The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 07, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    rVB- rr- wwwwpmj .w -i1 WffMm "J mf
Entered nt the postofflco nt Mnraji
Hold, Oregon, for transmission
through tho malls ns second class
mall matter.
Address nil communications to
Mni'Miflelri :: :: :: :: Oregon
Editor nntl Pub.
News Editor
nmin rnirui n
Dunu hond
(Continued from nairo 1.)
Official Paper of Coos County.
(From Poll: County Obsorvcr, Dallas,
HIE TIMES Is confident thnt tho
pcoplo of Coos County nniong
whom as boy and man Judge
Coke has lived for SO years nro suf
ficiently familiar with his record to
repudiate nny reflections sought to bo
CnBt on It even In n political cam
palgn. Thi.i confldenco In him as
Judgo and man found nbundant nnd
forceful expression In tho verdict nt J
tho primaries when ho received tho
largest majority of nny district notnl
nco nnd ho nlso received tho endorso
mont of tho democrat of the district.
For 22 years Judgo Coko has re
sided in MnrBh field and for 20 years
practiced law hero. Tho pcoplo of
this city know him nnd whnt ho
standH for nnd Tho Times has faith
In their expression of approval at tho
polls tomorrow. Judge Coko de
serves well of Mnrshfleld for ho hns
over boon foromost with volco and
inonoy In working for Its advance
ment nnd prosporlty. llo has beon
Identified with tho iultlntlvo of ninny
of tho city's boat nnd most substan
tial ImprovomontH. This work should
bo rocognlzod In nn overwhelming
voto nt the polls.
Tho chnractor of his loglalatlvo rec
ord Is host shown In tho fnct that
vhllo n niembor of that body ho en
Joyed tho friendship and conlltlonco
nnd had tho support of nil of his fol
low mombors logardloss of politics. 1
Tho Tlmos does not doslro to In
dulgo In fulsome adulation of Judgo
Coko. Ho does not neod It. His
rocord public nnd prlvnto Is an open
book. Ills Btnudtng ns n citizen mid
nn olllclnl Is woll known. Tomor
row's vordlct will merely sot tho sent
of popular npproval on that record.
Polls Will Be Open From 8
O'clock In Morning Until
7 At Night.
It Is oxpectod that Coos County
will poll ono of tho biggest votes In
Its history nt tho stnto election to
morrow. Tho pollB In every precinct will
open nt 8 o'clock In tho morning and
remain open until 7 o'clock In tho
ovonlng. The oloctlon boards aro re
quired to koon tho polls open from
12 to 1 o'clock but nro allowed from
1 o'clock until 2 o'clock for 'dinner
it they doslro' to nil go to oat once.
Tho polling places In Mnrshfleld
will bo tho samo ns at tho primary
oloctlon In Soptombor.
other products from tho Interior.
For or against tho farmer or tho
rnnchcr ns on tho upbuilding of this
great hnrbor by Its manufactures,
population, etc., ho gets a hotter mar
ket, and his farm la mado more valu
able. For or agaliiBt the morchnnt, bo
cauBO nf tho greater opportunities
ho hns to expand his trade.
For or against tho laboring mnn,
for by progress tho building of a
city, moro manufactures, and etc., his
condition is mndo belter nnd his
labor more In domnnd.
For or ngalnst overy citizen that
owns n homo who has been hero or
como hero to better his condition.
In fnct, It Is for or against patri
otism, good citizenship, higher real
ization of better and grontor things,
and for or ngnltiBt tho spirit of do
ing things nnd nccompllsh better and
grontor results 'for a community nnd
Its citizenship.
Now whnt opposition Is thoro to
tho accomplishing thcBo bettor re
sults. Nothing moro than tho greed
of n few Bolllsh men to obtnln nn
Elljnh Smith of tho Southern Com
pany and a fow of his paid hirelings
nro now scouring tho country buy
In. nn tho stock of Southern Ore
gon Company nt in conts on tho dol
lar, tolling tho holders of stock that
tho government hns nttackod their
holdings, Hint thoro Is nothing do
ing on Cooi Day, that tho wholo mat
r of Improvement of the 1b v Is In
tho court nnd thnt thoro Is a goncrnl
mlxup, not conduclvo to tho succoss
of any holding or Investment. Thoy
have not told the holders that thoy
hnvo brought about most of tho con
dltlon named, that thoy hnvo retard
ed devolopmont for tho purpose of
inoozlng tho llfo and value from tho
holdors of such stock, nnd nt .tho
cost of trying to rotnrd tho growth,
development, tho llfo ami blood of
this community. How many votorn
aro going to stand for such. a condi
tion? How ninny aro going to loud
Mirtr InlluPiim or tholf nld to xuch no
faiious tronchory to this community.
