(Ham Mm?& ADS. NEWS rt BUSINESS IS BLOW, Al fl' mtf.rn IT PAYS IS EVI. GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY READING THE COOS UAY TIMHS. ALL THE NEWS ALu TIIE TBDE TERSELY TOLD : :: :t t In H SUCCESSFUL BUBI- , HOUSES n.vii.iw""iM .. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PItESS Established in 1878 ns The Coast Mnll. t xxxi". MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail mill Coos Hay Advertiser. 109 GUILTY OF S. P. IS BUSY COUNTY JUDGE ENJOINED FROM U ) mm HSIf FQUMD 10 CEDE LAND FOD ROADWAY IB IN HOT DEGREE E UN 0 Perkins Cass Reaches Agreement In Less Than Four Hours. SUE MOTION FOR ANOTHER TRIAL'TODAY . i..i m Wi Ro Uonnnrl mncieu ivictn win i niiuM Unless New Trial Or Ap peal Saves Him. (Speclnl to Tho Times.) MQUILIPi Ore., Nov. 21. -Mr of murder in tho first dc- vtrasthe verdict returned about jjlght Saturday In tho cubo of ,"k Harrison who hns been on ,1 it Coqiilllo the pnat week pi with tho murder of Hoy Por- i near Sumner Inst auniinor. tho r tm out less than threo hours. Ifte pnnlty for murder In tho degrco Is hanging and anrrison At ll...i- aaa1n.M MHitlllAN It KOI 1110 gnilUWH uiin-na uiiuiiiut dor an anneal shnll savo him. till morning, Garrison's nttor ci ireucd n motion for a now lil before Judgo Coko nnd tho lnt- look It under ndvlsemont. Tho biadi asserted for tho motion was wi In tho court's instructions to (Jury and tho claim that tho Jury I been affected by tho constnnt lit of tho rocks with which Por- Jrf bodr wns weighed down, tho i having beon lying on a tnlilo tie court room throughout tho Hi lie verdict wns not n surprlso to irttes who had followed tho tTlol y. lie" caso wnB submitted to tho 1 ibont 8 o'clock nnd nt flfteon 'Htei to twelve, word camo from tjurr that they hnd reached a VJIct. Jutlgo Coko and tho attor ji ere waiting to recolvo It nnd aptly neiit to tho court room We It wns doltvcrod. Today It was learned that during Jury's deliberations, ton Jurors if for tho verdict of murdor In .tint degrco from tho start whllo Jere for second degrco murder. )t two who hung out for second pee murdor wero F. W. Rohfold l Minhfield. nnd Louis llollor of 1!llle. After several bnllots had taken, they changed to tho first rpee verdict. Gnnikon to Talk. Ctrrlion wns In thn courtroom 'Sta the verdict was road nnd whllo f looked nervous, ho did not mako x demonstration or s&y a word. ' 'till has some hopes nnd this ;Jra!ns, ho told Tom Hall, ono of Uwrtrs. thnt when ho is called J to be sentenced, ho is going to a speecn" to tno juago. The Jurors In tho enso were: J. I Bifklnn- WnltaK Rnl.ln HV W. WeId. L. c. Brown, C. H. South- W, George Folsom, T. T. Land, hP. R. Hollor. A O TTnntnn. .T. L. 1, John Peart nnd Olo Lund. CITY CAUCUS IS TONIGHT IE IS'DOWN AGAIN TODAY Candidates for Councilmen and Recorder to Be Nomi nated This Evening. Th a city cnucus to bo held In tho Odd Follows hall nt S o'clock to night for tho purpose of nominating candidates for councilmen nnd city recorder Is exciting consldcrnblo in terest around town today. Whllo thero Is moro or Icbb (IIhcubbIoii, 110110 of tho talked of candidates appear particularly anxious for tho Job. JudEO John F. Hall nnd C. A. Johnson nro roportod to havo In formed their friends that they posi tively would not bo candidates. C. C. Going. Duncan Ferguson, Mllo Sumner nnd J. O. Langworthy appoar to bo tho principal ones talk ed of. A number of South Mnrshflold peoplo aro urging Mr. Langworthy'fl candidacy. D. A. Jones nays thnt ho won't bo n candldato although -a number of his friends havo boon urg ing him. J. II. Mllnor wns also talked of but It Is understood that bo has not consented to bo n candidate. D. A. Jones nnd others nro tnlk Ine of brinclim out F. S. Dow for councilman on a platform urging tho Improvement of North Front street. Whethor John W. Butlor will havo any opponent for rcolectlon ns rec order could not bo nsccrtninou una afternoon. Othora talked of this afternoon as poHsiblo nominees for councilmen wero It. A. Copplo and I. S. Smith. CHURCH ADOPTS MODERN METHODS Desnmlnr, lown,. Baptist Church Advertises to neciiro numinj Attciidnnts. 