j (Hum ADS. NEWS 'I tt! r rv HUSINESS IS SLOW, Al ElTlSC THAT IT PAYS IS EVI-l-vU'I) 111 SUCCESSFUL 1IUSI. Kg HQISCS EVERYWHERE Established In 1878 ns Tho Const Mnll. BS COUNTY GOES "DRY" BY TWENTY-THREE VOTES hibition camea luesaay P" l gy Narrow Margin In This Section. ML FIGURES IN THIS AFTERNOON L Hope of "Wets" Lies In "Home Rule" Bill Or a- Recount. ! DOUGLAS ALSO I)HY. A long illstnnco phono mos Lige from Roscburg nt noon to- tot stated that Douglas county md gono "dry" by a smnll mo- Ijorlljr. . bi'i "23" for "boozo" In Coos 0ty under local option. llaTueidny's local option election, Lllbltlon carried In Uoos county Jmt twenty-three. Tho total vote prohibition nccordlng to figures ia out oy county uivrit wumuii 1 10 this afternoon when tho voto those measuroB had "been received ii it follows: for prohibition 1.G02 Aiilait prohibition. s . .1.5C0 Mijorlty for prohibition . . S3 6lace yeitcrday, Bcorcs throughout t county havo been figuring almost etlououily as to tho outcomo of "wet" and "dry" voto and tho hrti havo been changing constnn- kone tlmo showing tho county had oe "wet" and another "dry," each cetjr a small voto, swinging buck si forth llko tho pendulum of ft k. Not until this nftornoon was l result known. The result Is so closo that it prob er Till mean n contest in caso tho wis thnt tho "Homo Rulo" bill ue carried should bo wrong and it moasuro Is dofoatod. Thon tho 1 option lnw will govern nnd tho ut; voto will bo 'decisive so thnt t only hopo of tho opponents- of otHltlon win bo In securing n re let of tho ballots. Special Charter. During tho last year or. two, tho :tlon of tho effect of Mnrshflcld's ;U1 charter granted by a special ft of the Oregon legislature, on tho I option law hos been much dls- Ftl. Tho chnrter contains certain plions which 8omo contond plac?) firthfteld Independent of tho stato pi option law, tho samo as a pillar chnv'er did Medford. How- f He charters nro n littlo dlffer- Pt and n caso tho question is ap- Med to tho courts, nttorneys say M It would mean a hard legal kit. Home Rule Carried. j Wirshdeld men today received fmms from Portland saying that Hibition was defeated In tho to by several thousand and that 1 "Home Rulo" bill carried by ft B'Iar majority. lathis is correct, It will mean that present local option law Is no r effective and that each town municipality will havo to have U1 elections to decide tho liquor "on for Itself. This will ellral- 1 the country nreclncts as a fac ta Prohibition in Oregon. If rhfleld, North Bond and Bandon 'he same as thoy did Tuesday, T will bo "wet" iinrtar the "Home W'law while tho other towns In 1 canty, if they vote the same as did Tuesday, will be "dry." PROHIBITION VOTE. vote on the other rjrohlbltlon pwtlons was as follows: Homo Rulo Hill, r Home Rule. ... 1,328 Alnst Home Rule. . . 1,578 Statcwldo Prohibition. r '.. 1.5G0 Against 1 rii w'neabovo was on the constltution- aniendment nnd tIia vnt on the IftlrM. .. .. ;,vu 'aw- was: - " gainst. . ; . . :.:.' r58s - Band dance Eagles' Hall SATTJR v XIGHT ;; MARSHFIELD, IS L Gage and Hall Only Democrats Elected- figures On Candidates. COQUILLE, Ore., Nov. 10. With tho oxcoptlou of County .Tudgo John I Hnll and Sheriff W. W. dago, two democrats who wero re-electod, Coos county wont ropubllcnn in Tuesday's election. Nenrly nil of tho returns nro In, South Slough nnd Sumuor being ex pected this nftornoon. If thoy nrrlvo, Cleric Watson will havo tho offlclal canvass start tomorrow. It will tako about two dnB. With tho exception of South Slough nnd Sumner, tho total voto on nil the contests was as follows: For County Judge. John P. Hnll 1.C37 E. A. Anderson 937 J. E. Quick 777 For Slierinr. W. W. Qngo. . ' . . . 1.S7S John Yoakam 009 John Hayden G2S For CouunlsHloiior. Geo. J. Armstrong . . . T. P. Hnnly. . . . . For Coroner. Dr. It. 13. Golden. . . . H.340 1,101 1,520 W. E. Dungnn 1,147 For Surveyor. A. N. Gould 1.CR3 Predorlck W. Stevens.- . -CB7 For Joint Representative. 11. A. Copplo 1,024 S. P. Polrco 1,331 For Governor. Jay Iloworman 1,301 Oswald West 1,323 For Railroad Commissioner. Hugh McLaln 1.590 Frank J. Miller. . . . 