1 ' ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MOWDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1910 EVENING EDITION. B .. ... 0tttttwtttttttttttt tt s t liihiiltmitltl ttfi 12tll222lti t mttmnnr- $ I? J ft W? J Sftftftftft ft W ft w w """"""" ".t whjjw ms a aa fc. vv v w wm I ? It is the FiircMsing power 01 your ARS xmna .' f l m m Man From this time on, wet, disagreeable days will be fre quent; protect your health by wearing good shoes. In the Nettleton Make, we have several styles selected for the Fall and Winter Weather. They are staunchly built, with out being cumbersome. The uppers are soft and smooth, yet resisting water ; and the soles are of extra weight, but flex ible. We have a variety of styles some one of them is sure, to please you At prices that are exact ly right for well-made Shoes. This is what counts in your Buying, and this is the reason we invite comparison with the credit stores. "CASH ONLY" "Money Talks" This week we have taken all broken lines of Suits and Rain Coats and group them into three lots. Every garment is this season's goods in which sizes are broken. Group Nc. 1 -Suits and Rain Coals that Sold up to $ 15.00, Now $ 1 1.85 Group No. 2--Suits and Rain Coats that Sold up to $20.00, Now $ 16.50 Group No. 3--Suits and Rain Coats that Sold up to $30.00, Now $21.50 Every Suit and Rain Coat guaranteed to be strictly All Wool. Our policy is the MONEY BACK ASSURANCE on every sale which is not ABSOLUSELY SAriSEACTORY to you. HUB CLOTHING SHOE CO. Marsblield ffiandon :ttmaiitttattttt:ttitt ttiam t t GET.UNIFORMS FOR RESERVES Citizen's Committee Named to Raise Funds to Equip Local Divisions. Realizing tho Importnnco of the Knvnl Rcsorvo which has been orgnn izod In MarHhflold to Coos Ray, nnd desiring to ninko of tho organization tho best ono on tho Pacific Coast, n number of patriotic citizens hold nn impromptu mooting ono ovenlng nnd decided that an effort would bo made nt onco to soouro tho-proper uniforms for tho Reserves. Thoro Is not nt this tlmo any funds nvallablo from tho stnto for theso uniforms on account of no npproprln tlon having been mndo for It nt tho last session of tho Legislature At tho moctlnir those- present de cided that on Thursday, Novombor 10th, thoy would hnvo a "Uniform Day" nnd so socuro tho no'cossnry uniforms for tho Reserves In as much as tho boys nro doing so much for tho good for thomsolves and for Coos Hay. A commltteo of citizens has been nppnlntod nnd will hnvo tho matter In charge. Tho offort Is a most com mondnblo ono and should recelvo tho eupport of ovory loyal, patriotic citi zen on tho Day. Tho commltteo having tho mnttet in chnrgo 1b composed of tho follow ing porsons: It. M. Jonnlngs William Grimes . J, Albert Mntson - " Henry Songstackon """9 " " W, N. Douglas RESULTS RR 1ST TELL Tlio follow liif; telegram lias liven re ceived nt the liondqiiuiliM-H of (ho Pry Campaign Committee: Kansas City, Kan., Oct. 20, 1910. "PROUIRITION has boon RIGID LY UNFORCED slnco July 1. 190C. From dnto our city has PROGRESS ED AS NEVER DEFORE IN ITS HISTORY. Moro schools, moro resi dences nnd moro business houses hnvo been built thnn during any liko pe riod. In theso four years ono now hotol nnd several now churchos built, ronlty values nearly doubled, rents Inrgely lucrensed, bank deposits moro than doubled, population mndo InrKo gains, undesirable population Inrgely eliminated and crlmo reduced. A park nnd boulovnrd sjstom Inaugurat ed nnd city water works acquired, Ono million threo hundred thousand dollars spent this year for clvlo nnd wntor Improvements. THESE HAVE REEN THE REST POUR YEARS IN THE HISTORY OF THE CITY ALONG ALL LINES, RESULTING IN AN ECONOMIC SAVING TO THE PEOPLE OF A MILLION A YEAR." Signed by 13 business uion, Includ ing Mayor J. E. Porter. (Paid Adv. by Rov. II. I. Rutlcdgo.) VOTE TO HELP THE CHILDREN II, J. McKcown W. R, Haines Charles D. Solby Tom T. Bennett J, V. Smeaton A, T. Haines A. J. Mondol Arthur McKcown The members of tho committee ) will meet nt tho call of tho Chair man, R, M. Jennings. TO YOUR INTEREST. Coos County Is entitled to repre sentation In tho Legislative assem bly; will sho hnre such If Storor Plorco ns Jolnt-Roprcsentatlvo, nnd Ed. Rncklcff ns Representative