(mi ES, MARSHFIEL'DT OREGON, TUESDAY7 NOVEMBER!," 1910 EVENING EDITION.' , . i .n i j, . ..- . i Cfayenette Hats Best of All I in y V iWM 1Mb V v $3.50 liTe WOOLEN MILL STORE Mi!I-to-Man Clothiers Marshfieid Oregon i &wi&&G&l&&&i&tjfiit!!&1ti&!iGi&ioA6tiib ftttflnawgcaco THE PEOPLE -ill,, ,. T ,.. of Greater Coos County are going to vote for the Busy Corner for Leading Drug Store in Coos County. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marshfieid, Oregon HweaaBHMnHMn r . JMiiiiour llnnlwaro Co. GH$82gl33S Spr aymg Tlio senson Is now pt limul for .fnll sprny ins, mul nil tho fruit growers thnt expect to market your fruit next Benson must sprny now, wo hnvo tho mntorlnl. Lime Spmy Sprny nml Hoso rumps Sulphur Spruy Sprny Sprny No Mntcrlnl Pioneer Hardware Co hciidliitr ilnrdwnro Store w w Eagles9 Dance Hall NOW FOR RENT Dancing Clubs and Others . a -' ' " ' who desire particulars can see the secretary. .j V ". '-''' i e (mm mm o navo secured tno livery Busi ness of , H.tHelsnor and are pro. Pared to. render excellent- service to the people of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rlga and everything -tfeat will moan. 'satisfactory service to 'tho public. Phone us for a driving oorse, a rig or anything needed 1p (he livery JIuo. Wo also do a fucking business of all .kinds. Rlanchnrd, Hcrln & lilanchard J-lvcry, Feed nnd Snles Servjce. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phone 138'J Good Evening! HAVE YOU AUX LAUNDHY? fj so, do not forget itbatj this U THE laundry where you get tho best work, and prices aro In every one reach. Call up and one of tno driv ers, will call and explain nil details to you. AH telephone calls aro quicKi? attended to, because wo nro running wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT , ISFACTIOX. MARSHFIEI.D HAND AX1 STEAM LAUNDRY. X'nuzey Brw., Pron Phone -' G. W. Dungan I Undertaker Parlors. Jft fiontk 3d St.. Telephone. Day or Night, 105-J.E HOME LAND Co. See us -for t Inyesimeuw oa Coot Bay. We gaarnte owaer'a price to be ourwpHee. " :-' PboBO 741m " St- North Bend News John Rush, a former resident of Enstslde, but Is now located nt Pnsa donn, 1ms lost his eye sight. i Mrs. Mary Flanagan of Emplro City, who Is staying with hor niece Mrs. T. W. Rcnnle, hns lieen qulto 111, but Is reported much, better. COOS BAY TIDES. Mrs. E. n. Hodson of South Coos Rlvsr camo down Monday nnd will Kvod'd'y .'.'.' 0 High water Date Tucsdny... 8 spend a short tlmo visiting relatives. Tho Presbyterian Ladles Aid will moot Wednesday afternoon nt 2:0 at tho homo of Mrs. M. E. Drown on Sherman Avenue. Thursday 10 Friday... 11 Saturday 12 SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER A. M h.m. 4:25 5:37 C:39 7:34 8:22 9:07 P." ft. h.m. G.9 3J17 G.l 4:11 G.4 5:44 0.9 7:'l2 7.C 8:31 S.l 9:37 ft. 7.4 0.9 CO G.5 0.7 7.2 NOVEMBER Low water Date. Mrs. Vlotnr Alwlnrann nt Qhnrmnn . TUPSllny.. 