1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1910 EVENING EDITION. MiEMaEHKxlrtdUrtT&!K4fr ... a k j, V jintm:uummimujmmt ' Extraordinary Sale of Men's I Fme Overcoats, made with Presto Convertible Collars and Waterproofed, $14.50 and $19.50. We received yesterday about four dozen overcoats direct from the East, which are about a month late in delivery. To clean same up quick, we offer them to you Friday and Saturday at $J4.50 and $19.50. j This is a great opportunity for men of Marshf ield to secure a fine overcoat at a. saving of 25 .per cent. Remember, the yal-j ues of these coats are from $4 to $6 more than prices asked. "Cash Only," "MONEY TALKS," HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. i" 7 Tw' Marshfield ! Bandon! biimti!:nntnttttntfnst?n:tnttmmtt:tnt:::nn!tnttntntntnu$nu:nn:n:nn tt-H-M-H-Il-"- K-K-H- For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk ean-rot uieese and Ice 3S Bay Ice Cold Storage r a h i a i n t t: :j i i :t t u -a-K--a-ii-a- -v-n Iei; ii:uvi:itn:s 8 A. SI. nuil 2 P. Phono 7:1-7. M. EOTKIi GARDINER, aer, Oregon Jins lioqn ro- and Improved nuri la undor jeracnt. Special nccommo r itago passongors nnd for Irlng a rest at tlio senshoro. u'H Who (ho Plnee." 6CIIILMN0, Proprlotor. notice calling for a nomn natino meeting oh caucus TOR Till: NOMINATION OK CANDIDATES KOI I THE OK- KICK OK CO.MMON COUN- oilmen and ok RE CORDER. Notice Is lioroby glvon that by or dor of tlio Common Council of tlio City of Mnrahfiold, Coos County, Orogon, duly mado and ontorod on tlio llrnt dny of Novombor, 1910, n nominating mooting or caucus will lin linlil 111 Odd Fellows Ilnll In Rnld jj.clty, on Monday, tlio twonty-flrat day of Novombor, 1010, at tlio hour of eight o'clock In tlio aftornoon ot said day for tlio purposo of nominating candidates for tlio following ofilcos. Two momborfl of tlio Common Coun cil of Bald city to Borvo for tlio torm of tliroo yonrs each commouclng tlfo (IrRt Monday In January, 1911, A Rocordor of said city to Borvo for tlio torm of ono yonr commencing tlio flrflt Monday In January, 1911. Said candidates to bo voted on at tlio rog ulnr nnnunl municipal election of Bald city to bo hold Tuesday, tlio Blxth day of Decombor, 1910. Dated this 9th day of Novombor, 19J0. JOHN W. BUTLER, Rocordor of tho City of Marahllold, Coos County, Oregon. tt-tt-u-n -n--t:-u-::-M-::-K -n-u-n-n--t h-h-m-m-h-h-h li'-i istati:. fomo of tho best buys on Can arrango easy torms. land buildings for ront. L'OUST KHI.EEN, Avo. MurshfHd. Oro. Home Addition To Eastside NOW ON THE MARKET This addition Ib situated Immediately Hast of now Eastsldo Mill. Tho lota aru 100x211 and larger, about olght ordinary lots; and prices nro $100.00 up for thos largo tracts. Tills plat was filed rocontly, and wo havo only a few lots remaining unsold. This Indicates that tho proporty Is Interest ing to purchasers, and anyono wishing to soenro a lot should act promptly. Torms ono-hnlf cash, balanco equal paymonts, 3, G, 9 and 12 months. For particulars, sco Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Gonornl Agents EASTSIDE . ilonry Songstackun, Manager. ---- -- ltt-tt-tt-K-H- BREAKWATER HOTEL, Kront St., Mnrshficld, Oro., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has boon thoroughly renovated and nowly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, wook or month. Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL. Prop. Heebie Toasters trial for 30 days jl lext 10 davs we will deliver to rtomer, an Electric Toaster and y use same tor a period or ou te of charge. demonstrate this wonderful electrical device to you. REPORT OK THE CONDITION OK THE First Trust and Savings Bank OK COOS HAY NOVEMBER 10, 1010. MAHSHKIELD, OREGON, Resources. Loans nnd discounts . . .?127,-00.ri7 Ovordrnftfl. . .' 1,57-1.51 Boiuls and Bocurltlos. . 25,771.07 Dunking houso furnlturo nnd fixtures 57,023".15 Cash on hand and duo from bnnks 71.0S9.73 ,r Total ?282,R59.t;3 Liabilities. Capltnl stock paid In. .$100,000.00 Surplus nnd undivided , profits 5,32C09 Doposltu 177, 532. (M HE WOULDN'T LISTEN. It Pays Centrally to Hoar What the Other Fallow Hat to Say. Tho benevolent looking old gontlo man entered tbo shoe storo and, meet Ing the proprietor near tho door, be guii: "Good inornliig. sir. 1 wish to spunk to you about a pair of shoes nnd rubbers I bought hero a couple of days ago. They nro" "You'll have to see tho clerk who roUI them to you," tho merchant an swered very snappishly. "1 don't know anything nbout them." "Hut I desire to sny to you person nlly thut" "Now, look here, I can't bo bothered over every pair of laces or box of pol ish my clerks sell. Just sco tho young man who waited upon you. Ho's around somowhero." "Yes, I sco him thcro at tho back end of tbo store, but I really felt that it was my duty to tell you about It You seo" "If I stood around listening to every body who comes Into this storo to com plain that tbey'vo bought something they didn't want or that they'vo been slighted, as they think, by my clerks 1 wouldn't hnvo time for anything clso You'll plense oxcuho mo. Tho clerk will hear your complaints, and If there Is anything wo can do you may be sure It will bo dona. But wo can't tnko back oven n pair of rubbers after they have been out of tho storo two or three days. You can surely see that If we did Dullness In such a way" "My dear sir. I don't want you to tako back tho rubbers, and I haven't any complaint to mnko. 1 merely wished to tell you thnt I found the Bhoes and rubbers nbout tho best In their lino I over purchased. 