ffuEQl cSSKiW?! r- 'f "IrwvTfJWTr ' V ijrjirrTiv; - THE COOS BAY TIM ES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1910 !$&: COOS BAY TIMES Entored at tho postofflco at Marsh flold, Orogon, for transmission through tho malls as second clasr mall matter. Address nil communications to COOS UAY DAILY TIMES, Mnrshflold :: :: :: :: Oregon M. 0. MALONEY Editor mid I'ub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor An Independent Ropubllcdn nows papor published cvory cvonlng except Sunday, nnd Weekly by Tlio Coos Bay Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho sorvico of thn pcoplo, that no good causo shall lack a champion, nnd that ovil shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day Times represents n consolidation of tho Dnlly Coast Mail nnd Tho Coos Day Advertiser. Thn Coast Mall wns tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Bay Times Is Its Immediate successor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. Ono year SG.00 Per month 50 Whon pnld strictly In advance the subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. WEEKLY. Ono year si. so Official Paper of Coo County. It could not bo passed. Will 'the next session repeat tho proof of politician (that Is a bettor word for tho moment than political) Incapa city? If so, there will bo many hys terical attempts to divide counties and a multiplicity of laws at tho next popular election. Now In every pro gressive state In tho Union there Is a general law on tho statute books providing a reasonable, fair nnd easy method of creating now counties. Es pecially In now states has this prov ed eillcaclous. Each now county seat Is a now ccjiter nnd rallying point for tho gathering of population nnd tho Inauguration of nctlvo material Improvement. This designation of centers of activity has been tho mak ing of Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Washing ton nnd California, and the absenco of thorn has boon an obstaclo to pro gress in Oregon. Tho people of Ore gon did right to voto down nil these county division laws becauso they were local questions, but cither tho legislature or tho pcoplo as a wholo will havo to provide a way to relievo tho state and break up tho counties or tho state will suffer. Tho pcoplo do not want to mako all tho laws nocded but If Oregon legislatures per sist In neglecting this duty It Is well that tho peoplo rcservo tho right to perform It. of American dllntorhioss. Why the Crlppen case should bo so famous nnd tho Garrison case so obscuro, is J not Important. Probably Dello El moro .Crlppen's Ufa wns' no more vnluablo than that of Floy Perkins, so far as tho theories" of tho lnw are concerned. Probably tho degenernto Crlppen was no moro ncceptablo to decent society than tho degenernto Garrison. Dut n corps ofattorneys nnd experts with abundance of mon ey would havo produced very differ ent results ns to evidence, doubts, I delays nnd possibly verdicts, and IIKU lOO W1W1UUI tUlTUlllIUK cuurit), I juries, witnesses or people, ii tnese iVnglomaniacs who prnto of tho beau ty of 'BvIft English Justlco" want any greater swiftness than they enn got In Coos county, let them npostro phlzo the bcnutlos of lynch low nnd go to Georgia or Texas whero It is practiced. Wo llko tho Coos county brand best. FIND MAX DEAD. COOS AXD ENGLISH JUSTICE. OFFICIAL PAPEK OF THE C1T1 OF MAItSHFIELD. THE LEGISLATIVE FAHCK A great many periodicals In Amor Ica Just now or. recently havo been discussing tho defects In tho American system of administering the crlmlnnl lnw nnd havo been plcnsed to point out tho great superi ority of tho English system, empha sizing tho fact that English trials nro swift and aro followed by almost Im mediate punishment of tho guilty. Ono of tho delights In which tlieso periodicals Indulge Is found In prnls- flVIDENCE la already BUftlclont to'tnc tho rnnlditv with which Dr. Crln JP, B,10W t,int the peoplo of Oregon J pen was npprohondod, tried, found nre fully ablo, In the oxerclso of guilty and sentenced. At first they their political power, to wisely logls-jwore lost