8 ........,. t H..V. . ,...,., nvouuo, who died Sunday, is surviv ed by hor lniBband and tho following children. Tho children are Mrs. Alf red Matson of Mnrshllold, Miss Inez Anderson of Portland, Ellen Matil da, Louis and Fred of North Bond. Mrs. Anderson was 49 years of.ngo. A. M. DAY IS VICTOR. Coos Hay Pugilist Wlim From VIIIIc Mark nt Astorln. ASTORIA, Ore., Nov. S. Willie Mack, a Uoston llghtwolght who hns met somo of tho best boys In tho business, wns dofented by Jess Day, asplrnut fpr tho mlddlowelght cham pionship of tho northwsot In n 10 round contest hero. Although no de cision wns rendered, It was all too plain that Mack could not concede tho difference in weight, which must have boon 12 pounds. Only rn'rely did tho custom lad havo n look In, nnd m tho conclusion ho wns badly punished. Dny broke n knucklo In tho early stages of tho contest. SmjJIBS FOIt RKXT Small furnished cot. tago. 749 So. Fourth St. Phono .147-J. FOIt ItKXT Modern funiMied houso downtown. Phono A. E. Pollcxfcn 1C9-.T. FOR RKXT Two ImiisckeepluK rooms n't $12.00 per month! In cluding toilet nnd bath. Closo In. 252 So. Urondwny. AIho nlco sunny furnished rooms. h. ni. 9:09 Wed'd'y... 9110:38 Tiiitrsuny ioi Kriday... 11 0:33 Saturday 12 1:37 SUNDAY 13 2:35 ft. 4.7 4.8 1.4 1.0 1.7 P. h. m. 10:29 11:27 12:19 1:44 2:39 3:34 M. ft. 0.9 l.t 4.3 3.0 2.0 1.0 ? THE WKATIIKIt. . (Dy Aasoclntcd Press.) OREGON Occnslonal rain f tonight nnd Wednesday. LOCATj tksipkuatuhe rk- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending , at 4:43 p.m., Nov. 7, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government mo- tcorologlcnl observer: Maximum 58 Minimum 51 At 4:43 p.m ' 52 Precipitation 1.9S Wind Southwost; rain. Olft to School. ChrlB Rnsmusson prosontcd tho Dnndon school district with a net of Chamborlalu's Encyclo pedia, and tho Doard has bought n iot of tho Intornntlonnl Encyclopedia, so this mnkcB a set for each floor In tho school house. Unndon Recorder Someru Is llusy. Tho Dandon Re corder says: "J. II. Somors, who In Intorestcd In promoting tho electric lino from hero to Ornate Pass, wns In tho city a fow days this weak, nnd reports conditions vory fnvornbk" for boglnnlug opcrntlotiH on tho road in tho nenr futuro." LOST $10 Kivcntmrk on Itonltn thin morning. Liberal reward for ro turn to I. It. Towor. FOR RKXT A four roomed lint partly furnished. Phono 39It. ROY WAXTKI) Inside work. Per manent position. Apply Lockhnrt's grocory. WAXTKI) Strong womnii or girl to caro for elderly Invalid. Apply Mrs. SengBtnckon, Mnrshllold, Or. FOR SALE 100 liend of graded Cottswoll Ewes. Entorprlso Meat Company, I touring WtilnoHlny. Porcy Mor gan, tho ton-year-old boy who Is charged with tho thoft of $45 from O. W. Sinclair, a logger, last Friday night, will hnvo his hearing boforo Judgo Hall In Jovenllo Court Wed- Have That Roof Fixed NOW neadny. Young Morgan's father Is n hoOk-tondor In tha South Slough Logging Camp, , ttn:s:::jt:::t:j:tmm:ttt:J:::j:t::t:r Personal Notes ,:::tt::intt::::njm::;:mmin::::::i::t::::i F. S DOW will leave this week for San Francisco on business. T. A. WALKER of Coqullle, la a business visitor today Marshficld v.- C. It. PECK is confined to his homo In South Marshficld by an nttnek of tonstlltls. It. J. PETTIE will lenvo shortly for Senttlo, Wash., whoro ho expects to mnko his home. MISS JESSIE CHASE Ib ontortnln lng n number of friends nt tho Q. A. Uonnott homo this afternoon. JUDGE JOHN P. HALL wont to Co- . qtilllo yesterday to hold tho monthly session of probate court.' W. II. KENNEDY and wlfo will oc cupy tho homo In South Mnrsh field which G. W. Shelly is vacat Ing. TOSr DENNETT expects to leavo on tho M. F. Plant tomorrow for San Francisco for business nnd pleasure. 