'DES .MOINES, In., Nov. 20. Tho foilowlne wnnt ndr. appeared In tho (Saturday papers in this city: WANTED MEN, ujir..i ' chlldron to go to Sunday school Apply at tho Calvary Baptist church and Sunday morning. Nowsnnnor "want ad" colmuns nro used to recovor almost ovorythlng i.. .. ahirt lmttoiiB to nrlvnto yachts, to securo omplooys and cures for corns, but this ucs aioincH cumwi is putting thorn to n now use. whrn ta nnthlnir rovolutolnary In tho Idea," Bald Edward O'Dpa, a tenchor In tho Calvary Baptist Sun day school. "Advertising a umb used for ovorythlng now. mu churches In tho cnBt have boon boosting their membership in una way. Cities ndvortlso, tolling of tho advantages to bo obtalnod In them, and oven whole states ndvortlso. Wo are trying to Increase tho member ship of our Sunday school. Adver tlsl ngseoms to bo tho most feasible - ,mini? this. Wo nro merely i..l,,r Mm heat mothod to ou- tain results for tho best Institution I know of, tho Sunday school." BRIEFS OF IIAftUUrt. STERN' UNION1 BETWEEN jfOOS RAY AND nOSEBUnG OUT '0r coxnnssioN and tress I'ttPOnx IS DELAYED. 'ng to last night's storm, the ern Union telegraph wire be- Ka Coos Bay and Roseburg has ont of commission all day and ." doubtful -when sorvico can bo "wed. Kfyonsequenco of tho lack of wire f J e Its regular Associated Press today. onager Schetter has mon out TSflS thn itn 4 . . ,. .. To t 1 repair wo urcuivu Itt PSBhle but It Is feAr- l'at the sevArn rotnA MA anmnva ! number of nointn !h.. - J t FORGET the Riley evening n-UTDIST church. Company's Right " of Way Agent Buying Route Along Siuslaw. EUGENE, Ore., Nov. 21. That tho Southern Pacific Company is really In earnest about Its recent an nouncement, of Its Intention to build a lino of railway from Junction City, on tho main lino, 12 miles north of Eugene, to tho mouth of tho Slus law River, is evident by tho fnct thnt Mnjor R. L. Edwards, of San Ftnn cIbco, who obtained nil tho rlght-of-wny for tho company's Nntron-Kln-mnth Falls cut-on, Is on his way to tho mouth of tho Siuslaw River, an nouncing thnt tho object of tho trip Is to begin tho work of buying tho rlght-of-wny for tho proposed lino. Ho Is accompanied by Alf. Wnlkor of this city, who wns his assistant In tho work of securing tho Natron Klamath Falls right-of-way. Tho company's surveyors aro still working In tho Const Mountains vr.st of Eugene. They first rnn n lino from Junction City to tho Lnko Crock Vnlley, but bolng unnbto to find a BUltablo pass over tho moun tains by thnt routo, ran another lino southward from Junction City to 151 mlrn, thonco wcstwnrd along the coast. It Is snld that tho company refuses to build tho lino from Ku geno, claiming that tho haul to Port land would bo longer by way of this city, and It Is looking for tho short est posslblo routo. BET ON A RAILROAD. News of CltybythcSca As Told By TI10 isngm. n-nmn wiitto fell yesterday whllo visiting a neighbor, and frac tured the neck of her femur on tho right side. Tho shock incident to tho injury, and the long period of Boven weeks to months required for tho bone to knit, nt her ago of 78 -ears, mako Grandma wnu "- dltlon very serious. c t -- fnpniverl a telegram announcing the birth, at Redding, Cal., Nov. 14, of a big baby boy to his sister, Mrs. S. S. Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Norton iormeny ..- - Coqulllo. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ah o..hoc. linvlnir iowelry or oth- er goods at my repair shop are re quested to call at once and got them as I will leave Wednesday, November 23, for San Francisco. E, 11. JUUlUUOaia, Itosclutrc Men Wager On Probable Date of Construction. nnsEnuna. Oro.. Nov. 21. Know nil mon by thoso presents: Timt t. J. W. Perkins do horoby hot nnd wngor with nobort E. Smith, tho snmo to ho In tho form of nn ngroo ment, thnt on or boforo Soptombor first A. D. 1011, railroad construc tion on a railroad between Coos Bay nmi TtoHoburc (snld road to bo with in flfteon miles of Roseburg) shall bo started and such start shall bo ovi .lnnrnii bv either tho beginning of actual construction work or in tho imrMinRn of sultnblo nnd ndeqiinio nrminniH. It is further ngrood that upon ovldonco being furnished, either In tho construction or 1110 ronu or i-.nnia imintr nurclinsed or at tho end of this period tho lack of olthor having beon dono, the loser or huh int in tn Immediately produco a cor- tlflod check in paymont for a suit of clothes not to exceed tno sum 01 SCO, drawn In favor of tho pariy winning this wngor. , if tho said J. W. Forums snouiu ho the wlnnor of this bet ono Josopn Mlcclll, of Rosoburg, Douglas coun ty, Oregon, horoby agrees to mako tho said Perkins a prcsont of a $5.00 suit of underwear, a SG.00 hat and n $5.00 pair of shoes, ROBT. E. SMITH, J. W. PERKINS, JOE MICELLI. That J. W. Perkins, secrotary of tho Douglas County Development Company, Is In possession or insiao Information relative to tho construc tion of a railroad between Roaoburg and tho coast Is evidenced in tho above transaction. While Mr. Mlcol- 11 and Mr. Smith aro lending all pos sible encouragement to tho railroad nronosltlon thoy are Hko many other Roseburg people, and are not inclined to believe that actual worK will bo commenced on tho proposed road within the time specified in the agreement. HOOD RIVER APPLES WIN. Jeweler. Carries of Big Prlzo at .National Show nt Spokane. SPOKANE. Wash., Nov. 21. C. H. Sproat, of Hood River, Oro., Is tho winner of .the grand sweopstakes prizo at the third National Apple Show. Tho wlnntng exhibit, a car load of Spltzonbergs, Is given a rat ing of 99.73 by tho judges, tub sweonstakes prize consists of $1,000 in cash and a gold medal banner. For the second year in succession the most coveted prlzo of the show goos to nn Oregon exhibitor, the sweopstakes last year, having been won by Tronson & Guthrie, of Eagle Point, Or., in the Rogue River Val ley, M. Horan, of Wenatchee, was tho winner at the first show. Last of Right of Way For Waterfront Highway to North Bend Is Granted. Tho peoplo of Coos Bay may bo well pleased to learn that the last barrier to tho closo connection be tween North Bend nnd Marshllalu. hns been removed nnd thnt tho wntcr front rond is now nssurod. Mayor Simpson of North Bend, has long boon expressing lmpatlcnco with tho obstnclo offered by whnt Is known ns tho Kopf syndicates In difference and tho fact thnt the por tion of Trcmont street which need ed to bo opened to completo tho through street wns not reachable. J. M. Blako recently wont to Portland nnd nt his own expenso saw all tho members of tho syndlcnto personal ly nnd obtnlncd their consent to tho opening, Saturday tho papors nrrlv od from Portland nnd todny tho peti tion of tho Kopf syndlcnto wns filed with City Recordor Dorbyshlro of North Bend nnd Mr. Simpson's trou bles aro removed, subject to tho ac tion of tho North Bond City Council. But It Is understood thnt tho coun cil hns always been ns nnxlous for this progrcsslvo movo na tho Mayor and so no doubt exists ns to what will follow. Tho petition Is as follows: To tho Honornhlo L. J. Simpson, mayor, nnd to tho Common Council of tho City of North Bend, Orogon: Tho undcrslgnod, being nil tho owners of nil blocks 11, 12, 13, 14, 35 nnd 30 in tho pint of tho Town of Coos Day, Pint B, In Coos County, Strito of Oregon, horoby tondor to tho City of North Bond nnd to tho Public an offer to opon up the oxton slon of Tromont Street In said Plat B across what aro now blockB 35 nnd 36 nforcsald along the lino of Rail road Avonuo as doslgnntod In tho at tached map and plat entitled "A Map showing propoaod public highway connecting Mnrshflold nnd North Bend," upon tho forms nnd condi tions following, to-wlt: First Thnt tho ownorn