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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910 EVENING EDITION. r 6 Precinct, Coos County, November 8, iSIO. Copy of Official Ballot for Mark (X) Botwoon tho Number nnd Name of EpcU Cnndldato or Answer Voted For. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTR'CT. CAMPAIGN roit iinpitixr.NTATivi: in roxmtBts Vuto forONi:, 12 W. I', F.lmorn. of I.ltin Ciiimty Prohibition 13 V, C. Mauley. f Mm Inn County 'Itcpubllctn Soclall-l Domoorutl ' II C. V. Sherman, of .tiieknii County 15 It. (I. Smith, of JnepMiio County Free House Winn 0 """' Pw (f) sss ci tej STATE. FOUOOVKHNOU. Vote for ONE. Ilcptlblicau ltl Jiiy lloucrmtin. of Olllliitn (.'ounty 17 A. 11. Huton. of Union County..,. 18 vrs. Jtlclinrd. of 1X1111 County 19 Oiwnlil WmI. of Clutsop County Democratic Prohibition . Socliill-t FOIt HEOItKTAUY OK' STATK. Vole fur USB. jo F. W. IIuiiwii. of IIoukIih County Hopublli'iin 21 N.A.Pavlg.of Umatilla County. I'rolilbltlon W AMun McDonald, of Multnomiili County S.clallnt j Tumor Oliver, of Union County l)em.cratlc FPU STATU TltKASUItKH. Votu for OX B. 21 I.idlo lliitlor. of IIiiimI Itlvor County I'rolilbltlon 5 Tlioinim l. Kny. of Mm Ion County llopuhHcan W dun. II. ()l tun, of Miillnoiinili County SuclullM rnit.ltTSTIl'HOFSUPItF.MF.eol'in' U-joiirterm). Voto forTWH. ltlUllllH'IIU .Prohibition 27 llunry J. lU'iin. of Fmuililii Couiiiy 88 C. .1. llrlnlil. of Wasco County 2 TlioiniiN A. Mcllrlitu. of ChicWiimim County . .. , ., ... ... .. . .... ,. uopnoiieiin'iH'miHjrinic'.i'ii-i mmi-n. .. ..m.-, :io ,1. 1). Myorn. of Com County wl H-t Socialist nt K. It. Unu. of Marlon County. si Woodson T. Slater, of Million County . ..... . , ...,. . , ....... Poinoeiiitlc-Non-I'olliu'iil Jiiillt'liiry FOIt .IUSTIUK OF HIM'lt KM i: COURT (iyi-aMorm). Voto for TWO. t Ueo. II. Ilurnott. of Miirlon County.. Uopubllenn ai T. .1. Joiioh. of Wlicolor County. .Socialist 3J WII1K. Klmr. of Miilhctir County .. . Dcmiicritllc-Non'l'olltleal Judiciary 3d Frank A. Moons. of Columbia Couniy ... ,...,., ...,. ....... , .. H'II1II1U,IIII-I'1'IIUK.TIIIU-.,I'II-I IMIIHIII .lllllivilir 37 II. P. Kump.of Miirlon County Hoctnllu foii attounbv onxnitAi.. Voto forONB. : C. C. llrlx of Crook County SoolulNt :n A. M. Crawford, of Doup Ins County. . . ...ltepiibllcim FOKSUPEIUNTF.NDF.N'TOF PUIIMU INSTUUOTON. 40 I,. U. Alderman, of I.11110 County Voto for OXU .Itcpubltcan Geo. A llltisilulo. of Multnomiili Cotluiy Socialist J. It. Itoruor. of Itontou County .Democratic 4.1 ltobort It. Stool, of Multnomiili County Prohibition FOII HTATB I'ltlNTBU. Voto for ONB, Geo. Ilylanilur. of .Multuotiiali County Socialist 45 WHIN S. Diiiilmiy, of Multnomiili County .. llopubllcnn 10 .lamiM B, Godfrey, of Marlon County .Dcmoc ratio foii (i.mmimhiom:u or i.aiioii statistics and IXSI'BCTOIt OF PAOTOK1I.S AND WOltlCSIIOI'S. Voto forOM., 17 S. I.. Curry, of Coot County 43 O. P. Iloir, of Multnomiili County . .. 