The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 05, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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m,JL IbXf
NESS. $25,000 Stock of Htefa Grade
lerchandise to be Closed out regardless
(art Schaffner & Marx Clothing and Overcoats, Boys' and Young Men's Knee
ength and Long Pants Suits Cluett and Monarch Shirts, Nettleton, Bannister
fiiompson Bros Shoes, Gautner & Mattern and Cooper's Underwear Oil Cloth-
ig, Rubber Boots, Rubber Goods of all kinds. Mackintoshes, Leather Goods,
'Neckwear, Etc, Etc Not a single article restricted from sale.
or the convenience of the men who may not be able to
:ome during the day we will keep open every night until
1 p. m. Watch the papers for prices. See Window Displays. Come in
uid get prices. Supply your needs for the winter.
An opportunity of a lifetime. Very Respectfully,
tT"""" J5p?ir """""J" fAtYSt? ff !rJ o'JTh3I M
Copyrliht 1909 by
Hirt Schiflncr U Mitx
i:.iiiiY iiniiixn etno.ono
.Voir, If wo concnulo that Mr. Den-
tt It not personally Interested In
the (50,000 mensuro, why Is ho
Torklng and spending his money for
ll! It mny bo that It Is not his mon
ir Jt all which Is bolng spont, nnd
It miy bo that Mr. Dennett Is getting
paid and paid well for tho efforts
tell making In behalf of such mens-
ire. Wo nil remember that tho
Southern Oregon Company first trlod
to employ Attorney Shorwood of Co
qollle, to block tho Port develop
ment, and Mr. Sherwood refused, bo
cute tho caso was without morlt.
Then tho Southern Orogon Company
test to Mr. Dennett and ho becann
tsddenly actlvo with his Injunction
Mltas attorney for tho Southern Oro
toa Company. Mr. Donnott had
hown for somo tlmo of tho contcni
! pitted bond Issue by tho Port, but ho
never said anything In opposition,
terer had n protest recorded until
te was employed In behnlf of South-
era Oregon Compnny. That suit Is
"ill pending In tho Supremo Court,
8d Mr. Dennett Is still tho attornoy
for the compnny. Wo would not ex
pect him to act for tho Company's
"west In one enso nnd against It In
"other. Whntovor you may say of
Mr. Dennett, ho Is a consistent fight
er, hen employed In a caso, and t
le can't win before tho Courts, he
'III try to effect tho snmo objects bo
fore the peoplo. Ho has almost given
"P In tho Stato Court, ho Is now to
las tho people, and If ho loses out
"h the peoplo, ho has tho suit In
e reaeral Court to fall back upon.
The Southern Oregon Company Is
"on-producing timber nnd land
holding company which owns hun
dreds of thousands dollars worth of
property in Coos county. It has
xlopted tho policy of closing up Its
"! and doing nothing to help
develop the country. It will neither
JU lfs property nor develop It, but
' e cmpany every day grows richer
because other developed lands neces-
Increase tho value of the South
ern Oregon Company's lands, And
" Mr. Smith Is going about among
wn-resldent stockholders, attempt
US to buy tho stock of the Company
at Price of 15 cents on tho dollar,
"Ung that Coos county is never go
S ,0 amount to anything, and that
e Company'a affairs aro In lltlga
od. etc. Tho Southern Orogon
company hnn fnimht . Ttnrt frnm
1 ' lDCrporatIon, and wo expect will
jeep on doing so until Mr. Smith gets
the stock at his own price, then
ewlll let the country develop so as
boom his stock and give him a
chnce to soli again.
The Southern Oregon Company has
0 reasons for nnnnslmr hfl devel-
Pnent of tho Port. First, its hold-
68 are centered In tho townslto of
Empire, nnd tho Compnny docs not
wish to havo tho Upper Day develop
ed so as to build a city at Marshflold
and North Dond, for that would take
things away from Emplro; secondly,
tho Company docs not want to spend
money for any dovolopmont, but
wants tho other land owners to In
crenso tho value of Us holdings. A
dog In tho manger policy, nnd such
n policy as Mr. Donnott would not at
tempt to dofend In any porson or cor
poration other than his client. If a
voter wants to further tho purpose
of tho Southern Oregon Company,
then ho should voto for tho $50,-
000 measure
HcMiIt of 9.10,000 Measure.
