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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910 EVEJIMG EDITION. 8 l E RULE IS BUIJSGUISE Proposed Liquor Law Declared to Be Same As Infamous Reddy Bill. ' PORTLAND. Ore, Oct. 29. At a great mass meeting in tho Armory, Judge Earl 0. Dronaugh paid his rc spcctH to tho Homo IIuIq Associa tion's Amendment to tho Constitu tion. Thoro were fully threo thou sand persons present, and (or fifteen minutes Judge Dronaugh spoke. Ills address was punctuated with np platiBo, evidently carrying tho wholo great audlcnco with him. Iio spoko ns follows: "Somo six years ago tho voters of Oregon plncoil n very heavy chargo of quinine on tho tonguo of tho llqiior men when they enncted tho Local Option Law. And It has hcon tnstlng very hitter ever since. And they hnvo over slnco boon trying to dlngnoso .tholr trouble whether cor rectly or not you mny Judge. "Tho lntest remedy which they hnvo prescribed Is n bill commonly Icnown ns tho Grentor Oregon Homo Itulo Dill. And I want to pay my re spects to It Just for a fow minutes. If you have read It you know that it Is merely n repetition of tho famous, or to ho grnninUcnlly cuul rhotorlcal Jy correct, I should sny Infamous "Roddy bill. That bill was snowed undor deep by votora of Oregon two .years ago. "I will admit that when tho direct legislation was first proposed In Ore gon In common with many others, I had somo misgivings ns to tho prac ticability of It. Hut tho steady and persistently intelligent wny In which tho voters of Oregon hnvo passed upon tho liquor laws that havo been propounded satisfies mo that tho avorago votor Is compotent to pass upon loglslntlon when tho mnttor Is put fairly and squarely before him "I notlco this morning's paper, and last eight's papor, has what pur portH to bo an opinion by tho Attor ney Gonornl of this Stato, answering In tho nogntlvo tho question ns to whethor or not this proposed bill will put It within tho power of muni cipalities to nullify tho criminal laws of tho Stato of Oregon. I did not linow that anybody had announco.l tho proposition that It would. Tho liquor mon hnvo put up a mnn of straw nnd havo naked tho Attorney Gonornl to knock Hint over for them. Nobody who hns studied tho law Hupposcs for n moment thnt It will enablo municipalities to annul tho crlmlnnl laws of tho Stnto of Oregon, nut It will do a fow thliiRH which 1 -would llko to plnco boforo you to night for you to medltnto upon. "Perhnps you know thnt wo havo In this Stnlo a law which provides -that no IIcoiibo shall bo granted to n person who hns been convicted of selling liquor to minors, or permit ting minors, to loltor about his sa loon; that Is, It Is tho law excopt In tho City of Portland. "Wo hnvo nnothor law which pro hibits saloon Ueopora from soHIng liquor to habitual drunkards. Thoro la anothor law which prohibits tho opening of saloons on Sunday. There Is anothor law which prohibits tho licensing of saloons within a certain distance of n public school building. The proposod so-called Homo Itulo Hill will put It within tho powor of every municipality to ovado those laws. Now, Mr. Liquor Man, will you ask tho Attorney General wheth er that statement Is truo or not? And see what ho snjs. 'I am not horo tonight to nbuso anybody. I nnt not hero to nbuso men who mny dlsngreo with mo, I am horo to express surprlso that tho liquor mon should hnvo boon shrewd enough to securo such nn nrray of roputablo and honornblo mon to stnud sponsors for heir bill. Many of thoso men I know personally, and I know thnt, If tho true Inwardness of that bill had boon explained to them, their nnmes never would havo "been at tho foot of It, nnd their In Jluonco nover would havo boon bnck of It. "Thoro nro other things this bill proposes to do. Has It struck you thnt It Is nt nil significant that the clause, "Subjoct to tho Constitution al and Criminal laws of tho State of Oregon," conies boforo tho clnuse re lating to tho suppression nnd regula tion of tho sale of liquor? Thore ' also a clnuso put In tho end for the purposo of misleading I can seo no other purposo for It 'Subject to t' provisions of tho Local Option Law of tho Stnto of Orogon, within tho limits of tho municipality,' ' It I psr "It Is