Thoro surely enn no nono. uxcuui.
Mioso thnt will bo bonolltted by tho
defeat of tho proposed $300,000 for
Improvement of this Jinrhor, with Its
Inlets and public dockB, or thoso por
on thnt hnvo fell Into tho trnp sot
for them by tho nonnott nmendmont,
which means no Improvement at nil,
nnd with tho huo nnd tho cry that
"thoy want to mortgago your homes"
Thnt arKiimont hns boon used by
i grafter and domagoguo for time,
immnmnrini to enrrv nn end. If BUCll
argument had provalled at San Fran
cisco, Los Angolos, Senttlo, Tacomn,
Portland, Spokano and nil tho largn
ontornrlslng cities of tho const dur
inir their formation porlod, would
vou bo Bpenklng of thorn today with
so much prldo. No you would not.
So when you ontor tho booth tomor
row seo thnt your last act Is rccoraeu
for homo, ft grontor nnd bettor com
munity bv voMne Yes for No. W.
South Mnrehn.'ltl School.
Knthorlno, Lucy, Lnwrenco nnd
George Ueasey of South Coos Hlver,
havo entered school.
A report of the meeting of , High
School teachers, that was held a:
Eugene at the closo of school In Juno
of Inst year, was given by Miss Mont
gomery nt tho mooting of Mnrshfleld
High School teachers on October 31.
Tho general teachers mooting for
tho second school month will bo hold
Novombor 5, nt four o'clock. The
following progrnm will be given, bas
ed on tho ljfo nnd work of William
James, tho Amerlcnn psychologist,
who ended his work nnd pnssed away
during tho past Bummer:
Dlogrnphlcal Sketch of tho Llfo of
William James. . Miss Megahan
Review of tho work nnd Influence
of William James. . . .Miss Rush
Reading from "Talks to Teachers
on Psychology," by Win. Jhmos
Miss Stenholm
Students of chemistry havo been
studying "ntmosphore." The work
consists In determining the gnscs thnt
composo It, nnd tho exact percentage
of each.
Tho work In physics for tho lmmc
dloto past has been tho testing, o'
vnrlous nclds nnd nlcohols. A test of
tho bituminous conl of tho Coos Bn
region was mndo nnd tho rosults ob
tnlnod b tho clnss show tho snmo
density ns tho Eastern standards In
Now York.
Somo of tho callers nt tho South
Mnrshfleld school last week wore:
Mosdamos L. A. Lnngloy, C. II. Fla
nagan, Dnvld Walp, Olmstod, Downs,
Walter, McLaughln, nnd lloisoy.
Orndo seven won ovor six In tho
"spell down" Frldny.
Tho High Schdol nttondanco roc
ord Ib vory satisfactory. Present en
rollment 73.
Tho Oormnn Clitb wns ontortalnod
by Elvlrn Frlzoon Tuesday ovonlng.
Tho story of tho Hohonzolloriis win
clvon by Miss ennse, wimo jm
Twnln's, "That Terrlblo Gormnn Lnn
guago" was road by Miss Frlzoon.
Jlnrsniioiu win no toinuoumuu
tho Stnto Debating Lenguo this yenr
by Lnwrenco Ilorton, Eric Holt, John
Ferguson, Elvlrn Frlzoon, Mary nan
son, nnd Nelllo Trlbboy. Tho Longuo
has asslgnod this question to L.oos
liny; RoBoJved, That nil tolograph
lines In tho United States should ho
ownod nnd operntod by tho federal
government. Tho director for Coos
nny Is superintendent A. O. Rnab of
North Bond. Ench school will havo
two teams, ono nlllrmntlvo and ono
nogntlvo. HoUi tennis dobato on tho
snmo night In tho prellmlnnry debn
tos. Mnrshflold's flrst dobato will bo
with nandon and North nond, tho
nogntlvo team going to North nond,
tho ninrmntlvo toam contesting Dan
don horo nt home.
The Most Artistic
Lighting Effects
Are Obtained by
Electric Light
2 ,
' Those who appreciate hnfliiw..i ,
agree that soft, harmonious and nrtk?
