THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1910 EVENING EDITION. H Cr&veie v $3o50 J tte Hats' Best of All TiTo WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield Oregon ): Bo it rosolvjsd that -lachfand- every sufferer from backache, or any other form of ' Kidney or Bladder trouble is hereby directed j to purchase a bottle THEREFORE, Every day will be a day of Thanksgiving Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. Marshfield, "The Busy Corner" Oregon Pioneer llunlwaro Co. CARBORUNDUM As a Sharpening Factor THROWjjAWAY THE OLD GRINDSTONE It has served Its time. By Us use good tools nro cast asldo as worth less, when In reality they aro only dull and rusty. The sand stono has clearly demonstrated that it Is the most oxponsivo Im plement about tho shop or farm, and Just as long as It Is used, Just so long dull tools will exist. WE HAVE OX DISPLAY tho largest assortment of carborundum grinders and sharpening stones over shown .In Marshfield and our prices aro all plainly on each article. Beo our window display, REMEMBER Carborundum cuts 31 times faster than any other stone. TharoksPwina' PmHtamafrinn f To The People of Coos County, Greeting. WHEREAS for many years it has been tho custom for the President of tho United States to appoint a spe cial Day of Thanksgiving for blessing received and WHEREAS the greatest blessing is is health "afiaT" WHEREAS,, the greatest enemies of health arer kidney and Bladder troubles, , WHEREAS, thousands of our citizens suffering from these troubles have been relieved by the use of NYAL'S KIDNEY AND BLADDER REMEDY and WHEREAS, that wonderful Remedy is for sale at tho Busy Corner, now, THEREFORE X WITH THE t t toastandtea: THE AUTl'MX DEADLOCK. Tho melancholy dnys nro here As lias been sung before; Too cool to faco tho atmosphere, Too warm to shut the door; Too cool to wonr a hat of straw, Too warm for felts brand now; Too cool, alas, for clams served raw, Too warm for oystor stow. Too cool for Ico croam sodn drinks, Too warm for steaming brows; Too cool by far fr Bkntlng rinks, Too warm for football nows; Too cool to doze In lnzy cheer, Too warm to walk tho floor; Tho melancholy days nro hero-1 As his been sung beforo. Only a mnn with plonty of Idlo tlmo on lils hands can afford to got shaved on Saturday. raDGMi :U!i"".y - VSLtAil COOS BAY TIDES. High water Date Saturday 10 SUNDAY 20 NOVEMBER A. M. h. in. I ft. 2:0-1 7.3 3:00 7.0 P.M. h. m. I ft. l:20 9.S 2:09 9.3 NOVEMBER mmmmmmmmiimmmmnmtmiir a ... n fersonal Notes :::::m:m:mmmnmtm:t:::m:mnm: MRS. P. E. LARSON of Alle-rny, was a Marshfield shopper toU..y. CIIAS. LOWItEY hns succeeded A. N. I.ofgren In tho ofllcos nt tho Smith mill nnd A. L. Butts has taken Mr. l.owrcy's old position n3 tlmo-keepor. Low wntor J A. M. i P. M. Date. I h. m. ft. h.m. I ft. Saturday 19f 7:21 3.2 S:24f l.G SUNDAY 20 Sill 3.0 0;1C 1.1 Reform In this country seems to amount to this: Abuse of good citi zens and n Bteady lncrcnso In taxes. Two women, who had not met for fiftoen years, ran Into each other ac cidentally yestorday afternoon. Dur ing tho fifteen years their hair had turned vory gray. Ono of tho wo men had put on glasses. Ono wo mnn had grown very stout and tho other vory thin. After kissing each othor, tho women looked onch other ovor from top to too, nnd then each ono oxplnlmod, "You haven't chang ed a bit!" HORSEY KUEIT.EU ..SAYS: "ft nlwnys mnkes mo mad when nn nutomobUo driver toots his horn for mo to get out of tho wny. As though I havon't enough senso to got out of tho wny of an automobile!" uem Grinder. .98.00 Newton No. l...$8.80 Best mado. . .$5.8.0 Mechanlcs's special 94.50 to $8.50 Carborundum Hones . .75c to 85c Oct. Knlfo sharp eners. . . . , ,00c Stones In leather case 50c Carborundum razor Hones, 75c to 91.50 IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK PIONEER. HARDWARE CO. Lending- Harchvn ro Store tt M STORY OF THE DAY. A little Murshflold boy bustled Into a grocery storo ono day with a mem orandum In his hand. ''Hello, Mr. ," ho said. '"I want thirteen pounds. of coffco nt 2G cents." "Vory good," said tho grocor, nnd ho noted tho snlo and put his clerk to work weighing tho coffee. "Anything olso?" ho nsked. "Yes, twonty-thrco pounds of Biigar at 7 ',6 cunts." "Is thnt nil?" asked the grocer. "No, sir; T wnnt forty-six pounds of bncon nt S3 cents tho pound," ex claimed tho boy. "And I would like to havn sixty pounds of ten at 15 cents tho pound, two gallons of mol pssou at 20 cents, two eight-pound lianiB nt 25 cents per pound nnd six dozen Jnrs of plcklod walnuts at 30 conts per Jnr." "Is thnt all?" nskod tho grocor, as ho bUBtled about and Anally handod tho boy tho bill. "It's