1 W ES SHOE RECORD Big Shipment of Ladies' Shoes Received by Merchant & Kammerer'. .- .FosBjbly tho largest shlpmont o Ladlos' Shoes over consigned to ono firm In Coos Bay wns received by this firm. The shoos come direct from tho factory of E. P. Rood nnd Co,, Roch ester, X. Y., ntnkors of high grndo footwear for women nrid considered by far tho prettiest stylos o'vor dls plnyed'ln tho town. Stylos this yenr nro nil short vnmp, button and lnco. Tho button shoo predominating, Lenthors nro patent colt, gun metal and kid with crnvenotto nnd velvet uppers. ill sizes nnd widths from AA ttq E. ' IIUX CIIAXDLER IS CUT. - Locs Place Temporarily bn Oregon University Tcnm. EUGENE, Oro., Nov. 8 Nino footbnll jilnycrs were ordored oft tho University of Oregon teams last week becnuso tholr work haB fallen low In tholr studies. Tho Qlco Club also lost thrco men. Tho 'football MISS ADA McCONNELL of Gulhrlo, mon suspended aro: Hawloy, Dean, Okla., Is expected hero next wcokEarlo Cobb, W. riser, W. Ferguson, to spend tho winter nt tho homoiL. Hnhn, C. Woldlnnd, Dradahnw nnd of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Hnlnes. nen Chandler of Coos Dny, Tho Glob Club men nro: L. J. P. A. SANDRERG retumod yestor dny from nn ovor-Sundny dpek 1iunt at Ton Mile, bringing n flno string of ducks nR trophtos of his ability. ' . MRS. CARL SMEDUERG and Mrn John ProusB, who Is spending n fow weoks nt tho Smodberg homo, enmo down from Cntchlng Inlet yestcrdny. CAL. WRIGHT, deputy gnmo war don roturncd todny from a trip through tho county. Ho roports thnt hunters gonornlly nro comply ing with tho lnw up to tho letter Drnttlgcr, E. Drostus, L. Rrnzco, Tho suBpcnslon Is temporary untlt the work Is mndo up nnd It Is prob able tho thrco vnrslty men, nffectod. will bo jiblo to play In tho O. A. C. gnpio, Xovombor 12. 1)1 KS VERY SUDDEXLY. G. W. SHELLEY will movo tomor row from South Marqliflcld Into tho Vlgnrs "homo In North Pond, until recently occupied by J. It. Smith nnd family, which ho ro contly bought. Ho will continue his of 11 co in Mnrshflold. See GORTHELL Phono nisi. FOR RKXT FiinilHlied room. Mrs. Hazard, cor. Cth and Mnrkot. FOR RENT Residence Enstslde, Phono Mrs. McCann, North Bond. FOR SALK Gnsollno Inuncli 2H-ft 5 horso power Union onglno H. W. Snnford, Sumnor, Or., Phono 314X7. rxsT Whlto I'iich Flndoc notify E. D. Myers Storo. Ioh1Io log. MJchnel at WAXTKI) Position ns cooks Ju tamp by man and .wlfo. Experi enced. Phpno 1101, North Rend, Or FOR SALE A tivo-howo electric .motor, small centrlfugaljiump and 300 gallon Iron tank. Same can bo seen by applying to mo at Nqrth Bend. C. F. McCuUom. FQR REXE-Xorti liejid Hotel, ai rooms Upstairs, dining room, kitch en and office, with or without bar room. All furnished, Will make rent easy to tho right kind of ten ant. Apply at onco to Robt. Mar sden Sr., Marshfieid. FOR SALE Gasolmo boat. O horuo power. Complete equipment. Goch at a bargain If taken at once. Ap ply Palaco Restaurant. WAXTKI? To buy a fresh cow O. J. Hlllstrom, Marshfieid, Oro. FOR RKXT Five-room furnished apartment In O'Connell building. FOR SALE Household furiiHurv cheap and housa for rent. Enquire nt 403 North