of tho abovo described block In Pint B thoy mny bo allowed, with tho con sont of tho City of North B.ond, to roplnt said Blocks 11, 12, 13, 14, 35 and 30 In such n way bb to vacate thoso portions of Wntor and Tro mont streets which Ho north of tho North lino of tho Intersection of Lombard street with said strcots; also to vncato Woll Btreot oast of tho oastorly lino of snld proposed Railroad avonuo; also to vacato tho alloy running north and south through blocks 35 and 30 aforesaid and to roplat that portion of block 35 nnd 30 lying west of said proposed Railroad Avonuo In such n way as to securo frontage of lots on said proposed Railroad avonuo. Second That tho city of North nond by gift, grant, or othorwlso shall obtain tho further oponlng of said proposed Railroad Avonuo frqm the North lino of Plat B to an In tersection with Stanton Avonuo and Main Btroet in Bald city of North Bond of tho width and along tho lino shown by tho nforcsald map. Charles II. Kopf Arthur W, Chance E. B. McFarland D. A. Strayer by E. B. McFarland Edmund J. Sable J. E. Pettis Herbert Nichols F. B. Waito Mr. Kopf In his letter says: "Wo" sincerely trust that tho city of North Bond may be ablo to take advantage of tho offer and obtain tho dedlctlon of tho land necessary to completo the street to Stanton avenue." WET TOWNS TO CONTINUE WET Attorney General Crawford Renders Important Opinion On Home Rule Law. SALEM, Oro., Nov. 21. Sovcrnl opinions dealing with tho effect of tho Homo Rulo amendment on the locnl option law wero handed down by Attorney Gcnoral Crawford. In response to Inquiries from L. W. Bnker, Mayor of. Grass Vnlley, tho Attorney General holds thnt a county which Is 'dry' nnd votes 'wot' will becomo 'wet' Jnnunry 1, 1011. Although thoro is no specific state ment ns to tlmo in this respect, tho .local option law plarcs January 1 bb tho tlmo when n county shnll be como 'dry' In caso It votes In favor of prohibition. It is inforrcd from thla thnt tho law would also work invorsoly. Tho Attornoy-Gonoral holds thnt tho Homo Rulo nmondmeut will probably tako effect January 1 In tho caso of n county nnd city voting 'wet.' Tho council enn thon pro ceed without nnothor vote When n precinct votos 'dry' nnd tho county votes 'wot,' tho precinct will remnln 'dry,' snyB tho Attornoy Gonernl. Answering C. L. Irelnnd, of Moro, tho Attornoy-acnoral sayn n city nmy call an oloctlon specific or reg ular, In April to voto on tho question of 'wot or 'dry' undor tho Homo Rulo amendmont. Ho holds further that n precinct voto cannot doprlvo n city of a constitutional right grnntod nt tho aamo oloctlon. No nnrt of a precinct outsldo of tho city limits can bo allowed to voto on tho question of prohibition so thnt It shnll nffoct tho peoplo within tho limits of n corporato city or town, and It Bhnll bo tho duty of tho County Court to ro-distrlct tho precincts so thnt thoy shall includo no part of tho Incorporated city in (voting on prohibition. Ronlvlng to a question put by J. D. Walch, of Joseph, tho Attornoy- Gonernl says that as soon as ino Governor issuos n proclamation de claring tho Homo Rulo amendmont n law, Joseph will havo tho oxcluslvo rlcht to say whethor liquor shall bo sold In its corporato limits. In tho caso of Joseph tho county votod 'dry' nnd Joseph voted 'wot.' Tho Attornoy-Gonoral says it shall bo tho duty of tho County Court to issue an order placing prohibition In effect In tho county, hut tho Homo Rulo amendmont will oxcopt Joseph from tho order of tho court declaring tho county 'dry and tho city mny nrovldo by ordlnanco what shall bo required of any porson conducting a saloon within tho city llmitB. A voto on local option within tho cor porato limits mny also bo called. TIM1IER WILL BE BOUGHT. Attorneys for Liquor Dealers Association Secures Tem porary Injunction. HEARING WILL BE AT DECEMBER TERM MARRTAGE LICENSES. But two marriage licenses wero issued by County Clerk Watson dur ing tho past wepk. These