are clocted? No, Why? Mr. PIcrco !s n resident of Curry County, so Is Mr. Rnckloff. Then, how will Coos bo euro proper representation? Tho only cholco loft to tho Coos County voter Is to voto for R. A. Copplo of Mnrshfleld, for Jolnt-Rop-resontativo. If you do not do so, Coos Is loft out and will not havo any' ono to voto for hor lntorests, Her lutorests nro yours, Then voto for your own UtFetB. Dwaocratlo County Central Commit ter, by W, J. RUST, Sect'y. (Paid advertisement.) OREGONIAN ON HOME HULK. Avon ml M'lilNkey Piiimt Votes "No Iteroiumeiuhitlnn," PORTLAND, Oro Nov. 7. Tho Oregonlnn votoa on tho ontlro ballot nnd Places Itself on rnmni in mtnr. enco to tho Homo Rulo bill as maklug no rocomiucuunuons ns follows; For Constitutional nmondmont giv ing to cities nnd towns exclusive power to regulnto, control, suppress or prohibit the snlo of Intoxicating llquorn within tho municipality, 328 Yes. 329 No. This nmondmont wnnlit aiiminni '.gerrymandering on snloon Issue nnd iiruvuiu co u mies inrcing prohibitory liquor laws on communities where thoy cannot bo enforced, but Is weak In that It mnkes nn tiioHnnHnn ,. twoen cltlos and villages. o m-oiiimemlntioii, (Pd. ndvoitlsomont by Rov, Olson.) THAT COOS ItlVKR ROOM. To Votors: . I understand thai Knnn imrnllnMn parties nro circulating tho report mnt mo rort or Coos Rny Commis sion Is responslblo for tho granting of tho privilege of constructing n now boom on Coos Rlvor nbou tho crenni ory. This Is absolutely untrue Tho POl-mlt Was dveil liv ihn TTnllr.il States "War Department for tho con struction or tho boom, when It wns found thnt tho size of tho boom might Intorforo- with Coos Rlvor traf fic, tho Port Commission exorted its Influence nnd had tho "War Depart ment cut down tho size of tho boom, thus seeiirlnir n nr.nr no wna ro. slblo whnt tho Coos Rlvor peoplo de sired. tram Adv. by Dr. E. Mlncusl Novombor CLKAlilXfi SAT.ir aif Skirts. Raincoats nnd Capes Ladles' Emporium. MARK NO. IH VI1S O.V NORMAL SCHOOL PROPOSITION AND SE CURE UKTTKIt TEACHERS AT SMALL COST REMEMUER IT TOMORROW. Tho wholo function of tho Normnl School Is to train and cducnto teach ers, All grant tho nbsolutoneed of this work. Tho Stnto has threo schools, ono nt Monmouth, Weston nnd Ashland. This property Is own ed by tho Stnto nnd controlled by ono Hoard of Regents, Theso initiative bills take tho ques tion nut of polities entirely, nnd this Is ns it should b Wo speak directly of Monmouth; this school Is central ly located, and tho work dono by Pros. Cnmpboll and Prof. Resslor Is n sulllclont gunrautoo of tho quality of Its studonts. If vnn unv tnvna nn il nnn It mll cost you only four cents n yenr to' oporato this school. This gives tho I children of tho pnrents of moderate' means nn equal chance with thoso who nro nblo to Bond their children to schools provided with special In structors. Tho welfnro of your child, and tho Interests of tho public school, that groat levolor and bulwark of our na tion warrants you In voting Yes on No. 318, nt Tuesday's election. (Ore gon Normal school Alumni Associa tion by J. n. V. Dutlor. Sec Paid Advertisement.) I. TOOZE ON BIBLE BOO E FAMINE IN PYRENEES. City Is Short of Provisions nnd Rioting Results. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) CERnERE, Fronch Frontier, Nov. 14. Advices from 8abadoll say tho town Is suffering from famlno. Tho population Is excited and disorders aro froquont. If you want good results from your Port organization, do not tlo the hands of your Commissioners by vot ing for tho Dennett amendment. Vote it down and( lot it bo recorded by putting a X before No. 367. C. R Peck (Paid advertisement.) COOS BAY LIVERY "Wo Hnvo secured tho livery busi ness of L, II. Helsner nnd nro pro pared to render excollent sorvlco to tho pooplo of Coos Ray. Caroful drlvors, good rigs nnd ovorythlug thnt will mean satisfactory servlco to tho public. Phono us for n driving norso. n rig or nnythlng needed Iv the llvory lino, wo nlso do n trucking business of nil kinds. Hlniichnrd, Rezln Rhnichnrd Lhery, Feed nnd Sales Service, 141 First nnd Alder Streets. Phono 13 8- J Pretends to "Know" His Bible; Claims the Book Com mands Booze. Even though Mr. Toozo said ho was responslblo to his