issssaaaiA.. ff'm THE COOS BAY TIMLS. MARSHFIELD, OREGPN. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1910-EVENING EDITION. I out of Gents Fkornishing Goods mi Clothing Business G rade Merchandise to fee sold regardless ICTyfUVV" yt;TJT-TT.VJffl g J $25,000 Stock of High G I m I 1 i KCTOtCSX :aaEnrtgreawM3angMBxsaTciPi a Youths'. Boys' and Young Men's Clothing and Overcoats 1 a.k (To Oaiv cfflr in iWs ftanarfamnf ?s ow... large and we are making extra inducement to close out with the remainder of the goods. Arrow Brand Collars gc 25c E and W Collars i( --15c Cluett Dress Shirts, $1,50 quality Sl.lg Cluett Dress Shirts, $1,75 to $2,00 quality $1.40 Monarch and Standard, $1,25 quality . . -85c 50c and 60c Men's Suspenders. i 35c Men's Canvas Gloves 5c pair 50c Men's Work Shirts 3bc eaon 50c Men's Neckwear - --35c (PR rf t5wnl lnnn Dnn4n C?..! S' SS " d" . Su. $3.33 (poiuu Duya miuu rcinib ouii5 . ejw OitW ovya imiuu i ums onus . ojm $6,00 Boys' Lone: Pants Suits and rvrfnate" V $7,50 Boys' Long Pants Suits and 0'Coats" "IS,! $9,00 Boys' Long Pants Suits and O'Coats'.'JS c&iu.uu coys- loiis rams epulis ana U'Uoats....S5R5 ft Ziuu coys- Long rams ou is ana u'uon s om sio.ou boys, Long hws buits and 0'Coats M $3,50 Boys' Knee Panls "Suits $2.15 l! 18,00 Boys Long Pan'.s Suits and O'CoaOllis $4,00 Boys' Knee Pants Suits $2.65 B $20,00 Boys' Long Pasr s Suits and 0'Coats SI3.75 $4.00 Men's Fine Dress Shoes $2.85 xaaxfarrrrartuyuxxnxaasiM XMKwrMtni Mjrirwm wit,-: A lot of shoes, consisting of Gun Metal, Calf, Valour, Kid and Patent, stamped $4.00 Thu composed of every broken lot? in the house gotten together to close out quick. TAKE ADVANTAGE, $2.85 $3.00 and $3.50 Men's Fine Dress Hats, $2.40 arjTgpigl-nniirnniTr llllll Will II HI llllll III m;m. .Jiuiii.imTii-niinTin I ' iiMi-Tr-iM Timramprai I3JJCTB Choosing from our immense Hat Department, 3tock is clean and up-to-date. Every up-to-date shaue and color can be had from this stock. CLOSING OUT PRICE, $2,40' S15.000 STOCK OF HIGH GRADE HART, SCHAFFNER AND MARX CLOTHING, AND OVERCOATS, TO BE CLEANED OUT, NOT A SINGLE RESTRICTION IN THE WHOLE LINE, THIS OFFER IS MADE RIGHT AT AN OPPORTUNE TIME WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING TO YOUR NEEDS FOR THE WINTER SEASON. STOCK IS ALL NEW, UP-TO-DATE, SEA- S0NABLE GOODS DON'T DELAY WATCH WINDOW DISPLAYS WATCH PAPERS FOR PRICES. COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. SALE CONTINUES UNTIL EVERYTHING IS SOLO - EVERY TRANSACTION STRICTLY CASH. Very Respectfully, Merchant & w Merer M4ilMIM COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt tho pustofflco nt Marsh flold, OroKon, for transmission through tho malls (is second clas mall mnttor. GOOD EVENING. ' Tho greatest, strongest, most skilled Is ho who knows how to wnlt and wnlt patiently. Charles tho Ninth. You neodn't ho vory Important t" got n letter from a congressman or sonator or governor at election tlmo not much moro Important than tho Jottor you got from tho congress man or sonator. Tho PRF.SRYTEItnV LXDIES nuxlllary will hold a 1I.VAU Friday, DECEMHER Dili. Have You Tried Our Mince Meat? IT IS THE REST THAT IS MADE. Just oponod a fresh Imrrol of HOMEMADE SAUER KRAUT and It Is flno. 8WEET AND SOUR PICKLES, RIPE and OREEN OLIVES In DULK DELICIOUS HONEY IN COMB ALL KINDS OP DRIED FRUITS Our list of frosh fruit and vegot nblos for Saturday follows: FRESH CAULIFLOWERS CAnRACJES, PARSNIPS, CARROTS. nEETS, RUTAIUGAS. CELERY, SQUASH, PUMPKINS, SWEET POTATOES RIPE