If tho $50,000 moasuro carries, it
will not clvo tho people of tho Port
anything which' thoy havo not now,
it will not glvo us any greator rights."
Wo havo tho recall, lnltlatlvo nnd re
ferendum, to control not only tho
policies of tho Commission but tho
membership of tho Commission as
well. Now wo can forco an election
whenever ton per cent of tho peoplo
want It. Under Dennotfs amend
ment wo will hnvo to havo an elec
tion to voto on a proposition that all
nro in favor of. Wo make a burdon-
somo necessity of that which Is no
a blessed privilege
The $.100,000 Measure.
Tho Port Commissioners rccognlr
od that tho'ro was somo opposition to
bonding tho Port, nnd hence has sub
mitted this question to tho peoplo of
tho Port, as to whether a project of
Improvement shall bo undertaken
and carried out. To carry out any
project of harbor Improvement de
mands considerable money. It costs
Just so much to move a yard of dirt
and Just so many yards must bo re
moved to dredge a channel so many
feet deop and wide If the peoplo
want harbor Improvement and pass
tho $300,000 measure It will mean
that we will enter upon tho dredging
of a main ship channel 20 feot deep
at low tide and 300 fet wide in all
places with 200 feot additional width
in front of the towns. That is not
an extravagant proposition, and the
Englneor of tho Port has calculated
that such a project by contract to
the best bidder would cost over $200,
000. So tho bulk of the money will
go to tho dredging of this main ship
channel which will bo tho big artery
of commerce nnd will boneflt overy
I tax-payer In the Port. Does any
one think that this is too iarBo
channel? If so, ho should under
tnn,i thnt such a channel will bare
ly accommodate our present boats
at all stages of tho tide If any one
thinks the price Is too largo, let him
consult an engineer, not necessarily
, vnrt endneer. but any engineer
I who Is competent to express an opi
Mr. Dennett would have one think
that tho coming of tho dredgo Orogon
would romovo all shonls and mako
sufficient Improvement. This Is not
true In tho first place tho dredgo
Oregon ennnot go out of its project,
which Is tho center of tho channel.
Tho project doos not follow tho
wharf lines at North Dcnd, so that
tho shlppors of that town will in
no wlso bo relieved by tho dredging
of tho Oregon. And in calculating
tho nbovo project, tho englneor of
tho Port mndo allowance for nil tho
dredging which tho Orogon would do
under tho $00,000 appropriation. Mr.
Donnett knows as well as nnyono
that tho bar dredgo will not In any
way dovolop tho Inner harbor, and
It will not bo rendy for uso for
qlghtcon montliB at loast. So, ro
gardlcss of tho appropriations of tho
last Congress, our harbor domands
an Immedlato improvement by tho lo
cal authorities. ThodredgoOregonwIll
holp within tho lines of Its protect,
but $50,000 appropriated at tho last
Congross will not glvo any appre
ciable aid, excopt on certain shoals,
for tho dredge will work stralght-a-
way to a depth of 18 feet as long ns
tho monoy lasts, this will not ex
tend to tho bnr, so ns a result wo win
bo little, bettor off, for wo will havo
an unimproved channel botweon tho
ocean nnd tho Improvod channel. A
channol Is as deep as its shallowest
placo and no deeper.
Then this measuro provides an ex
penditure of $50,000 on tho Improve
ment of tho Inlets and waterways
omptylng Into Coos Day. Is that ex
travagant? There aro ten water
ways omptylng Into Cooa Day this ap
propriation would only average
$5,000 each, yet Mr. Dennett, In his
speech at tho Chamber of Commerce
said that every Inlet ought to bo Im
proved by the abutting property as
a street Is Improved. Ono would
hardly know why tho farmer should
be taxed unless some of tho fund la
to be expended for tho benefit of his
transportation facilities.
