THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1910 EVENING EDITION. mmrom COOS BAY TIMES Extraordinary Sale of Men's Coos Bay 4 IX Entered nt the postofflco at Marsh floltl, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls ns second class mall matter. Social Circles! Fine Overcoats, made with (Continued from pace 2.) Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, Mnrsliflehl :: :: :: :: Oregon to Convertible Collars Christian Endeavor of tho North Bend United Brethren church met In a business session nt tho church, Aft er the usunl business a short pro M. C. MA LONE Y J)AN J-:. MALONEY Editor nml Pub. News Editor V fA IT 'IL e. .-- -fti -- ana w aierprooie gram was onjoyed. During tho eve i B . : :? ixx aa nlng tno momuors guio mo pastor, i I lev Albreoht, and his wlfo a shower I o GOOD EVENING. nf fiilf nnil irrnnnrlfwa. " "" "" V I I 1 t&uJtlE iAmmVJ'MYWk' 1 4.50 $ f & win ' ' tZZ. a lfM::rM S 1 950 Iti I'll It Is tho peculiar quality and chaructor of an undisciplined man and a man of the world, to oxpoct no advantage and to ap prohond no mischief from him self, but all from objects with out him. Whorons tho phlloso nhor, quito contrary, looks only Inward, and apprehends no good or ovll can happen to him, but from himself alone. Eplc-tctus. I . : j Mrs. J. W. Ingram will entertain the Progress Club at hor homo next Monday. i ; jt I A. K. Polloxfon and wife and baby ! loft today for San FrnnolBCo where thoy will spend tho whiter with Mr. $ :l GIVING I "Freely havo yo received, freoly give." F THERE woro to bo taken out of any man's llfo that which oth ers havo put Into It, thcro would bo very llttlo loft. In tho beginning, n man gets his llfo from others, and along with llfo ho gets qualities of mind and body and soul which havo como down from n long line of ancestors, and whjch mako him distinctively what ho Is. Thon In the days of his childhood Pollexfen's parents. C. II. Peel: and wlfo leavo today for Pprtland and Sonttlo whoro they will spend Thanksgiving week with rola tlvos and friends. j Miss Genovlevo Sengstnckcn, who has been visiting friends In Portland tho past three weeks, Is expected homo on tho noxt Breakwater. A. E. Adolspergor and wlfo and baby leavo next Saturday for Indiana whore thoy will spend a fow wcoks visiting nt tho homes of tho two. .;. .j. . Tho Evorgrcen Whist Club Is be ing ontortnlned this afternoon by Mrs. Laudo nt hor homo on Nob Hill. Last Saturday tho club met with Mrs. A. T. Hnlnos and was ? f i' i.Miit 22 Mi ''PXlBi, lilt11' fPMlfBii 1 luim wK lKj0 We received yesterday about t four dozen overcoats direct from the East, which are about a month late in delivery. To clean same up quick, we offer them to you Friday and Saturday at $14.50 and $19,50. This is a great opportunity for men of Marshfield to secure a fine overcoat at a saving of 25 per cent. Remember, the val ues of these coats are from $4 to $6 more than prices asked, "Cash Only," "MONEY TALKS," HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. nml Hirmirrli i)n ilnva nt lila vmit Tl f t. A .. 1 1 - .i.ilHA. fun T n it n in.i .... uuiiKiiiiuiiy emui uiiuuu. .mn. uuuuu uiuiiuiiK, ins ho Rets his fond, his cam, his training and his education from others, and tho Influences that mould lils charnctor In those days aro tho lnlluoii"efl sot In action by others'. And when ho oos out from his homo In his youiiK manhood, ho goos Into a world whor othors still con tlnuo to kIvo to him. Ho tnlcs 1111 work ns othoin havo made his work posslblo ho take uo his ploasuros ns othors havo uibiIp thorn possible: whntovnr lie dooi, whorovor ho roc, tho llvo of mm' (conorntlons and jirosont geuoratlous allko affoct his llfn and Klvo Homnth'tiK 'f It. Ily tho time li has reached a full manhood, ho Is largely tho product of tho sacrlllcc3 