ffljWH ADS. tm NEWS Ly BUSINESS IS BLOW, AD GET IT WHILE IT IS NBW BT READING THE COOS JAY TIMB8. ALL THE NEWS ALj TUB T1MK TKHSKLYIOLI) t: :: t: t: tt IcTlSB. TH'lx ""."" LrFI) B SUCUICSSl'-UU UUMI. HOUSES jjv Jiiiv i iiwiwjii MEMBER OP ASSOGIATKI) PRESS Established In 1878 ns Tho Coast Mall. ttXIII. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1910 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nncl Cons Hay Advertiser. 108 mt m ICO ID 170 ARE DIED 1 Hi OUTBREAK L to Break Up Meeting of Opponents of Diaz1 Brings Bloodshed. UCIPAL TROUBLE WAS NEAR PUEBLA krCerden Escapes But ler Is Killed After Shoot ing Police Chief. Lioclatcil Press to Coos Hay Times.) rnrn CITY, Nov. 19. nc- , from I'uebln wlicro tho rovolu- CITY CAUCUS NEXT MONDAY eviie runors of miss ELKINS'FOUR ARE KILLEO WHEN In Not As Much Interest In This Time As In By-Gone Years. Tho annual nominating ctuicua to select cniulldntcs for tho regular city olcctlon In MnrBhfiold which will bo hold nt tho Odd Follows hnll Mondny ovonlng nt 8 o'clock Is not exciting . i. ..hmmhaiI DnntAKitnv i fia tlltlnll tt.lnwmt ntt almllnH mnnjlnmi tT rlOllUB UtlUII jtoiuiuiij .. .....w.. j.nvivav 11 n cumuli imuilllno ihc town Is quiet. Slmllnr ro- hnvo occnnloned In tho Inst few years. i Mine from other Interior cities, wniiu tins Is truo so fnr ns gossip Ktlmatci of tho number killed of cnndldntcs Is concerned, thoro will lur vary from 100 to 170. i revolutionary movomont which j when tho police nttomptod to t op a meeting oi nmiTc-uiuc- ispears to liavo ended with tuo Lre of tho homo of Joso Cordon U credited with linvlng headed undoubtedly bo n lnrgo attendance Tho factions that hnvo marked It tho pnBt threo or four years aro ap parently broken up. Two councilman niul n recorder aro to bo elected this year, tho terms of Councilman Nelson nnd Ilonnossoy t 1Y1 1 ..!. .. kWi. Cordon Is said to liavo.nnu ui uccoruar utmar expiring, iir. ,$1. Forty-two nllcgcd plotters "nenm.v b iiirwuy rcsignou nnu arrested. They Includo thoonnciimnn eison snys no win noi lirmd lister of Cerdon. Cer-;" i canumato for reoicctlon. iliter shot and killed Chlof of Sovornl candidates for councllmcn . . i !--& Mlflvrt 1iAn1 tnllnil nt nrwl If la 111nlv KCi&rcra nnu in mm was bhoi " . ., iv Tho other sister was nr- tnat their names will bo presented L Troops woro In readiness to o tho caucus. Nono of tho cnndl- ik.Puebla riot should tho oven-1"1"08 " or "o porsonai aspirants European Papers Claim Ameri can Heiress and Duke D'A bruzzi Will Bo Married In Few Weeks Now In Washington. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Nov. 19. Despite tho fact that Miss Kathorlno Elklns has returnod to Anicrlcn arriving In Now York October 4, and according to ctfblo ndvlcos Is now In Washington, Bonio of the continental papers con tlnno to print stories that sho Is stop ping at Lugano, Switzerland, Intimat ing tho Elklns family with tho ex ception of tho Sonator rccontly re turned to Europe Incognito. A dis patch from Lugano snys Miss Elklns wns inuro arranging wiin uisuop li- clno for her conversion to Catholi cism' and that she was visited last Monday by Duko O'Abruzzl. A dis patch from Mllnn, Itnly, says tho marrlago of Miss Elklns nnd Duke D'Abruzzl will likely occur lato In December or enrly In January and that King VIctdr Emmanuel has given his consent to tho mntch nnd that nil difficulties with tho sonator aro removed. GUI EXPLODES DUNK TEST HARVARD I IS IX WASHIXGTOX. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay - Times.) )SIIINGTON, Nov. 10. Sonator Elklns, who wns brcight hqro ro conU'y siilTcrlng from n severe Ill ness,' Is reported today to bo con siderably improved. Mrs. Elklns nnd Miss' Kuthorlno are now In Washing ton nnd expect to remain horo until thero Is a chnngo In tho senator's condition. WILL ENLARGE GARRISON IS I :!ti demand It. I TODAY . ...... t FIWT EHi hut nro bolng urged by their frlonds. They nro C. C. Going, Duncan For guson, D. A. Jones of tho Flxup nnd Mllo Sumner. Others may also no brought out between now nnd Monday. F. P. Nqrton, who has been talked 00 NEAR FINISH TALE ARE TIE Neither Score But "Rooters" Give Yale Decidedly Best of Contest. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 10. Neither Ynlo or Harvnrd wnB ablo to scoro In tho great annual football gamo between tho two university teams hero today, tho final scoro be ing nothing to nothing. Serious Accident Occurs at United States Navy Yard 1 Today. ENTIRE GUN CREW ARE THE VICTIMS Lieut. Caffee Among Slain When Gun Block Is Blown Back. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. Four men woro klllod by tho promnturo ex plosion of n flvo-inch gun nt tho In dian Head Navy proving grounds. Tho Breech block of tho gun wns bo lng tested when It blow backward Into tho gun crow. Lieut. Arthur a. Cnffeo was ono of tho killed. Stockholders'of North Bend Case of Roy Perkins' Slayer Institution Decide to Double Its Capacity. At n meeting of tho stockholders (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) YALE FIELD, NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 19. Ynlo enmo bnck to- dny sutllclcntly to hold n stronger Jtenm to n scoreless tlo for tho first Sim Francisco Criminal Given Heavy GETS TWENTY YEAKS. of tho North Bend Milk condonunry yesterday, arrangomontn woro mndo for doubling tho capacity of Maybe Submitted to Jury Late Tonight. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Oro., Nov. 19. At 3 o'clock this nftcrnoon, tt nppenrod ny Passengers Sail This Horning On Steamship ' For Portland. to Dreakwator sailed this niorn- lor Portland with n good cargo Ihrje passongor list. 'song those lenvlng on tho Brenk- ere tho following: man stated today that ho wns not ft cniulldnto nnd would not bo although n number of his frlonds hnvo been urging him to ruij. Duncan Ferguson whon asked to day about his reported cnndldacy for tho council said: "I understand thnt Judgo John F. Hall and C. A. Johnson nro tnlkod of as candidates. If they aro, I will not opposo olthor of thorn but will support them. )f they do not run, I might accept It." So far, John Butlor, tho present rccordor, has been tho only ono tnlk od of for that placo. It Is under stood thnt Mr. Butlor will accopt tho tho doubtful If tho enso of Frank Gnr- plnnt. Tho business has grown r,BO"' c"rKu wu mo muruor ui ,., , .. , . .. . IHoy Porklna, would bo submitted to rapidly and tho demand for Its prou-'tho W tonght; AUornoyB GrnvCB nets tho past season hns boon far In nml Lujonvlst took several hours n- oxcess of Its capacity. Owing to pleco In tholr pleas to tho Jury, Judgo somo of tho detnlls not bolng worked Sohlbrodo has taken sovornl hours out. full nnnouncomont of tho com- and Is still talking nnd Prosecuting of ns n probablo nomlneo for council- ninny's plans cannot bo mndo for n- Attorney Brown who