' , r , ' MU00,u,y my with tho aid
'The intelligent and tastofnl ,....
l Alni'l 4 i 14 I I rt hi. J ll. . "' I
iiuuuiiiiiAiuiM uiiu me usa otsuftabtesliadb
maKo tne tLbu i kic LIGHTED home at i
el U clUH V HB O MR R fffir tn n J , ?i
. T..-,-0. , wrtiiuwew
The small, the dirt and the danger of
1 forms of Illumination aro eliminated,
Our New Business Department is equipped
, give expert advice regarding Illumination,
The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co,
0 ! -
Steamship Makes Fast Trip
From San Francisco to
Coos Bay.
Tomorrow you aro to decldo tho
igano of thirty-six measures. You
now hnvo a chnnco to mnko your own
laws, you aro practically your own
lawninker. Hnvo you lookod woll
Into tho nueatlons nt hnnd? Aro you
cnpablo to voto YRS or NO? Do you
roalUo tho groat National Importance
of nn Intelligent voto nt una umo;
nn vou know thnt our election Is he
lm; watched with Intense Interest
through out tho United States hy tho
uroat Periodicals aim ronownea wn
tors? One blunder on our part may
bo fatal to our nOSS ridden follow
cltlions throughout tho Union: The
cront Mncnzlnes and Writers for tho
I nnst venr hnvo boon tolling tho people
Tho M. P. Plant nrrlvod In early of tho fhio lnw wo now hnvo In Ore-
CENTRAL school xotj:s.
todnv from San Francisco after a
fast trip up tho const. Sho brought a
largo pnssongor list.
On her outgoing trip, tho Plant
will hnvo 2.BO0 boxes of Coos County
apples for tho California mnrkot be
sldos considerable other frolght.
Tho M. P. Plant will sail at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon for San
Among thoso arriving on tho Plant
woro tho following:
P. Friedman, J. M. niake, Jns.
Flanagan. P. A. North nnd wife, W:
T Murphy and wlfo, Mrs. Heevos, Mrs
Tlpnert, W. Hlrachborger and child,
J. Wost. M. K. Morrison. C O. Tay
lor, Ii Tnylor, J. W. Taylor nnd
wlfo, Miss Daisy Tnylor, Miss Ireno
Tnvior, J. T. Tpvlor nnd wlfo, K.
Hosliund. P. M"-tlu. Q. Scott, T.
Hltzo nnd Jns. K. Drlen.
Tho Donnctt mnondmont means do
lay, obstruction, ponny-wlso nnd
pound-foolish, nnd n big feo for Joe
Uonnott. Voto It down with a decid
ed vote so that Joo and Elijah will
understand that the progressive ele
ment Is not In line with their Job,
C, R, Peck (Paid Advertisement.)
con. Tiiov navo oeen ukiiiiiik "
urging tho lionost nnd fearless voters
of other. States to follow In our foot
Btons, Lot's holn thdm out In this
erent fight ugnlnst DOSSES and
OftAFT by eastlnc nn 1IOXKST
SQUAHK WAli voto. By so doing
wo Help to bring about tho fulfilment
of tho mennlng of tho word LU1KH
TY; Moaning in a political sense
Oliwt Government 11Y T1IK PKOPLK
fov THK PKOPLK nnd OF T11K l'KO-
Yours for Liberty, Truth, Justice
niul Kniiallty.
Voters nnd Tnx-pnyers, If you want
harbor Improvement and want it now.
voto for tho $3Q0,000 bond Issue nnd
don't let Joo Dennett nnd Elijah
Smith pull tho wool over your eyes
by protoudlng that thoy nro your
guardian angels. Thoy aro only try
ing to uso you for their benefit.
O. It. Peck (Paid advortlsement).
A numbor of nrtlstlc block bonrd
calondnrs for the month of Novom
bor, hns been drawn In tho different
grndes. 3rd, Cth, Cth nnd 7th hnvo
tho best.
. Eugene Stnddon, 7th, Onln Stnd
den 4th nnd Audrey Staddon 3d, hnvo
loft school to move to Hnlnes' Inlot
John Durko hns been nbsont tte
past week on jiccount of having sore
Marian Seaman has returned to
school after being nbsent n week on
Recount of sickness,
In tho Rhetorical exorcises of th
7th grade hold on Friday, Roxlo Hall
read tho monthly papor, and Adolph
Schuttpolz received applause for tho
best rocltatton,
Mrs. Langley of 2d grade, has
placod a number of nice pictures on
the walls of hor room, giving tho
room a homo llko nnd attractive ap
pearance. Tho story hour at tho Public Libra
ry for tho school children, has been
chnnged from 9 a. m. to 11 a. in.
much moro Interest Is taken by the
pupils on account of tho change.
