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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910 EVENING EDITION 7 i is iiilmMw mmm Settle it Now Settle It Right For constitutional amondmont giving to cities and towns exclusive power to license, ' .regulato, control, suppress, . or prohibit the sale of Intox icating liquors within the municipality. 328 X Yos! ENDORSED BV 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS OREGON HOME HULK ASSOCIA TION, ct Electric Building. ! T VI. OREGON. 1 let .der noiucnt.) SXTTB GET YOUR SUNDAY ROAST IIBHE IF YOU WANT SOMETHING CHOICE. IF YOU ARE aOINQ CAMPING OR IF YOU WANT A LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA NICE FOR BREAKFAST, GET SOME OF OUR HOME SMOKED DACON. IT'S FINE. FOR THAT PICNIC DINNER, OUR WEINIES ARE FINE. i'ULL LINE OF NICE, JUICY, TENDER FRESH MEATS. Union Meat Market PHONE 58. NEW LIVERY Fancy now rigs, good horses and 'ireful drivers nro now ut tho dis c's! of the Coos liny public at HEASONAHLE HATES. or rigs with dnvors ready for "X trlD nnVWlinrn nnt. Mmo llnum Warded nn.i ri,.o ,..... , ' i New hoarse nmt anonim nnmmn. ! "tlons Drovldod tnr fnnni-fil nnrlloi ' i W. L. CONDR.ON'S livery & Feed Stables sonih IlroudHny. Murshdeld COOS BAY LIVERY itL l'aV 8ecured tho llvry b'ual- of h, H. Holsner nnd are pre .ed to render excellont servlco to People of coos Bay. Careful '"Vers, good rigs and everything will mean satisfactory sorylco to " Public. Phono us 'for a driVlng nl,'. a rle 0T anything needed rn livery une. Wo also do a rncllng business of all kinds. "landlord, HoeIh & Ulnnclwml "very, Feed ami Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phono 13S-J "ave That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL I'hono 3121. BnEAKWATER HOTEL. mf"1 St" Mars,,flelil. Ore., WOEII NEW .MANAni-MUNT. been thoroughly renovated i "0 Oewlv fnni.vj I tu. i "uiouou, noons reason- 'yay, week or month. " J. II. O'DONNELL. Prop. BUY A CRAVENETTE It will save it's cost m r othing Ul y Cravenettes $16 $20 $13 $25 OPPOSITE BREAKWATER OFFICE If you Hesitate to Have your shoes Repaired On account of looks, you don't know the kind of repairing wo do. Wo nrntnlsin III nilvnnco to ninko YOUT Ol( I shoos look nlmost ns good as now and at a very UEASONAHLK COST. Unless you have all kinds of good shoo monoy to throw away, you should MAKE THE OLD ONES LAST AS LONG AS POSSIBLE Let ua show you how wo make old shoes look ,liko now ones. AND HEMEMNER That wo soli tho best men's shoos on tho market. Wo guarantee thom to give satisfaction. O. O. LUND, 'Tho man who does things right.'1 Vo. SLT South llrondtvny, Mun.Iilleld FOH CAHEFl'L CLEANINO ! Ladles should bring tbelr Dresses. I Wraps or Gloves te us. batisiac jtlon guaranteed. I COOS HAY TAILORING CO., i J. W. Josephson, Mgr. J80 South lJiwulMny,' Mnrshfleld. REAL ESTATE. Ihave some of t"he best buys on the Day. Can arrange easy terms. ti nnrf hiitllnfo fnr rent. xiuuooo .. D- -- ----- AUGUST FRIZEEN, 68 Central Ave. ' Marshfield, Ore. J FIXUP HUNTERS AUK ARRESTED. Pnrty From Linn County Get Into Trouble lu Curry. GOLD DBACH, Ore, Oct. 31. A party of Linn county hunters, ono ui wnoiu is saw to bo part owner of tho Brownsville glove factory, wore arrested by Deputy Gnmo Warden Charley Wilson Inst Friday nt Wed derburn. They woro nrralgned be fore Justice of tho Peneo, Krucgur, Sattirdny morning nnd gnvo tho fol lowing nnmes ns they plead not guilty: Geo. Fischer, Win. Hoi combe, Floyd Puttuan, Lewis Wnl ker, "Robert lllgglns nnd Frank Wnt 8on. They woro defended by .!. Huntley nnd n change of venue wns naked for, which was granted nnd the case wns tnkon to Oeo. I). Mil lers court. Attorney Wood repre sented tho state and he, with sovornl witnesses, together with 32 mutilat ed hides and n pnlr of dried fawn linnin as evidence woro taken, yes terday morning, to Alf. Miller's place where tho trlnl was hold. Tho pnrtlos woro fined $100 apiece. Thoy took an npponl to tho Circuit Court. BASKET SOCIAL nt Swedish LUTHERAN HALL, Saturday even ing, November 5. COMIC AND HAVE V OOOI) TIMK. 4444444444444444 PROFESSIONAL CAltDS. 