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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
'V'Wfff "i THE COOS BAY TIM 'N093U0 'QialdHSHVIAI 'S3FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910 EVENING EDITION. 5' i v i1 '' jiV ill r fi j. if I CLOTHCRAFT All-Wool Clothes OF Wi nsHF vir t wz t23 Kar . xsv.aa ra n flft3r iir'j.a wry vsr AU Wool for Winter Warmth A BOVE everything e!se vour winter clothes must be warm, and for that rea son all-wooL A yard of pure wool cloth will feel heavier and firmer and will actually be warmer than a yard of cotlon-mixed clolh that is an ounce or more heavier You know, too, that wool Is no bocnuso thoy fit right, fool right conductor of heat and cold, and mid you know they look right nd tlioroforo keeps tho wnrmth of tho will slay right, body within nnd tho cold without. You enn't go wrong Cloth- Clothcrnft clothog am '.Trin nnd craft clothos at ?10 to ?25, bo- comfortablo uccpiik t'uy n'o nil- caus6 thoy aro guaranteed for wool. They -ro co; ifonr.ble, too, wool, servlco and shupoholdlns. ..2 Wcoksa Mill Store "MILL-TO MN CLOTHIERS" ,""" " Mnrshfield, Oregon THE BUSY CORNER SPECIAL i Tomorrow, Saturday, from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. BUNTE'S VANILLA MAR.SHMALLOWS 10c a Box Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marshfield, Oregon VOTE THESE NUMBERS FIRST 328 X YES EOR HOME RULE 343 X NO Against Prohibition 345 X NO AGAINST PROHIBITION 365 X NO AGAINST PROHIBITION SEARCH LAW En Coos Co. PEIRCE ABLE MAX. S. P. Polrco, the Republican candl- uuiu ior joint, nepreseiunuve, is a , farmer nnd worklngman nnd hns ro- Bided in the district for years. He I was nominated for the above olllre, J mnlnly by the Republicans of Coos ( County, nnd if elected, ho can by reason of his experience In various vocations, represent the people m 'our county Intelligently. (Paid by J. S. Ilnrton, Secy County Central Committee.) WAXTED Three linfiiinMicri! I rooms for houseKceplng. Phono 73, , i between 5 and 0 p. in. I LOST At Sinter of tletliimy dance, nt I. O. O. F. hall, Monday eve- nlng, crescent pin set with pearls. ' Liberal rownrd If returned to "X"j Tlmo8' olllce. ! i FOR SALl'. Cheap, n pood ull-l around horse. This Is a bnrgnln, If taken at once. Address "T."i caro of Times' ofllce. LOST While French poddle dug. i Finder notify E. Myers' Store. II. Michael tit A 1H-FOOT- GlttoIlllO lllimcll for sale very cheap. Host bargain you1 ever hnd. P. M. Johnson Smith's. retail yard. WAXIER Nt-liioii w eoolo hi enmn bv man nnd wife. Exnerl-! ouced. Phone 1101, North Rond, Or FOR 1 1 EXT Xort neii'iTi !itef , H7 rooms upstairs, dining room, kitch en and olllce, with or without bar room. All furnished. Will make rent easy to the right kind of ten ant. Apply at once to Robt. Mnr Hilen Sr., Mnrshfield. l'Olt SALE G.iMtllno l liorn-'1" power. Cnmplnto oqulpment. C5oi nt n bargain If taken at onco. Ap j ply Pojace Hostnurnnt. I'OK JtHXT Two room for lione keeping with pan range $12 pei month. Lloyd hotel. WANT EH To buy n fivli cow C J. Hlllstrom, MnrshfUld, Ore. WIIiIj tho parly who borrowed Dr. J. T. McCormne's Kodak please re turn snmo to Mrs. J. T. McCormae WAXTKI) Launch iilioul U. (t. lontc with ten mllo minimum speed. Phono 273-L. WAXTi:i) Working men to keep dry this winter I absolutely guarantee