Hijjjrfs'T'S"'l't:-r" IT J i a i ! 1 i T ft it i ? a i 1 k 1 ft ! i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1910 EVENING EDITION. HE BAZAR iLOgflLMERCHANT North Bend News i. 5 furnish you with ,,. i f - v COOS MAY APPLES, any va-, In nny size, packed for Uoiibo Ir sh'pnicnt to friends. Special i ted mxes, 4 vnrlotlcs, for XmnB j.vf better can be had. THE BAZAR HOUSE OF QUALITY. Phone 32, 'hile Figuring (THE CHEAP WIRING CAM- ION DON'T OVERLOOK THE lCT THAT WE ARE SELLING KTlItES AT A DIG DISCOUNT. itcn QTA VflATln tATrt.1 Ullll I nbaU . IV. WA WWU , 1'Uill IONS WE HAVE ONLY A FEW m. DETTER PLACE YOUR OR ER. . . i LIABLE TO ARREST AND FINE Practicing Without a License The large number of cases or iooc ins cured by "Natural Sliape rlorsheim sIiom hnv,. so affected the business of phy sicians and chiropodists that there is liable to be a serious protest from local practi tioners. The annoyance and discomfort oc casioned by poorly made and improp erly fitted shoes is entirely unnecessary, No matter what the style or shape every Florshcim shoe is made over lasts that are modeled from measure ments of the natural foot. Wc arc shoe fitters and will sec that you Ret your proper size. A complete showing at 5.00. Sonv KylesSG.OO. fin .Woolen Mill Store bos Bay Wiring Co. ! man ro mill clothiers Ahrshfield - Oregon KXl'KRT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully nslc your pntronago. PHONE 237-J. VOTE 298 A. II. WIHil has moved from the McCnnn residence to the- Prey house. Mrs. Matt KJellnml nnd dnughter, Soltna, were Marshflold callers Sat urday. P S. Barzeo of California, will spend tho wlntor with his brother, E. S. Darzce, here. Mrs. Beatn WItllg and Httlo daugh- l? , If H0.1, woro visiting friends In Mnrshflohl Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Albercht. Mrs. R. O. Sliminerlln. Mra. v. ni,rtn ,,...,. ., .-..v. .,, w.fcn, .1 vi u Mnrshflold shoppers last week. Mrs. uiins. Kaiser and niothci, Mrs. Oebhnrdt, nnd little dnutihtot .uibs ireuorn of Porter Addition, vw- itea friends horo last week. airs, ciias. Lenovc nnd little daughter, Mnry of Coqulllo City hnyo uceti spending tho week nt MnyorC. E . .lordon's homo nt Eastsldo. Professor A. I). Ilcaumont, WK Hnm Woods, Mls3 Lillian McCnnn nnd Mrs. Robert McCnnn attended tho W. C. T. U. contest nt the Mnrsh flold Tnbernnclb Frldny evening. Rev. R. G. Siimmcrlln of tho United Brethren church, loft on tho Uronkwnter for Portlnnd nnd other points. Ho has been pnstor for stx years, and Is now going out on nn Evangelistic campaign. Ispgail iniutftiwwKi COOS BAY TIDES. High wnter Date. Monday.... 7 NOVEMBER A. M. I h. in. I ft. 3:43 G.OI P.M. h.m.J ft. 2:301 7.S . NOTICE. Thero will bo a drill meeting of tho Oregon Nnvnl Reserve tonight at tho Owls hnll, which will horo nfter bo known ns Uio Armory. KasJis 298 is The Busy Corner's Telephone No. It stands for Reliability, Puvniy, Quantity and Quality LockharJ; - Parsons Drug Co. , "The Betsy Corner" IMarsh field, Oregon LOST $10 greenback on Honltn thin morning I.lbernl rounrd for ro turn to I. R. Tower. , FOR RENT A four roomed lint partly furnished. Phono 39R. HOY WANTED Inside work. Per mnncnt position. Apply Lockhart's grocery. JO 'piorjtnuun; 'tio5touiifluos "b4k .tplslv "PIIaui ..topR jo; ojuo oj .ijS1 .10 timiiou Hhd.iik (IHXNV.U FOR KALK 100 liettil of 'grndiMl Cottiwoll Ewos. Enterprjao Meat Company. NOVEMBER Low wntor Date. Monday... 