1,108 For Congressman W. C. Hnwloy R. G. Smith 1,473 820 LAST NIGHT Coos Bay Experiences First Wintry Storm of Season Damage Slight. Last night, Coos Bny experienced tho first storni of winter soverlty of tho senson. A heavy rain with a strong wind that at times blow a perfect gale that oven shook houses. A nitmber of store signs in Marsh field woro blown down, somo poles blown down nnd tho long dlstnnco pliono lino botweon hero nnd Myrtle Point put out of commission for ft ttttwttmw ii f Yi n 1 1 r it . 000 COUNTY B I HEAVY WIND In North Bond, ft number of olec-.wlll trie light poles wero blown down and caused part of tho city to remain in darkness for a number of hours. Yesterday it was blowing n per fect gale off tho coast and this morn ing tho Coos Bay bar was very rough. 4 WIRE SERVICE HAD. Owing to tho storm, tho Western Union's wire between Coos Bay and Roseburg has been working very badly today and Manager Schettor has been unable to securo only a small portion of Tho Times' regular Associated Press report. In consequence, later dovelop- ments In outside elections could not be obtained. y " -T r J-Mfstakes Will Happen' & ib,e MASONIC THEATRE Friday uight. Save money by Times advertisers. patronizing The w&xt MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, ISIO-EVENING EDITION. ---:--M---M--n--- 8 T tjt t Tr nr A LET US TALK IT OVER For Port Harbor Improvement Against Port Harbor Improvement For Bennett Amendment Against Dennett Amendment THE TIMES doffs ltB lint and makcsflts most profound snlaam to tho progressive, enlightened, enterprising nnd intelligent people of tho ji i. vi vuua utij. x iiuj juui mull UBUlB ttliu hum lu imsi'i b tiiuiii. If any doubt over existed aB to tho progress, development nnd future of Coob Bay It has been burled under a bundlo of ballots so deep thnt It will never brcntho again. Such & community ennnot bo coerced or controlled, it is aB lmposslblo to hold back such n people as It Is to control tho ocean tides. Tho returns are not nil in but what n great nnd glorious victory it Is. Tho Times' suggestion that tho verdict bo mndo overwhelming found henrty echo and endorsement In tho hearts of tho voters. It is overwhelming, tremendous, sweeping. It carries away every vestige of vantngo of tho reactionaries and recalcitrants. Tho knockers are knock ed and tho boosters boosted. ProgreB takes her place In tho front rnnk of tho Coos Bay procession. When the pcaplo of this community ny to Uncle Snm that thoy hnvo nlmost unanimously endorsed n project to oxpond $300,000 In Improving tho hnrbor of Coos Bay Uncle Sam will bo compelled by tho very nssortlou and nssurnnco of such ontcrprlso to take notice Then Coos Bay will como Into its own. Todny's rain drip ping Bides- are rosy with tho golden glow of promise Tho pcoplo of Coos Bay havo provon thnt they can got togothcr when It Is necessary for tho promotion of progress. Thoro Is no division of sentiment on tho question of tho dovolopmont of this community. Thoro mny bo n few reactionaries who nro but flies on tho wheel of progress but tho commu nity ns a whole is alert to advancement, enterprising nnd enthusiastic for everything thnt will forward our Interests and dovolopoour great re sources. It was a ringing nnd rousing nnswor to tho chronic grumblers. It was n stinging robuko for tho reactionaries. It heralds hopo for ovo- ry m nn who bolloves in tho great futuro of this great community. Thero were somo things in tho gcnoral and stato olectton that Tho Times would chnngo if it wero ballot bearer to tho pcoplo but thero aro no tears In tho Joy cup of Ths Times, today, thank you. Thero Is Kindness enough In tho victory for pi ogress nnd development on Coos Bny. DENIES COOK'S Prof. Parker of Columbia Uni versity, Says That Mount McKinley Story Was Fake Questions Fairbanks' Party. (By Associated Press tp Coos liny Times.) NEW YORK. Nov. 10. Professor Hcrschcl Parker of Columbia Univer sity, who recently returned from tho exploration of Mount McKinley to day mndo public n series of photo graphs tnken near tho Alaskan Mountain which ho claims Is Indis putable evidence that Dr. Cook never reached tho top of tho highest ,peak In Amorlcn. Prof. Parker states ho found tho mountain penk which Dr. Cook photographed and called Mount, McKInloy, "Tho Tir f the ContI- nont." nnd In support :. showed tho TO BE VERY CLOSE Coke Will Have Big