i(ft fT-? p. , 4 ' 1 n iM I'WC 3 FH, Ch1 o I WW !!:.' RT' fcpv 4 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1910 EVENING EDITION. a' 6 1 mm....MrnrAmi,KHMyvviii9!-f.v,rmatwrww 11 i n i i , : ji im, ; -;iTH H rTTT.LrH fil I'MM II MIM'I i IbHIl W hV ' IUHn'im HWWWaWWWti 'in1 II i I W i Hi ' i "iMIl ' i Wl IW WHI 1 rvtorwD c tl tunzzEEBxzza OPEN TOMORROW MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK tLXPttlUXR of the most rapid selling ever known m this region. Our loss Is your gain. 15 t DAYS THURSDAY, NOV. 17th TO SATURDAY DOORS OPEN 9:00 a. m. FIRST THREE DAYS OF SALE , DEC- 3rd 1 5 DAYSj Women's Suits.Greatly Reduced $22.50 Tailored Suits $9.85 Thcso nro not tills Fall's styles of courso, but when tlioy first ctimo In wo sold tliom around $27.50 to $35.00. Thoy nro of good nmtorlnlB, well (nllorcd, mul for nnyono not particular nbout nn up-to-dato stylo this lot affords an unusual opportu nity to savo. Practically all sizes aro In this fcQ ft lot, and wo offer thorn at, cholco, Biilt p7.0J $2?.50 Wool Sufos $15.00 This Is a splendid now lino of Tailored Suits of tho voryjiowcst nintorlals and styles. They arrived too lato for tho bull: of our fall business, llonco wo offer them to you now nt a frac tion of their rcnl value. In small and stout womon's slzos, In n wldo rango of materials and colors. Wo priced them vory low whon thoy enmo In, at $20 to $27.50 and fl tf ffc now offor you un unrestricted cholco, at suit P J. W Women's Dress Skirts at. Great. Savings Ono lot of Women's Dross Skirts In plain blnek, brown and navy. Wool materials. Regular values wore $4.50 to $0.50. Wo offor about 15 of thcso skirts at tho vory Cly QC low prlco of, cholco P..P.J Children's Wool Conts In navy and grey, sizes Kflf 2 to 0. Wore $1.25. On salo JU Ladles Whtto Lawn ShlrtwaUts at vory special R5)C prices, beginning as low as If You Want to Save Money, Attend Shis Sale Great Piece Goods Savings 12 Vic Bleachod muslin 3G In. wldo, extra heavy C$n grado, and an exceptional buy, now yard only. ... 8-4 Brown doublo width sheeting for thrco quar- 22c tor beds. Best grado of Popporlll, on sale, yard ' 9-4 Blenched shooting for doublo bed, best grade Ofr Popporlll,' four bolts, about 200 yds. offored at &J Stoven's best grado brown heavy toweling. Tho v kind you pay 12MJO and 15c Tor, on sale now, yd I UC Harbor's towols with hem or filngo. Tho regular C4o a grade, 20 dozen offoied at each only HtC NO S.VLE GOODS WILL UK SOLI) TO DEALERS, WK RE SERVE TUN RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. NO GOODS WILL RE SOLD OX CREDIT, SENT O. O. D., OR LAID AWAY UNLESS PAID FOIL :: :: :: :s s: ..xunciwn;raa2srtscr:rRi'aw'' 70 Valuable Prizes Given Free In order to insure a greater attendance at this sale than we have ever had on previ ous occasions, and to especially encourage early buying, we make this prize offer. THURSDAY MORNING 20 VALUABLE PRIZES, among which nro $22.5.0 Ladles' Tailored Suit, n $15.00 Ladles Fur Scarf, a $0.00 Umbrolln and sovunteon other articles of vnluo nnd use fulness, will bo given to tho FJi-ot Twenty Customers entering tho store on opening tho doors at 9:00 o'clock. FRIDAY MORNING 10 PHIZES, Including a $15.00 all wool (9 yards) Dress Pattorn, n $3.50 pnlr Lndlos' Dress Shoes, a Ucnthorbloom Pottlcont, and sovon othor valuablo prizes, will bo given In tho same maimer to