'i A. M. h.ni. I ft. 8:21 4.R P. M. h. m. ft. 9:391 0.0 HORN. ' REID To Mr. nnd Mrs. Win o Reld nt tho homo of .Tudgo Sehlbrodo In Pint U, a daughter. Mrs. Rold Is n dnughtor of Judgo Sohlbredo. WILSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. O. N. Wilson of Sumner, n daughter. Mrs. Wilson Is a dnughtor of Chns. Solandcr of Catching Inlot. FOR RENT Furnished ramus. Mrs. Hazard, cor. Sth and Market. FOR RENT Residence KnKttddc, Phone Mrs. McCnnn, North Rend. WBBammmmaMmmammmamammmmmamammKmmnammmmmamamma pk. Fall Spraying I T . J Tim annann la nni of linml tfr H V Ji MW BVUUVIi to iw w lM C' ;a"1 I iJ FOR RENT Pioneer lodging mrt- iiients. Will bo for rent nftor Nov. 7. Apply to E. O'Connoll. FOR SALE Gitwillne launch "K-ft 5 horso power Union engine- II. W. Snnford, Sumnor, Or., Phono 3HX7. WANTED Three unfurnished rooms for housokeoplng. Phono 73, between 5 and G p. m. season fall spraying, nnd nil tho fruit growers thnt expect to ninrkot your fruit noxt season must spray now, wo bavo tho material. Llino Spray Spray and Hoso rtimpi Sulphur Spray Spray Spray Noz Materlnl tui3 LOST At SIstcrH of Retlmny dance, at I. O; O. F. hnll, Mondny ovo nlng, crescent pin sot with pearls. Liberal rownrd If returned to "X" Tlmos offlco. LOST WhUo French Finder notify E. D. Myers' Storo. poddlo dog. Michael at WANTED Potiltlon us cooks In camp by man and wlfo. Experi enced. Phono 1161, North llond, Or Pioneer Hardware Co Leading- tlordwuro Htoro -8-tt-w-'---n-a--u -n-n-n-a-K-a-w--n-a-n-- y If You Only Knew How painstakingly Olympic Flour Is made you would surely Insist upon having no other In tho house. Every kernel or wheat that goe3 Into Olympic Flour Is thoroughly washed boforo It goes through the mill. It Isn't touched by human hands nftor It is washed. It conies to you clean nnd sweet. Only tho very finest selected Northwest ern grown Blue Stem wheat goes Into Olympic Flour, Every batch undergoes a laboratory test to make sure that ever sack Is uniform. That Is why Olympic makes the best bread, biscuit and pastrj nli'nva fciJt . M"t H. W. PAINTER MwshfieW ... Oregon 7 -K-r-rK-K-K-H-H B-K-------- FOR SALE A two-horse clectrlo motor, small centrifugal pump and 300 gallon iron tank. Samo can bo seen by applying to mo at North Rend. O. F. MeCuUom. FOR RENT North Rend Hotel, 37 rooms upstairs, dining room, kitch en nnd office, with or without bar room. All furnished. Will make rent easy to tho right kind of ten ant. Apply at onco to Robt. Mnr sdou Sr., Marsbtleld. FOR SALE Gasoline boat. U lurm power. Comploto equlpraont. does at a bargain If taken at once. Ap ply Palace Restaurant. WANTED To buy a frwdi cow J. Hlllstrom, Marshfleld, Ore. vdfl SALE Homestead relinquish ment In heart of Ten Mile country. Eight acres slashed will sell for Ono Hundred dollars 100. Address Ohas. Pohle, Sampson, Or., Doug hlas County. FOR RENT Five-room furnished apartment In O'Connell building. KIUm PlieaxautN. I. It. Tower re turned Snturday from an auto trip to Roseburg during which ho killed nlno pheasants. Ho hnd n good trip. Cnpt. OIkoii Hurt. Cnpt. IJ. W. Olson Is nurBlng n soro nnsnl nppon dnge ns n result of a bnd fnll while trying to Jump from tho dQck of tho vessel to n launch tho other dny. Tho Nnnn Smith will probably sail today for Ray Point. No Council Meeting. Thero will bo no meeting of tho Mnrshflold city council this week, tho council hnvlng adjourned Inst Tuesday night for two weekfl owing lo tho lack of buslnesB nnd the fact that tomorrow Is elec tion dny. AmIim Divorce. Otto A. Morrlssoy lirn begun suit for dlvorco from his wife, Edith Morrlssoy. Ho does not know her present whorosbouts nnd Is having his nttornoy, C. F. MoKnlght, ntibllgh tho notice of milt In n Co qulllo paper. Is Indicted. ..T 0. Crawford, tho fornior Mnrshflold lawyor, was Indict ed by the federnl grand Jury at Port 'and a couil of dnyK no for Imner sonntlng a fedoral ofllccr. Ho will have Ida trial nt tho next torm of federal court there. Smith Here. R. 0. Smith of 0 rants Pass, domocrntlo eandldnto for congreas ngnlnst Congrcssmnu Ilnw- ley from this district, arrived horo todny nftor mnklng n tour of tho Co- qulllo vnlley. Ho hns many friends In this county