and efforts of others, extending back through countless won tho prlzo last Saturday. fr Mrs. L. J. Simpson and C. M. Hy lor of North Uond, nro planning to Issuo InvltntloiiB for next Saturday aftornoon nt tho Simpson homo. Marshfield Bandon ! Q 64 .. nnn:2?smjnninnnnntjtn:ntnnmiii i. Chnpolle, Mrs. J. V. Hodson nnd Mrs. "occasion, Hags of all nations, shaded Win. NellBon. Mrs. Maud Watklns' candles nnd chrysnnthomums being very Interesting talk on used offectlvely. Tho dinner was a Tho Mlnnlo-Wls Club will hold Its first mooting of tho season after a long summer vacation at tho homo of Mrs. Kelly noxt Friday afternoon when tho hostesses will bo Mrs. Kol ly nnd Mrs. D. A. Jones. Tho annual election of olllcers will bo hold and plans mndo for tho coming season. f ' I The Chatutnndo Club nt Its moot- 'inix Friday with Mrs. Chas. Stnuff do- decldod to glvo Its first concort of most olnborato one, Mrs. Ilnlnes be tug assisted In serving by Mrs. F. A. Haines nnd Mrs. Dorsoy Krcltzor. Thoso Invited woro Mosdames It. K. llooth, KHlo Farrlngor, M. C. Ma loncy, and Win. Grimes and Mlssos Elizabeth Kaufman, Mamlo Mahonoy, Daisy Dean Hush, Mario. Maloney, Charlotto Murch, Ncjllo Towor, Maudo Painter, Agues Hutchoson, Loulso Dlatt, Josslo phase nnd Vio let Henderson. : Last Saturday evening, Miss Hllz nboth Kaufmnn entertained a fow friends nt sowing. i .j. Mrs. J. T. McCormac entertained n.5es to his most remote ancestors. p ;,,,, c i0prano, n8 tho solo- men nro very handsome ones r un..nA nil tlitin nml nil nvnlltn. fn ii Kouse, all time nnd all events, from tho original chaos to tho pres ent, havo transpired so that ho might bo what ho Is today. Ho Is but ono Individual, but ho to Ills making an ondloss number of Individuals havo given something. Whnt does this man, who Is ovory mnn, owo for what ho has gotten from othors? 1st. Mra. Schwab has appeared hero boforo undor tho nusplccs of tho Chamlnndo Club and hor roturn will bo wolcomod by tho ninny frlonds she mndo horo thon. Tho club has beon preparing for tho concert for somotlmo and It Is bollovcd that they will ccllpso all provlous efforts. At Friday's mooting, Mrs. Stauff road a papor on "Oratorio" and woes uo not owe i m " 'Mny Slnult rcnd a ,)n,)er on "Dach." UUUB HO IIOl IJWU BllUllllUU IU UlUUtBt I . j, j. Is It not cloarly his duty to prosorvo. M,M MQudo pnntor nm, mo Hireaui oi Bervico nnu sucriucu which has como out of tho past into ' 9 Thftyor Grimes will ontortnln tho Tuesday NMcrht Whist Club nt tho homo of Mrs. hla, llfo and let It flow out of MPnllltor on South Broadway .noxt llfo again Into the lives o othorBT day oycnInB Should It not bo tho most Joyous thing In tho world for him to glvo to othors so gonorously as ho has ro colvod? Freoly ovory man receives; let him as freely glvo. Out of It may como ovory good thing. Hnppy Indeed, oven In a physical point of vlow, Is thnt man on whom heaven has bostowod a contented nnd sorono mind, or who by Improving nnd cultivating his moral faculties, lias been nblo to procuro that bless ing. Ho has within hlmsolf tho no blest nnd purest balsam of life. A flno lino of now SILK VRTTI. COATS Just recolvod to soil from $1.00 to J10.50 at MYKHS MA11SH. FIICM) Store. 8 gave n "Medal Contost Work." Tho moot ing closed with tho W. C. T. U. bono- dlctlon. Next WedneBdny evening, tho Indies of St. Monica's Catholic church In Marshfield will glvo n Thanksgiv ing Whist party nt tho Odd Follows hall. Whist will bo played from 8 to 10 o'clock and ton prlzos will bo nwnrdod, Ilvo for high scores nnd llvo for low Bcoros. From 10 to 12, dancing will bo onjoyed and tho ovo nlng will closo with n sumptuous supper. Tho upper rooms of tho hnll will bo utlllzod for card playing, tho reg- tho season Docombor 14. nnd soleci- ular hall for dancing. Tho prizes ml M'rs. Mnv Doarbomo-Schwab. tho .which woro donated by local buBlneos , tho llrldgo Quartotto at a bridge . . ua !. 