wero is sued to Frances II. Woolloy and Mablo Grace Potter and Roy II. Rozel and Mary A. Elliott. Coqulllo Sentinel. NOV. 25 don't forgot tho dato or place BAPTIST CHURCJf. Just toll your wife to get hor flour of HAINES.' To bo well entertained, nttond tho RILEY EVENING. HAINES has somo choice shorts, Judge Hall Cannot Issue Local Option Order Until It Is Decided. COQU1LLE, Ore., Nov. 21 Judgo John S. Coko hero Inst wcok grant ed a temporary Injunction restrain ing County Judgo John F. Unit from Issuing an ordor declaring Coos county "dry." Tho ordor wns to havo been issued by Judgo Hall today but nB a result of the Injunction, Judgo Unll will not bo nblo to Issuo nny ordor In tho locnl option oloo tton until nttcr the proceedings nro disposed of. Tho dnte of hearing tho Injunction hns not been fixed but It Is presumed that It will como up at the adjourned term of circuit court in Decombor. Tho injunction wns secured by At tornoys Sporry nnd Hammond who nro contesting tho locnl option oloc tlon In behalf of tho Coos County Liquor Dealers Association. The Injunction' was naked on tho ground thnt Mnrshflold wns wrongfully per mitted to participate In tho local op tion election when Its chartor pro vides that it Is not subject to tho local option lnw, Another reason sot forth wns' thnt the petition ask ing that tho local option question he submitted at tho Novombor oloctlon wns void, not huvlng tho required number of logal slgnors. Portland Man Sells Blj? Coos Tract to Grays Harbor Men. mwTii!HANO. Wash.. Nov. 21. i4wi""" r .. w Organization of a company with cap ital stock at $700,000 for tho pur chaso of 300,000,000 feet of timber In Coos County, Orogon, by local capitalists Is undor way in tnis cuy TTnrmnn Winter, former resident of Hoqulam, but now residing hi Portland, Is ono of tho promoters nnd Bnya that tho plan will go through. TE5IPTING TARCELS AND PRICES Best business corner In Marsh- field. 50x100 $15,000 Best opon corner on tho lovol nortion of Central avonuo, isr.iuu Best vacant lota on Fifth street ( solid pavement), 91,100 Best corner on hill, on Control avenue, assessments all paid, good flvo-room house. . . .$3,200 Best Investment on Commercial avonuo (half block) . . . ,$2,050 Best available corner In South MarBhflold, 2 lota ,$1,750 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. I 1 E IS VERY SMALL Coos Bay Experiences Severe Squall and Rainstorm Sunday Night. Last night, Coos Bay experienced ono of tho worst squnlls that has struck this section In months. The storm wns accompanied by a very hoavy rain, nearly an Inch falling during tho night,. Comparatively (Ittlo damage was dono on tho Bay. Tho smokestacks on tho old mill nt North Bond wero blown down and tho mill put out of commlBslpn this morning. Tho Westoj-n Union's lino botweon hero nnd Rosoburg was put out of commission and Manager Schottor Is uncertain ns to when sorvico can be restored. Tho lone distance tolophouo wires escaped moro easily, having boon put out of business for only a short tlmo. In MarBhflold, tho wind camo in fitful gusts that shook housos and frlKhtonod ninny peoplo. At Em pire, It blow a steady gale and few thoro remember a more severe blow. NORTH BEND NEWS. Tho Methodist Episcopal' Ladles' Aid Society mot nt tho homo of Mrs. M. L. Grout. Thursday aftornoon. Novembor 17. This mooting was for tho oloctlon of officers, and tho fol lowing wore elected for tho onsulns year: Mrs. M. L. Grout, pros.; Mrs. Wm. Noilson, vlco-pros.; Mrs. P. w. Stevens, sec: Mrs J. E. Ste vens, treasurer. Fifteen members wore present. Tho society will meet at tho homo of Mrs. Honry Hoyt, on Union avonuo, on Friday, Nov ombor 25. niLL MAN HERE, W. F. Stevens, tho Northern Pncl. flo superintendent onglneor who is supposed to bo looking into tho mat ter of tho ndvisablllty of nn extension of the Hill roads Into Coos County, was a business visitor at tho court houso this wook, Coqulllo Sontlnal. a -51 .J:l.