1 believe In tho princlplo of giving prnlso wber ever It may bo fairly given, nnd 1 step ped In to order somo moro goods, but I sco you'ro too busy to bother with such n trifle this morning, no I will bo going." Shoo Trado Journal. CATALOGUE BUYING. Many Disappointments Resulting From 8endlnjj Money Away. Thcro arc limits to the possibilities of making purchases from no better guldo than a catnloguo picture, and mnny must bo tho disappointments re sulting from It. Supposo thnt the trust lug woman's oyo Is taken with tho print of a gown described by tho opti mistic recorder of such things an Allco liluo. It Sounds safo. Illuo has always been her color, and sho fills out tlio blank. Then comes tho business of choosing tho lint that Is to go with It and supplement Its work of electrify ing tho citizens of tbo hamlet In which sho lives. Ami of courso thcro Ih a hat that just suits, and tho text prom Ihps that It will bo furnished In nny ono of six colors, ouo of them being providentially Allco blue. Gloves, veil and parasol, nil of them nro supplied by tbo merchant In tho same lovely shade, and It looks as If a costumo of surpassing beauty nnd completeness were about to bo acquired. Later It arrives, all 1U sovoral parts Intnct nnd "Just an advertised." Hut, oh, shades of Allco. can It bo that tlio daughter of n prcsldont lent tho sanc tion o.f her nnmo to this variety of blues-blues that represent almost the whole gamut or tints uiul In combina tion aro nothing short of dlstresslngV- New York Herald. GIRL GUIDES FOR YANKEELAND British Movement Expected Spread to This Country. to N' OW thnt tho boy scout movo- meat iins gninou sucn n tirm start in this country we may bopo to havo soon n "girl guldo" brigade also, as they havo In England. Tho girls of tho nation need moral training ns much as tho boys. Tho members of tbo English plrl guldo brlgndo nro taught to cultlvnto tho qualities of self reliance, energy and thrift. Thoy loarn tho womanly duties of cooking, nursing, otc. Tho days of camp llfo give them experi ence In farming, gardening, etc. Finally, tho girl guldo's business Is to mnko hersolf generally handy by learn ing useful occupations nnd hnndlwqrk. Sho may obtain badges of efficiency for nmbulnnco work and us n natural ist, a cook, a matron, n musician, a nurse, a farmer, a needlewoman, a swimmer nnd n host of other cnpncl tlos. Moral training Is not neglected. It Is In tho hnnds of tho captain of thu company nnd Is designed to fall Into two phases, the first teaching "n knowledge of God through nut tiro study," wlillo tho second Is concerned with "chivalry, charity nnd helpful ness." Girls nro enrolled nn guides between tho ages of cloven and eighteen. .Eight form n pntrol, which Is In tho care of a patrol lender, who must bo over fif teen. Tlireo patrols or moro form a company, with cnptaln nnd lloutonnut, who nro to bo over twenty-ono. Tho training Is to be organized by locnl committees of ladles, to whom nglrl must produco n letter of consent from lior parents beforo sho can bo enrolled. To 8moko or riot to Smoke. And still the clgnrctto nnd tho nntl cigarette faction wago n fierce war, which almost lenves BUffrngo In tho background. Mrs. Allco Ilnosarclt Longworth, probably much against her will, tins been made tho leader of tho clgnrctto movement. Ily that Ih meant that tho leaders of tho opposition say her cxnmple causes tho women of Amerlcn to smoke. , , , Miss Mary I Italcomb, president of tho Young I'eoplo'H Civic league, Is tho bend of tho autt-clgarotto crusado. Sho nays emphatically: "Clgarotto smoking for women Is disgusting. Thcro can bo nothing pleasing about It A womnn smokes lwcnuso buforo sho realizes it sho Is In tho tolls of tho habit." In tho meantlmo Jewelers report tlmf novcr beforo has thcro been such n do mnnd for gold uiul sliver smoking ar ticles .for ladles as this season. Total ?282,859.i.T OKKIOKHS JOHN 3. COKR, President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY BENGSTACICEN, BTEPHEN C. ROGERS. M. C. HORTON, AND DIRECTORS DORSE Y KREITZER,' Cashier. Vf. 8. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES, DR. (J. W. TOWER, Vice Prcsldont and Manager. DOES A GENERAL RANKINO AND TRUST HUSINKSS. YOUH 11U8INESS SOLICITED. Snfo Deposit Iloxes for rent In our fiteel lined, flro nntl VniiltH nt $.'1.00 mill up per iiniiuni. burglar proof T K I K ? V n n t ? 