4 4444444444444444 rU J. W. INGHAM, Physician nnd Snrgeon. Olllte SfiH-SDO Coom null(lln.T. Phones Oftlco 1C21; Rcsldenco 1622 J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. omco over Flnnngan & Dennett Dank Mnrshflcld, Orogon VVT.M. S. TUHPEN, Architect. Over Chnmbor of Commerco. For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Millc Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. nnd 2 P. M. Phono 73-J. -o-a--8--u-n-- tx-v -u-n Good Evening! HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forgot that this It THE laundry whoro you got tho best work, and prlcos aro.ln evory ono' ronch. Call up and ono of the driv ers will call and explain all dotnlls to you. All toiepuono cans nro quicKiy attouded to, becnuso wo nro running wo wagons. OUK GUARANTEE IS YOUIl SAT ISFAOTION. UAIISHFIELD HAND AND STEAM , LAUNDItY. ..'nuxeyllnvj.. lrop Phono 220 -J. HOTEL OAHDINJJH, at Qardlnor, Oregon, has been ro modelled and Improved and Is under now managoment. Spoclal accommo dations for stago passongora and for people desiring a rest at the seashore. "You'll Llko the Plaee." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. G. W. Dungan Undertaker , Mnrshneld, Oregon. Parlors, 180' South 3d St., Tolephone, Dny or Night, 105-J. Winter is Coming .N, WHEN YOU WILL NEED MOKE LIOHT. Ol'It FIXTUHES AHE GO- G FST ,vt FROM TEN TO WENTY PER CENT LOWER THAN MANUFACTURING PRICES. THIS IS A SNAP FOR SOMEONE THAT HAS THE MONEY, Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 837-J. November. Mr. Taft, who rules tho nation. Offers this, his proclamation: Whereas, Pro'vldcnco continues lllesslng us from day to day, And tho boon of lndopondenco Has, wo tnko It, como to stay; And wheroas,. Indulgent Nnturo Lavishes upon us still Bounty In excess of what tho Weather and tho bugs can kill; And whereas, The old republic Couldn't bo Improved upon, Notwithstanding everybody Gets to run U oft nnd on; Therefore, I, as delegated Now and for n short time honco President, decreo that turkey Shall go up to 30 cents. That's about all there Is to It. Onto tho country raised Its own, una the Whlto IIoubo proclamation wns not greeted with n groan. Fnthor Blmply grabbed tho hatchet, mother got tho water hot, father read tho proclamation to tho turkeys In tho lot, all tho young nnd fcmnlo tur keys promptly fainted from tho shock, nnd after duo farewells tho gobbler laid his head upon tho block. No ono telephoned tho butcher, asking wlint a turkoy cost. No ono In his deep rcsontmont wished tho Pilgrims had been lost. No ono, while tho feast proceeded, knew the torment of tho rnclc figuring upon his napkin whnt tho day had sot him back. Everybody wor provided, as tho founders pre-supposod. No ono can bo very thankful, It tho truth should be disclosed, pnylng whnt Wo pny for turkey, nnd, for nil of llonvon's gifts, feeling Unit tho day was founded for tho Armours and tho Swifts. Novembor getH Its uumo from tho Lntlu novcm (nine), and wnH origin ally tho ninth- month of the yenr. This brought Thanksgiving nround two montliB earlier than wo hnvo It now, nnd It hecamo very unpopular. Tho liisurgonts, who constituted a majority in tho agricultural districts, woro bitterly opposed to it. They mndo two contentions: First, thnt young turkoys were not old enough to murket; second, that crops had not progressed to tho point whoro it wns posslblo to mnko out whether thofo wns nnythlug to bo thankful for or not. In 713 II. C. tho storm broke. Tho Insurgents cnrrlcd Gnul, Drltannln and 17 other doubtful states, and tho Forum Immediately assomblod and mndo Novembor tho olovonth month of tho year. Tho festlvo colt will sniff tho nlr and don his heavy undorhnlr, and tho frenzied cnndldato will Jump- and hop around upon tho stump. He'll point with prldo and viow with fear, and suck nnd blow tho ntmosphoro, nnd thon, together with his cult, nwnlt with prnyor tho result. Does reason Imply hold Its sway, or is it madness for n dny will to!" tho peoplo what to think and put the country on tho blink? Ono ennno' toll, but must abldo tho count