49 I). I.. Houston, of Wimlilmrloii County. . Socialist Itcpubllciiu Dcmocriitlo FUll ('( UP TIIK ItAII.UOAD OO.'lMlS-SIONUFUIlKOON. VotoforUXB to Much Mi'l.iln of CoosComKy .... ..Iloinotiriitlc .'1 Prank .1. Mlllor. of t.luii Couniy .Ilcptibllcuu foii stati: Voto for ONB. tl John Jii.'Umiii cumy ..Socialist M .lolm'll. l.owl of Million County Kopubltciiu To place the necessity of Electric Light within the reach all, we have decided to make this Extremely Liberal Offer: WE WILL WIRE A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE COMPIFTr WITH A DROP IN EACH ROOM READY TO LIGHT m THE LOW PRICE OF ONE DO LLAR PER MONTH FOR MONTHS, THIS INCLUDES A HANDSOME 2-LIGHTCHA DELIER. WE WILL WIRE A SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH A DROP IN EACH ROOM AND MAKE YOU A PRESENT OF. A HAND SOME 2-LIGHT CHANDELIER FOR $1,25 PER MONTH FOR 12 MONTHS, OR A 3-LIGHT CHANDELIER FOR $1,35 prR MONTH, 10 per cent discount from these prices if ontlro bill Is paid within sixty days from time job is completed, This Offer Will Remain Open For a Short Time Only. THE COOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. TELEPHONE 178. DISTRICT. POIt DIVISION SlM'F.ltlNTBN'DP.Nr OF WATF.Il DIVISION NO. ONB. Voto for ONB. 61 Jiiimm T. Chluuovk, of Multnomiili County Itopublli'iin FOItJUD(lF.OFClllClinM,()UUr(Swioii(t.luillclaliI)lHtrlct. Coo. Curry. DonirluH. lU'iilon. I.11110 11ml Lincoln CoiinlU'n). oto for T 0 M .lohu S. C0I.0. of Coo County Itopubllciin-Domooratlo Ml J. V. Hamilton, of Doula County Democratic ft7 llcnjiimln P. Jonon.of Douglm. County Hopubllcan 68 .1. M. Upton, of Coo County.. .....Non-Piirllxiin POIl KBPItKSBNTATIVB.(Slx(li Iti'prchontiitlvo District Coo anil Curry Countlon.) Voto for ONB, M It. A. Copplo. of Coo County Domocrallo 0 U. P. Ollroy. of Coo County Soclttllm 01 8. P. Pclrco. of Curry County , llopiibllciin First Trust and Savings Bank OP COOS HAY MAItSIiniilil), OKCGOX. COUNTY. OAIUTAIj I-'UMjY PAID... . .3100,000.00 OFFICKItS AMI DIUKCTOnS JOHN 8. COKE, Prceldont. DOItSEY KREITZER, Caihler. JOHN F. HALL, W. S. CHANDLER, HENRY 8EN08TACKEN, WILLIAM CRIMES, STEPHEN C. ROQER8. DR. 0. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON. VIco Proaldent nnd Manager. FOU 11KPIIKSF.NTATIVK (Fifth llcpri-wiitallvo Dlmrlct). Voto for ONB, f M. Droiior.ofCoo County i IM HackloiT.of Coo County SoclalNt ltcpulillcaii FOIlCOFNrVJFDtlB, VoloforONB, til B. A. AiiiU'tMin. of Coot County. 61 John P. Hall, of coo uouniy ft! J. B. Quick, of Coo county .Kcpubllcau .Democratic SouliilUt FOItSirilVKYOll. Voto for ONE. DOES A GENERAL HANKING AND TRUST IlUSI.VESa ' YOUR IIUSINESS SOLICITED. , ffif I A. N. O011I1I. of Coo County . S, li. Miirilu.of Coo County Itopubllcnu Socially T5 Pri'.lcrU'U V. Stoivn. of Coo County. Dcmocratlo Siifo DcpoMlt IIoxcs for rent in our Mct'l lined, II ro nnd burglar prof Ynnltn nt $!l.fl() nud up per minuiii. I oil