our oll.clQthlng for one whole sea sou. Geo. Goodrum. I'OIl SAM-: Homestead rclliiqulsli. mont In hoart of Ten Mllo country. Eight acres slashed will sell for Ono Hundred dollnrs $100, Address dins. Pohlo, Sampson, Or., Doug bins County. roil SALK Iteo. Itiitinbout, mcnlel 1010, In good condltlonilnqulro at tho Qunnory or address E. M. Mlsonor, Marshnold, Oro;, ItHAIi ESTATE TO EXCHAXOE California nnd Washington lands to trado for Coos Bay Realty or good business proposition. What havo you. Explain fully In first lotter. Address "U" enro Times. FOll SALE t First class lotH in Dunker Hill. Inquire Mrs. Smith goll, South 5th St. I.X)H SALE IUiodo Isfund lteds- hens. Phono 304X7 Mrs, J. Price. FOIl HEXT Six-room liouso iii South Marshflold. Apply Coos Day Cash Store. FOK HUXT Fivo-room furnished apartment in O'Connoll building. FOR SALE A kitchen range. .Hus been used ono year. Phong 255-J i.vilt RAM: Household furnltiiri cheap and houso for ront. Enquire at 4G3 Nortli Droadway. I-OH SALE Safe, ofllco nnd house-1-old furniture, modem fite-ruoin cottago; a bargain. J. W. Snovor. FOIl SALE A electric motor, small centrifugal pump and 300 gallon Iron tank. Same can bo seen by applying to mo ut North Bond. C. F. McCu'lom. rilC 1 1 nYH MbBrM'i p"jmir rmil inn luuju ,,, A ,llrture rtw nrtflesn. Velvet and AxmtnUler carpeli In ?ery room. Four etorfos of wriJ comfnrl Rates redured toi dj,60c, 75eandl op; wk, 2.00 to li.00. Alio a tw houi'keeln; apart (lathi with gaaransei, 113 00 per month Frra mnt Tak bun at depot. Mr. Brtdi. Ttof ItfUMMi iMp COOS BAY TIDES. XOVEMllElt High water I A. M P. M. Date. h.m. ft. 0.9 C..G 0.2 0.0 0.0 h. in. 12:37 1:07 1:25 1:55 2:30 ft. S.5 S.I 8.3 S.l 7.S Thursday. Friday Saturday.. SUNDAY.. Monday.... 3' 1:12 I 1:17 5 2:21 G 3:03 71 3:43 XOVEMRER Low water Date. Thursday. PrSilnv A. M. P. I h.m. I ft. h.m. 3 0:30' 3.1 7:20 I1 7:0J n.r. 7:5 5' 7:2S 3.9 8:22 oi 7: lot -1.2 s:r7 71 S:21 4.5 9:39 ft. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.G Snturdnw. SUNDAY.. Monday... Tin: weather. (lly Assoclntcd Press.) 0 OREGON Fair tonight and O Saturday. ' LOCAL TEMPERATURE POUT. re- Tor twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 p.m., Nov. 3, by Mrs. Mlngus. special government mo- a tnnrnlniHpnl A Maximum 50 Minimum ' 40 Al ,Ha n m ,,n Precipitation 02 Wind: Northwoat: clear. Held Service. Uev. J. Richard Olson held services at Eastsldo last evonlng. lliittcr High. Huttor Is now re tailing here nt sixty-five cents for pound nnd n hnlf squares. This In M'""- lins ,,eo nt 1,ls 90n' on for a number of yonri, U lloltiM. n. P. Snvnsio of North Tnlot. who hns been suffering from blood poisoning since last July, has rocovorod Rufllclently to jcomo to Mnrshfield today. He still suffers some from It. Vntliiti Plncei. Tho voting places In tho various precincts nt next Tues day's eloctlon will bo practlcnlly tho namo nfl at the primaries In Roptom Iter, The election ofllclnls will nlso be practically the finmc. Kid Aground. Tho launch Kid last night whllo returning from Coos Itlvor ran far up on tho mudllnt op posite tho Eastsldo landing nnd hnd not boon got off Into today by Capt. Lapp. Xo Change Perceptible. Thoro Is little or no chnngo perceptlblo In tho condition of A. G. Alkon, tho Marsh Hold pioneer who wb Injurod lu n runaway tho night