Majority-r- Hamilton Likely to Beat Jones. Judgo John S. Coke has been re elected circuit Judge by a large ma jority. Tho exact majority cannot be ascertained for a day or two but ho have the largest -vote of any of tho four candidates, Whether or not Hamilton or Jones will be elected Is still a question but the Indications late today were that Hamilton would win over Jones. C. F. McKnlght at noon received a mes sage from Judgo Hamilton at Rose burg stating that he believed he would win by n comfortable majority. In Coos county. Judge Coke will lead the other candidates by between (500 and 600 nnd Judge Hamilton will carry the county over Jones b7 about 300. Last night, It was reported that Jones would carry Douglas county by 200 but Judgo Hnmllton stated at noon that Douglas count yffs .very closo between' him and Jone3. , The vote on.clrcuft'judgdln Coos County was as follows J. S. Coke, . , i.r . of 120 J. W., Hamilton.. . . r , 1.410 B. P. Jones. .... ..t 1,102 . J M Upton. .;'.'.., , 731 t PLUMBING '. Have your piumoing aone oy J PIONEER HARDWARE COMPANY, JUDGESHIP n-H-n-n-n-H-K-u-M-n-xi-ti-ri n' t tt TT 7TTT"i I 10C0 184 '.. .. 377 770 BLEY STORY photogrnphs of tho mountain peak taken by his expedition InBt summer nnd pointed out thnt n comparison of tho photographs shows In detail tho' Identical outlluo of rock forma tion, proving they nro pictures of tho snmo mountain. "Tho mountain which I photographed," said Prof. Parker, "was twenty miles away from Mount McKinley nnd 1C.000 foot bo low Its summit. This is tho samo poak Dr. Cook photographed nnd called tho "Top of tho contlnont." Rogardlng tho roportod nscont of Mount McKinley by tho Tom Lloyd expedition from Fairbanks last sum- mor, Prof. Pnrkor snid that al though his party got within sovon miles of tho top of Mount McKinley, thoy could not soo any flng or polo 'alleged to havo boon planted nt Its top and claimed to havo been soon with glnsses from Fairbanks 140 miles nwny. Portuguese Gets Angry and Wounds Another Employe of Mill.' ROSEBURG, Ore,, Nov. 10. An tono Do Costa, a Poitugoso, was brought he"re Monday night frorrf Gardiner, by Deputy Shorlff Ash worth, nnd lodged In Jail. Do Costa plead guilty, before Justice Williams, of Gardiner, to shooting James Wis dom, of that place, In the leg .with a shotgun, Both men were In tho cm ploy of tho Gardiner Mill Co. It seems that some of the employees about tho mill had been twitting Do Costa about some trivial matter, out of which he devoloped a strong HI feeling against Wisdom, although no real offense had been Intended by the latter. Last Wednesday, after dark, Do Costa approached Wisdom with a shotgun and as the latter turned to flee shot him In tho back of tho leg above the knee, nt a dis tance of about 40 yards. Ab a re sult tho latter Js confined to his bod but his recovery is oxpectod in duo tlmo. A's De Costa plead guilty when arraigned, Justice WIlllamB had no alternative but (o commit him to jail to await the action of tho Circuit Court. -Vt See bfile 'Lof tin and' company in ".Mistakes Will Happen" FrIday night, Masonic Theatre. ' SH00TS1AN ijUBmggiiw i ) h iii imimr iwriicni r AT GARDINER tmei A Consolidation mid Coos E TO Speaker Cannon Expected to Favor Change In Rules of House Now. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, I), a, Nov. 10. Another contest over tho question of taking from tho spenhor tho power to nnmo tho standing committees Is expected soon nftcr tho Hoiibo of Ropresontntlvcs assembles next month. This time, It Is not unlikely tho movement will recolvo tho sup port of Speaker Cannon nnd his al lies in ns much ns tho noxt OBsIgn- ( moms win uo nincio by mo demo crats, it Is not known what tho nt- tltudo of tho domoornts will bo but tho chnnccs nro thoy wlll seek to forco battle over to tho succeeding session whon thoy will bo In nn un disputed control. TAFT LEAVES President Will Personally ln-i sped Work On the Canal. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) CHARLESTON, Nov. 10--Presi dent Tnft sailed todny for tho Isth mus of Panama to got in personal touch with conditions on tho big cannl. Ho sailed on tho crulsor Ten nessee with tho crulsor Montana ns a convoy. Ho oxpocts to bo back to Charleston Nov. 22. DELAY SHIPS A Vessels Unable to Leave On Account of Storm Today " Breakwater Late. Owing to tho storm at sea, tho Breakwater did not reach hero from Portland this morning as usual. Sho did not cross out from Astoria yes torday but was expected to leavo As toria somo time today so that sho ought to reach hero early tomorrow, Tho M. P. Plant which was to havo crossod out yesterday, remalnod in port, Capt. Burtla deciding that It would bo better for tho passengers to wait a day bore. Tho bar was not rough yestorday but this morn ing It was too rough for him to ven ture ncross. Ho may leave this aft ernoon. The Redondo Is also scheduled to leave this afternoon but whether the weather will permit her to get out Is uncertain. ELECTION NOTES. It rained the day after. Looks llko 23 for tho wets. Maybe tho pcoplo voted for pro hibition so that wo could havo plenty of water In Coob Bay. Dr. L. HARRISON, VETEIUNA RIAN, will bo at MULLOY'8 until NOVEMBER 10, barn Tho PRESI1YTKRIAN LADIES auxiliary will hold a RAZAR Friday, DECEMBER IHIi. N I PflR PANAMA iiss rlllrilllrl I Ull I I It Wl Hill 1 i GET IT WHILE IT 13 NEW B HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu TILE TIMK TERSELY 1 OLD : :J t: tt tt of Times, Const Mnll liny Advertiser. 100 Citizens Highly Gratified By Large Majority Given at Tuesday's Election. BOND ISSUE IS CARRIED 5 TO 1 Bennett' Amendment Voted Down Two to One New Commissioners. Tho decisive majority by which tho Port of Coob liny won out In yostor day's olectton Is tho cnuso of much rojolclng todny on tho Bay. While nil tho flguros nro not exactly ob tainable, tho Indications are that tho Bennett amendment was defeated by about two to one whtlo tho $300, 000 bonding proposition cnrrlod by about five to one. Whllp nenrly overyono wns cortnln that tho port question would carry as It did, much Interest conlorcd in tho bIzo of tho mnjorlty. In conso- quonce of It being largo enough to bo thoroughly decisive, overyono is 'sntlsflcd. Messrs. h. J. Simpson nnd C. S. Wlnsor of North Bond, tho two now commissioners who nil tho plnces of W. P. Evans and J. C. Gray, will tftko onlce tho first of tho year. i As noon ns tho supremo court dis poses of tho pending litigation, I which tho Port Commission Is con fident will bo to uphold tho lower court, nrrangoments for disposing of tho amount of borids to carry out tho present projects will bo mndo. Tho drodgo Oregon Is today ar ranging to start work In tho. Lone TrooTjlufiil between tho mouths of Pony Inlet nnd North Inlot. 12, Mlngus The election rosults on the Port election mensurcs is a splendid pronouncement mndo on be half of tho principles of progressive dovolopmont and n fitting robuko to porsonnl spito nnd freozo-out poli cies. NOVEMBER 20 Law Prohibits Extension of Season On Coos River Says Master Warden. Tho petition from Coos Bay to havo tho fishing bouboii on Coos River oxtonded from Novembor 20 to No vombor 30, cannot bo granted ac cording to n lottor from Master Fish Warden R. E. Clauton. Mr. Clanton's lottor to Tho Times which is self-explanatory follows: "I am In receipt of a potltlon, sign ed by yoursolf and a number of oth er residents In your vicinity, request ing thnt tho Ashing season on Coos Bay bo oxtendod from 0 A. M, on the 2.0th day of Novombor to the 30th. "Relative thereto, pormlt mo to say that, as much as I should llko to favor you In this respect, the Attor ney General Informs mo that I have no discretion In such matters and must enforco tho laws which were placed on our Btatuto books by tho legislature. Therefore, undor the circumstances, trust you will soo your way clear not only to abide by the presont closed season hut also lend mo every aid possible In seeing thnt It Is obsorved by everyone on the bay nnd rlvor thoreby permitting nn nmplo number of tho parent fish to reach our hatchery on South Coos River and tho natural spawning grounds so as to assure us of a fu turo salmon supply in yenrs to como. "Trusting you will ronllzo tho posi tion I havo boon compelled to take In this matter nnd thanking you In ndvanco for any assistance you can lond this department In Boeing thnt tho coming closed season period Is not encroached upon by anyone, I m, R, E. CLANTON, OVER BIG V GTORY FOR FORT OE COOS BAY '.'1 jt l. kTv- ,.,