provided In this act thnt no (municipality mny nmend Its chnrter) so as to bo lu conflict with tho crlm lnnl lnws of tho State, or with provi sions of tho Constitution; but this act does proposo, In effect, to amend the charter of every municipality so that that municipality may ennct or dinances, regulations and laws which shall set at deflanco tho laws of the Stato regulating tho sale of liquor. It will nlso prnctlcally nullify tho Local Option law, because, If you road the criticism In Tho Oregonlnn this morning, you will note that The Oregonlnn cnllcd attention to the fact that It would practically do away with precinct voto nnd will limit tho operation of tho Local Op tion lnw to tho municipality as an ontlroly. It will do moro thnn this. In ninny parts of this Stato, whore lliero aro small towns there nro large precincts, which Inclutlo tho whole or a part of tho town, and n part of tho country ns woll. This lnw gives tho right to tho municipality, as n whole, to voto upon tho Lo.cnl Option lnw, but thoro Is no law that gives n part of a precinct outside of n city right to voto upon tho question o' tho prohibition of tho snlo of liquor, nnd, therefore, nil such precincts out sldo of tho municipality will bo de prived of thnt right. Also In the municipality In ninny cities, where It Is possible to enrry tho city dry, n voto mny bo hnd upon n precinct, or comblnntlon of precincts. Thnt Is truo in tho city of Portlnitd, nnd In' ninny of tho parts of tho city, peoplo who do not want tho saloons In tholr rerldenco neighborhood, but nro per fectly willing It should bo in some body's clso neighborhood, hnvo voted their precinct dry. Tlioy would bo deprived of thnt right It this bill be comes a part of tho Constitution of tho Stnto of Orogon. And think of HI Tho Constitution, or n part of It, of the great Stato of Orogon, bo Ing frnmod for you nnd mo by liquor mon! I say this Is tho most outrage ous nnd niidnclous assnult that has yet been mndo upon tho rights of tho people of this Stntol "Then again, If thtj amendment Is adopted, If any county or precinct votes dry It will bo within tho powor of tho liquor mon to crento a now municipality, howovor small, within such dry territory which will bo In vested with nuthorlty to llccnso tho snlo of liquor within tho municipal limits, and thereby corrupt tho wholo district nnd sot at nought tho will of tho peoplo. (Itov. II. I. nutlodgo. Paid Adv.) G G IN BUSINESS MERCHANT & KAMMKRKH (lOIXG OUT OF Till: GUSTS' CLOTHING AX1) lTHXISIUXG GOODS 1IUSI. XHSS !?l!,ViM STOCK OK HIGH GltADi: MKItCIIANIMSi: TO HE Til DOWN IX THE MARKET AT A SACRIFICE. This firm doing a gonernl mer chandise business for somo years hns decided to do away with a gonornl Hue of goods nnd concentrate tholr entire efforts to n comploto ami up-to-dnto Lndlus' Goods Store. They hnvo been very dollbornto In taking (his step nnd feel thnt with tho conditions existing horo and the needs of tho community, havo como to tho conclusion thnt one thing woll douo Is worth more thnn a dozen without proper attention. In ovory metropolitan town or city tho moro successful nnd up-to-date merchants nro specializing tholr busi ness which enables thom to koep In closer touch nnd Install bettor meth ods nnd system In tholr undertak ings. No one mnn can bo an export In all lines nnd buy advantages for a hun dred different departments, in all lines of successful business, In nil professions, yqu will find tho man that makes a study of ono thing and specializes, Is tho moro successful. Voters and Tax-payers, If you want harbor Improvement and want It uow, voto for tho 1300,000 bond issuo and don't lot Joo Donnott nnd Elijah Smith pull tho wool over your eyes by protending thnt they aro your gunrdlnn nngols. They 'nro only try ing to uso you for their benefit. -C. It, Peek (Paid ndvortlsonient). tmmmt:mtitm?jnjjts3mmmutimtj Your FALL SUIT or :: RAINCOAT NOW IS THE TIME TO SEL ECT SAME, WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE AND ASSORTMENTS GOOD. ALL WE ASK OF YOU IS TO COME IN AND TRY ON BENJAMIN CLOTHES. YOU CAN THEN SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BENJAMIN CLOTHES,. AND OTHERS, BETTER THAN WE CAN TELL YOU, SEE HOW THE COLLAR LAYS, HOW THE SHOULDERS HANG, AND NOTE HOW