In ndmlratlon of tho speed Into nt tho ballot box. Available ro-i shown In tho execution which wns ports scorn to Indlcnto that all of tho 'supposed to follow nnd mny havo proposed laws creating now counties been slightly disappointed when n or changing tholr boundaries, havo. short roprlovo wns granted by tho boon defeated and It Is by no moans jnppellnto court. It Is probable that corlaln thnt tho county boundary) Crlppon Is guilty nnd that his punish )nvr or law providing for tho croa- mont will bo deserved, but tho fnct tlon of counties under gonoral law, .that tho conviction wns based puroly met with popular approval. Tho poo-Ion circumstantial ovldonuo nnd that plo nro unwilling to pass on matters ninny of those who wltnoasod tho which nro purely local' In their m- trial nro not unprepared to lonrn thnt turo nnd upon which they ennnot bo In splto of tho trial, conviction nnd Informed. As for tho lnw providing tentonco, Polio Elmoro Crlppon, tho for tho crentlon of countlos undor 'victim mny yot turn up nllve, mnkos Ronernl lnw, It was clearly enough, tho hurrying of this man to tho gal ono which placod too much power lows neom so far removed from real In tho coiumlqslnn proposed by It to JiiBtlco ns to nppear llttlo short of uoionnino tno wisdom of croatlnu indecency. Biich now county or town, nnd was absurd nnd out of hnrmony with tho American spirit. Dut ono thing should bo empha sized now. Too ninny Inws woro sub mitted to tho peoplo for their verdict, nut nny nttompt to limit tho number by rostrlctlvo measures, will bo Idio, for tho peoplo will permit no cur tailment of tholr powor nnd freedom nnd whoever proposes It will meet Wo plead guilty to n bellof thnt tho American systom Is tho host. Tho arbitrary court of Lord Albestono, whore tho Judgo seems to bo judge and Jury, Is thoroughly un-Amorlcan nnd tho spirit 6f tho Amorlcnn peo plo would novor nfford It in practlco. Dut tho bflllof that English law Is swifter In tho nppthonslon nnd pun ishment of criminals is not well grounded. Tho Crlppon caeo Is nn Eccentric Homesteader Xcnr Myrtle Point Succumbs Suddenly. Tho Myrtlo Point Enterprise Bays: "Tho dead body of O. W. Morley, un aged homesteader on upper Catch ing creok, wnB found Tuesday after noon about 3 o'clock by Win, Strain nnd Cnrl Dushnell, lying between the homoBtoador's cabin and tho spring, with tho arm thrust through tho ball of a buckot. It Is apparent that Mr. Morley was stricken suddenly on his wny to or from tho spring, nnd Indications nro thnt ho had been dead about a wcok whon tho body wns discovered. "Mr. Morley had beon In tho habit of making n trip about twlco n wool: to tho Strnln nnd Dushnell homes for his mnll. Ho had missed two trips when tho suspicions of tho neighbors .wore aroused nnd they Btnrted out on tho search which dis closed his body,. Mr. Morley was n ninn of porhnps 70 yenrs of ngo. Ho en mo hero nbout a year ago from a point some placo In tho cast nnd took n homestead declaring thnt ho wished to get out of pcoplo's way Ho wnH of rather cccontrlc habits, but his neighbors considered him strictly honest nnd honornblo In nil his dealings, though ho Is said to havo had trouhlo with sonio of them" I it lifl i 5 HmHHHH imwm w&MffiM, mm- m mssmmwM mmiwimmMm3ttmiP'i O rMmmmnmm rsiw 1 MmwMWSM im GOING SOI Thanksgivioj togs For every man in COOS COUNTY, and I guess that is GOING SOME, RUN IN and see what in store for you IS Something new in High Art Suits and Overcoats fceiserTies, Cluett Shirts' 50c Silk Hose. GROWTH OF SAN FltANCISCO. Better see what G00DRUM has before you buy. Do It Now ! KEi $eJgj0si MAiisnnni.it mjmsrm lEmmmi tno fnto of tho most pronounced ex- exception. The mnn had either pononts of tho "Assombly." Thnt money nor frlonds and In Englnnd or somebody Is nt fault for tho submls- America n mnn In that predlcnmont slon of so ninny laws Is cortnln, but Is handled without much consldora who was It? In ordor to nnswor this tlon. If Crlppon had beon backod up quostlon properly, It mny bo well by ns much money ns Harry Thaw to nsk why this Inltlntlvo nnd