KT7". tfc'SlBM- IV - Tf I.-i ..,y r - r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1910-EVEN1NG EDITION. 4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuiuummmnmm; mmmrnmg SLOW RETURN ON MEASURE! IS MARSHFIELD DEMANDS THE BEST C10THFS i THE LATEST STYLES THAT K APPLE SHOW OPENS TODAY I 4 I' to ft W ft H III' I w lt S k llf IV jt I-dOU I 8co- f- V (Continued from pago 1.) Mabton, Wnsh., T. D. Bradford and 0. C. Gcorgeson, Prossor, Wash.; M. llornn, O. G. Franco and Ilinman & Grady, Wcnatchco, WnBh.; H. M. Gil bert, J. II. Wright and Clarence Starchor, North Yakima, Wash.; II. P. Wright, Chelan, Wash.; Harry B. Nolson, Attalia, Wash.; "Jack" Estcs and "Dick" Hart, Toppcnlsh, "Wnsh.; tho Dourgalzo & Gcrschol Fruit Company, Zlllah, Wash.; A. D. Helms, Ashland district, Roguo Riv er valley, Ore.; C. II. Sprcnt and Avery Brothers, Hood River, Ore.; Spoknno Valley Irrigated Lnnd Com pany and Rosehhnupt & Sons, Spok nno. Tho contests nro on Wlncsap, Spitzonburg, Rome Beauty, Wagcnor, Mcintosh Red, Jonathan, Yellow Nowton and mixed cars of any stand ard commercial varieties, Tho first prlzo In each competition Is $250, tho second being $100. Carload ontrlcs nro cllglblo In tho Bwoopstnko event, In which tho first prlzo Is $1,000 and tho championship banner. Tho sec ond prlzo Is $300 nnd n Bllvor medal banner. Tho Chicago Association of Com morco will awnrd Its $500 trophy cup State Prohibition "Beaten By 13,000 Whilo Home Rule Carries By About 3,000 PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 14. Tho following aro tho Incomplete stato totals on several of tho Important measures: Yes. No. Tax amendment . . .25,497 27.G33 Majority against, 2137. Tax amendment. . .21,305 23,709 Mnjorlty against, 7404. Tax amendment. . . .28,210 30,151 Mnjorlty agnlnst, 1941. Monmouth Normal bill n . . .37,154 29,040 Majority for, 720S. Weston Normal bill. .2S.S27 35,001 Majority against, 0774, Ashland Normal blll..2S,07G 37,425 Majority against, 9349. Homo Rtilo amendment 4G.0S3 43,591 Mnjorlty for, 29S9. Prohibition amend ment 33,771 17,230 Majority against, 13,450. Good ronils amend ment 2S.45S 21,515 Majority for, G943. County boundary bill. 25,232 28,370 to tho oxhlbltor of tho car scoring Majority against, 3138. highest on pnek, nnd tho Interna- Presidential prlmnrles 28,233 27,700 tlonnl Applo Shippers' Association Mnjorlty for, G27. -will prcsont n sliver trophy to tho Official Gnzotto bill best commercial carload. Elovon cars of other exhibits, In cluding a largo number of 10, five, four nnd slnglo box entries nnd 30 district dlsplnys from Washington, Oregon, Cnllfornln, Idaho, Montana and British Colttmbln, will nrrlvo this wook, making an exposition of 32 cars, or about 2,010,000 apples, In competitions for prizes of n totnl vnluo of $20,000. REPORT OF TIIK CONDITION' OP THE The First National Bank OK COOS BAY nt Mnrshflold, In tho Stato of Oregon, at tho clo8o of business, Novomhor 10, 1910. ItCHOtirCCH. Loans and discounts . .$ 75,085.82 U. 8. Bonds to sccuro circulation Premiums on U. S. Bonds Bonds, Securities, etc.. Ranking houso, furniture nnd fixtures Duo from Natlonnl banks (not rcservo ngonts) Duo from Stnto nnd Prl vnto banks nnd bank ers, trust compnnlos, nnd savings banks. , Duo from approved ro sorva ngonts Checks nnd otlior cash It'oms Notes of othor Nntlonal banks Fractional papor curren cy, nickels, nnd conts Lawful money rcservo In bank, viz; Speclo. . . ,$25,871.80 Lognl-tondor notoa , . . 1,000.00 19,932 34.S30 Mnjorlty against, 4 80S. Jury amendment. ..27,371 25,707 Mnjorlty for 1004. Olllclnl returns show that two moro dry counties voted wot under tho local option law last Tuesday, making sovon In nil lost this year by tho dry column. Tho last counties reporting on this question we're Gil liam nnd Tillamook. Gilliam Is wot by n voto of 433 to 31G nnd Tilla mook has gono wet by moro than 300. Confirmation wns received on tho report that tho dry slilo has gained Coos county, but In nddltlon to Til-' lnmook and Gilliam It has lost Polk, Morrow, Klamath, Umatilla and Mal heur. Thy AmcnrimeiitH All Lose. All three of tho proposed tax amendments to tho constitution hnvo been dofeatcd, according to tho In comploto returns, Tho Inltlntlvo amendment giving each county tho right to regulate taxation within Its borders rocolvod a larger voto than did olthor of tho amendments