TOMATOES. HELL PEPPERS. QREEN TOMATOES. CRAN'nERRlES, BANANAS. ORANGES. VPPI.ES. LEMONS, PEARS, MUSCAT GRAPES, - QUEEN GRAPES, DELL GRAPES, TOKAY GRAPES, TRY OUU O. & W. COFFEE. Phono Us Your Order, OLLIVANT & WEAVER The Pure food Grocers, ' A. good place to trado, ' 4 Phone 378, . Ceraey 94 an Ceend Ate. NOTICE. , A special meeting of tho stockhold ers of tho Pcoplo's Co-oporatlvo Com pany will bo hold Tuesday ovonlng. Novombor 16, 1010; nt tho hour of olght o'clock at tho storo of tho nbovo company In Marshflold, Oregon; for tho purposo of filing Supplementary Articles of Incorporation and tho amendment of tho By-Laws. F. S. RIEBE, FO 1 fCA 1 1 E F V iTCLE A N I NO Ladles should bring their Dresses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS HAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josophson, Mgr. . J HO South llromlwny, Mnrshflcld. HEAL ESTATE. I hnvo Bomo of tho best buys on tho Bay. Can nrrango easy terms. Houses and buildings for rent. AUGUST FRIZEEX, t8 Central Avo. Marshflold, Oro. HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has been re modelled and Improved and Is undor uow management. Special accommo dations for stago passongors and for people desiring n rest at tho seashore. "You'll Llko tho lMneo." J E. SCHILLING, Proprlotor. Good Evening! HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not, .forget that this Is THE laundry whord you got tho best work, and, prlcos aro In every ono reach. Cqll up and ono of the driv ers will call aud explain all details to you. All telephono calls are quickly attended to, bocnuso wo aro running wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT ISFAOTION. MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. :nuzpr Nrtw., Proo. Phone 220-J. HHOHMaHWI G. "W. Dungan Undertaker Marshlleld, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South 3d St., , h ivivpiu.iv .j v. ., i Fancy new rigs, good horses and For the Ambitxons- w n? w i iupkv? THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK llTI JO VY UJV IAVI ? - . A,, m ?r.7,.:uA.'4. i ,, , ., ,... .. i, vwo di (Education! I, mill for tliowt wlio ramint uttccil In lwriHin. All Intirnrtlnn, lui'lmllnif final cmiuliiitliiui. It KltUli. lor UAClirra, atuuroti preparing fur cone go or uim nri. ty, wotnf n'i tlubt, grancM. fnE'nwr anj bum tnaknra. Ko preliminary riamlna- Hon U rrnumtl. Till mall couroo ucaui "PI?"'1? i.l'S! ,,,..,- . .... OWH, .UC m UCKllVHI. UUHO.W w u CorrMPOixloi"'' Sluitr Iirtmcn Unlreraltr of Orexon Eocene Oreson J a careful drivers nro now at tho dls- a posal of the Coos Bay public at u REASONABLE RATES. ' Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhero any tlmo. Horses ( boarded and rigs cared for. j i Now henrso and special accommo-tY n t XX I u Draws Drafts MWIU Farg I The United The Nniloim Notice calling fqr a xomi NATING MEETING OR CAUCUS FOR THE NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE OF FICE OF COMMON COUN CILMHX AND OF RE CORDER. Notice Is horoby given that by or dor of tho Common Council of .ho City of Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the first day of November, 1910, a nominating meeting or cnucus will bo hold in Odd Fellows Hall In said city, on Monday, tho twonty-flrst duy of November, 1010, at tho hour of eight o'clock In the afternoon of .said day for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices. Two members of tho 'Common Coun cil of said city to servo for tho tterm of three years each commencing tho first Monday In January, 1911. A Recorder of said city to sorve for tho term of one year commencing the first Monday In January, 1911. Said candidates to be voted on at the reg ular annual municipal election of said city to bo hold Tuesday, the sixth day of December, 1910. Dated this 9th day of Novembe. 