thai sees him Justified In courago, con ft" donco or doubt, according as It mu, turn out. Ono thing nlono Is sure, It seems, and that Is this: No ono esteems a patriot In politics. Wo only trust him whllo ho sticks to war, with al Its thrill and throb. The moment that ho wants a Job somewhat conspicuous for pny, by Joyo! wo dou't know, what to say. But whothor wo do 111 or well, elec tion day alone can toll, or whether love for us and fear did any good, will then appoar. We have to Judge in on ns wo may, and whoro the candi dates all Bay about tho same thing in the end, ono scarcoly knows whp.Jsj a friond, At any rate, tho snow will fly, and the wild duck spin across tho Bky with both oyes focuspd on tho ground, and his tnll-pleca going round and round. Tho oagor hunter will deploy and supplement tho llro decoy, nnd j tho pnoumococcuB, whllo ho toots, will perforate his rubber boots. A little shooting now and then I? relished by a lot of men. They like to gallivant about and lot the farm ers run thom out. It does them goor" to feol, by Jlng, thnt Morgan don' own everything, and If ho camo Ii consequence, nnd also tr(ed to climb tho fence, together with nT3 dog nnd gun, ho, too, would also get tho run, November will bo unusual this year for the reason that there will bo no full moon. This Is because there will be a total ecllpso of the moon on the night of tho lGth, when It would otherwlso bo full. This ecllpso will bo vlslblo In tho United Stntes and In Wnll street, and It will send bacon down a couplo of points. Tho breath of Wlntor will distil upon tho outer wlndowslll, nnd tho chilling cnlf will hump his back nnd burrow deeper In tho stack. Tho hired man, with wintry spurts, will put on both his undershirts, and tho plutocrat who sells us coals will pry our bodies from our souls. Then let us nil ombrnco the chanco nnd be ns morry ns wo may, whether wo desist or dnnco, tho fid dler Is for nil to pay. Tho gontlo nil tumntlmo will pass, tho countryman will kill his hogs, tho rotton-tnll will weave tho grass around tho obfuscat ed dogs, tho honking goose will ride , mo neiguts witn tnnt weiru Honoring of his, nnd tho wolf will sit nround o' nights and toll tho moon how thin ho Is. 0 wop Is us thnt could enjoy tho autumntlmo for ayo and nyo, nnd what with growing soul employ Its witchery from dny to day. The phos phorescence In tho sky, tho quail soft piping on tho hill, tho blackbirds ever bobbing by, nnd tho wind snft-slghlng where It will. Rut hnpplnoss can never Inst, ns Antony could apprehend, nnd hold ing Clco to him fnst, destroyed him self nororo tno end. Tlio summer cometh after spring, nnd winter, merciless wlthnl, ns truly must suc ceed tho nweet nnd gontlo blandish ments of fall. At any rate, upon n day Deciphered In tho nlmnnncs. December, desolnto nnd grny. Will como to whlstlo through tho crncks. REPUIILICAN STATE AND COUNTY TICKET Rep, In Congress 1st Dlst. W. C. IIAWLEY. Marlon County Governor JAY UOWERMAN, Gilliam County Secrotnry of Stnto F. W. 11ENSON, Douglas County Statu Treasurer THOMAS 1). KAY, Marlon County Justlco of Supremo Court Four Year Term HENRY J. DEAN, Umntlllu County THOMAS A. McnitlDE, Clnckumns County Justlco of Supremo Court Six Year Term GEO. II, I1URNETT, Mnrlon County FRANK A. MOORE, Columbia County Attornoy aonornl A. M. CRAWFORD, Douglas County Supt. of Public Instructlom L. II. ALDERMAN, Luno County Stnto Prlntor WILLIS S. DUNIWAY, Multnomah County Com. of Labor and Statistics 0. P. HOFF, Multnomnh County Railroad Commissioner FRANK J. MILLER, Linn County Stnto Engineer J&HN II. LEWIS, Marlon County Wntor CommlBslnuor 1st Dlst. JAMES T. CHINNOCIC, Multnomah County Circuit Judges JOHN S. COKE, Coos County nENJ. F. JONES, Douglas County Rep. Coos nnd Curry County S. P, PIERCE, Coos County Rep. Oth Dlst. ED RACKLEFF, Coos County County Judge Coos County E. A. ANDERSON, Cops, County Sheriff Coos County JOHN YOAICAM, Coos County Clork Cooa County JAMES WATSON, Coos County ' Treasurer Coos County T. M. DIMMICK , Coos County Survoyor Coos County A. N. GOULD, Coos County Coroner Coos County , Dr. R. E. OOLDEN, Coos County Commissioner Coos County GEO. J. 