'Jl1 THEWIR.ST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL HANK. Wells Kargo Novndn National Ilnnk, San Francisco, Cl. The United SUitrs Notional lUnk, Portland, Or. Tho National Park Ilank, New York, N, Y, I Tho Corn Exchange National Dank, Chicago, 111. Tbo Hfliik ot Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonnnls, Paris, Franco, In addition we draw drafts on all principal banking centers In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Central and Couth America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. Certificates of Deposits Issued. Safo Donoslt Boxos for ront. Draws Drafts OH Next the Woman Jockey. The womnn Jockey Is tho next prop osition wo shall Imv0 to face. Tho society womnn Jockey Is lu-ru to stay. At sovoral races held at Aiken nnd nt well known couutry clubs she hns I TELEPHONE 178 OOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. ! FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Hank in Coos County, Established In 1880. Paid up Cupltnl nnd Surplus. $80,000,00. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business nnd draws drafts on the Hank of CaMfornln, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanover National Dank, N. Y.; First National Dank, Portland, Ore ; First National Bank, Rose burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Dank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange on all of the principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept Bubject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for "gt J. W. DENNETT, President. It. " WILLIAMS, Cashier. J. II. FLANAGAN, V.-Pres. GEO. 13. WINCHESTER, 'AmU Cash. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ,. Coos Bay JR.oseburg Stage Line Dnlly stage betvycen Roscburg and Mnrslilleld. Stago leave daily and Sunday at 7 p. in. Faro, $0.00, OTTO SniIETTER, AKont, O. P. DAItNARD, lSH) MARKET AV Marshfield. Agent, ROBEDUItO, OJUC PHONE 11 Plnn to Enthuse Clvlo Pride. The Houston (Tex.t Business lencuo has adopted soini' novel Ideas us re gards Its letterheads The envelopes nnd lettei heads used for correspond ence within the city ure reploto with a number of quotations estimated to enthuse the people of Houston with n prldo In their city Among theso quo tlons ure the following! "Build nnd noost." "Use the Ship Channel." "Not For Keif, but For All." "What nelps Our City Helps You." "Greater Pros perity Through u Greater Houston," "Build More Fnetorles nnd Increuso tho Tin Huckot Brigade." Tho letter head used for out of town work Is al together different. It talks of, and not to, Houston. "Vhero seventeen rail roads meet tho sea," Is tho bunion of the talo It carries. It tells In statistics of Houston-now and future. Down at tho bottom It nil ends. "A City or Unlimited Manufacturing Opportunl tics. Come and Blow Your Whistle With Us." The Town Knocker, Bury tho knocker out In tho woodH In tho beautiful hole in the grouud. wbora bumblebco bums and tho wood pecker sings nud tho struddlo bugs tumble around. He's no good to tho town-he's bummy and practically dead yet ho wants tho whole earth, In closed with a fence, and tho stars that shlno over his head. Theji hustle him off to tho bonoynrd and bury hlra thero good and deep. Let him lie ou his back with bis toes sticking up and everlastingly Bleep. He's no good ou earth; he's a Jonah, a pest to all de cent folks. If he's troubled with liv ing we'll uot miss him a bit when bo croaks. Boono (la.) Independent jnii BK9r4QPVHeuvPJMHsHPHBSen IBBBBBSOPpSJflMuSSiPSHHB Value of Trees In Streets. A local iustanco is knowu of a man who purchased three lots In a now tract in Los Angeles, tho middle ono of which was directly behind a hugo llvo oak tree which had been left In tho street and neatly curbed. Ho was ask ed why ho choso those lots, tho highest priced on tb? street (for the first own er uIbo hod an appreciation of tree vol u.J3), nnd bo ronljed; "On account of 'th'aV'WUtifur trod. It will also shut off from view at least two houses on tho other sldo of tbo street from ench ono of my lots. Wo will then always fcol moro like being out in the country, with less of city artificiality ,'f A SOCIETY JOCKEY. mado her mark, and now It remains for tho professional to mnko good. Re cently a dispatch nppeured lu tho news columns of a Now York papor an nouncing that next season would prob ably seo tho "tryliig out" of u number of ambitious girls who usplrwl to bo como Jockeys, MAUD ROBINSON. School Children's Health. Many aulll U caught by children sitting in wot, shoes nnd damp clothes all day at school. Tho floor draft and tho damp footgear soucctlmw com bine to lay the seeds of rheumatlsn and even consumption. . ijito jwWiMiiliite jjjtf- li lilri eatdgfa-""1 ' r-7isrws M