Maker for eve rything ho uttorcd last Friday night nt tho Royal Theatre vot I think tho public should weigh his ar gument (? that tho Riblo "com- monds or commands" tho tomporato use of nlcohollc liquors. Llst6n to soma of tho parages which tho speakor gives ns "com mending" and "commanding" liquor. "Rut Dnnlol purposed In his heart that ho would not dolllo hlmsolf with tho portion of tho King's ment, nor with tho wine which ho drnnk" Daniol 1:8. Tor ho, (John tho foro-runnor of Jesus ChrlBt) ehnll bo great In tho eight of tho Lord, nnd shall drink neither wlno nor strong drink " Luko 1:15. "It Is good nolthor to oat flesh, nor to drink wlno, nor nnythlng whoroby thy brothor Btumbloth, or is offended or Is mndo wenk". . . .Romans 14:21, "And bo not drunk with wlno whoreln Is oxcess, but bo filled with tho Spirit.".... Ephcsians 5:18. "And thoy gavo Him, (Jesus) to drink, wlno mingled with myrrh, but Ho received It not.". .. .Mark 15:23 Do any of theso pnssages seem to 'commend" or "command'' tho uso of alcoholic boverngos? Then I turn to nnothor reference found on Mr. Toozo's Bible booze sheet marked "Leviticus 28:13" and fall to find It In tho Rlblo at all. (Leviticus only has 27 chaptors.) Tho Dlblo Is a book which tells of tho sins of man. Decnuso of this It does not "commend" Bin. Because It records the murder of Abel by his brother Cain, It In no way argues that u is in rnvor of or "commendslmuch lcs3 commands" murder. Evtdontly Mr. Toozo has not stn. dlod his Bible recently on tho ques tion of liquor. If ho would only rend the Dlblo verses recordod on his own "boozo sheet" nnd get others to do the snmo there would bo moro tem pernto men walking our streets to day. I wondnr If Mr Tnnn. ...... .1.1 know a Bible if ho saw one. But ho knows nil nbont lum t... what's tho use. (Rov. G. LeRoy Hall, Paid Adv.) 1 !SaS2S2525H5Zn?a5aS25H5Z5Z5Z53Ha;r STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. iiviuunuroumviiuriu XI I IS AlfKIVAIj OF THE SHIP, 1 RESERVATIONS WILL IJE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME TJJf. .J..00 iiunni in MUUUIll, S F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore, GSszsHSEszsHSEraszsEsasBSEsasarea GSHsasEssasBszsz "5252 Settle It Now Settle It Right For constitutional amendmont giving to cities and towns exclusive powor to license, 1 regulate, control, suppress, or prohibit the sale of lntox- jlcatlng liquors within the municipality. 328 X Yes "v 4 JENDQRSED BY 40;o6o OREGON CITIZENS ORL'GOX HOME RULE ASSOCIA- TION. (118 Electric Building. PORTLAND, OREGON., (Paid Advertisement.) o-tt-tt-tt-n-a---.--tt--a-.t:--a-a---titt-a-B',1,c,l ii 1 ? a ? a t ? ? i ? tt 1 n 1 ? I Home Addition to Eastsjje NOW ON THE MARKET j This addition is situated immediately East of now Easts!" The lots aro 100x211 and larger, about eight ordinary lots; .: uie iou.uu up ror tnos, large tracts, ' i This plat was filed recently, and we have only a f lota remaining unBOjd. This Indicates that the property is ,nt"w f lug to purchasers, and anyone wishing to secure a lot should -promptly. Terms onehalf cash, balance e'qual payments, Si . r and 12 months. For -particulars see A- Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. f General Agents EASTSipE , Henry 8engstacken, ManP- T ---" Nov. Clonrlns; ?nlo, Muslin Under wear nnd petticoats Ladles Emporium. FOR CAREFUL CLEAXIYO Ladles should bring their Dresses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satlsfac tton guaranteed. COOS RAY TAILORING CO., J. W, Josephson. Mer. 180 South liroadnny, Mnrshfleld. HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, lias been re modelled and Improved and la under now management. Special nccommo- datlons for stago passengers and for peopio desiring a rest at the seashore. "Xou'JI Llko-tlio Place," J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. Vote for tho $300,000 bond issue No. 3C8. It means tho foundation for a, great harbor and harbor facili ties. (C. R. Peck, Paid Adv.) Have That Roof ta NOW See CORTHELL Pli""" '" - ront St., MarshfleM. OjJ. DBR NEW MAWAGBMKNT, heen thorougmr ""v. . and newly furnished. Rooms r able, by day. week w0"1" Mra. J. H, uuw""' UNDER ili' M w ..-. ??' , ijn'fifaAi.w. f Aft -. 1 " . - -? z3 rm "ll