'ARMSTRONG, . Coos County Justlco of tho Penco C. L. PENNOCK of Marsh field It Is cxponslvo to try nnd make Harbor improvements with a shoo string. Good Engineers do not re commend this Bonnetl-Elljah plan. C, R, Pock Paid Advertisement THE CORRUPT E Provisions of Election Law That Must Be Observed On Next Tuesday. 4 4444444444444 fort As tho gonornl election Is near at hand, and as many per- 4 4 sons nro not familiar with tho 4 provisions of tho corrupt prnc- 4 tlces act, tho following Is a brief 4 outline of, tho prlnclpnl foa- turcs: 4 Tho corrupt practices act, known, ns tho "Huntley BUI," liinkos It unlnwful for a, cundl- dnto to glvo clothing, meals, liquids, cigars or tobacco, with Intent or hopo to influcnco a vote. Mnkcs It unlawful for any religious, political or chnrltnblo organization to solicit nny pay- ment or contributions from n porson Booking n nomination or office. Makes It unlawful for nny son to mnko uso of force, cocr- 4 clon, thrcnts, etc., Influencing tho voto of nnother, and for 4 ministers, pronchors, etc., other- 4 wleo than by public speech or print to urge, porsundo or com- mnnd nny voter for or ngnlnst nny man or mensuro on account of his religious duty. Any porson mny do as much writing, sponklng, publishing or other work hml spend as much tlmo ns ho wishes, without pay, for any cnndldnto, political par- ty or measure, excopt on the dny of the prlmnry election or tho dny of tho gonornl election, nnd except oh nbovo noted, i Hired workers nt tho polls aro prohibited oxcopt ns chnllon- gors nnd to wntch tho count. 4 On election day no badges or 4 buttons nro to bo given out or nro to bo worn, nnd on that day tho votor Ib allowed to go to tho polls and voto as his own Judg- mont dictates, nbsolutoly frco from solicitation, question or nrgumont for votes, elthor for mon, mensuroH or parties. Makes It unlawful to hot or wngo anything of pecunlnry vnl- no on tho result of hto election. 4 Mnkoa it unlawful for any porson to pny another any loss 4 or damage duo to uttondnnco nt 4 tho polls, or for tho oxponso of 4 4 transportation to or from , tho 4 4 polls. 4 4444444 4. 4444444 IS SOLD TO JAPS. YoKHcl llulld In Mni-Nhllchl Will Curry Mlkiwlo'n Flag. PORTLAND, Oro., Nov. 3.Horo nftor the schoonor Da 'Id Evans, known from ono const to tho othor, will bo sailed undor tho Instructions of Jnpancso, for she has boon soht to interests nt Kobo, by tho Pnclflo Shipping Company, Tho vessel Is to bo transferred to tho British regis try. She Is nt Englo Ilarb'or nnd ' to load lumber at Port Blakely for the Far East. Tho craft Is a four master of 748 tons, net register, and wns built at Marshflold, Or., In 1001. WILL STAND RY CANDIDATES. (From Corvnllls Republican.) Roglstor B. F, Jonos of tho Untt od States Land Office nt Rosoburg is tho propor man for ono of tho two district Judges to bo voted for In this district and Mr. Coko la an othor. Thoy nro tho republican can didates and If you aro u republican thero Is no reason why you should not voto for them, Today wo hayo Intorvlowod several men who have known Mr. Jonos for many yoars and we hayo noyor hoard a man spoken of In hlghor termB. Ho Is a selfrmado man and Is constantly doing things for tho boneflt of the public, and this ho tins been at most of his ontlro life, - Ho has tho con fldonco of eyory man with whom ho does business, and In his friendship ho considers not whethor you nro rich or poor. Ho was brought up In Lincoln county, whoro tho peoplo nlmost to a man endorse him ns shown by tho recent primary olec Hon, nnd where no ono has aught agnlnst him. Ho has been n mem hor of tho state sonato and held Im portant offices for yoars, and Is now roglstor of tho U, S. land olllco at Rosoburg. Republicans, stay by him first, last and all time. If you want good results from your Port organization, do not tlo the hands of your Commissioners by vot ing for tho Bennett amendment. Vote It down nnd let It bo recorded by nutting a X before No. 3C7. C, R. Peck (Paid advortlBemont.) L0 J ' -i't 4) 'I If M t ,J