NEW YORK CLOTHING, DESIGNED BY THE BEST TAILORS IN THE LAND, DIFFER FROM OR. DINARY READY-MADE. BENJAMIN RAIN-COATS HAVE THE NEW PRESTO COL LAR WHICH IS CONVERTIBLE, EITHER LAYING DOWN AS IN ORDINARY COLLAR OR STANDING AS A STORM COLLAR, ii s REGARDING PRICES, YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE I BETWEEN CASH AND CREDIT STORES, MONEY TALKS Befl)amIn.C!oth J1IT..J H..1.n,m.lnf""V- ljy"w V"'Jm"V""VHt Niprv Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshfield Bandon CopyriM 1110 i! :: : i :: 1! ii t::sm:jKJtmmmtmttttt:wmttt Vote for tho $800,000 bond Issue No. 3 OS. It means tho foundation for a great harbor and harbor facili ties. (C. It. Peck, Paid Adv.) JUST RECEIVED FRESH barrel of Columbia BATTERIES at Tho GUXXKUV. BASKET SOCIAL at Swedish LUTHEHAX HALL, Saturday even ing, November 5. COME AXD HAVE A GOOD TIME. TELLS FACTS A80UT "DOTS" Shows How Elimination of Sa loon Licenses Causes Big Increase In Taxes. (From Polk County Observer, Dnllas, Oregon.) Glancing over tho pnges of tho In dopondonco Entorprlso, our attention Is attracted by a column of argument for n continuation of "dry" rulo In Polk county. This Is tho column In which It Is nsbertcd that "mon are coming from wet cities to work In the Dallas mills lu order to get tho pro tection from liquor afforded them In drytowns." As this mls-stntouient of fact hns been effectually squelched by Manager Gcrllnger, of tho Dnllas mills, wo will not rofer to It further. Heading on down tho column, wo como to n signed stntoment by Dr, J. P. Whllnco, Mayor of Albany, telling of doslrablo conditions in his town. Tills stntoment bears no dato, but somehow It has n fnmlllnr sound. It rends very much llko tho stntomont that was used by tho "dry" forces In tko cnmpnlgn two years ago until It wns worn "slick." Howover, wo nro not cortnln nbnut It, so wo will re print It nnd seo If any of our renders recognize It: It rends ns follows: "Tho building nativity hns been much grcnter slnco our city went dry. Tho closing of tho saloons hns not retarded In tho least tho growth or development of our city. Wo have pavod with blthullthlc pavement fourteen blocks of our streets, and hnvo under contract nlno moro, Wo havo also laid about eight or ten miles of cement walk slnco wo went dry. Tho tnx rate before tho closing of tho saloon was eight mills. Wo wore then receiving $5,000 for saloon license, but tho municipality was then running behind and our public debt was Increasing. Slnco tho saloons nro closed, wo havo raised our assess ment vnlues, and hnvo put our tnx rato nt six, seven and olght mills re spectively each year, but wo havo also paid all running exponas and ap plied $5,000 to the reduction of our public debt, nnd this year wo will spend at least $10,000 In public Im provements, ' (Signed Dr. J. P. Wnllace, Mnyor of Albany." At first glance, this would soem a romnrknblo stntoment, nut when one Investigates all fact connected with taxation In Albany, there Is nothing romnrknblo nbout It. Desiring to ns cortnln tho truo conditions for hlm solf, thnt he might give them to his readers In return, tho editor of the Observer wroto to Albany tho first of tho week for Information. Last night ho received' a sworn statement from tho Recorder of that city, sotting forth tho IlgurcB as shown by tho city records. This statement shows that Dr. Wallace did not glvo nil of tho fncts In his rnthor pccullnr letter. It shows thnt ho did not sny nnythlng nbout an R-inlll lovy raising $9,002 In 1005 nnd the snmo levy rnlslng $23',S03 In 1909. Hut let us glvo tho Recorder's Bworn stntoment: Kei'oiilei-' Certllled Statement. "Albany, Or., Oct. 19, 1910. "This Is to certify to all whom It may concern, that tho assessed valua tion of nil property In tho City of Al bany, Oregon, ns per tho assessment roll for tho yenr 1905 Is $1,131,530; tax S mills. "Tho assessment roll for tho year mon Is $2,508,020; tax C mills. "Tho assessment roll for tho yenr 1907 Is $2,002,110; tax 7 mills. "Tho nssessment roll for tho yenr 190S Is $2,722,910; tnx 8 mills. "The iivchHimiit roll for the yenr lt)()l) Is S'J.DKU.OOO; tnv N mill. "Iii witness whereof I hnvo here unto sot my hand mid tho seal of tho City of Albany, nlllxcd this 19th day of October, A. D. 