through former visits, having been planning for tho last vear or so lo move to Mnrshflold to live nnd mndo ninny visits horo. Ho Is ronfldent of victory. Ho will snenk t tho Marshflold Mnonlc Oporn Ilniiso tonight. RonortH Theft. Mrs. Lura E. Wood ,who roKlden at tho .Danlols Creole Logging Cnmn, hns roportod to Mnrshal Carter that Robert Hoad, n fourteon-yenr-old boy from Rosoburg tolo several dollars from her. Tho 'nd ran nwny from homo nnd whon his folks nt RnHnhurg found hn was hero, tbev hnd Sam Slkos of Rose burg phono Marshal Cartor to sond him homo. Marshal Cartor did so hist week and n few days nftor Mrs. Wood roported tho loss of hor money. SI Noidi Fined. SI Noah anpoared boforo Justlco Ponnock todny nnd nlended to n chargo of assault and battory proferrod by .Tay R. Towor, and paid a lino of $10 nnd costs. It rosultcd from nn escnpado at tho Glasgow Oun Club Sunday. Qamo Warden Noah started nftor Rny Knufmnn for shooting a wound ed ,) duck out of n boat, and Jny Towor called to Kaufman that Wright couldn't do anything. Wright thon started to ward Tower and a fow words botwoon thorn resulted In Noah landing a stiff ono on Towor. Tho assault was witnessed by a number of mombors of tho club who declared today that It was unprovoked. PLAY TO RE flIVEN. Miss Dixie Loftln with tho assis tance of hor company and Marshflold local tnlont, will present on Friday evonlnc tho great comedy success "Mlstnkes Will Hanpon" a farco comedy In threo acts. On tho following week, Miss Loftln will iiresent the great play. "Tho Lion and tho Mouso" An emotional drama In four nets. This play will not bo doformod In any way, It will bo prosonted to the public In full cast tho samo as It was playod In Now York. :::;:;OTmttHmjm::nwtt8tmmttm I Personal Notes 3 Htm:tmtmut:mttttmtut:mtmttttm C. R. PECK has returned from a, bus iness trip to San Francisco. J. 11. FLANAGAN returned todny from a business trip to San Fran cisco. J. M. RLAKE arrived here today from San Frnnclsco to look nftcr Intorests on tho Rny. GEO. DINDINGER returned todny from a short business and pleasure trip to California points. JOHN HENDR1CKSON of CoosRlv. or was In town Saturday looking nftor Borne business Interests. CIIAS STAUFF returned todny from n fow months stny In California. Ho Is much Improved In health. JUDGE J. S. COKE arrived home Sat urday from a trip to Eugene. Ho left this morning for Coqulllo on business. VERNON SHELLY returned today from San Francisco whoro ho has boon on business for Ills father, G. W. Shelly. J. M. UPTON has returned from Cur ry county nnd reports thnt his father, J. II. Upton, who was 111, is much Improved. MRS. J. G. McDOUOAL of Rny Park.1 is reported qulto III at North Rend whoro Bho hns been staying whllo hor husbnnd has boon confined In Mercy hospital. MRS. LLOYD RRIDGES and mother, Mrs. Rrown, loft Snturday for Portland. They sold their room ing houso on South Rroadway to W. F. Hurt and wife. JAS WATSON, county clerk, spoilt Sunday with Marshflold friends. Ho camo ovor Saturday with his slstor, Miss Dorothy Watson, who went to Portlnnd to visit. W. P. MURPHY and wlfo roturned today from Snn Francisco, Mrs McLcod who accompanied Mrs. Murphy south went to Los Angeles nnd will return noxt Sntitrdny MISS INEZ ANDERSON of North Horn!, who linn boon attending n business school In Portland this fnll Is expected homo In time for tho funornl of hor mother, Mrs. Victor Anderson, noxt Wednesday. WM. McCAHEY, Frank Terry nnd C. W. Gnrrett, tqreo of tho bCBt known nnd most olllclont loggers in tho county, were dowh from tho McDonntd nnd Vnughn Rluo Ridge Cnmp todny on buBlnoss ntid pleasure. NORTH BEND EASY WIIE High School Football Team De feats Myrtle Point Eleven At Myrtle Point. MYRTLE POINT, Ore, Nov. 14. By a score of 15 to 0, tho North Bond. High School