boforo Inst. Ho still suffers great pnln from his In trennl Injuries. llullds Ilnrn. Eugono O'Connoll has torn down tho old landmark at tho northeast corner of Front and Alder streets nud Is putting up a small barn there. Tho building will bo a frnuio structuro, bolng Just bo yond tho flro limits. Lost Keepi.i.,11, Jus Stnuff is mourning tho lostr of an Odd Fel lows' pin a few days ago. Tho pin was carried by Mr. Stauff's fathor fot about quarter of a contury nnd was given by him to tho son, who la now vory anxious to recovor It. View of CtMn Ibiy. Tho Marshflold Chambor of Commorco Is securing n rlnron nr n vlnwn nf thn town. Its ,,,.....,. , hnrlmP nni, Bllrrniin.!. 'lngfl to bp used by tho Hill and Har- rlman railway exhibition cars on tholr tour of tho oast this winter. Honks !ir Library. J, W. Snovor has donated flfty-ouo volumos to tho Mnrshfield public library. Nineteen volumes are of E, P. Roe's works nnd tho other fifty-two aro standard his torical workB. Tho library board Is now ondeavorlng to securo nn ap prentice for library work so that In case tho regular librarian cannot at tend to tho work, a substitute- could ibjMiad 1 Holiday Books Holiday season Is almost at hand. You are Just beginning to think of buying gifts for tho children and tho older folks. Hooks makes tho most accoptablo Sifts. Wo carry tho largest stock of books and stationery In Southern Orogon. Come in and look our stock over, WATCH FOR BARGAINS Crosby & Homer, l-t Central Ave. "TIIE HOUSE OF BAnaAIXS." t:mn::mmmramatmmnmw;nL I Personal Notes MtsJtttJ:jtttt::tJHJn:::j:::::::n: WILL HUTCIIESON has taken a pos. itlon nt Norton & Hnnsen's. C. F. McGEORGE Is limiting a busi ness trip to Coquillo Vnlley points. JOHN 11. MILLER nnd wife of Port Orford, nro visiting Mnrshfield friends. C. A. SMITH nnd Amo Moreen are oxpectcd hero from California on the Nairn Smith next week. HUGO ANDERSON of Eastsldo, who hns boon In Astoria since Inst De combor, hns returned to rcsumo work on tho Hay. RALPH JACKSON, who has been laid up In Portland ns a result of nn nccldont Is oxpectcd hero soon to visit his fnthpr, Geo. Jackson, "WALTER ELLIOTT hns gono to Randon to bocomo chlot engineer of tho schooner Rnndolph which Is to run from tho Coquillo to Rogii' River. JOHN nnd-ERNEST MATTSON of Catching Inlet, mndo n brlot busi ness trip to Mnrshfield tndny. John Mnttson Is Just co'mplotlng n gnso lino boat for .Too Solicitor at Ten Mile. TOM NICOLS returned todny from n trip to llnndon. Ho roports Hint tho Indications nro ntrong Hint they will strike oil near there, tho woll being down over 000 feet now. Some Jokostom filled n Jnr with coffee and cream, and nro exhibit ing It to tho gullible ones ns real oil from tho woll, but they couldn't fool Tom. North Bend News J. C. Grny arrived hero n few days 'igo from California to look nftor business affairs. Miss Idn Gnmblo formerly of North Uoud, Is now principal of tho conuo tldatod schools of Chohnlls, Wnsh. Georgo Sheridan at Rosoburg, whoso father Is heavily 'interested In tho North Rond milk condensnry, hns taken n position In tho plant. I). L. Runklngh'nm, I). A. Jones nnd A. M. Prentiss nro taking nn Inven tory of tho bnnkrupt clothing stock of L. A. Frey In North Rond. Thb Is tho third tlmo nn Inventory hn been taken, John H. Graves tnkln tho first ono nnd Poter Lngglo t li -second. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A southern oxchnngo tolls of n man who was "hit by .n tolophnno polo going to n tiro." Whnt tho said polo oxpectcd to do nt tho flro Is not stated. According to thp census reports thoro nro 33,000,0f)b church mombors in tho Unltod States.' Persons who arguo thnt tho 'world is growing worso should study theso figures. College girls hnvo decided that tho typical mnn must hnvo brown oyes, curly hair and at lonst $2,000 n year, Can't thoy cut out tho curly hair ro qulrornont? Havo your LETTEIl HEADS nnd niLL HEADS printed at THE TIMES Try Tho Times Want Ada. POCKET Flashlights Tho Ounnorv 9 GOING Sperry's Best Drifted Snow FLOUR I All First-Class &-! - nH - 4tii.uK - - Kxi(N -H-tt--8-tt-M-.t-M--tt--n I LITTLE TALKS i ABOUT TOWN i tt it A GRIST OF COOS KAY GOS it SIP GATHERED HERE AND ,. THERE AROUT THINGS OF IXTEltrST. I ----n--::-t:-::-::-;t-u- "Society women who aro accustom ed to spend from $8,000 to $10,000 n yonr for photographs of thomsolvs nnd tholr children havo solzed on a now phnBO of this Idoa," remarked n travollng man at Tho Chandler today. "Thoy Miillim Pleltiiv of Children. nro taking to motion pictures nnd tho phonograph. Thoy want motion pic tures of tholr children nt piny or nt pnrtlos, so they may havo them in nftor years Just na thoy hnvo tholr children photographed several times a year to keep until tho children aro grown up. Llltowlso they nro koop Ing 'records of tho voices of tho chll-, dren by phonograph. When tho tlmo arrives that both tho motion plctuf or nud tho phonograph can bo mndo to work synchronously tho vnluo of tho picture nnd nudllory records will bo Increased. Tho Idea of socloty wo men nt present Is to tnko moving pic tures of their ihtldren nnd to show them nt Christmas tlmo or on otaor occasions when tho members of tho fnmlly nro gnthored together. Tho fnd, of courso, Is somewhat expensive, but society women In tho larger cities hnvo tnkon to It." "Most men and women uso more nervous forco In speaking through tho telephone than would b needed to keep them Telephone strong and hoalthy for Voice. yearj," said W. C. Tip- pots of tho Homo Tolo phono company. "Nature knows no strain. Truo Rclcnco knows no strain. Therefore, a strained, hlgh-pltohed voice does not carry over tho tolopliono wlro ns woll ns n low ono. "Impntlenco, rudonoss, Imlcclslor nud dlffiuement blur communication by telephone oven moro than they do whon one Is face to fnco with tho iieron talking." FOR. ALE. Only $400. Lot 10x20 Rl, 13, Edmonston first Addition to Mnrshfield. ('HAS. W. CAKLSOX 1080 E HnBsnlo N., Portland, Orogon The Necessity For Medicines Furnlshos Its own reminder, but wo would llko to auggoBt that whon any such need occurs thoro is no place In town whoro It can bo suppllod with as much promptness, skill, accurucy, or with a hlghor claes of drugs and chemicals than nt our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Rrlug us all your prescriptions no mattor who writes them or whore you nro dlroctod to tako thorn. Thoy bo long to you and It's your prlvllogo to tako thorn whoro you will, Brown Drug Co. Graduato Chemists "Tho Quality Store" i H I n i n i a t n i V n SOME! u I a i n 1 XI t t V V I M Grocers Have It. - i - t - i - Hn - niiK - (Hir - i w XI k u i m C33 s