Broadway. FOR. SALE. Only $400. Lot 19x2d 'Bl. 13,' Edmonston flrst Addition to Mnrshflold. CHAS. W. OAJILSOX 1680 EJIaMalq.N.uPortIand, Oregon Holiday Books Holiday season Is almost at hand. You aro Just boglnnlng to think of buying Rifts for tho ehlldron nnd tho older folks. Books makes tho most accoptablo gifts. Wo enrry tho largest stock of books and stationery In Southern Oregon. Como In and look our stock ovor. ' WATCH FOR BARGAINS Crosby & Homer, 1H Central Ave. "THE HOUSE OF BARGAINS." AMOXfl THE SICK. Mrs. Mary Smith, who has been Airs. J. Albert Mntson, who has been 111 at hor homo, Is convalescent. Mrs. Hnttlo Nichols, who hns been qulto 111, Is reported bottor. Nov. Clenrlng Snlo Kimonos nnd bath robos Ladles Emporium. AIR GUXS at MILXKH'S. Stnuo Driver Passes Awny nt Cnnwar Valley Home. ROSEBURO, Ore., Nov. 8. Hor ry Ucnham, nged 23 yenrs, nnd a son' of W. C. Bonhnm, n well known stngo drlvor omploycd by C. P. Bar nard, died vory suddonly last week at his homo nt Cnmns Vnlloy. He wns found In bod by members of tho household shortly nftor 7 o'clock, tho other appearances tending to show, that ho hnd boon dead for sev eral hour. Aslilo from Ills fathor ho ls,urvlved by n mother, who is; nt prosont nt Corvnllla, nnd throe brothers. John, .of Coqulllo City; Robert, of Camas Valley, and Will who Is nttonillng school at Cor.allis. According to friends, tho deceased retired ns usual last oyonlng. nnd show.ed no signs, whatever of lllnosa. His doath Is nttrtbutod to heart trouble Ladles' Hats mado ?vor and re trlmmod. Trimming 50c to $1.00 at Ladlos Emporium Mrs. Wright. All kinds of MILXKH'S. Alarm CLOCKS at tt-tl-ttttffM-H..tt.tf.t.t1n.f M a t am-- -.rfiiti-r-M-J For The HANDSOMEST and MOST REASONABLE PRICED TA BLE WARE EVER SHOWN ON COOS BAY, DROP IN AND LOOK OVER OUR NEW GOODS, WHICH I INCLUDES THE FAMOUS SCHLEOELMILSCH WARE -niREOT-TROM1 GERMANY. XEW rATTERXd IX. WHITE AXD GOLD DIRECT FROM. JOHXSON'B FACTORY IX EXOLANI). . REAIJ HAVILAXD CHIXA. IN FACT WE 1IAVE NEARLY EVE RYTHING IN CHINAWARE, GLASS WARE AND POTTERY. . n i 3 I f Tnido hero nnd save money. COOS BAY CASH STORE GEO. N. BOLT, i - Manager. Front Btrpet, Marshgcld. DON'T BE A MUTT BBBSMSSSBSBjSMBBBBJNftSSJBjBjBS I YOUR. HORSE REQUIRES THE BEST FEED c je A dealer advises us that quality docs not mat ter with the Marshficld Barley Buyers. ' Call For SPERRTS UNION BARLEY t lti and see I That Qualfty Does Count. K-8K-B8-8nK- -n-K-w-n-n nK-a-- t IT " M I M I a X N i M I f T f t M I M a J n.tt-tt-n-n--o-a-u---- u-a-H--tj-a-na-Kn--x- U AJJ!r! ' T V-i J li NOW ON THE $Ahn This addition Is situated (nuncdlatoly Ea of now Eastslde Mill. Tho lots aro 100x211 and larger, about olght ordinary lots; and prices are $150.00 up for thea largo tracts, This plat was filed rocontly, and we havo only a few lots remaining unsold. This Indicates that tho property Is Interest ing to purchasers, and anyone wishing to socuro a lot should act promptly. Terms ono-balt cash, balance equal payments, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. For particulars, seo )i n i n Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. General Agonts EASTBIDE , .vflemryj 8egstaeken, -Manager, ..... ttKKK- I K I at f V x . -- ;l l 3S? i-'Hi rt JoJliiwJW j s-C . V ,- 1 f r".-' Ctt . -- - H