1 mh . ... n I llinntiitull nl t.Aas !.. .k litl ilnll YTftM I iiiui'iM'iiii hi. iiur iiiiiuu riiiiii. iivi guests wero Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mrs Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Hnrrlgan ontor- Kugeno O'ConnolI nnd Mrs. C. K. talnod n fow frlonds Infprmnlly nt Porry. their homo Thursday evening. - ' Mrs. W. S. McFnrland nnd daugh- A vory protty woddlng was solom- r, Miss Klmn, loft today to spend nlzod 'Wodnosdny evening nt tho Thanksgiving with frlonds nnd rqla hnmo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Pottor at tlvos nt Portland nnd Cottngo Grovo. Flagstaff, whon their daughter, Miss Mablo Graco, was united In marrlago Mrs. Matt, KJellmau of North with Mr. Francis II. Wooloy. Tho uonu, cntortninoil n numbor or honso was vory prottlly decorated. friends nt dinner last Wednesday. At nlno o'clock, tho brl'do ontorod on tho nrm of hor fnthor, dressed In Tll Ladles' Aid Society of tho white Bilk and carrying a bouquet of Swodlsh. Lutheran church of North whlto cnrnatlons. Tho improsslvo Uond, hold Its monthly meeting at ring ceremony wnB porformod by tno hOI"o of Mrs. Anna Strang last Hev. H. I. Rutlodgo. Llttlo Crafford Wednosdny afternoon. A larger num Annln nctod as ring benror. Aftor bor wns attendance than nt any tho coromony delightful refresh- previous moeung. abiuo rrom tuo monts woro servod. About twonty- UBU'nl Progrnm of work, It was de- flvo frlonds and rolallvos woro pres- c,dod "o n nuctlon In the cnt. church parlors on tho InBt Saturday Thq young couple departod tho evening of thlp month, Novombor 2G. samo ovonlng on route by Drain for short program will nlso bo ronder- Nobraska whoro thov will mako their od- A commltteo was olectod to tako futuro homo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wooloy aro well-known mombors of tho Methodist Episcopal church of this city nnd havo many frlonds who wish them prosperity nnd happiness. fr Mrs. A. T. Haines was hostess at Marshflold a most deltchtful dlnnor nartv last ovonlng complimentary to Miss Ada ' Tho ,adles of the Mnrshflold Ban McConnoll of Guthrie, Okla., who nr- tut churc" ,,ttvo arranged for G. Lo rived horo this week to spend tho Ro mi to slvo "An Evening With winter at tho Hnlnes homo. Tho "ey." Friday, November 25, at tho houso was prottlly decorated for tho church Somo of tho best musical talent of tho city will assist with tho evening's program. Thoso who QfaffMvFc fonlioc hoard Mr IIaU a year ns will bi Ula&lUIil O VallUlCO dollghted to havo tho privilege of ARE MADE OF THE VERY HEST hearing him again. AND MOST CAREFULLY SELECT-J ED MATERIALS. l Mrs. Wm. Curtis entortalned tho THEY ARE MANUFACTURED DY Ladles Art Club at hor homo Friday EXPERT CONFECTIONERS IN A aftornoon. Thero was a largo at- CLEAN SHOP RIGHT HERE IN tondanco of members, Mrs. W. H. MARSHFIELD. Kennedy being tho only guest of the Formnl announcements of tho en gagement of two woll-lcnown Coos llay young couples nro oxpected In tho near futuro. A fow friends al roady know but tho formal announce ment has not been mado. .$. 4. .j. Tho North Ilond W. C. T. U. hold a Mothers' mooting Wednesday aft ornoon and nlso tholr regular busi ness mooting. Tho scripture was read by Mrs. Wm. Nollson with In vocation by Mrs. Wm. Jones. Tho discussion was lead by Mrs. Goo. Wltto, tho subject bolng "Parents having and holding tho Conndenco of tholr Children." Thoso taking part woro Mrs.'W. Jones, Mrs. Geo. Hnzor, Mrs. Robt. McCann, Mrs. W. 4 COLGATE'S Mechanic's Soap Paste WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THIS POPULAR ARTICLE DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY. AS A HAND CLEANER IT HAS