1910. JOHN W. BUTLER, Recorder of tho City of Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon. datlons provided for funornl pnrtlon. W. L. CONDR.ON'S ' Livery & Feed Stables South Broadway, Marsh flelrt. HOME LAND Co. Seo ua for investment on Coos' Bay. We guarantee owner'u price to bo our price. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3i'21. STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL RANK. Wells Fargo Nuvadu National Hank, Ban Frsoclico, CtL Htntca National Ihutk, Portland, Or. lounl Park Hntik, Now York, N. Y. The Corn Exchnngc National Bank, Chlcaei, 111. The HniiU of Scotlnnd, London, England. The Credit Lyounals, Paris, France. In addition we draw drafts on all principal banking eentin la Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Central im Couth America. Personal and commercial accounts kept ubjct to check. Certificates of DoposPs Issued. Safe Doposlt Boxes for rest I FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK . a . . .nm.ln. A n t- S St T Oldest MuiiLc in Coon County, KswibUshed In 1880. l'lild up Capital mid Surplus. fKO.OOO.OO, Aua.lfw Unit Xfflllln.. lnll.Kku MnAB n rrnnnin1 l.ontfln KiianABn -. A Anwa draft OT1 ID0 t T wwto bvuviui ununtu6 uub.iicdd uuu uH"" - - -- t of CaMfornla, San Francisco, CbI.; Ilanovor National Bank, ft. Kirst .Nrttional Uank, Portnnu, Ore : First National uou, - hnro- Oro Ttin f.nnnn l.lnf air., IlnnV T.M.. LoadOD. ECfUul. WM.B, W.V., WW MWM..WM WW.M W.UW , ...., . Also sells exchange on all of tho principal cities of Europe. . individual and corporation accounts kept suojeci 10 w t --K-n-n-::-n----w-K-n- ? deposit lock boxes for rent. .'. I OFF t: i a i If n t a n A I 7 tt V 7 f K I tt p.R. J. W. INGRAM, JU Physician mid Srcgcon. Olllco U08-CO0 Coos Rulldlaj. Phones Office 1C21; Residence 1C22 J W. DENNETT, Lawyer. Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Marshflold, Oregon vrpt s. turpenV W Architect. , For Strictly Fresh Butter 1 Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice fit III a ,Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Pljono 73-J. V 8 ( i tt I V. n 8 t 8 I r M n i 8 I 8 8 ? 8 I 8 t oirpicHns: J. W. DENNETT. Prtldent, H. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. J. If. FLANAGAN. V.-Pros. GEO. E. WINCHESTER. At- C INTEREST PAID ON TISIE DEPOSITS. -a-8-tt-a-K-8-8--a-8-v-a-L AR.E, YOU DRY or WET? WE HAVE THE STUFF TO KEEP YOU DRY. IT IS NO TROUBLE TO GETSWET. . TheFIXUP OPPOSITE BREAKWATER. I TO! BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Marshfleld. Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or month, Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL, Prop. C?ESH5a5HS2S2Sa5E5SSHSHScaHSHSHSi!S2i5HS?. siszszsssasiSiSiSistsiSSiS MRS. M. R. SMITH I agent for UlIUUilS A. STKVENS CLOAK jQ a.iu ouii iiuuBU, of CIUcAgo. I STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alnsworth Dock, rortlnnd, nt 8 P. M., every Tuf' Sallo from Coos Day every Saturday nt service of time. Rescrva will not bo hold lo,ter than Friday noon, unless 'tickets are pnrcha1' W. F. Milter, Agfc. Phone Maa 39 178 Drodnr7t North. ZSESIS2SB ' . a (' -- . .i V''ti n'y;niinijlj Over Chamber of Commerce, aaaaaaaaaaaWMBBalfcMii ua i