WW v. '-?"- ' 4" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1910 EVENING EDITION. North Bend News Mrs. E. E. Hayes left this morning lor Coqulllo City. - Archie Taylor of Coqulllo City, Ja "Visiting relatives hero. JAIL FOR DEALING IN HAD EGGS Mrs. Byron Snvngo of North Inlet, visited relatives hero Thursday. Mrs. Alfred Matson of Marshflcld, visited relatives hero yesterday. Henry Truman of North Bond Heights, Is quite 111 at his home. Capt. Robt. Jones camo In yester day on tho Roscoo from tho Sluslawr Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Grimes, of TJorth rJcnd, aro rejoicing over tho Ulrth of a son. Two Commission Merchants Sentenc ed In Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. 19. Tho first jail sentence Imposed under a recent act of tho legislature for selling eggs unfit for food was passed by Judgo Barratt In tho quarter ses sions court here when ho sentenced George D. Ellis, a Water street com mission merchant, to three months In tho county jail, Thomas D. Ellis was fined $500 and tho costs of tho prosecution. Abraham Staples, another egg dealer, who, Special Agent Cassldy, of tho stnto dairy and pure food com mission said, "mado a practlco of buying up decayed eggs and shipping them to Now York bnkors," was also sontonccd to thrco months In tho county Jail. disputing tho same, This 19th day of October, 1910. , JAMES WATSON, Clerk of tho Circuit Court for Cqoa County, Oregon. Mrs. L. Whlto and little daughter of South Marshflcld, visited friends Jiero yesterday. L. Barr, who recently wont to Kla . math Falls with his family, plans to open n hotel there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sasaninn left this week for Portland, nnd expect to Bpcnd tho winter there. NEWS OF RANDON. Leonard Masters of Sumner, hns licon spending n fow days at court on business at Coqulllo City. C II. Tumor Is now foreman of tho Simpson Lumber Company's log ging camp at Tarhcol Point. Anslrow Masters of Sumner, who fell on tho ongluo nnd was sovoroly burned, Is roportod Improving. Capt. Edgnr Simpson, who hns spent sovcrnl weeks In San Francisco nnd other points, returned on tho M. "F. Plant. Event There As Told Ily The Egl. Will Blnckbum, a logger of Cody's camp, Is laid up with blood poison ing, but Is recovering. Tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Illcklns wns this week taken from her homo nt Prosper to San Frnnclsco for medical treatment. Sho Is n very sick child. A. J. Hnrtmnn hns about complet ed tho framework on tho now mnr blo nnd montimont works for Mr. Frnnzonbnch, on Atwnter street, nnd has tho lumber ordered for his now box factory, to bo built on tho lot adjoining, for tho firm of Hnrtmnn, JJocttchcr & Mclnhardt. SEED RYE nt HAINES. Sa.BO RECIPE CURES WEAK KID. NEl'S, FREE. Believes Urinnry nml Kidney Troubles, Backache, Straining, Swelling, Etc.. Slops Pain in Hie Bladder, Kidneys nnd Rack. Wouldn't It bo nlco within a weo' or so to begin to say goodbye for ever to tho scalding, dribbling, strain ing, or too frequent passngo of urine: tho forehead nnd tho bnck-of- the-hend aches; tub stitches and pains In tho bntflc; the growing muscle weakness; ipots beforo tho eyes yel low skin, sluggish bowels, swollen eyelids or nnklcs, leg cramps, unna tural short breath, sleeplessness and tho despondency? I havo a rcclpo for theso troubles that you can depend on, nnd It you want to mnko a quick recovery, you ought to wrlto nnd get a copy of It. Many a doctor would chargo you $3. GO just for writing this prescrip tion, but I hnvo it nnd will bo glad to send it to you entirely free. Just