THEM ALL BEATEN A MH.E. IT REMOVES GREASE STAINS AND GRIME INSTAN TUY. CONTAINS NO FREE ALKALI OR OTHER INJURIOUS CHEMICALS. WH SELL IT FOR 10 CENTS, PER CAN. SEE OUR WINDOW. BROWN DRUG CO. Graduate Chemists Tho Quality Store" FINE WATCH REPAIRING WE ARE EQUIPPED WITH ALL THE LATEST PROVED TOOLS AND MACHINERY FOR FINE JEWELRY WORK. AND AND IM- WATCH AND WE HAVE THE MAN AN EXPERT AND EXPERIENCED RECEIVED THOROUGH -WHO CAN DO TUB WOuK- WATCIIMAKER WHO HAS EDUCATION IN THE I1CST WATCH- MAKJNG SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES AND FORTIFIED IT WITH YEARS OF PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. ALL WORK ABSOLUTELY fiUARAXTi:i:i. - 1 1 ,, Red Cross JEWELRY. DEPARTMENT can mako n "Dear!" a D ill" sound Just llko A husband can't bo regarded is tho "Big Chlof" around tho houso and at tho samo tlmo to bo potted nnd coddled llko n pappooso. chargo of tho preparatory work. That this event will bo oven bigger thnn provlous ones Is quite certain. A largo numbor of unique, ornamontal nnd useful articles havo also been donated by Mrs. Olivia Edman of THESE ARE A FEW OF THE club. Delicious refreshments wero REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD AL- Borved Tho next 'meeting of tho WAYS BUY THIS BRAND, FOR cUlb W,U be he,d at tho homo ot Mrs YOUR OWN BENEFIT IN GETTING G W' Sne,,r at North Bond the first PURITY AND QUALITY AND FOR Frldny a"ornoon ln December. THE BENEFIT OF COOS BAY BY r" HELPING HOME INDUSTRY. Always something new nt THE BACHELOR GIRL SAYS: YOU will bo woll ENTERTAINED nt BAPTIST Church, NOV. tM by G. LoRoy Hall nnd tho best musical talont. First class flour prices at HAINES'. nt second class "A woman could understand a man so muoh better It ho would sim ply lie to hor all tho time, Instead of only two-thirds of tho time." TWO STORES 230 Front St 140 Ceutral Ava When husbands and wives want to reprove each other In public they Better Rain Coals -Were Never Made Than I nm now ablo to soil to tho peoplo of Coos county. I havo had a hard tlmo to get them, but was successful at last. They are tho famous REESE WATERPROOF BRAND and aro guaranteed by tho makers and myself. Thoy nro mado of tho best oiled goods, double and troblo thickness where needed, and If ono of them leaks or proves unsat isfactory this -winter you can bring It back and get your money returned to you. Look at the low prices you can buy theso for: Gont nml Pnnts , . ,. , $5.00 Short Jacket $3.00 Medium length $4.00 Long Raincoat , ,, .,$5,00 I also havo laprobes, dash-aprons and legglns of this same mako that aro similarly guaranteed. Then I have a cheaper brand of wnterproof garments that aro guar anteed by other makers which I am selling as follows: Jekct S2.00 Medium length $2,150 Iong Raincoats $2.75 REMEMBER, I AM CLOSING OUT an: fine line of harness AT COST. Next Thursday Is Thanksgiving AND YOU WILL HAVE SOME THING TO BE THANKFUL FOR III YOU BUY YOUR OARVI.'fi SET, KOASTEft SALAD SET CHWA, FROM OUR FINE LINE OF IM PRICED TABLE AND KITCHD' WARE. REMEMBER WE HAVE RVRHYTHINO FOR THE TABLE AND KITCHEN FROM THE ORDIN ARY CHINA AND DISHES TO THE BEST JUST DROP IN AND SEE. Trndo hero nml savo nwafy COOS BAY CASH STORE n.-n x nnrr . Ih&f' Front Street. MarsMfld. SA fj. All. I ViUb IU ... a , whole altrflOa uon 1 ujiuuu i w In tho kitchen trying to bake M . . . ii'o eolnS " and wondering now - "turn out." You Can Get nice layer cake to O. O. LUND, "Tho man who iocs things right, fo. 315 South Broadway, Marshfield Anything from a nice iww t a woddlng or Birthday Cake heje a price that you would ""; 'u. for tho Ingredients, saving time. bor, money and worry- GET YOUR SUNDAY CAKE HERE The COOS BAY BAKERY pnONE 111'11 ,Knc "11IU UUUOI " Have your calling cards pria' Tho Tlmea offte. tMIM iMH1. q.. A "ajv " fc-M.- . r insii