coKw.MClt. rii V, li. lliiiitfiiu, of Coo Couniy.. Dr. It. B. Oolilcn. of Coo County . FOK rill Kit IFF. Voto for ON I U7 W. W.iiiiiro.of Cimi County.. Demon rutlv IW lohu llavilen. of Coo Couniy SoclalUi CO John VoaUam. of Cuo County. Itepubllcau FOII CtH' Vl'Y Cl.Bltlv. Voto for ON B ru Jiime WiitMin. of Coo County Itepulilleun-DemiK'Nitlo FOU COPNTV rilBASlMlKlt. VoloforONB T. M. Dlmmlck. of Cmi Uoiuity i J. II. Junto, of Coo Couniy . itopublU'iiu-Democratic Soclnlltt VoloforONB. j? .liiilopeiKloiil 1 ( l I tt liepubl i'liu-Democrutlo , j Full COIIN'I'Y (leo.J. ArniHirmit.'. of CooCouuiy V. A.OIImore.of Coo County V.1I.1 fill-1 int. ' I ,tt . Itepilbllcau i 1 n riK'iauv THE FIR.ST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STJHCTLY A COMJIERCIAIj HANK. (Wells VtxrKO Ncvndn Nntionnl Hank, Ban Frnnctico, CaL Tho United Slates Natlonnl Hank, Portland, Or. Tho Nutlonnl Park Hank, Now York. N. Y. urailS Who Corn ExchnnRo Nutlonnl Hank, Chicago, 111. on W T. P. Manly, of Coo County.. Democratic FOU COMMISSIONBIISOFTIIB POUT OF COOS IIAV. Vote for TWO Tho Hank of Scotland, London, England. Tlto Credit Lyonnuls, ParU, France. fn nrtdltlnn wa iU.w Am ntn Mn naininki K.niln Anfrf IB 1 . ..u uiun Ullliu UU Ull !ItUUIi'a UOUMIIB vv-.-." j 7 w curopo, ABia, Airica, AuitralU, Chlnn, Japan, Nortn, central m 1 ' n.lllfVi Amitrl.i Personal and commercial accounts kept aubjwci to check. Cortmcntes of Dnpoalts Issued. Snfo Deposit Doxcs for rent. hJ C. S, 1Vlnor. of Coo County Kepubllciin-Democriitlo L.J Slmpon.of Coo County.. Itcpubllciiu.Dcmncriitlo JUSTICE AND CONSTABLE DISTRICT No. FOU JUSTICF. OF TUB PBAOK. VoloforONB. FOU CONSTA OLE. Voto for ONE. PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION. Women's tnxpnylnir uffruiro miiomlmeiit. irruutlnir to taximyor. reifarrt. Iea of ox, tlio rlht of suffratfo. 010 KS or 0, 300 801 Yes. No. REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. An act nutliorUlnir tlio purclmsoof a olio for and tlio conktructton and nmlnteiianco ofa bruncli Inwino unylum to lo loented, In tliu dlhcrctlon of tlio Hoard of Truslees of tlio Uroinm Sialo luaaiie Arlum. at or wlllilu llomlloof ollherortho followlnif elites, to-wlti lluker City. Pendleton, or Union, In Eastern Oregon, 10 bo culled "'t'liu buktern Ore. von Slaio Hospital." Vole KS or M). 30-J Ye. S03 No. An uel loeleel, on tho tlrsl Monduy In Juno. 1911. deleirale to a constltu. tlonal contention. 10 iki neiu on inosecoim .Mouiiuy 111 ihukkt. r.'ii. mr rovlsluif Iho Constitution of tlio Siiito.iind provldliiK for submission of tlio proposed Coiisiltutlou. so rev Iseil lotholeKal voters of the Slutt for adoption or lojecllon on tho llrst Momliiy In April. 