drop mo a lino llko this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, KM 01 Luck Building, De troit, Mich., nnd I will send It by re turn mnll In a plain envelope. Aa von will see when you get It, this rc clpo contains only pure, harmless "emcdlcs, but It hns groat healing and pnin-conquoring power. It will quickly show Its power once you uso it, so I think you had better sco what It Is without delay. I will send you a copy free you can uso it nnd euro yourself nt home. It- j Shapely wntorproof Duxbnk Sco them THE GUNNERY. hats, Chief of Police Bill Smith has been Instructed by tho council to build n city pound In which nil livestock, logs, etc., found running nt largo In violation of tho city ordinances can bo Incarcerated. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. L. Glllllnnd of Medford, Ore, nro visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Irn Weltzol. Mr. Glllllnnd 1b a prosperous fnrmor nnd stock buyer and spent his boyhood with Mr. "Woltzcl in Knnsaa. Quito a number of North Bond poultry fanclorn nro propnrlng birds for tho first exhibition of tho Coos Poultry and Pot Association which will bo hold In Mnrshfleld, Dcccmbor 8th and 9th, 1910. Rev. Rny II. Plorson, formerly pastor of tho North Bend Mothodbit church, but who Is now pastor of Fifteenth nvenuo church In Snn Fran cisco, Is reported to havo recently married a boyhood sweetheart in Ohio. THE ROYAL TONIGHT SATURDAY NIGHT. Beautiful Blograph drama "MESSAGE OF THE VIOLIN" 2 screaming Sollgs. "O, YOU SKELETON AND THE GHOST OF THE OVEN." "EARLY SETTLERS OR PION EERS DAYS IN MINNESOTA" will bo repented. ' This Is ono of thoso fenturo Sollg productions Introduc ing U. S. Soldiors, IudlnnB and coali tions ns they existed in 1849. ORCHESTRA Harry Greenlenf of tho North Bond "Nows Compnny, leaves today for Springfield whoro ho will visit rela tives and from thoro ho plans to go to Fnrmlngton, In., to visit his old liomo. During his nbsonco, Danny Hull will bo employed at tho now-stand. Tho Mothers' nnd Teachers' Club met yeBtordny aftoruoon in tho Cen tral school building. Ruv. Albright nnd Prof. Grulibs gnvo nddrossos which woro not only very Interesting but also full of practical suggestions in regard to tho rotation of homo and echool. CURRY COUNTY NEWS. Gold Event Thoro Ah Recorded lly Bench Globe. Slow progress Is bolng mnde on tho Hunter's creok brldgo, owing to lack of material, bad weather nnd water to contend v.th, Tho Bteol has not yot arrived, nnd cannot un til tho ocoan Bmooths down. Tho contractors will havo to ask for an extension of time. LEGAL NOTICE. In tho matter of tho application of tho Linn nnd Lnuo Timber Compnny, a Corporation, to roglstor tho Tltlo to tho SE 1-4, NW 1-4, NE 1-4 SW 1-4, nnd SE 1-4 SW 1-4, Section 28, Twp. 27 S., R. 14 W.. W. M., Oregon. Willlnm 11. Morse, Ella Morrill, formerly Ella Lockhart, nnd heirs of A. J. Moody, deconBed, nil to whom It mny concern: TAKE NOTICE Thnt on tho 19th dny of Octobor, A. D 1910, an application was filed by oald Lluu and Lnuo Timber Com pany, n Corporation, In tho Circuit Court of Coos County, Oregon, tor Initial registration of tho tltlo of tho Inud nbovo described. Now, unless you npponr on or bo foro tho 28th day of Novombor, A. D., 1910, nnd show cnuso why such ap plication shall not bo granted, tho enmo will bo taken aa confessed, and a docreo will bo entorod according to tho prayer of tho said application, and yon will bo forover bnrrert from NOTICE CALLING FOR A NOMI NATING MEETING OR CAUCUS FOR THE NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE OF- . FICE OF COMMON