Is to finish for whllo. v j tho prosecution hnsn't been glvon n Whon tho plans nro carried out, 'chance. It is expected that Judgo tho condoiisary will bo turning out In.Coko'wIU hold nn ovonlng session to oxcAs of two hundred enses of con-1 night to. try nnd got tho enso to tho dbnsod milk n day. Other milk prod- Jury. Othorwlso it may go ovor un til Monday, enlarged ' Garrison's chances of getting off ucts may also bo hnndlcd. In order to hnndlo tho M Thors, J. W. Snovor, Mrs. J. toover, Fnnnlo Ansama, Mrs. E. i position ngnln and his friends fool iionpion, C. Donham, C. R. Peck, I that tho oxcollont sorvlco ho has C R, Peck, Mrs. F. Thompson, glvon tho city entitles him to tho ill Thompson, Tommy Thomp Chaj. Hoy, J. P. Thompson, JTaorhaven, Loulo Juno, Mrs. W. Itfarland, L. It. Dlppormnn, A. frentlH, W. H. Glonn, H. W. Kr.MUs nrubaker. W. E. Schlnd- ". W. K. Schlndlor, Will Cnrl- ed Olln, W. M. Burch. Mrs. tk.A. L. Mecum, Andrew McCau- ". Cora McCnuloy. E. M. Ito- 41I. J. Schoon, J. Mplntyro, J. somery, J. e. Yorbrough, II. C. . D. Wilson, Mrs. B. Wilson, Hudson, Mr. V. Hudson. Wm. ,iod. J. W. Smith. Mrs. Smith, f Ollisplo, Minnie SmHh, Wlllio V. P. Smith, Ferdinand i Miss B. Wilson, H. A. Ander jU n. Richards. foad class L. Chrlstonson, A, w. Foss, L. Bush, E. B. Duffy, " Bherldftn. Mr Tfrlalrl. Mrs. 1' Hans Anderson, A. Carland, inland, Mrs. Langenberg, Mrs. P"- J. H. Bichards, Jas. Gaff- ' nrteen Chinamen. . LeTlnv Ti.li .m . j nun wm give ail uvu "h RHey. XOVEMJ1ER 25. Choice mUBlrnl lAloMlnnn will 'rendered. IIXG PAHCELS AND TRICES ? wilness corner In Mnrsh- J1'!. 50x100 815,000 ?Pn corner on tho Jovol pon of Central avenue, $2,100 finlM 0n Utn Btreet rS tOfno. ... ... - -v, u mU( on t;ontral jie. assessments all paid, L-"c-room house. . , .83,200 IS. ment " Commercial fae (half block) . . . .82,050 Mailable corner In South jpjhfleld, 2 lots 81,750 ' S. K ATJFSIAX & CO. Inn a .. , - en your wife to get .- ..ts.- , , , , . place for nnothor term. KEUX IS CHOSEN. her 1 North BpiiiI Councllnicii SeWt lllm to Succeed L 5L Strmvn. Tho sent of M. M. Strawn on tho North Bond city council has been declared vacant by tho bianco of tho council nnd II. G. Kern soloctod to succeed him. Mr. Strawn has been absont from tho council for somotlmo and somo of tho frjonds of J, A. Ward ondeavorod to hnvo him succeed Mr. Strawn. They potltlonqd tho North Bond council to havo 8trawn's seat declared vacant nnd Ward appointed to fill tho vacancy but tho council choso Mr. Kern who will qualify at the next session of tho council to servo until January 1. Tho council havo appointed Frldny, December 2, nt 8:00 o'clock p.m., as tho tlmo for holding tho North Bond city nominating caucus. Tho north room of tho Pioneer block was doslg nntod ns tho place. Tho regular city election thoro occurs December 13, and candidates for mayor, four coun cllmon, recorder and treasurer, aro to bo nominated at this caucus. Coun- cllmon Jacobson and McDanlol nro the hold-overs. Tho council appointed as judges of election J. W. Grout, J. G. Horn and W. E. Thorp. Clerks, J. u. Million, O. E. Maybeo and T. .L Carey. buslnoss, it was decldod to build on tho Insanity plon nro considered nnothor launch to hnul milk to tho! slim by peoplo who havo boon cIobo croamory from Coos IUvor nnd tho nttondnnts nt tho trlnl. Tho fact thnt Inlets In nddltlon to tho launch" Sun- nn nllenlst from tho Stnto Asylum rlso. Tho