1910. (Seal) F. M. REDFIELD, Recorder of tho City of Albany." Thero you havo It comploto. An 8 mill lovy In 1905, (a wet yenr,) rais ed $9,002, whllo an S-mlll lovy In 1909 raised tho enormous sum of $23,803. In other words, Albany Is taxing nenrly $15,000 n year more out of tho pockets of Its peoplo thnn It did in 1905, nnd It Is doing it with tho smile S-mlll lovy. How does P do It, you ask? Just llko Dallas and' othor towns do It by rnlslng tho vnluntlon of property whon making tho assessment. For IiuJtnnco: Sup poso tho nssessor conies along nnd accesses your houso nnd lot nt $500 An 8-mlll lovy on thnt valuation would canso you to pay n tax of $4 But, supposo that ho comes along nnd tolls you ho Is going to nssess tho samo houso and lot at Its real cash valuo, and puts tho valuation down at $2,000. What would nn S-mlll levy cause you to pay then? It would cause you to pay $10. Just four times as much tax as undor tho old methpd of assessment, without changing tho number of mills In the lovy. That is exactly what has been done In Albany at $1,131,530 in 1905. Last year it was assessed at $2,952, 900 nearly threo times tho old val uation. It Is probably truo, as Dr. Wnllnco Indicates, that Albany hns mndo a good growth In tho last four years, Dut It Is not true thnt It hns grown to bo threo times ns largo as It was four years ago, nnd every snno mnn knows It. Tho great Increase lu valuation of proporty Is accounted for by tho now mothod of assessing proporty at Its cash valuo a mothod ndoptod by Linn, Poll;, Honton nni' every othor county In -tho stnto. Tho Mayor of Albany was careful to quoto figures In showing thnt tho tnx levy in mills is no higher under dry rule than It was under wet, but ho was Just as careful to suppress the figures showing how much money thnt lovy Is raising undor tho uow method of nsscsnmont. Let's light fair. Let's got tho facts, and then, whon wo voto, wo cnu voto Intelligently. Our renders will note thnt tho Obsorvor Is not forcing its own views nnd prlvnto opinions on thorn in this campaign. It Is giving them the truth, nnd cit ing tho books nnd records where such truth mny bo found. Lot us stick to fncts. . (Greater Oregon Homo Rule Asso ciation, Portland, Oregon II. C. Mc Allister, Gonernl Manager. (Paid Advertisement.) Tho Donnott amendment mcim de lay, obstruction, pcnny-wlto and pound-foolish, nnd n big fco for Joo Donnott. Voto it down with a decid ed voto bo thnt Joo and Elijah vlll understand that tho progrcatlre tic mont Is not in lino with their Job. C. R. Peck (Paid Advertisement.) jojbuk u 3uaiio puu I iuin puu Jiuun SaiCISIKOD OAX 'suuipui puu H.Con.woD 'bjoid loa Suniiosojd uononpojd Snog V NKCKWKAH, wo prldo ourtdrt on Buy Your Furnish ings Here and Save Money. Wo carry nil tho stnndard main and soil at reasouablo prices, MOXAHCH Shirts ?'M CIjUHTT Shlrtrt . . . .91.30 to $2.00 ,:-IfirIU XI SAOH O.UXn KVllUOH.l XIIDIX AVGILIXVW 'IVAOU HILL tlio niftiest lino on Coo Day ' from 23cto$l.M Thoroughbred Hats f3,00 HOYS' Foot HALLS at Ml LXER'S. Statesman Hats ,...iM Have You Tried Our Mince Meat? IT IS THK HICST THAT IS MADH. WE ALSO HAVE HOMR.MAnrc SAUER KRAUT, RIPE AND OREEN OLIVES. SWEET AND SOIIIl V1C.K. LES IN BULK. Our list for Saturday is as follows: COOS DAY CAULIFLOWER FRESH CUCUMBERS, LETTUCE, CELERY, CAiTOAGR, SQUASH, GREEN ONIONS, PUMPKINS, PARSNIPS, GREEN ONIONS, RUTAHAGAS, DEETS CARROTS, GREEN PEPPER BEETS, CARROTS, GREEN PEPPERS, RIPE AND GREEN TOMATOES AND SWEET POTATOES. BANANAS, ORANGES, LEMONS, ALL KINDS OF APPLES, GRAPES, Fresh PINEAPPLES. CRANBERRIES and HUCKLEBERRIES. ALL KINDS OF l)IUKl FRUITS. WE HAVE JUST ni-fWnrpn nvr THE BREAKWATER OUR BIG OR DER OF THIS YEAR'S PACK OF DRIED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, inuijUUlNQ RED RIBBON CUR RANTS, RAISINS, CORN, PEAS, BEANS AND PINEAPPLES. ALSO SOME FINE TURKISH FIGS. COME AND SEE TIIIOI OH PHOXE IS A TRIAL ORDER. ASK US ABOUT Ol'U SPECIAL COFFEE. 0UIVANT& WEAVER The Pure Food Grocers, A good place to trade. Phono 275. Corner 3rd nnd Central Ato. THE BAZAR HOUSE OF QUALITY. Phono 32. Order Early of us and get the best Mince Meat, Dressed Spring Chickens, Vegetables and Fruit that the market affords. AtthoHncoofGoodTlib'S to '" Chas. Start Front and Conmtf"aL lV