COUN OILMEN AND OF RE CORDER. Notice Is heroby given thnt by or der of tho Common Council of tho City of Marshflcld, Coos County, Oregon, duly mado and ontorcd on tho first dny of Novombor, 1910, a nominating mooting or caucus will bo held in Odd Follows Hall in said city, on Monday, tho twenty-first day of Novombor, 1910, at tho hour of eight o'clock In tho attornoon of eald day for tho purposo of nominating candidates for tho following offices. Two mombors of tho Common Coun cil of said city to servo for tho term of thrco years each commencing tho first Mnndny In Jnnunry, 1911. A Rccordor of said city to servo for tho term of ono year commencing tho first Monday in January, 1911. Snld candidates to bo voted on at tho reg ular annual municipal election of said city to bo hold Tuesday, tho sixth dny of Dccombor, 1010. Dntod this 9th day of Novomboi, 1910. ' JOHN W. BUTLER, Recorder of tho City of Mnrshflold, Coos County, Orogon. Does the Front of Your Coat Keep Looking Like This? OU know the unsightly break in the front of most coats. It often appears after a few days' wear, giving the coat a tired, dejected appearance and spoiling its shape. You never can press it back. You run absolutely no risk of a broken coat front when you get your Clothcraft Suit. The Clothcraft coat front is trussed like a bridge. The shape is built in not pressed in. Your Clothcraft coat front will be unbroken as long as you wear it. These arc the famous pure all-wool clothes abso lutely guaranteed the only guaranteed all-wool clothes in the country, selling at $10 to $25.' This announcement is for men who appreciate such values, at these prices. Does this include youl Woolen Mill Mill to Man Clothiers Marshfield, - - Orgeon Clothcraft All-Wool Clothes Store -1 A? OIL SUPPLIES Tho Coos Bay Oil and Supal Company under tho management of J. W. Flanagan will contlnuo to hnn dlo tho Union Oil Company's gnsc lino, distillate, benzine and coal ol nt their oil houso across tho Bay to which plnco they havo moved their offlco. Phono 302. Watch Our Windows For Articles That Will Help to Make A Joyous Thanksgiving Wo aro prepared with a compMo lino of ROASTEHS FROM... .- 91.23 TO 82.HO CARVING SETS FROM 9 1.00 TO 98.00 UNIVERSAL SI HAT CHOPPERS, nil sizes, from.. 91.00 TO 911.00 Also a full lino of Chopping Bowls, Stow Pans nnd Kettles and all kinds of Kitchen utensils. SKK US FIRST. HIGH GRADE WOOD WORK of every description at THE SHOP OF QUALITY E. II. GE11RKE. 710-720 SOUTH BROADWAY. Tho Literary Socloty hold a moot ing Inst Friday afternoon and tho ilrst program was carried out. Tho interest of tho school was chiefly rontored In tho debate, Resolved that Girls nro better Students than Boys. Tho boys hnd tho nogatlvo sldo and woro given tho decision by tho school, Mnrrlod At tho homo of tho brldo'B parents, sit Bngnell's ferry, Sunday, Novombor 13th, 1010. Mr. Ed Hultt and Miss Ethol Mlllor. Tho brldo Is tho dnughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 8. Mlllor. Tho ferry boat botweon horo nnd Wedderburn Is now propolled by a gasollno engine. Will Cnughell tho ferryman having purchased tho Gray ling and put a now engiuo in her. plumbing Have your plumbing dono by JIONEER HARDWARE COMPANY Five Room House Free THAT'S ABOUT WHAT IT AMOUNTS TO IN THE OFFER OF A CORNER ON CENTRAL- AVENUE, 90x110, WITH STREET AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ALL PAID, WITH FINE VIEW, FINE LOCATION, RIGHT FRONT, CLOSE IN, AND IMPROV ED WITH A FIVE-ROOM DWELLING. .ALL FOR PRACTICAL LY WHAT THE LOTS WOULD BE WORTH ALONE, WITH OUT THE HOUSE. DON'T LET THIS BUY GET PAST YOU IF YOU ARE OPEN FOR A MONEY SIAKING INVESTMENT IN THE CHOICE RE SIDENCE SECTION OF WEST MARSHFIELD, PRICE I ---tt-n-a--a-n-n-R---n-a-a--a--n----.