liinJdi 1 1 i' il m' m ''SwSi 'I' ' YmaL THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAKSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1910 EVEHIIMG EDITION. iV , 'WlW'lV ICDQ ' WHAT DO YOU WANT COOS BAY TO BE? m f iHililt.PoM nnd 80clM PjbD i f - wiiffiLiiv-sr- LJ " 1, C 1 I -J II I P Iln,,Uflt church $fy ec -77XpkM . R , r W 1 I r mombor8 haT8 lS sw:w m Itt M an Clarn Robfold. ' , W. Lowla. ift .evening, ti nliort pro- ndored as follows: i MfB. Wesley Smith. ss Alpha Mauzoy nnd eld. Rev. Q. h. Hall. Iss Alpha Mauzoy. , lU.inembarfl. nnd frlondn 'fqibaroil In n very unique one cornor or ino cuurcn m conducted n corrospnn- o, onvolopcfl ndu.reBod-to Ih out of town 'wore, dlu- nd tho pooplo woro naked; It drop n noto to an old tlnio t die ciob? ino inuioH worvoii vary ',-Untlal rofrophniontB. il'il flnttnp In nn fnllnwn t ub all lmvo a now vision of a to, bo dona nnd whnt can be IiIb coinlriK yonr for ChrBt. We not looso slRht of our conunlB- AVhothor wo buy or soil, work t lot us not forKot that wo ImbABsadprs for Johus Christ. Lot .willing to undortako now work. r problems nre to cornn boforo im 'tit year' tnorororo nrst or nil let un . :ikl3 '- w -rr i1 i ft ' f if C Q l-fFfl T i i'iir .iJjJl .ititt 'jw Krsl f SiFW i - " s 'w no WKr'" "Pon, Q"'I fr stronRth A 'Ol accomplish the now nnd grontor rk. 'My pooplo, lot mo rIvo you p "Intiirnl tnnttn fnr Mila vnnr ft ..rf"" "" ownnn tlinf mnna from Minf niirlnvt 1 Fiflfcri 1nul whn nnvnp nnrn Rhiinnpd ty. Thjs In It: "Pross forwnrd" lay Qod bless you." PAKMAMKNT IN CHINA. r '4 j! llrii 'PmvtiljMi 1iir ntuNtnn Til 1i!iii fifth l)lr, Tl ,0I!, r,ruy Asaoclntod ProBS to Coos liny fl TIltlACI PEKIN, Nov. 14. An ofllolnl do- viee was Issued todny announcing nn porlal pnrllnmont, tno nrst in in story of China will bo convenod In 913. If you want Coos Uny t'o nmount 9o a llttlo "Frog-pond," vote for the lennott amendmont. (C. R. Pock ?ad advortisomont.) ui ... ,, . i- For The HANDSOMEST niiu MnRT nwARnVAm.R pmcion ta- t iwf ..-.......-.-. DLB WARE EVER SHOWN ON COOS BAY, DROP IN AND LOOK OVER OUR NEW GOODS, WHICH INCLUDES TUB FAMOUS SCII LEO EMI I I1C1 1 WAI1H DIRECT FROM GERMANY. NEW PATTERNS IN WHITE AND " GOLD DIRECT FROM JOHNSON'S FACTORY IN KNOLAND. REAL HAVILANI) CHINA. IN FACT WE HAVE NEARLY EVE RYTHING IN CHINAWARE, GLASS WARE AND POTTERY. Trade here, and wave money. 1 - - -rzzmz smc- T- -? . f?Sr - .rV ' L " 'JZ-wfil-yfc "SIT Art? tfSfc--'E ftHEZA . If you want to provont (Paid Advortisomont by vi i:vs 01.' mu. urro.v. The Port Orford Trlbiino snys: "J. M. Upton of Mni-Hliflold, ciintlltlnto ror circuit .miuro, la HpnntlliiK todny 'n Port Orford. Mr. Upton Ih qunllll od In every wny to nil tho position to which ho nHpJrog, nnd ho will rocolvo n lnrgo voto throughout this soctlou." Tho Uiuidou llocordor snys: "J. M. Upton of Mnrshflolt, cnndltlnto for Circuit Judgo, wns In Dnndon over Sunday on his wny to Curry county to visit IiIb father. Hon. J. II. Upton t Lnnglols. Mr. Upton, who Is n formor Unndonlnn, nnd wns tho founder of tho Hocordor, retnlni mnuy frlnnds of tho onrllor pnrloil of tho city, who nro dlsplnylug much Interest In his cnmpnlgn. Mr. Up ton's ability as n lawyor Is wolt known, nnd ns he Is n mnn of strong porsounllty nnd Indopondont v!owt, he Ib well qtinllflcd to servo tho poo nlo on tho bonch. Thoro nro two lodges to bo oloototl In this dlwtncv. Hnmllton nnd .Touos nro contemlln,-; for