Tho athletic exercises In tho base.
niont aro very amusing nnd enter
taining during noon hour, nnd re
cesses. Abner Triuooy, rrocior n
nngan, Geo. Lingo, and Geo. Wat-
kins nro considered the champion
nthletes of the Central School grades.
When Roar Admiral Evans was
told that a voto was soon to bo taken
In Oregon on tho question of prohibi
tion, ho threw up his hnnds and ex
"What do thoy want to do? Ruin
tho stnto?"
Admiral Evans bollovoa in temper
nnco In all things, but draws tho line
sharply nt prohibition. His personal
oxporlonco In Maine, whon he
wns commander of tho North Atlnutlc
fleet, caused him to tnko a firm
stand ngnlnst such radical restrictive
laws, and resulted In his forbidding
ships under his commnnd to visit the
hnrbor of Portland, Mo.
"Conditions wero so bnd In Port
land," snld Adimrnl Evnns, "thnt I
refused to allow nny of our ships to
visit thnt port. When tho men wont
nshoro they woro met on tho dock
by n lot of parasites who stcorod
thorn Into somo low dives. Thinking
that would be tho only opportunity
to get n drink thoy gorgod thomsolvcs
on vile, wood alcohol poison, which
mado thorn so drunk, thnt thoy could
not oven recognlzo tholr olncors. Tho
actions of-tho police townrd our mon
was so repugnant that It was not
right to allow them to go ashore. It
was tho worst spot I ovor saw In my
"Wo never hnd such troublo In n
city where thoro woro open saloons.
In cities whoro thoro nro opon sa
loons tho mon knew that thoy wero
drinking and could drink temperate
ly. In Mnlno It was tho thought of
tho Inst chanco to got n drink whon
thoy woro shown ono of thoso dives,
nnd tho vllo, ndulterntod stuff that
was sold them, thnt caused thorn to
becomo Intoxicated nnd go beyond the
bounds of discipline.
'Tho prohibitionists forced tho
ennteen out of tho Army and Navy.
I think It wns tho worst law that was
ovor passed. You say they aro go
ing to vote to mnko Oregon dry? Do
they want to ruin the state?"
X YK por mm mi
343 X NO kmmt Prohibit
145 X NO
365 X
En Coos Co,
caEB?5tv.:r.lTrrw:?r?5 i imri
Tn Mnrrli. 1909. the old blllMIW 1
- ----. --- -..-, -
wore moved off from tno j.m. i-'j
lot nnd work on tho 0.00 mw .
has commoncod. In Mar, diuo, w
Btructlon nt this dnto (Auuust. 1000) itnko notice Pater also role Ibit
public bulidliiKS. biiHluoss houses and i hnvo no saloons.
rosldonces nggregntlng JIOR.OOO. Tho
United Stntes Government hns JiiBt
purchased n site upon which to erect
nOXt Venr n Sf!.ri.nnn Pmlnrnl tmllillnn
ALBANY Is expending this year! tho now $1 00,000 hotel east of tt
uuou) 577,000 In nitullthlo streot cpunty court house
paving and concroto sidewalks. Rncnnn iins a cas plant. !
ALUANY'S volumo of goncrnl bus- licht nmi nnwor fwenresithebut
Iness for July 1009, nc co-pared you do tho rest), and nnaturslwm
with July, 190S, showod nn uvorago nnwnr Hint, "works while you il-?
Increase of 53 per cont. Tna progressive city now ora
ALBANY S poBtnl recolpt3 for tho municipal water plant,
last quarter of tho fiscal year ending I Tn n mtlft OVOP tt orar Eugene rl
y, lauy, were J3,un.32 bo-'ol -. "t ""nr(nr nf a million dolim
increnso of 1523.70, or 14 por "" "-'""
Juno 30,
lug nn
T,tnft0ovor",c""e8',0,,lln5uartor " ,,. "' ,...- the ,li
ui iovo. iiiu increuso lor mo oiuiro -- ""- jihii"IeJM
fiscal year 1006-00 ovor tho previous ' Pr0.wtl1 of E".Ke".:..d" Innl rUtloi
Vl j for n now poatofflce of
0ftr'l Hf n.,MrnnrlnfP.J 130.000 U
tinnni. Tho contract wsa let In W
year was ?2,022.11, or about 15
cont. tiio totnl recolpts for tho
woro J15.C50.92.