--w- racmc Monumental En ! ti 1 Ir'ttl Mb IB v?JB and Building Works H. II. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kinds of monumental work promptly nnd artistically cuted. Call at our works on South Broadway. n-n-n-u-u-n-u-tt-n-tt-ti-tt-ttt-tx-n-n-u-n-n-tt-u-u-n-u-'l exo- $3,200 I. S. KAUFMAN (& CO. STEAMER M. F. PLANT I Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE Riun RESERVATIONS WILL RE CANCELLED AT tlUT JLT' wax TICKET IS BOUGHT. rH---H; For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilired Milk gButltr Milk Bean-Pot CSieese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. nnd 2 p. &L IMsono 7.J. . ft I I I i n 1 a r a n n n f n; 1 0: -a-tt-a-a-tt-a-K.n.a-B.tt-tt.a' While Rguring7 ON THE CHEAP WIRINQ CAM PAIGN DON'T OVERLOOK THE FACT THAT WE ARE SELLING FIXTURES AT A BIO DISCOUNT. ALSO STANDARD MAKE PLAT IRONS WE HAVE ONLY A FEW LEFT. BETTER PLACE YOUR Oil. DER. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully tul: your patronage PHONE 2.J7J. " COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo secured tho livery bust noss of L, H. Helsnor and nro pro pnrod to render excellent scrvlco to tho people of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything thnt will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for a driving horse, n rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Wo also do 1 trucking business of all hinds. RInnclinrd, Rezln & Blnnchnrd Livery, Feed nnd Snlcs Service. ' 141 First nnd Alder Street). Phono 138-J ONCE TRIED ALWAYS PATRONIZED Is tho vordlct of all our customer!. Thnt's bccaiiBo wo do much good work nnd do It at such reasonable' prices. You'll bo surprised to tee tho transformation wo can roalto In - your old clothes. Just give ui a trial job. Mnrtdillcld ClonnliiK "nil Ryo Worki, Phono 270X. 180 So. Broadway. Ladies Garments n Specialty. LADD, HUNT and Co. CONTRACTORS AND HUILWEItS. All kinds of repnlrs mill shop work promptly attended to nnd neatly done. Phono 1C1X. HOME LAND Co. Boo ub for Investment on Coo Bay. Wo guarunteo ownor's price to ho our prlco. Pliono 74L. 00 Front St Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Thouo 3121. AT THAT TIME UN- F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore WTOCTff ffCTJATBaSJmBTOSM ?WBS!S?5?XS? WWiS&PSlSB&i jf511525255 ru ST&MR BREAKWATER Sails from Alnsovorth Dock, Portland, t 8 P. M., every Tuesday. Salla from Coos Bay every Saturday t service of time. Reservations will not bo held Inter than Frisky oou, unless tickets are purchased. W. F. Miller, Agt,. phone Main 3gL BREAKWATER HOTEL. Front St., Mnrshfleld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Hob boon thoroughly renown and nowly furnished. Rooms ron-ablo,-by day, week or month. Mru. J. H. O'DONNELlj. rsw. op H REAL ESTATE. I hnvo somo of tho best buys tho Bay. Can arrange easy terms. Houses and buildings for rent. AUGUST FRIEEEN. 08 Central Ave. MarshPsljOff; rim lloyd KrSTSKTs- Uatcs reduced to! dy,50c,T3cndllW. 2.00 to J5.00. AHo a few boiu.krl8 PL mens with gas ranges. (12.00 per month, f bathi. Tako bins at depot. Mr,BH,J" FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladles should bring their Drew- Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion, guaranteed. COOS RAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josephson, Mgr. 1n SniiMi Itrnmlwny. i'"1" Havo your job printing do" 'JfcrannraszszsHnHrasaszns The Times of(!co, t'& fe&ftfe-