Douglns, whllo Coke ami Upton nro contending for Coos nnd Curry counties. (Pnld ndveitUomant by J. D. McNeil.) , When voting for Rnllrond Commis sioner, don't forgot Coos County's uomlnoo, Hugh McLnln. W. J. Rust (Pnld Adv.) r-iii wEasassssssfasxsasm BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of RELIABLE THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF RELIARLE HUSIXIJSS HOl'SES AND IIUSIXESS MEN IN MARSIIFIELD WHO HANDLE GQODS THAT CAN IU3 GUARANTEED AT FAIR PRICES OR MEN WHOSE WORK MAY UK DEPENDED UPON. IT WILL PAY YOU TO PATROXIZB THEM vyr7TT.T7TITrp?TW.-.'T. .-mr ixtyjeajaagrrrawti JTrnmni imTanwrmimiy vtut Moth Restaurant ers Is bettor prepared to sorvo you than over befcre. Commerclnl Ae., bet. Front and ItrondnHy, Mnrsltlleld. S Go To if' umi i rv p. couoncncD tUIULLI OC OUUIIV'UULP yr io 4 this condition, soo that you mark Port of Coos Bay Measures Proposed (AiMM'iirlmrln imniiililclof Port of Com liny us rnriitiHtiiilhiimMol liiirlcriif PnrUif C'ixh liny iiriililliltluir It llmiril or Coinmihtloni'iH from Incurrlnuniiy IikioIiUmIih'hh In cxui'hh of I Ifty ' 'rlioiisiiniMlilliri4, anil nrmUllnjr lluit uny niicIi uxckxh MiiiII Ixi void iiiiIih lln'iilliriimllMiof tlii'iiii'hiloiiorim.'mrlii(f Hiiclii'Xu".tliiili'iiliMl ihkhkIiiiII lmvo rvi-cUril n imijorlly vntotif tliiilciml voliirnof hiiIiI Port cii lntr tliiirouii nt ii limiluliicilitiii mid pruvlillni: tlnit llio iitfuri'tfiiiu liiilolilcilnchii.f wild 1'nrl hhnll umiir cxicril tun pur unit of tlin in-M'-i it Miliiiillon nf iroHTty within hiiltl Port. Viito YKS or No iUill Yl'H. an x No. Dr. E, Mingus.) n-K---M----a--:--- U For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES H A. M. nnd 3 P. M. Phono 7iW. I tt t tt tt I tt t tt I tt I tt t tt i t: t: n i :: t: i it t it V tt I I tt I ti I tt t ti tt i tt i n tt i n ti i tt i tt t it tt tt I tt t tt tt tt i tt I. r -ti-H-ti-tt-tt-ti-tt-it-tt-tt-tt-a-ti REAL ESTATE. I lmvo home of tho bust buys on. thi' Uny. Cun nrrnngo Vn8y tonus. ' Ilottnoa nnd buildings for tent. AUGl'KTFHIKlftlN. po Atwr.i iA -t 4M.n).i r I " wuiuu iv. .huihm, u., - BUSINESS houses Giyr YOl It JOR PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Letter Hetids, Dill Rends, Eine. lopes, Culling Cauls, etc. STADDEN ' All klntW of phologrnph worte, UojaWilJargIn mA i;oiak lm. $.Zt. your ballot as follows on tho by Initiative Petition. Numlmr-YoH WX). No 301) M X Yi 3j No. Good Evening! II.W K VOU ANY L.WNIIUV? If so, do not forget that this In nil.' luttmlry whoi-o you got tho bent work, iin.l prices nro In every ono". reach. Cull up nnd onu of the driv ers will call nnd explain nil detnlls to you. All toluphono culls mo quickly attended to, becanso wu nro running wo wngons. OUR GUARANTEE IS ' YOUR SAT ISI'MCTION. MARSIIEIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. i!ntiwy Rrns., Protk Phono 220-.T. NEW LIVERY Fancy now rigs, good horses and cnreful drivers aro now at tho dis posal of thG Coos Day public at HEASOXARLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drlvors ready for any trip nnywhoro nny tlmo. Horsos boardod nnd rigs enrod for. ",Now hoarso and special accommo dations provided for funoral pnrtlos W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables . . .. (if)utii iiromlnay, Mandiflchl i Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office J. J,. KOONTZ l f a Machine and Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gns Engine Work Holland's boat shop, Front port quostions on tho bottom of Port of Coos Bay Measures Referred by the Board of Commissioners of the Port of Coos Bay to the Voters of the Port of Coos Bay. (Aniwurlinf In iminiililutiif Port of Coos liny nn Nnmlior Yi'HSfr.'