now launch will bo larger it Salem and thnt Garrison's aunt, and fnstor. n'80 from near Salom, refused to tos- Tho company has received assu-jtlfy that ho was lnsano wenkonod rnnccs from tho ranchers thnt thoy this plon. Tho Snlom oxport tostl wll! bo ablo a furnish tho additional fled thnt Garrison was n moral do supply of milk neoded Tho condon- gonornto but know right from wrong, snry pays out thousands of dollars JHIa aunt testified ho was tho "black annunlly on tho Bay and Is ono ofjsheop" of tho fnmlly nnd nftor nu tho fnctors thnt hnvo contributed greatly to tho phonomonnl succoss dairying has attained In this section. Tho success of tho condonsary has In a largo dogreo been duo to tho ablo manngemont of J. II. Keating. Besides tho locnl stockholders in attendanco, E. B. Duffy of Portland nnd T. P.. Shorldan of Rosoburg woro horo. Both nro enthusiastic over tho business and of tho future of Coos Bay. morous failures to reform him, his fnmlly had trlod to forgot him. Drop in at Walker Studio and ex amine our lino of pictures nnd fram ing. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. AU parties having jowolry or oth er goods nt my repair shop aro re quested to call nt onco nnd got them as I will leavo Wednesday, November 23, for San Francisco. t r. ' E. H. MORRISSEY, , j. Jeweler. PLANT SAILS SOUTH TODAY Steamship Leaves For San Francisco With Big Cargo and Passenger List. Tho M. F. Plant sailed for San Francisco today carrying a large cargo of Coos county products. She also had a capacity passenger list. Among those sailing from hero on her were tho following: C. Kern, Mrs. F. Kern, A. L, Smith, C. Scroggln, Mrs. E. Johnso Selma Wick, A. M. Larson, Mrs, A. M Larsen, R. D. Thompson, Mrs. R. D. Thompson, Carl Johnson nnd wife, Elmer Neagley, H, Plnchort, Anton Peterson, Mrs. Anton Peterson, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. G. M. Black, Miss Gl rard, Marlon Yoakam, J, S. Jones and wife, A. E. Pollexfen and wife and baby, S. S. Shorwood, Geo. Lyons, Carl Anderson, Tom Varner, J,. R, Dalrymplo, Louis Ross, E. A. Erlck, F. Allen, Lester Mullonlx, and fifteen steerage, niG UNION IS PLANNED. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEV YORK, Nov. 19. Tho Wo man's Union Lenguo of Now York, has formed a largo commltteo to endeavor to unlonlzo nil tho eight hundred thousand working girls In Greater Now York. tlmo in tho history of tho Ynlo flold. Tho Hnrvard team was not qulto ng grosslvo enough to got to Ynlo's gonl lino, although In tho Inst porlod tho crlmpsoti had n good opportunity for n flold gonl from Ynlo's fifteen yard lino. Harvard choso to rush and lost tho bnll Immediately nftor an n fumblo. This wns tho nenrest Hnr vard camo to scoring A fw minutes later Yalo by good kicking got tho ball on Harvard's 3C-yard lino and In tho Inst two minutes play Captain Daly fulled nt n flold goal by twenty feet. Ynlo plnycd n wonder ful dofonslvo gamo, but could mako few gains In succession through tho Harvard lino. Cloeo following of tho gamo gavo Yalo tho contest whllo Harvnrd followors woro bitterly" dls-nppolntod. TODAY'S FOOTHALL SCORES. (ny ABSoclatod Pross to Coos Bny Tlmos.) Michigan, C; Mlnnesotn, 0, West Point, 17; Trinity, 0. LnFnyotto, 14; Lohlgh, 0. Ohio Stnto, 0; Oborlln, 0. Holy Cross, 14; Tuffs, 0. Rutgors, 8; Stovons, (5. Nnvy, 9; Now York Unlvorslty, 0. CnrllBlo, 12; John Hopkins, 0. BOSTON "TEA PARTY" RELIC. ARE RELEASED