ALBANY'S real estnto transfors In
creased 10 1-2 por cont. In July, 1000,
over July, 1008,
ALBANY hns 30 manufncturlnc
Have your LKTTER HEADS and
HILL HKADS printed at THK TIM88 Advertlsemeat.
Joo Bonnott offered his services
Indirectly to tho Port Commissioners
to float tho Port bonds nnd had the
Commissioners mado It an object to
him, no doubt Joo would havo for
gotten all about tho mortgage he was
willing to put on the tax-payers'
homes. But when he found there
was nothing doing in tho back-room
of the Port Commissioners Joo sud
denly changed his tune and started
"Camp Elijah." C, R. Peck (Paid
Albany, Oregon, Is one of the
prosperous cities of our state. Tho
commercial club or that city gives the
following statement of facts:
ALBANY is the natural commercial
center of tho central Willamette Val
ley the point where tho lines of
transportation converge and It is
destined to become a great Jobbing
as well as a great mercantile and fi
nancial city.
ALBANY'S bank deposits for July,
1909, showed an Increase of uns ..I
537.00 over July, 1908. or over 21
por cent.
ALBANY has la proceM of trn
costing 150,000; a splendid hospital
iuuioiicj; a rreo public library; two
telephone systems; electric light nnd
power sorvlco; oloctrlc street car sys
tem; water power for Its factories;
20 miles of comont sldownlk; bltull
thlc streot paving; sanitary dralnngo
system; pure mountain water.
Albany 11ns No Saloons.
Linn and Benton counties are both
EUGENE, Ore., Is equally prosper
ous. Authoritative statements are
here quoted from tho lltorntnr Uan.
ed by the commercial club of that fair
Eugene, Oregon, through Its com
mercial club, has been widely adver
tised during the past 18 months, nnd
has doubled In population In two
I" IS"0 Eugene hnd 3,230; In
Aa ' 5000 neP'o. Today ovor 10,
000. Our 1908 school census gave
-,t-o L'lumren oi scnool ago.
Eugene has ten churches, fivo pub
lic schools, housed In flno buildings,
n fine hlch school, Iho famous Univer
sity of Orecon. one divinity school, a
Roman Catholic snhoni n imuinoaa
collecto, two splendid hospitals, threo
flourlshlnc banks with nearly $3,000,
"00 deposits, a public library, a.solen
dld county court house, and no sa
Eugene has ovor 65 blocks of "bl
thullthlcally" paved streets, which Is
more than all the other towns In
Oregon combined, outside of Portland,
EuRono cannot be suroassed as an
educational ceater. Any paterfami
lias loeklag far mild winters pleaBe
iionni. inoculums -'- .j
and tho building Is now being erecw.
Eugene was a.soj Santa Owgg
""" nas au manufacturing "on. i. ". 'i""""1 " ' .....i niriH
plants, four banks, with ovor S2.000.- mas morn It found a natural p .
uu uuiiubub: i. ciiiirciies: a itprdv-I uu biuuhiiik. --....
torlan college; a Catholic ncadomy; beautifully timbered, rolling i
threo crnrlorl mililln inhnnl.. ...... alnc urn Raid Of ion
high school (under construction), lis. In BentonKounty, of noseburi
n..mi rm
Douglas county, oi u r ; j
Josephine county, of Ashland In J
,..,. h nf many other w
In our state, all In dry territory.
(Paid Adv.)
mrt miro nniYIMVEllS AND VOI
If you want n Harbor that
n crodlt to us and build up
vnt fnr h 1300.000 bond IMMI;
able In twenty years whej ( UT1
of property embraced In the w
rles of the Port win " "".-.
times tho present value and
- -j- lll not D "r
dempuon oi uuuuo ... -
tlced by tho tax-payers. v
To vote for Dennett's
... jk fur
ment means a sieauy j t
nett to keen EHJan iruw r--vs
ir..i.n, ininrovemea"
nortion oi aruui ii"" ...
an election would have to be
every time tho Port Comml
wanted to make Improveroeni
ceedlng $50,000 (and eOT
man knows inai "' tn
... . - .i..otitn2fl IB . )l
accorapllsnea 10 u Tltj n
way of harbor impro c-.
'u ..i u wnnid be an easy
t.r for nn obstruction t ;.j
man to auacK iu , nintacdW
ings on some technical pom tf
the matter In Court and W
people's money for 1 14 (p
of Improvements. C. " r