Tho meaBuro also provides for tho
purchase of lands suitable for Public
Docks. Portland Is today having the
fight of Its existence In attempting
to wrest from the transportation
corporations sufficient waterfront for
Public Docks. Supposing Portland,
twenty years ago had invested $50,
000 In Public Docks, then that In
vestment would today retlro a bond
lssuo of $300,000. So long as Har
bors have tho facilities for Public
Docks, tho corporations will bo fair
In tho handling of freights, but if
the Harbor is controlled by tho cor
porations, then It will be bottled up
In tho interest of such corporations.
We want a harbor hero that overy
boat that floats can enter and dock,
without asking the permission of
some corporation which may bo com
peting and charge such a dockage as
to prevent the competing ship from
entering this Port. Public DockB
will lnsuro nn open Harbor.
The 9!500,000 HoihI Imiic.
Mr. Donnott's only argument
ngalnst n bond issuo, Is tho old cry
of "Don't lot your homes bo mort
gaged." Ho would mako each man
with a thousand dollar homo bollovo
thnt, In voting for n bond issue, ho
was voting to mortgago that homo
for $300,000. Mr. Donnott's object
in making such nn argument, is first,
to scare tho voter into voting against
tho bonds nnd thus voting for tho
Southern Oregon Company, and, sec
ondly to mako such a hullabaloo that
tho votors will forgot to Investigate
Into tho relationship oxlstlng botweon
Mr. Donnett and tho Southorn Oro
gon Compnny.
So far as tho mortgago Is concorn
od, ench votor's property will, In any
ovont, only bo llnblo for a propor
tionate tax to meet tho payinont of
tho bonds, In caso tho Port defaults
In paymont. The Proporty of tho
Port Is now valued conservatively at
$15,000,000 so that a tax of 2 por
cont Is atl that wo nro pledging our
proporty to pny ovon If thoro woro
no chnngo In conditions. Dut does
Mr. Donnott think thnt thoro will bo
no chnngo In conditions, Is ho n pes
simist, does ho not expect thnt in
twonty years from now, when this
bond lssuo will becomo duo, that tho
valuo of tho taxablo woalth of this
Pqrt will havo quadrupled, so thnt
tho tax would bo only flvo mills, In
caso tho Port should default In its
bonds. Dut moro than that, wo are
going to buy some water front which
in twenty years will bo worth such
an amount as will redeem tho entire
bond lssuo, and If tho Port defaults,
then tho property of tho Port will ro
tiro the bond Issue and no person's
property will bo taxed a cent's worth,
As a matter of fact, wo, in voting
bonds, are not going to mortgage ou
homes in any different manner or to
any greater extent than tl)o home Is
mortgaged each year. Nobody gets
scared about the regular tax, why
should wo get frightened about tho
levy, of a tax to retire a bond Issuo,
which is tho same in nature and ef
fect as tho regular tax. Mr, Dennett's
argument in this regard is all bosh
and ho knows it.
Tho Heavy Tnv Payers.
Tho largo property holders, who
will havo to bear tho greater propor
tionate share of tho p'roposed bond Is
sue aro unqualifiedly In favor of it
Such men as C. A. Smith, L. J. Simp
son, W. S. Chandler, P. Honnessoy,
William Grimes, and many others,
who aro first of all good business,
men, aro In favor of tho bond lssuo.
What Is considered best for tho prop
erty owners by tho successful busi
ness men nnd largo property holders
of the community, should bo con
sidered by the small property owner
as good enough for him. You can't
bonofit tho big man without helping
tho smnll man as well.
The Non-Property Owner. .
And If a mnn docs not own prop
erty, nnd hns no tnxes to pay, but is
working to got monoy enough to got
proporty, then he should cortnlnly bo
In favor of tho bond lssuo. In tho
first placo ho pays no tnxes nnd bears
no bunions, nnd In tho second plnco,
ho will bonofit directly by having the
opportunity to work on tho project
nnd got bnclc In wages what tho prop
orty owners pay out In tnxes. P
every laboring man Bhould voto for
tho bond issuo ns ho is thoroby vot
ing for hta opportunity for employ
ment. Mr. Donnott recently wont to tho
exponso of n cartoon in n local pnpor
In which ho doplctcd his sldo of thn
argument, which Is no nrgumont at
all but only a scaro for tho votors.