football team defeated tho Myrtle Point High School team horo Saturday nftornoon. Tho visit or wero n llttlo heavier and bettor trained than the home team. Ther was n fair crowd out to seo tho contest. ill Ladles' Hats nimbi ovor nnd ro trimmed. Trimming fiOc to $1.00 nt Ladles Emporium Mm. Wright. Tho LADIES' All) of tho Mothodlnt church will sorvo n Business Mon- LUNCH nt NOON TUESDAY In tho COOS Bltlg., nnd SUPPER In the EVENING nlso. T TALK ON PROHIBITION Mass Meeting Held at Marsh field Tabernacle Sunday Evening. Tho Prohibition mooting hold nt tho Mnrshflold Tnbornnclo Snndajr evening wns woll nttonded despite tho Inclement wenther. M. C. Hortou presided ns chnlrmnn of tho mooting nnd n dozen lornl men delivered short tnlks urging tho cntiso of prohibition, for Tuesday's election. Tho sponk Ing program was Interspersed with vopjjI numbers. Tho meeting was opened by scrlp turo rending by Row J. Richard Olson nnd prayer by Rev. II. I. Riitlodge nnd tho aponkors nnd tholr subjocts woro its follows: C. II. Marsh on "Greater Home Rulo." Rev. II. I. Rittlodgo on "Tho Search Warrant Feature" Rov. G. LoRoy Hnll on "Personal Liberty." A. O. Wnlkor on "Prohibition Doo Prohibit." I. S. Smith on "Tho Laboring Mau nnd tho Saloon." Rov. J. Richard Olson' on ''How to Vote." Wo Judgo a treo by what fruit U bonrs, nnd tho futui'o by tho pnst. If tho fruit on .Too Bennett's treo Is nf lm 111. ,.1.1 ....It ..!., I,. II l ..ll . '. i..u mint iii tu iviij , lb IB IJII11U snfo to flguro that It will continue i to bear tho samo fruit. Thoroforo tnko his Port Amomlmcnt with n grain of unit, and when voting on this mensttro put n plain X behind number 307 on your ticket, which menus thnt wo want tho majority to rulo nnd don't want to stop progrosa Just becnuso Elijah nnd Joo Bon net t object. C. R. PECK. ' Voto YES on Port. Measure culling for $300,000 bond Isstto by putting n plain X bohlntl 308.' (C. R. PECK paid Adv.) Evoryono como Supper. to tho TAMALK REPUBLICANS VOTE FOR II. V. JONES. To tho Voters of Coos County: Certain Inlluonces are nt,work to Indtiro you to voto for Judgo Hamil ton, u Democrat, ns ngnlnst Mr. Jones, n Republican, for Circuit Judgo. Mr. Jones Is a good clean man nnd If elected will mnko tin ef ficient, cnpnblo nnd upright ofllclaL To voto f-r V-. J.:'.e.-. will not Jeo pardize tho chances of Judgo Coke ono whit moro than to voto for Judgo Hamilton. Do not bo docotv cd, Wo do not wnnt tho roputatloa of knifing a eandldnto from abroad, because If wo do It will bo visited upon us In tho future Lot us "tote" fnlr. Thoro Is no excuse for tinr Republican refusing to support D. F. Jonos, GEO WATKINS. E. L. C. PARKIN, GEO. N. FARRIN, HARRY G. HOY, EDWARD II. JOEHNIC, C. E.'MAYREE, J. O. MULLEN, J. H. GUERRY, l O. A. SBHLBREDE, W. U. DOUQLAS. Hot time KLKPTIOV duv. MFTII. OD1ST hot TAMALK SUPPER. Coos Building. , "TTnd Tho Times' Want Ads. -tt-8-Utt-n--B--B-U-M-a- S--tt--U- ---$?-. DON'T BE A MUTT YOUR. HORSE REQUIRES THE BEST FEED A dealer advises us that quality docs not mat ter with the Marshfield Barley Buyers. Call For SPERRY'S UNION BARLEY and see MILLINERY at Great Reduction FOR SALE Household furniture cheap nnd houso for rent. Enquire at 463 North Broadway, FOR. SALE. Only $400. Lot 19x20 Bl. 13, Edmonston first Addition to Marshfleld. CHAS, W, CARLSON 1680 B Hassalq X., Portland, Oregon HIGH GRADE PATTERN HATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, $30.00 Hats at . $1H.OO $10.00 Hats nt ,. . . , $.0.00 $12.00 HatH at ($ 7.00 $10.00 Hats at $,0.00 $.8.00 Hats at . . . $.5.00 $.0,00 Hats nt $.1.00 at Ladies' Emporium MUS. WRIGHT That Quality Does Count. x M I K I M I n i H I If I ir i X-' r K I ? X X X I Eagles' Dance Hall NOW FOR RENT Dancing Clubs and! Others who desire particulars can see the secretary.' ji.A'aA'jgW ' & At :