago being Authorized by the court to tnko two guards with him to liiBuro tho safo dollvory ot tho pri soners. Court Dwinlx'r flth. Aftor tho Bontonclng of tho two murdorors, tho special term of court called to honr tho Garrison caoo wus adjourned until Docombofy G. The grand Jury hns been summoned for that dato so that tho criminal mat ters will bo ready for tho Jury nt tho regular term of circuit court which opons Dccombor 12, for which a trial Jury has been called. RIG LUMREK CARRIER WILL GO ON DRY DOCK AT SAN FRAN CISCO THIS WEEK FOR AN NUAL OVERHAULING CHAN GES IN CREW. Tho Nann Smith whon oho dis charges her enrgo at Day Point this week will go on tho dry dock at San Francisco for hor annual Inspection. Whllo alio 1b bolng Inspected, It is likely that Capt. Olson will hnvo bouio minor overhauling and ropalro mndo. Changed In Crow. Capt. D. W, Olson of tho Nann Smith, has advanced Win. Mngeo, formorly mnstor ot tho tug Columbia at Empire, from third mato to sec ond in a to on tho Nann Smith to ro- placo Socond Mato Eklund who has bocomo first mato on tho Rcdondo. Mr, Eklund Buccoods A. Ahlln who Inff ftila wnnlr fni n vfatf nf filo nlfl homo In Finland. GuBt Lundqu'st ! r.08uU f 1ln,in.p ! .n, Btor,n Su who has been appointed third matol"" " "' ' ugo tsoir was on tho Nann Smith. not dftnmg0(1 bllt throo of u po. luuim wuru mime nnu sevorai sections of tho plpo-llno broken. It scorns that tho plpo lino was not STORM DAMAGES DREDGE. Oregon Out of CiiiiiiiiNhIoii Ah Result of Squall the Other Night. Tho drodgo Oregon Is laid up ns a If tho weather will pormlt, both ' tho Nann Smith nnd tho Rcdondo will sail tomorrow aftornoon. As the Redondo goes to San Pedro, It will bo nearly two weeks beforo ottbor vessel Is back In tho Ray again. COOS COUNTY'S CLIME. Mrs. Alva Leo brought In from Mrs. M. Leo's placo on tho North Fork somo sampics of tho English walnuts grown thoro which scorn to bo fully equal to tho California pro duct. Thoy nro from 20 to 2G years old and bear quito liberally, but not much ot a crop can bo harvested, as tho chipmunks, diggers nnd othor mombors of tho squlrrol family seem to requlro a generous sharo for tholr use. uncoupled from tho Oregon and whon tho henvy soas struck It, It "buckled up" and wna badly smash ed, Somo woro criticising tho ofllcors In chnrgo of tho Oregon today for not having tnkon ndvantago of tho storm warning and proparod for It, thus reducing tho actual damago and tho dolny causod, QUIT. NATRON JOB. Hower Who Appeared On Coos lUy Last Summer lleutcn. PORTLAND, Oro., Nov. 22. Be foro nn assomblago of fully 1,000 Jlght enthusiasts who Journoyod down to St. Johns, Dud Andorson put nn end to tho championship as pirations of Dobby Evans. Thero wns plenty of fighting and nny amount of knockouts on tbo ovonlng's program. It could bo soon from tho top of tlio gong In tho first round that Andor son was Evans' mnBtor at all stages, but tho wlso onos figured Evans to bo stalling, which later proved to bo a, myth. Andorson was the aggrossor In enoh round, using advantage of ovpry opening that Dobby loft. Evans up until tho time -ho was knookod out In the ninth round, fought on tho defensive. i DON'Tt FORGET the big GAME aj Depot grounds, Marshflold, THANKhe GIVING afternoon. D. Dartlett, tho Catching crook dairyman, brought Into tho Enter prise ofllco .tho othor day, branches of a wld blackberry vino that had both rlpo and green berrlos on It. It Is another testimonial to Orogon's oxcollont climate whon their fruit Contractors will Not Finish Branch to Klamath Falls. EUGENE, Ore.,"Nov. 22. It Is ro portod that Erlckson & Potorson, who woro awarded tho contract to build that strotch of tho Natron-Kla-mnth cut-off of tho Southorn Paci fic Company thnt lies botwoou tho end of tholr present contract In Kla mntu County nnd tho end of tho Utah Company's contract, In Lane county, havo thrown up tho contract, will rlpon. In Novombor. Rlpo,""" o company v?uj onueavor to' strawbQrrJcs, aro bo common as tOicomP,ot( the Job. undor Its own en bo hardly worthy of notice, but tho B'cor3, It Is 'not known why tho blackberry season was supposed to contractors rofuBo to go ahoad with tin nvnr Timntlin nun Mvrtlo Point. luu wuiiv. ..w w.. ....., -. , . Enterprise SOME BIG APPLES. Tho BAND will glvo tho SECOXD iof tholr sorloa of DANCES THANKS- SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 22 At GIVING night at tho EAGLES' hall, tho National Applo show Just closod hero, Lorr and Dall of Mothow, Seo that PliAIN cut glass at MILNEItpVnsIi., won ?2G for tho largoRt por- feet applo. B. M. Chapman of Casb- BIG Thanksgiving BAND DANCE more. Wash., was second. F. L. To t at Englo's Hall, THURSDAY night, 'of Cholnnd, Wash., won first piko Novombor 4th. for c largest apples, showing n !,.- ramld weighing 70 pounds nrd Tj ounces. Lorr and Ball woro so.mi RonBtln" MNS at MILNER'S. BOXING Gloves and .PUNCHING Rags at MILNER'S. with n pile of 50 weighing 7S n i ids and 13 ounces. Thoe are tho lar gest apples ovor oxhlbltod anywhere. Got what you want when you wan' 1jt through Tbo Times Wnt Ada. Wnrrnntod SHEARS and Scl3sora at MILNER'S, jTA-' ' i" 1 . J - faR-Sii, .A , AiSU&htJ-. . ii-: &',-.. -fe BtliilAjf fe" 'iJSiU fcjgg&.A. . J.V