Ho should havo doplctod Marshflold
as a deserted village, with tho ghost
of tho Donnott nmendmont winding
Its wny among fnllon wharves, do
sorted buslnoBS blocks, nnd grass
grown stroctB. For that Is what will
happon to Marshflold, If wo don't
dovolop our hnrbor and rolognto Mr.
Donnott nnd his client tho Southorn
Orogon Company to tho Dnck Ground.
A voto for tho bond lssuo and against
tho $50,600 measure, is a voto for
prosperity; nny other voto is ngnlnst
our Interest na a community nnd In
favor of tho Southorn Oregon Com
pnny. (C. It. Peck Paid Adv.)
Coos County is untitled to repre
sentation In tho Legislative assem
bly; will alio havo such If Storor
Pierce ns Jolnt-Tlopresontatlvo, and
Ed. Rackloff bb Ropresontativo aro
elected? No. "Why? Mr. Plorco la
a resident of Curry County, so is Mr.
Rackloff. Thon, how will Coos so
curo proper representation?
Tho only choice left to tho Coos
County voter is to voto for R. A.
Copplo of Mnrshfleld, for Jolnt-Rop-resontatlve.
If you do not do bo,' Coos Is loft
out and will not havo any ono to
vote tor Your own Interests.
Democratic County Central Commit
teo, by W. J, RUST, Sect'y.
Driofly summarized, tho nrgumont
In behalf of tho Normal School at
Monmouth results In this: All tho
States, and tho Natlonnl Govern
ment, supply Normal School train
ing. Tho avorago taxpayer wants his
child educated In tho best way pos
sible Tho public school Is tho groat
lovolor of tho Nation, nnd tho bul
wark of Amorlcan Independence Tho
host tenchors posHlblo nro none loo
good for this work. Tho child of tho
mllllonnlro recolves tho samo cour
teous treatment hero at the hands of
tho tralnod tenchor ns doos nny
other child, Tho nvorngo mnn is
not nblo to employ a spoclal tutor;
ho must depend largely upon the edu
cation and trnlnlng which his child
receives In tho public school; boyond
this but fow over ndvanco In their
educntlonnl work.
Tho cost of this work at Monmouth
Is but n bagatello, only four cento on
n valuation of $1000. If this moas
uro Is dofoatod, It means tho dupli
cation of this proporty In somo city,
at a very heavy outlay of monoy to
tho ordlnnry taxpayor. Tho school
must be locntod somowhoro; It Is In
n healthy part of tho stato, easily ac
cessible to tho Stato Capitol by dally
boat and rail sorvlro, and Is directly
connected with tho metropolis.
Such schools as thoso ought not to
bo in largo cities, for tho work Is
pocullar in Its nature, and tho pooplo
who attond got larger results In tho
smaller towns, Tho best Interests of
the taxpayers, tho best IntoroBts of
tho public schools, tho beat Interests
of tho chlldron of tho public schools
warrants evory votor In voting Yes
on No, 318 on Novombor 8th.
Good soven-room houso, on Con
tral Avunuo, modorn conveniences,
sightly location, paved street, South
front, closo in, house could not bo
replaced for tho prlco asked for tho
proporty. Steady ronter. $1,100.00
I. H. Kaufman Ji Co.
Take your SUNDAY DINNER at
The CHANDLER. Special menu and
POCKET flashlights. Tho"Uunner,
S. P. Pelrco ,tho Republican can
didate for Joint representative is a.
farmer and laboring man and Is in a
position to know and feel tho needs
'of tho working classes In Coos and
1 Curry Counties. Ho has been a resi
dent of tho lattor county for now
I thirty years and during that time has
held public offices with full satisfac
tion to his people Theso aro Items
'which aro worthy of your considera
tion next Tuesday. Anothor consi
deration Is that Curry is entitled to
namo a resident or that county as
Joint roprosontntlve This has been
conreded for many years' and this
soason no exception to tho
rule Glvo Curry roprcsontatlon
among tho law makers. It is entitled
to tholr concession.
If Mr. Copplo was so desirous of
having Coos County roprosontod why
did ho noUcomo out as candidate for
tho Fifth District (Coos County)?
(Pnld advertisement by J. 8. Dnrton,
sect'y Coos County Republican Cen
tral Committee.)