11)12. , Vote YES or NO. SOI Yo. 3M No. For umoiidmoul or frcctlou U11111I 7. Article IV. of Uie Coiisiliii'lon of this Mute 10 piovldo 11 sep.irato district for (ho election of each Stale souaior mm eaun num iivprosvinuiMu. . wv iw m ..i Yo. a; t or 1111 amendmont of Section 32. Arllclo 1, of the Constitution of Orciron. byomlttlnirtlio word "and ull taxation shall bo eiiual and uniform.'1 and Insortluir In lieu thereof, tho words! "taxes sliull bo levied and col lected for public purposes only, and tho power of taxation shall never bo sin lendered. susH)iuled. or contracted uwqy." Vote YES or NO :W8 Yes. .too No. ror amendment of tho Oregon Constitution, Article IX (XIX) authorizing (ho creaUiui of railroad dlstrlils and the purchuo and construction of railroad, or iilherhUliw.ij t by the Stuto. counties, niiiiilcliialltlcs.aml railroad dl.tilets.eie.illoii or fleiis upon property or levylnir taxes for Ihopiiyment of the sumo. Vqiq YES or NO :uo Yes. JU No 1 01 an amendment of hjIIoii I of Article IX of the Constitution of tho" htalo of Orijron. dlreetlni;a uniform rule of taxation "e.ieit on nroii erty.siwltlcally taxed." authorlzlnif the levy and coIUh-Uoii of tuxes for Mate purposes and foi counl and other purposes unou illiroront olasso of property, and upproui luting Mule luxes amonir the sooral eouutle us county obllpitlons VotcYFS or NO Mi Yes. FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD. OREGON. Oldest Rank In Coon County, KstnhUshed In 180. Paid up Capital nud Surplui. 8H0,0(I0.00. Xaanta OtnM 1I..1 Mllll... 1t..ll...u Does a goneral banking business and draws drafts on iae 1 u" T of California, San Francisco, Cal.: Hnuovor National Dank, N. -i First National Dank, Portlind, Ore : First National Dank, Rote- 1 burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Dank, Ltd., London, EnglinG 1 Also sella exchange ou all of tho principal cities of Europe. J Individual and corporation accounts kopt subject to cheek. Bw deposit lock boxes for rent. 1 OFFICERS: J. v. revvptw t i.t i to trir.Ti wia rsliler. J. II. FLANAG .V, V.-Piv, (jKo. K. WINCHESTER. A Ct' """""" I'ttllF UN TIRIB DKI'OST.S. a---u-.a- tt-a---n -a-tt-a-o-a-f Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAI1LO AND JOSSON CE50BNT. Tho beat Domestic aud Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Drlck and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTn BROADWAY. PnONE .w-v-l.... ft s.oji)- j . -r- :oi. .-- iS3SaS2SHSBSa5a.?a5asSE5EnsSSHSHSE15M2SH5?2S2SZS?1 ISSSSS-S&iSiS-51 i ai;i No. REFERENDUM ORDERED BY PETITION OF THE PEOPLE. An net provldliiK for tho payment of tlooo.Ouuuuually to tho .ludeo of tlio . Ill UMUIIIOU l IIIU U1H1UUI SU. tuio. Voto YhSorNO Kltrhth JudU'lul District. by HuLer county. I11 uddlllon to thouuuual ub STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Prancisco every eight days, a TiPtriyru iifopmnm ,m m . .T i? THE SlRTi tj J RESERVATIONS WILL RE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME M LESS TICICET IS BOUGHT. G 1 F. S. Dow. Ajrent. Marshf ield Ore nry ot uuumm received tiy mm irom 1110 bi 311 Yes. SIS No. SESZS2Sa52Sa5Z52S2!ulSES2S2S2525S eSESiSSZ5iS2SES25a ZSV?53 1 ww J&ii, I, ?. 4