Tpnj!5r' ""T IP Rravsvm "73E Iml Sir ' m 3Rf?9QHMmI .l""-. -f' E&eauridBiMii u 11 VWf -V T irw' & THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1910 EVENING EDITION. MERCHANT KAMME 'c- i- fill fc bNcv lletr. " t storted .dos 5 vt GOING OUT OF THE GENTS' FURN ISHING GOODS AND CLOTHING BUS INESS. $25,000 Stock of High Grade Merchandise to be Closed out regardless SALE COMMENCED SATURDAY AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL SOLD OUT Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing and Overcoats, Boys' and Young Men's Knee Length and Long Pants Suits. Cluett and Monarch Shirts, Nettleton, Bannister Thompson Bros Shoes, Gautner & Mattern and Cooper's Underwear Oil Cloth ing, Rubber Boots, Rubber Goods of all kinds. Mackintoshes, Leather Goods, Neckwear, Etc., Etc. Not a single article restricted from sale. For the convenience of the men who may not be able to come during the day we will keep open every night until 8 p. Ift. Watch the papers for prices. See Window Displays. Come in and get prices. Supply your needs for the winter. An opportunity of a lifetime. Very Respectfully, ..-.' 4Kb, ' $ v. k:; -f'&l Copyright 1909 by Hut Schiflncr U Matt MERCHANT KAMMERE w l .D Till-: FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSENGERS ANI) FREIGHT IIETWEK.V COOS IJAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. AIJi RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND 1NTEH-OCEAN TRANSP. CO. FIFE IILIH1., SAN FRANCISCO. FOR INFOR NATION PHONE il-J o UH5. hails rou SAX francisco NOVEMHER 0 AT H 1'. m. iX'J'Klt.OCHAXTHAXSI'OltTATIOX'CO.MIMXY. si I -tt---tt-n-tj-n-a--a-nn- a-n-a--a -a-a-aa-a-a-n-a Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT RIAHLO AXD JOSSOX CEJIENT. Tho Lost Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo Brick ond nil kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH 11ROARWAY. --- IKSaSBiSSaSaSBmSHSaZScaSSBSSHSBSHK PHONE 201, - STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alnsworth Rock, Portland, at 8 P. M., every Tuesday. Sulla from Coos Hay every Saturday at service of time. Reservations will not lio held later than Friday 110011, unless tickets are purcliascd. W. F. MUIer, Agt,. Phono Main 35-L mommmmmmmmmmmmKmmtmmsmmmKmmmmmmmmmM ARE; YOU DRY or WET? WE HAVE THE STUFF " TO KEEP YOU DRY. a IT IS NO TROUBLE TO GET WET. ' The FIXUP OPPOSITE BREAKWATER i jfeiiv. .tj m fn'Q""-f ..I, M-BwirririiMm T" "" i. tos Bay -Roseburg Stage Line " V. . . , ....T7ii,i. fitnirS leaves dally nd -iago uciwccn imscuurg miu .,,. ....- -- - m Marsh! 7 p. in. Fare, 0.00. MANY PROMINENT COOS HAY cnrnNS uitoi'j votmus to VOTK FOR $.tOO,0)( 110ND 1SSUU AXD AGAINST 50,000 HK STRICI'ION. To tho votora of tho Port of Coon Day: Wo, tho undersigned having Invos tlgatod tho honodts to ho dorlvod from substantial harbor linprovo moutR nnd tho public ownorshlp of Inrgo docks at cotorn, nnd realizing that Hitch Improvomonts roqulro lnrgo sums of monoy to sccuro ennui to ndavntngo, wo fully ondorso tho Port moaRuro asking for $300,000 bond Ibsuo, and would Ilka to bco ovory progrosslvo votor voto "Yea" on that Mdasuro 3C8, and "No" on tho Ilonnott Amondmont No. 3C7 for $50,000. C. A. SMITH LUMI1RR CO., hy J. V. SM RATON. SMITH POWKRS LOOOINQ CO., hy A. II. POWERS. A. II. POWERS. E. E. STRAW. C. 13. NICHOLSON. WILLIAM GRIMES. r EAST MARSIIFIELp LAND CQ hy W. U. DOUGLAS. , W. U. DOUGLAS. THE FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF COOS RAY, by W. S. McFA'tt . LAND, Cashlor. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO., hy C. J. MILLIS. EICDLAD & SON, (W. N. E. EIC- HLAD.) F. M. lARIIOFFER. MCPHERSON GINSBR CO. FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS . RACI,. yrph'nold, Orogon, hy Herman EdwardB, mastor Str Alert Z, Tj. SIglln. C. L. Donchrako. Wm. 'Roes. . . ' ' ir! A. Wells. ' W' ' J. Larson. E. W. Guptll. F. E. Rogers. ' II. II. Rogers. E. O. Hall. . W. A. Kotchum ' T. S. Harvey Herman Cordes F. H. VIrtuo SiVSrfy LAUGH! WELL I GUESS youd laugh too If you had just got your old suit hack from tho cleaners, and It looked as good as new like tnlno does. No. It's no secret, tho work was done bUio Marshfleld CIpauloMgM Dyo I WorkH, 0 won s M. C. IIORTON, vlco-prosldont, D. KUEITZKR, Cnshlor. COOS DAY TIMES, hy M. C. MALONEY, Pub. P. S. DOW. A. W. MEYERS & CO. I1ANIC OP OUEOON, by C. S. WIN- SOU, Caslilor. NELSON IRON WORKS, by F. E. NELSON. C. C. GOING. C. A. JOHNSON. J. A. MATSON. A. T. HAINES. MARSHFIELD HDW. CO., by A. E. NEFP. NORTON & HANSEN STATY. CO,, by OGREN. THE PREUSS DRUG CO., hy F, C. I1IRCII. AUa. PRIZEBN. WM. S. CHANDLER. WM. 0. CHANDLER. W. T. MERCHANT. O. O. LUND. THE FINNISH CO-OPERATIVE CO., by FRED SELANDBR. P. A. SACCIII. J. RICHARD OLSON. ANDREW STORGARD. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO., by Q. W. KAUFMAN. STUTSMAN & CO., by A. II. STUT SMAN. PIONEER HDW. CO., by F. E. HAGUE. L. M. NODLE. FIRST NATIONAL RANK OP NORTH REND. OREGON COAL AND NAVIGA TION CO., By P. HENNESSEY, Managor. .MERCHANT LAND CO., by Jno. C. MERCHANT, Mgr. John Enogron II. S. Tower J. T. Conologuo M. II. Mulloy E. L. Plerco Kruso and Ranks Geo. R, Montgomery John Dlasca ' Altus Kingston C. W. Tower L. R. Hughes Coos Ray Engineering Co., by H.i C. DIors. .a Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2I4-J TO BE SENT EAST Tho nronkwator sailing today car rlod two of tho best oxhlblts that this county 1ms mndo to tho rest of tho country, of Its horticultural and agri cultural products. One of thorn will go East In chargo of tho Harrlman Intorosts In their car which will bo used to display Oregon's resources; tho other will also o East In charge of tho car that tho Hill IntorestH nro sending to display Oregon's re sources. As n moans of advertising, tho valuo of tlieHo exhibits cannot bo ovor-eatlmntod. Tho apploa display ed In both curs nro n credit to any district. This . was nrrangod by Drown Rros. of Myrtlo Point and Coos County can fool justly prdud that It has a section nblo to produco tho stock ns shown In this oxhlblt. Mr. Potor Scott of MurBhflald, Is making a flno display of colory; poo- plo who aro supposed to know say that this torrltory grows as flno colo ry na tho famouB Michigan district or tho Santa Anna district In Califor nia. It Is also Intondod to havo a flno display of cranborrles and cran borry vinos growing. This oxhlblt, takon with tho general oxhlblt of farm, lumber and mineral products should give tho Eastern pooplo qulto an Insight Into Cooa County's resources. W . Tl' is n T. R. Shnrlrinn I nsns'J ... w..w. - -vwwHll 1 Over R. A. Grahami Operations. ROSEDURG, Oro., Oct. 31J mnmlato from tho Circuit C Appeals nt San Francisco wa oil down In Fodoral District sustaining Judgo Wolvorton decision of tho caso of E. R, dan vs. tho Southorn Pacific pony. Judgo Wolvorton heh tho Southorn lawfully was cut possession of tho land, whlcl braces a considerable tract ad; to tho towtiRlto of Marsh Hold County, Sheridan Instituted ills act! luglng that ho had morely mo od tho land to tho J. D. Spree Sons Company, and that the: no right to alienate tttlo In fa Southorn acqulrod the proport tho tlmo It bought out the Sprw' railway Intorosto. Defending proporty, It was nhowp that tfie had passed to tho Sprockloa irnrwl rniiftlflnrnHrin. Anil tkut Ing had boon dono by the alljjfft ownors to suggest that thoy regal tho deal ns a mmgago until tho Southorn Pacific bought In faith and for a valuablo conal tlon. HOME LAND Co. 8 UB lor lnrMUBMtU OB Coo Day. We guarontV owac'g prl tf i1 4 . FLIGHT WILL BE SUCCESS Young Welshman Completes First Part of Trip From London to Paris. CORDEIIEM, Franco, Nov. C. Willows, tho young Welshman who ascended at Wormwood-Scrubbs, Eng land, at 3, 25 o'clock yesterday, for a flight across tho English channel to Paris, arrived hero safely this morn ing. After taking on fuel ho proceed ed to Paris, Willows' attempt to, ronsw his flight failed temporarily after jhaYlng discovered a rupture in tha tuV which permittee im This ho set auou CHARLTON'S QASE UP. (Ry Associated Press to Coos Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. 0., Nov. B. Tho fato of Portor Charlton on uucstlon of extradition to Italy tho alleged murder of his wife Lako Coma ispow In tho hands of U, S. Stato Department which viow tho caso from all angles of law and the treaty obligations havlg a bearing uppn it. It will be severs. weeks boforo tho pointB aro dot' mined. NOTICE. A special mooting of tho stockhol ors of tho Peoplo's Co-operative Cc pany will ho hold Tuesday event! November 15, 1010; at the hour eight o'clock at the store of the abov company In Marshflald, Oregon; ( tlui jmrBoie of. ' . . R 1 . ' - i w- vr"'w t.z'z:xir .A' " i m :1 MtW mf ! 1 " f m 'v4 v ': '1 O. P. 1JARXARD, Agent, RO8EDUR0, OWE. ftKM.Mj2lCKT A V Marshfleld. Phone 27O7C. fcjlioadwa: liMlies Gm JpM WwQRA M i'HONE 11 fjk-;j SOHKTTER. Acent. Have yc y, 1 uw itripm H ' Vlk ',J jpfSf'frep-