tho first ton customers entering tho storo at 9:00 o'clock. Saturday Morning For Children SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10T1I Third day. To tho First 20 Boys entering tho storo nt nine o'clock with tholr father or mother, will bo glvon valuablo prizes, among which aro Umbrellas, Rubber .Goods, Knco Pnnts, Toys, otc, In tho samo mannor ns on Thursday and Friday. To tho First 20 Girls onterlng at 9:00 o'clock Saturday morning, with father or mothor, will bo glvon Dress Patterns, Hoslory, Umbrellas, Dolls, Handkerchiefs, Hnlr Ribbons, otc. Boys and girls bring papa or mamma Saturday morning, and como early, Remombor yqu must bo among tho first to get a prlzo. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st To tho four persons bringing to North Bend Monday tho largest boat or wagon lond of peoplo wo will glvo Freo Prizes as follows: For tho largoat load, a $18.50 Man's Wool Suit, to tho second largest a pair of Rubber Boots, and to tho third and fourth largest, each n $3,50 long oiled Slicker Coat. To get credit you must bring your load of peoplo to our storo In n body, and glvo us their names, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET VALUABLE AND USEFUL FRIZES FREE. A Few Great Savings 12.50 Men's Suits 4.65 P3HI This Is only ono of tho many oqunlly groat savings you can roll up nt this notod salo. If you do not stock up in clothing NOW, you will rogret It n good long tlmo. Thcso suits aro well mndo. Heavy weight worsted materials. Light and dork pnttorns. Sizes 35 to 44. Tho kind you nlwnys pay at other storos $12,50. On salo now, suit 4.65 16.50 Wool Suit 8.50 In this lot nro fully 30 all wool nultn of now Fall stylo. They aro woll mndo. Mntorlals nro flnlshod nnd unfinished worsteds. Extrn grado of lining. A wonderful buy. n Crt Sizes 30 to 40. On snlo now, suit only 0JU 22.50 Wool Suit 12.45 No grentor opportunity to snvo monoy wns ovor offered than wo glvo you hero. Theso nro nil rollablo, up-to-dato suits of tho best woolon mntorlals, sizes 34 to 4C. Rogular values to $22.50. A fow woro formerly sold at $25.00. Do not wait any longer, If you need a suit this fall. AtL 25.00 Fine Wool Suit, 14.95 You don't find any bettor materials or tailoring In any suit no mnttor if you do pay $35.00 or $40.00 thnn you find In this lot of $25 BUlts. Theso nro strictly first grado In ovory respect. Thoro nro many pattornB nnd sizes from which to mako selections. Do not wait, when you can savo so much , 14.95 AW MYERS &C0 Coos Bay's NORTH BEND, Greatest Store ORE. Look at These Shoe Bargains BuyYour Shoes Now ami Save Money Infants' Soft Solo Shoes In pink, bluo, tan, red OQr nnd black, Wero 65c. Now on salo, pair Cts Children's oxtra strong Shoes. Button nnd laco AQfJ styles. Woro $1.50 and $1.75. On salo now, pair "" Children's tan' and black high top shoes, sevyed soles, sizes G to 12. Woro $2,25 and $2.50 Children's tan and black Shoes, Sowed soles. Sizes 12 to 2. Wero $2.75 to $3.00, pair Woman's Shoes and Oxfords, Vlcl nnd Patent Colt. Wolt soles. Wero $3.50. Great offer Men's Dress Shoes In Vlcl, Gun Metnl nnd Box Calf. Woro $3.50 and $4.00, heavy soles Men's Dress Shoes In Vlcl, Gun Metal and Patont Colt, wero $4.50 and $5.00. Now, pair MANY OTHER SAVINGS OX SHOES NOT COME EXPECTING GREAT DABGAIXS. THEM. S: :: :: 1.65 1-95 1.65 2.75 3.25 SHOWN HEKR YOU'LL FIX" M&UhM