. No mi) An iirilliiuiuoof tlio Port of Coos liny niloptlntf lU'crtiiln project of liurlior tiiiriiviiiiiiiit priilillnir fur tin) ilri'ilKlnir anil iiiiiliiti'iiuni'o of u iiiiiln hlillt uliiinnol. for linprovcinioit of Hiilwldliiry uutci wiiy tunpiy I hi Into Coos liny, for (lurchm-oof properly HitllitliUi for pulillo wlmrves mil docks, mill priivlillntr for iHsiiuniiuinilMiliiiif l'orlloiiils In IIiiihiiiii t-iyi.lOMUltiH'iirryout siieli projeut Voln YKS or NO. first Trust and Savings Bank OF CO)S DAY MAItSIIKIELI), OltCGON. CAPITAL FULLY PAID $100,000.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COICE, Prcsldont. HORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. JOHN P. HALL, V. S. CHANDLER, HENRY SENGSTACICEN, WILLIAM GRIMES, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DR. C. W. TOWER, M. O. HORTON, VIco Prosldent nnd Manager. DOES A GENERAL RANKING AND TRUST RU8INE8S. YOUR RUKINESS SOLICITED. Safe Deposit I!och for rent In our Vntilts nt $:S.0 f THE FIRST NATIONALBANK ? OF COOS BAY , STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL RANK. WoUs Furgo Nevada National Rank. Baa Francisco, Cal. The United States National Rank, Portland, Or. Draws Drafts on I Tho National Park Rank, The, Com Exchange National Rank, Chicago, 111.' The Rank of Scotland, London, England. Tho Credit Lyonmils, Paris, Franco, , In addition we draw drafts on nil principal banking centers In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Central and Couth America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject, to check. Certificates of Doposlts Issued. Safo Deposit Boxes fqr rent. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK , , MAR3HFIELD. OREGON. Oldest Uuiik In Coos County, Established In 18n. Pnld up Capital and Surpbis. ISKO.OOO.uO. Aiwla Oim llnlf Million 1nllni-a Does a general banking butlness and draws drafts on the Hank of CaMfornia, San Francisco, Cel.; Hanover National Dank, N. f First rational uanK, roriiann, ore.; i-'lrst National ua """" btirg, Ore. j The London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd,, London, England. Also sella exchange on all of tho principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Bare deposit lock boxes for rent OFFICERS: J. W. BENNETT, President. K. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. f J. II. FLANAGAN, V.-Prcs. GEO. E, WINCHESTER. A cau INTEREST PAID ON TifF pvR. J. W. INGRAM, -' Physician and Surgeon. Olllco 208-200 Coos .Ruildlij. Phones -OAko 1C21; Residence J'GjJt J l.n' W. BENNETT, if S.UMM V f! 1' .1 IMS P.ut V iTCt . .JfiJIA ' " - - "' Omco or Flanagan & Bennett Ban Marsanold, Oregor TVTM. S. TURPEN, Architect. tho ballot next Tuesday. r tccl lined, llro nnd mid up per annum, burglar New York, N. Y, I EPOSITB. . ... .,,!.. runllr THE LLOYD iS.Tu'Znuur; .... . ,.. ..,. ... i'l Administer carpeti b ...... rnnm IS,,, T'5"' f0" jM " ', " "UU0I Uji .'OyloW.OO, Alo a UY... u baths with K" ranges, IU.0O p mentii Tako buss at depot, Mr ff "'""' "vggs: G. W. Di Under! Miirshflcld,! r ,t. V iJ Parlors, 180 SI Telephone, Day oj T iK C"" v-j , ar stpet, Marahfleld, Ore. Oyor Chamber of Commerce. iV H,