Rofe-.wns. no doubt oven tho English rondum lnw wns ndopted anyway. Of course, tho answer Is that tho reason why thnt lnw was adhptod wns that tho legislature, elthor through Inof flcloncy, Indlfforcnco, corruption, or special interest, fnilod to onnct prop or "gonornl Inws" or did ennct Im proper lnws. In tho prosent case, tho legislature wns Incnpablo, for It fnlled completely to onnct a general law under which counties could bo 'case. courts would havo beon very care ful. Tho greatest exports in .tho world, both legnl nnd sclontluc would havo dovoloped Investigations of tho corpus dollctUB and tho fa mous scar which would havo mado the cnBO vory famous and would havo dragged It over months of time and yenrs of dolny Just as In tho In stance of tho famous Tlhborne cronted. Had that duty beon per formed, the list of Inws for the wholo stnto to voto on would havo beon ro ducod by nt lonst nine. Now tho question Is, will tho next loglslntlvo assembly of Orogon tho loglslntlvo nssombly of 1,0 11 mnko tho samp nilstnko which moved tho pooplo to supercede tho legislature by resuming loglslntlvo powors? If thoro Is anything which, puts Orogon Old Oregon In a strnlght Jnckot, It Is tho totnl inability of the old Bchool to understand tho necessity of breaking up Its vast counties Into small countlos. Largo countlos nro usually controlled by a county seat cllquo which uso all public funds for tho locality in which they may bo intorestod. Tho rest of tho county gots nothing, Tho "blg-county-evll" has helpod to rotard Orogon moro than anything olso, so that It hns fewer ijood roads, fowor pooplo, fower railroads, and less cultivation thnn nny othor state of equal oppor tunities in tho Union. And tho old Bohool is so horrified with tho pros It Is not contended thnt this is right. Tho fact, howovor, stares tho advocatos of EugllBji "justice" and Its claimed superiority to Amorlcnn "Justice" squnrely In tho fnco, As for tho Inuumorablo, Instances of swift Justlco In England nnd Amorl en, which hnvo novor como Into tho universal llmollght, enses whoro the crlmo wns born In poverty nnd pun ished In hnsto, no doubt they occur In every stnto In tho Union. Even Coos county lus Just funtfshod such nn oxnmplo nnd thnt too without, the Interposition of an nutocrntlc court. The npprehonslpn trial, conviction and sentonco of Garrison chargod w'th tho murder of Hoy Perkins oc curred within n much shortor space than tho much vnlonted Crlppon, nf- falr. Hut tho difference, between tho two cases Is rhthor creditable to America thnn to Englnnd. Tho Eng lish enso Is still Involved In some doubt and its Justlco is questioned by ninny. Thoro will hardly bo any question ns to tho justlco of tho Gar rison enso and the execution of tho City Has Population of 11(1,1)12 Ac cording to Last Census. WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. - Tho population of San Francisco Is 416, 012, according to tho figures given out by tho Census Dttronu. This Is an Increase of 74,130, or 21, G per cent over tho 312,782 In 1900. The population pf Great Falls, Mont., Is 1 3,0-1 S, n decrenso of 082 compnrcd with 1-1,930 in 1000. Di rector Durand said tho Great Falls returns as originally received show ed a total of 23,321, or 8370 more thnn tho correct count. The director! blnmos tho nttomptod padding to threo out of 12 enumerators of tho city, CO per cont of whoso returns, ho Bnys, woro fraudulent. Tho threo pi en were fined and given Jail sen tences. Durnnd contends thnt ns thoro wns fraud In tho 1900 census, thoro has beon an nctunl growth. Population statistics wero nindo public for tho following California cities: Onkland, 150,174, an In crease of 83,214, or f24.3 porcont, pomnnroil with fifi.OGO In 1000. Tlnr- , , ,,-T, ... , ..,. . PROFESSIONAL CAHDS. $ H. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Snrgoon. D' Olllco 208.200 Coos Hulldiaj. Phonos Offlco 1021; Resldcnco 1022 Jf W. HEXNETT, Lawyer. 