n big ordor. Did your mothor wnnt to pny for it or does sho want It ndded to her nc count?" "My mothor," snld tho boy, as ho foldod tho bill and put It In his pock et, "hns nothing to do with this bus iness. It Is my arithmetic Iobboii and I had to get It dono somehow." And then tho grocor fainted. THE WEATHER. OREGON and (By Associated Press.) Rain In fair In east tonight; day rain. LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. west Sun- HE- For twenty-four hours ending Ing 1:13 p.m., Nov. IS, by Mrs. Mlngus, spcclnl government me teorological observer: Maximum 52 Minimum 39 At ;I:43 p. in , 4S ProclpItntlon 70 Wind Southwest; cloudy. Wlfo Del (or. Friends of Jnmos Bryce, tho purser on tho M. F. Plant, will be plcnscd to learn that his wife has almost fully recovered from or recent Illness. Sho Is now nt San Toso recuperating. Elected Coroner. Word has been received hero that Dr. Thomns C. Fox a former Mnrshflold boy nnd whoso relntivcs still rcsldo on tho Bay, watt elected coronor nt Oregon City nt tho election last week. Coal Oil Cheaper. F. S. Dow, ngent of tho Stnudard Oil Company, yestordny announced n reduction of ono cent por gallon In coal oil, ef fective today. Tho reduction Is gon oral throughout tho country. NOV. 25 don't forgot tho dato or placo BAPTIST CHURCH. THE ROYAL (House of Amusement, Instruction nnd Entertainment.) SUNDAY NIGHT NOV. 20TH- YOUR. MONEY IS JUST AS GOOD AS THE OTHER FELLOWS AT THE FIXUP Suits from $8.50 to $25.00 OPPOSITE BREAKWATER OFFICE. A Brand Now Reol Novor boon run through a machine Edlson'a beautiful and Instructive production "SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN for Such Is tho Kingdom of Labor" (A child labor story, showing tho conditions as probed by tho National Child Labor Committee of Now York City.) Others, Including "THE MASQUERADE COP" and "HANK AND LANK AS LIFE SAVERS" TIcketH Go Fust. Tickets for tho Rooster bnnquot nt Tho Chandler next Tuesday evening nro going fnst today tho ordorH rocolved by Miss Hondofson nt tho Chnmbor of Com merco today Indicate tho domnnd will fnr exceod tho 120 limit. CAPT. J. M. McINTYRE, manager of the Portland Quarry Company, or Portland, returned to that city to day on tho Bronkwntor after n few days pleasant visit with his friend, Cnpt. C. E. Edwards. Mr. Mc Intyre's visit was lnrgoly ono of Investigation of tho Coos Day pros pects and ho expressed himself highly pleased and promises to re turn nt no distant day. Ho was formerly a resident of Grants' Pass nnd renewed acquaintance with 0. O. Lund and Capt. Roberta whllo here. . J. MORGAN, tho woll-known nnd populnr roprosontntlvo of tho Pa cific Coast Biscuit Company, has bcon calling on tho Coos Day trado tho last week. HAIXES has somo cholco shorts. ..t4-- A FEW FACTS AND A FEW QUESTIONS ---- -- ----- Onnie Called Off. Tho Mnrshflold high school football team did not go to Myrtle Point to piny tho toatn thoro today ns was oxpectod, tho gnmo being called off Into yesterday by Myrtlo Point owing to tho Illness of tho auporlntondont thoro who has bcon coaching. tho Myrtlo Point boys. Tho gnmo may bo played at somo lator dato. ' rled. Addross, Box 'A Times'. WANTED Phmlst for Itoynl Then- tro. Apply S. Marsdon. FOR ItENT Furnished nnd iinfur- nlshod five-room apartmonts In tho O'Connoll bldg. FOR KENT Corner oftlco lit Lock- hart building. Apply at Lockhart's Grocory. FOR SALE Cheap, bout livery, two launches, ono launch hull, 1C round bottom row boats, shop floats, tools and patterns. For particulars call at Allgor's Boat llvory, North Bond. WANTED A position by mnn of ex perience In accounting and book keoplng, salary no objoct, Addross II. O. caro Times. ORCIIESTKA Performance Begins nt 7:00 Admission, Adults 10c, Children Sc )P LOST How boat. Party taking snmo from Ekbtad landing kindly re turn. Mado by Alger, Initial II P on bow. Reward for return. II. W. Painter, WANTED An A-l general mercluui- dlse man now in California is anxi ous to locate on Coos Bay Mar- FOR SALE Chcup, a parlor set, glass-cupboard, drosoor and, ' ma chine Mrs. A. O'Connor, "C3 N. Broadway. fOR SALE Onsollno launch Teddy or will Ioaso or trade; also ranch near Mnrshflold for rent. Enquire Prop. Hotel Lloyd, FOH ItENT Four-room bungalow. Frank Dillon at Olllvant and Weaver's. i CIDEIt FOR SALE Pure sterilized cider In pint, and qudrt battles, and gallons. Spoclal prices by tho dozen. Freo delivery. Phono 277. WANTED A child to board. Apply Room B, over Times' ofllce. WANTED Strong woman or girl to care for elderly Invalid, Apply Mrs. Sengstackon, Marqhfleld, Or. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Mrs. Hazard, cor. 5th and Market. TOR RENT Residence Eastslde, Phone Mrs, McCann, North Bend. Are you aware that from the end of the pavement on North Front street to the Standard Oil Company's warehouse there is in the neighborhood of 1,200 tons of freight each month to be movedl Aro you aware that all the Ice used in tho town is manu factured In this section of tho town? Are you aware that the only steamship lino that runs reg ularly between San Francisco and Coos Bay, carrying frelglit and passengers both ways and refusing no freight offered makes its headquarters in this section of the town? Aro you aware of the fact that the only two boat-building establishments In the town aro also located In this section? Perhaps you do not own an automobile and have to hire, or maybo you" do not ever use an automobile but tho only two garages in town are fenced in bv order of the City Dads. The only foundry In town Is also In this section and all of tho machine shops of the town are so copoed up that they cannot bo reached by a legal street. Are you aware that tho uuslness done In that section of North front street totals vory close to three quarters of a million dollars a year? Don't you think it is time that tho citizens of Marshfield woke up to the fact that North Front street fenced in is not a good advertisement for ourtown. DR, STRAW It is reported on tho street that you have said that North Front street would not bo fixed until a cer tain member of tho Coos Bay Paving and Construction Co., was eliminated. If this is so Doctor, quit your foolishness, be broad and fix North Front street. P. A. SANDBERGI It took you just exactly ono yoar aft er receiving Instructions from the City Council to prepare plans and specifications for North Front street beforo they were presented to tho Citv Council and they could find out that there was some objections to thorn, Can't you arrange something at least temporarily to roliovo this situation with out waiting another year? J. N, NELSON You are vitally Interested and own prop erty on this street and yet you voted against tho only prop osition that has boon brought up in tho council for tho Im provement of North Front street. . What havo you to offer as a substitute Nelson? Get busy and in tho last days of your position as Councilman leave a good record for yourself and fix North Front Street. TOM COKEI You advised the writer sometime since that a certain article of his was absolutely true with tho exception of tho ono statement that the ongineer was pulling the wool ovor the councllmen's eyes, Tom, we actually must think there is wool in your eyes if you cannot seo the condition of North Front Street. A. J. SAVAGE, You seem to be a mild man with no cor ners, can't vou edge up a little bit and fix North Front street? CARL ALBRECHT, You have repeatedly said! "Show me and I'll do it." Go down and take a look at North Front Street. EUGENE O'CONNELL You have recently built a neat little storo house, How In the world do you expect to bo able to get into it with North Front Street in the condition It isY HENRY SENGSTACKENI You aro a booster, but your smokestack on the cannery has fallen down; you can't bear out your reputation In this: Get In and help fix tup North Front Street. WILL HOLLAND, Don't it worry you to stub your toes and fall over bridges going in and out from your ooathouse. Fix up North Front Street, E. A. ANDERSON Your reputation as a County Commis sioner is good; the roads throughout the county show resul ts of your care; what about North Front Street? GUS. BENNETT You are collecting rent from an Agency that does a quarter of a million dollars a year business; you and this agency aro letting tho files roost on you, all on ac count ot trie condition or iNortn r-ront btreet. ALBERT SEELIG You came up North Front Street daily you were noticed this morning carrying a dog; were you ac tually afraid to allow that dog to walk up North Front Street? A. H, POWERS You advised the writer that your lawyer had told you that you will personally be responsible for any accident that could haopen on North Front Street, sa as chairman of the committee you ordered it closed, Would you allow the street In front of your property to stay fenced up this way so long? I am inclined to think the Baines estate will say no. COOS BAY TIMES Don't you think it is time to "talk it over"? If you don't I hope you will stub your toe and fall the next time you bring your bill around, remember we as sume no risks, Come, let us all get together; North Front Street Is a dis grace, We cannot allow our petty jealousies, our difference of opinion or anything else to, .stand in tho way, Everybody boost for North Front Street, F. S, DOW, . iV.. .. -U4.'