pro posed by tho legislature. Tho coun ty tax measure Is behind about 2,000 votes In a totnl of 58,000. Tho first tax amoudmont on tho ballot list (308, yen; 309, no) Is bohlnd 2200 In a totnl of 53,000; and tho second tnv nmnmliiinnt f312..vn! 31!i. no 3,700.03 . b0,,,m, 7i400 ,n toUU ot co.000. Tho good roads -nmondmont has received n hnudsomo majority. Tho favorable voto now oxecods tho no gatlvo voto on tho amendment by 2C.000.00 250.00 90,088.81 4,101.40 021.10 tt o o tt it tt tt tt - tt H I; PRODUCED. WE HAVE THEM. Several times this season we have asked you to drop in to see Benjamin Clothes, Nothing we can say in print is half so strong an argument as the clothes them selves. Then remember "Cash Only' "MONEY TALKS," and see how reasonable you can buyjhe best by Paying Cash. HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. Marshfield Bandon mmKmmttKjfmmmmmtmmmm 41,345.42 880.97 THE MASONIC Wednesday, Nov. 16th. Dixie Loftin will repeat "Mistakes Will Happen" Scats now on sale at THE BUSY CORNER NOTION CALLING FOR A NOMI- NAT1NG MEETING OH CAUCUS FOR TIIK NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR TIIK OF- KICK OF COMMON COUN- CILMKN AND OF HE- COHDKR. Notico Is lioroby given tlmt by or- dor of tho Common Council of tho City ot Mnrshflold, Coos County, Oregon, duly mntlo nnd ontcrod on tho first 'dny ot Novombor, 1910, n nominating mooting or caucus will bo hold In Odd Follows Hall In snld city, on Monday, tho twonty-flrat day ot Novombor, 1910, nt tho hour of COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo secured tho llvory busi ness of L. II. Hclsncr nnd nro pro pared to render cxcollcnt scrvlco to tho pcoplo of Coos Day. Careful drlvors, good rigs nnd everything that will moan satisfactory scrvlco to tho public. Phono us for ,n driving horse, n rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Wo nlso do n trucking business ot nil kinds. Dluuchiird, Hczlii & Hlnuchnrd Livery, Feed mul Salorf Service. 141 First nnd Aldor Strocts. Phono 13 8-J ItKAL ESTATE. I hnvo somo ot tho best buys on tho liny. Can urrnngo easy tonus. Houses nnd buildings for rent. AUGUST F1UZEEN, 18 Control Avo. Mnrshflold, Oro. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J I f"" ! JiouRwiixsco. gtfnffi iif2Si 1M I sUP??"' m FLOUR DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician and Snrgcon. Olllco SOH-SOO Coos llulldla.t. Phones Ofllco 1021; Rosldonco 1C22 nlcht. nVlnplf In Mia ndnrnnnn nt nndl about nearly 7,000 In n totnl of C0,-l(,ny for (ho I)urpoBO of nomnntnB candidates for tho following odlcos, "'"""""iOOO counted. It Is Indicated thnt 311.95 "Q "r'TJ lm8 Cnrr,d by nb0ut Two mombors of .tho Common Coun . 10 000 majority. c of , cUy to BOryo for UlQ tCfm . (.ruviUMK b local of thrco , h commoncng tho ng now counties ls'n.f ,.... ... T ,.. Redemption fund with U .8, Trensuror (5 por cent of circulation) , , 20,031.80 1.2C0.00 Total., .$270,077.30 v Liabilities. Capital stock paid In...? 25,000.00 Surplus fund 13,500.00 Undllvded profits, less oxponscs and taxes paid 3,231.78 National bank notes out standing 25,000.00 Individual doposlts sub- joct to check 195,024, 2S Domain! cortlflcatos ot deposit 12,7G0,49 Cashier's checks out standing 1,554.75 Total. .$270,077.30 Stato of Orogon, county of Coos, ss I, W. S. McFarlnnd, Cashlor of tho abovo-nnmod bank, do solemnly swear thnt tho above statement Is lruo to tho host ot my knowledgo and bollot, W. S. McFARLAXn, Cashlor, Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 14th day of Novembor, 1910. ANNIE SMITH, Notary Public. Correct Attest: E. MIN'OUS. W. U. DOUGLAS, W. P. MURPHY, Directors. 8hapoly See them waterproof Duxbak hats, - THE GUNNERY. Tho county bill ilnfnnirtil 'Pfin tun lntlf v nimltiar Hin I i mi i o'.An i . . i . ro Ann "ocoruor of said city to sorvo for tho IMII IB 1,1VU lit II lllllll Ul UU,UUU votes counted. This voto Indicates that tho total mnjorlty ngalust tho bill will bo about 4,500. All ot tho County Division bills woro beaten. Results Rolled Hovtii, Dallas county wont wot nftor two yonrs .of dryness. Josephine county went dry by 12 votes. It will bo contested. Umatilla county and Pondloton wont wot nt tho rccout election nftor two years of drouth. Prohibition carried In Lnno coun ty by 300. Homo Rulo had n major ity ot 900 ngnlnst It. WARM UP A BIT Theso chilly mornings remind