Women Rioters Arrested In ' ' London Are Dismissed Without Prosecution. (By Assqclated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Nov. 19. Tho suffra gettes arrested yesterday following tho riotous proceedings In tho vici nity of tho House of Pnrllnment woro released today, Homo Secretary Churchill deciding on the ground of public policy not to proceed with tho cases. To bo well entertained, attend tho RILEY EVENING. Tako your SUNDAY DINNER at The CHANDLER, Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. Pocket FLASHLIGHT NERY. at the GUN: . ."V Princeton University Receives Somo Thnt Wns Thrown Ovprlxmnl. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 19. John R. Twceddalo, a Princeton grnduato, has presented tho Univer sity library with n small tin of tea that was thrown Into Boston Harbor at tho famous "Tea party" In 1773. The sample Is accompanied by an af fidavit sotting forth his reason for believing tho artlclo Is gonulno. Jolt. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. Twenty years In tho ponltentlnry la tho scntonco of Robert Thompson convicted of a second dogreo criminal operation on Evn Swan wIiobo muti lated body was discovered undor tho floor of n vacant houso aovoral months ago. TOLSTOI IS NEAR DEATH Famous Novelist Has Critical Spell Late This Afternoon and Hope Dwindles. (By Associated J ess to Coos Bay flues.) ASTAPOVA, Nov. 19. Count Tolstoi's condition Is very. grave Ho had a serious cardiac solzuro this aft- ornoon but It pnssod away. TOLSTOI IS BETTER. THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Nov. 19. Wheat clos od as follows: Decomber, 91c; May, 90 3-4c; July, 93 l-8c. XHfJ BOOO OJ B60JJ POIBPOBBV fl) (souiix TACOMA, Nov. 19. Milling wheat Bluestom, 81c; Club, 79c; Red Russian, 77c Export wheat Bluestom, 81c; Fortyfold, 79c; Club, 78c; Red Russian, 76c. &Va BOOO 01 SEUIcT POIVPOBSV iffl) (eoraii PORTLAND, Nov. 19. Wheat un Photo supplies and Finishing Walkor Studio. at NEW COATS, and SUITS receiv ed today at 5IYE1VS MARSHFIELD Store, Famous NovellNt Improve! Hut An xiety In Still Felt. (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) ASTAPOVA, Russia, Nov. 19. Count Tolstoi, according to a bulle tin Issued this morning, passed n favorable night. His Improvement continued through tho morning hours. His heart action causes sorl ous nnxlety. SHIP NOT IN DISTRESS. Bnrkciitiue Archer Not In Trouble As Wnu Reported. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Nov. 19, It is donlo'd that tho barkontlno Archer from Sain Francisco for Rocho Harbor In bal last flow distress signals whon she pnssod Capo Flattory last night. Sho apparently was not in trouble. A man always feels as though ho had been cheated out of some legiti mate oxcltomont when a girl's first kiss comes easy. A good roputatlon Is like a Paris hat; you havo to sacrlflco so much real comfort In order to llvo up to It. In lovo, as In gambling, thoso who como to play remain to pray. Take, your SUNDAY DINNER nt Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tablos for PARTIES by PHONE. Try The Times' Waat Ads, Many a mnn mistakes a girl's wll- Ungnoss to lot him kiss her just onco for lovo whon It Is merely curiosity." Tako your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVH tables for PARTIES by PHONE. Havo your job printing done ai The Times office. ' ;, a II i r . ...if I. --Kijjr .; jt 4, jti --, 'w fa. ag jA--j