0111m over Flanagan & Donnott Dank Mnrshflcld, Orogon' VjTpl' S. TURPEN, "V Architect. Over Chambor of Commerce. Good Evening! HAVE YOU ANY LAUXDRY? If bo, do not forget thnt this is THE laundry whoro you get tho host work, and prices nro in ovory ono' ren$h. Cnll up and ono of tho driv ers will cnll and oxplnlu nil details to you. All tolophono calls aro quickly attondod to, becauso wo aro running wo wagons. koloy, 40,434, nn Incronso of 27,220,, OUR GUARANTEE 18 YOUR SAT Properly Lighted Show Windows Prove that a Merchant is Up-To-Date There is only one pro per WAY OF SHOW WIN- UUW LIGHTING 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 or 206 por cont, compnred with 13, 214 In 1900. Alamodn, 23,383, compared with 10.4G4 In 1900. Salt Lako City hns n population of 92,777. This is nn Incronso of 39, 240, or 73.3 por cent oyer D3.531 In 1900. Tho populntlon of Salt Lnko county Is 131,420, compnrod with 77,725 In 1900. . .,.. CHEERFUL THOUGHT FOR THE DAY. Most of us may get over It before Thanksgiving day. c ! ISFAOTIOX. SIARSnFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. rInuzey llro Prop. Phone SSO-J. THE ROYAL (House of Amusement, Instruction nnd Entertainment.) TONIGHT While Figuring ON THE CHEAP WIRING CAM. PAIGN DON'T OVERLOOK THE FACT THAT WE ARE SELLING FIXTURES AT A DIG DISCOUNT. ALSO STANDARD MAKE FLAT IRONS WE HAVE ONLY A FEW LEFT. BETTER PLACE YOUR OR- JpER. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. " PnONE 237-J. CENTRAL STATION ELEC TRIC SERVICE AND MAZ DA LAMPS GIVE PERFECT SHOW WINDOW LIGHTING WE OFFER GRATIS THE ADVISE AND ATTENTION OF ILLUMINATING EX- rtKis, 1 1 i i I THAT WAY IS THE TU STFN (MAZDA) 1AM WAY, THF TUNGSTEN LAMP SHOULD BE ARRANGED " SO AS TO PRODUCE THE RIGHT EFFECT. PI Af!F THF I AMPS COIH RECTLY AND ELECf SH0 WWIND0W UGHTf IS ITS OWN BtS I KttuiK- MENDATI0N, TELEPHONE 1?8 THE COOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. poet of moro county ofllces nnd moro murderer, If execution Is over justlfl tnxes tlint Old Orogon is hardly nbla able. Hut the Garrison case will to stir out of its tracks. At tho Inst session of tho legisla ture n lnw was offered for onactmont which was intondod to moqt this bljr county-ovll. Old fogylsm mado Its uppearance at once and loadod the bill with so many Impossibilities that novor bo heard of outside of Oregon and tho fool Americans who affect to lovo Eugllsh methods and prefer them to those of AmorJcn will still contlnuo to point out thetoxceptlonal casos of Eugllsh swiftness nnd con trast them with the exceptional cases A now Vltagraph "THE ADVENTURES OF A HAT" A 'big1 laugh "THE DAGGAGE SMASHES" KATHRYN BAKER In Illustrated Songs 2 OTHER FILMS First Show TslH. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo securod tho Hvcry busi ness of L. H. Helsner nnd nro pro pnred to render excollont servico to tho people of Coos Bay. Careful drlvors, good rigs and everything that will moan satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for a driving horso, a rig or nuythlng needed in tho livery lino. Wo also do n trucking business of nil kinds. HUuichnrd, Rczln & Illauchnrd Livery, Feed nnd Sales Servico. 141 First nud Alder Streets. Phone 138-J ji-ti-n-tt-tt-xj-n-n-tt-tt-n-n-ij- ri--tt-:J-a -a-a-a-s-f 1 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CESD3XT. Tho best Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brfck and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PnOXE 2' "; '?"------ -- a ORCHESTRA Perfonnani-o Begins at 7:00 Afhaiuiw, Adults 19c, CiUdrea 5c REAL ESTATE, I have some of tho best buys on the Bay. Can arrange easy terms, Houses, and buildings for rent. AUGUST FRIZEEN, THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) .ruS WILL MAKE REGULAK TRIPS CARRYING PASS v AND FREIGHT BETWEEN COOS'BAY, AND SAN FRAL' CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MAD A ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND 'TER'7v. TRANSP. CO. VNION STREET WHARF NO. 2, SAN W CISCO. FOR INFORSIATION rilONE 44-J OR 2S3' lV SAILS FOR SAN PEDRO, NOV. 23RD, 8 P. M., CALIJO um AT HAN FRANCISCO BOTH WAYS. INTEH-OOEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. s central Ave, JJarshflsld, OreV J i ..""