you of tho need of wnrm cloth ing. Wo nro propnrod with A Fine Lino of .Men's Un dorwenr from 30 to $'J per Kai'tnent. .no torm of ono yenr commencing tho first Monday In January, 1911. Said candidates to bo voted on nt tho reg ular annual municipal olectlon of said city to bo hold Tuesday, tho sixth day of Decombor, 1910. Datod this 9th day of Novombor, 1910. JOHN W. DUTLER, Rocordor ot tho City of Mnrshflold, Coos County, Oregon. r W. DENNETT, I Lawyer. Ofllco over Flnnngan & Bonnett Bank Mnrshflold, Orogon, KmmmtMmmmmKmmmMiMWWMimtiwmwmmmmMtmmiJMtmmat Not Touched by Human Hands "'-ygdl.'rom tho tlmo tho hard kernols of wheal nro unshod. Snow Drift Flour comcj to you In ns clean nnd puro n condition as ono can Imagine. Every batch of Snow Drift thnt goes through tho mill Is tested I before It goes out. Bread Is mado of It In tho mill's bnko shop. Every batch ot flow hns to mnko porfect bread clto It doesn't go Into tho Snow Drift sacks. Thnt is why tho housewife who uses Snow Drift, nit tho tlmo always has highly suc cessful results In hor baking of bread, bis- fflow mMjpj,j cult nnd pastry, H. W. PAINTER. Maashfield :: Oregon tt:ttjitKjttmuMitn:::nt::nmumn YP1' S. TURPEN, Architect. Over Chnmbor of Commcrco. Men's Union nnd $:t,.10. Men's Coat to $3.00. Suits $1.30 Sweaters, $2.30 Roys' Coat Sweaters, $1.23 uiul $1.30. Men's Flannel Shirts Rluo ami Grey, $2.00 to $1.00 THE BAZAR HOUSE OF QUALITY'. nOTEL UARDINICIt, nt Gnrdlnor, Orogon, has been ro- modelled and improved and Is under now management. Special accommo dations for stago pasaongors and for people desiring n rest at the seashore. "Yoa'Il Llko tho Place." J. E. SOHILLING, Proprlotor. LAUGH! WELL 1 GUESS you'd laugh too If you had Just got your old suit back from tho clonnors nnd It looked ns gqod as now llko mlno does. No It's no secrot, tho work wns dono by tho Marshllehl Cleaning nnd Dyo Works, Phono 270X. 18C So. Brondway. IjuIIcs Garments n Specialty. W. Dungan Undertaker Marshfield, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South 8a St., Telephone, Day or Night, 103-J. Coos Bay Roseburg Stage Line Dally atngo between Roseburg and Marshtleld. Stngo leaves daU and Sunday nt 7 p. m. Faro, $0.00. OTTO SriIETTER, Agent, O. P. RARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., Marshtleld. Agent. ROSEIIURG. OR. PHONE 11 While Figuring ON THE CHEAP WIRING CAM PAIGN DON'T OVERLOOK THH FACT THAT WE ARE SELLING FIXTURES AT A BIG DISCOUNT. ALSO STANDARD MAKE FLAT IRONS WE' HAVE ONLY A FEW LEFT. BETTER PLACE YOUR ORDER. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237-J. , Good Evening! HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forget that this la THE laundry where you get tho host work, nnd prices nro In every ono' reach, Call up and ono ot the driv ers will call and explnln nil detnils to you. All tolephono calls aro quickly attended to, becausa wo aro running wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT. . v ISFAOTION. JLUtSlTFIELD IIAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. Jiauzoy Bros., Trop. Phono 380-J. y-n-a-n-tt-M-u-n-tt-M-n-a-n- twi-n-n-a -n--K---n-a-a Beaver Hill Coal t MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho best Domcetlc and Importod brandB. Plaster, Llmo, Brick and nil kinds of bulldors material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201. ------H THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT BETWEEN COOS BAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND . INTER-OCEAN TRANSP. CO. UNION STREET WHARF NO. 2, SAN FRAN CISCO. FOR INFORMATION TIIONE 44-J OR 2S3. FREIGHT RECEIVED AT UNION STREET WHARF NO. 2, INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. m First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS RAY MARSHFIELD, OREGON. CAPITAL FULLY .SIOO.000.00 . OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE. President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. JOHN F. HALL. tv s hhandler. HENRY SENQSTACKEN, WILLIAM GRIMES, STEPHEN C. ROGERS. DR. C. W. TOWER, M. O. HORTON. Vic o President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL RANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS, YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Safe Deposit Boxes for renj In our Steel Uiicdflro.and Vnults at $3.00 and up per annum. burglar proof :'tf -.: f V t t) ,-Aa.A v. fri