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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
wsfcf E3B&a - -y"ri, -nir ,,,, . jjMsmmtmmmmtmtm .l t whbSSWIWWSRHIIW" w jtwwTtWyfwwiC!KWW!BwBW- - THE COOS BAY TIM ES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910-EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TlMrS Entored at the postofflco at Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall matter. Address all communications to COOS DAI DAILY TIMKS, Mnt-Miflclil :: :: :: :: Oregon M. C. MALONKV WAX L MALOXUV L'ditor ami Pub. News I'dltor OFFICIAL I'AI'KIl or Till OK MANSIIKiniJ). An Independent Republican iiowb paper published ovory evening except Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. J Ji WHAT DO YOlf WANT COOS KAY TO BE7 . i yJ JK Yi-tsr " ' f )&& jmgMSte, . - Dedicated to tho servlco of tho people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. The Coos IJny Times represents u consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mali and Tho Coos Day Advoitlser. The Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coon Dny Times Is Its Immcdlttto sue cossor. SUISSCIMITIOX hati:s. DAILY. Ono year $G.0( Per mouth 50 Wlion pnld strictly in advanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Dny Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. WKKKIjY. Ono year $1.50 Official Paper of Coos County. (3001) KVnXIXfl. Slncorlty Is llko traveling In 4 a plain, boaton road, which com- monly brlngM n man soouor to his Journey's oml than by-wuya, In which men often loao thum- Helves. TllloUon. O 0s04 - ' -- - - - - iwka r - n ' k - - v T-i im d i M w I i J" T, '7 J5&!P-- ' --J-JP- Stn " t-"- jW7?gciAJJgtt i -i - . . -f "t'jr7T-'y jx.wj.v j js "z - v t r7jia:i'" t. - - j.,ir-rf-T ITk- -J HtfVKcaSS i - rt " -tT-'A:iv f?5Pspyac v? .rv? ? -ui nexv. ?!". ,T"J : SC-.':Y&i .t3 i -- r-- -r; - .rr snw7jDemr?' ie) a 2-. - 5iJ-c-sj! n? . , -grtg ;f"u.l3?t ui'l3ft IB' ? u"i .d? 'W-so """ assisss; niH PI.ACK TO I IK. 1 I'm waiting to be In tho IhihI whort) tho dronms are tho truest toxmc; Whoro thoy glvo you tho gold of the wondorful glonm, And llfo will Hinllo bright na a dream In a dream. In a land troublo-free, That Is tho placo whoro I'm wanting to bo. II I'm wanting to bo Whoro tho ships furl their sails after storms of tho sea; AVhero they dream not of danger of tempest and foam. And tho sailors arc singing tho sweet Bongs of "Homo!" Whoro Life's harbor I eeo That Is tho placo I am wanting to bo. FRANK L. STANTON. . If you want to prevent this condition, seo that you mark your ballot as fallows orr the port questions on ii1e bottom of tho ballot next Tuesday. ; 'WM Port of Coos Bay Measures Proposed by Initiative Petition, (ApiH'nrlnirln pmnplilotof Port of Coo lliiy us NiimUir-Ws WV. No 301) PoriiiiiniKliiiKtil to Ulinrtvrof I'urLof Oihh Hay iirnlilliltlni. Itn llniiril of ('(imuiit-liiMorK from tiiciirrlnir utiv liukbt(ilniiH hi oxeoon of 11 fly TIkmiiiiihI Dnlliiro. mill lirurldliKr tliiitvoy niii'li ecui. hIiiiII Ik) miIiI t iiH oluill Iiiim) rt'Ci'lM'il n majority votu of tin Ii-kiiI Miter of wild Purl votlnir tliori'on ut u loinil oli'clloiii nml providing ilmt tlio cri'tfiilu no ni or Nn. Iiiil()lili'iliioof-niilil Portnlmll novcr imi-coiI tun Kr rent of t m'kmmI vuliiiitlQutfiroH'riywltlilmiiii I'orl. Volo Yl'.S mw Yoh. 167 X No. Port o f Coos Bay Measures Referred Iff the Board of the Port of Coos Bay to'tbe Yoters of the Port of Coos Bay, f tpiHiirlng a piMiilih't of mirtnf t'oo lUy ii NirHK'r-YrfwWti. XnXX) AuonllnniM'iiof lfu Tort of coliiy nJoptliiir n wrliiln pruji'cl oriiurl'.ir IniproviMiiiMt rvrovlillim for tlioilrooirlntr unil nmliitoiiuiico of .i Itimln Milp vlNiiiioL for liuiirnrrimmt of Hiilixltlsry wiitirwnyH i'iniiy liitrlMtoUooM lty, for uri'lioof riMrly Hiilinlilo fiiAiiiilillc Mhut'ir nml ilo. at, i ml provldlinf fr U-.imi.cuinlMitiof Port finniU Iim lut mdh Mnocoum ticnrry o Oi uiili pro,'t. Voiu Vas or aw X. Yo. I X Nc TOIMCS OF TIIK TIMI'-S. Thero nro Btlll ax ahoad of tho candidates. long days It flatters some Coos Bay mon to litivo women make fools of thorn. In England thoy don't stop to - ten crlmlnalH boforo hnnglng thoni. As an ovldonco of good faith tho namo of tho bridegroom Is still given In wedding stories. "Wlint a lot of unhappy peoplo thor would bo In tho world If nil dreams should como true. A Now Jersey man and woman wnlked 40 miles to got married. It Is believed thoy woro In onruost. Tresldont Taft lo In favor of good farmers and good coolts. Thoy cer tainly mako a great combination. Somo mon start out to work every morning with tho fooling that thlr oqulllbrator Isn't bohnvlng proporlv. (Paid Advertisement by Dr. E. Mlngus.) If tako placo for tho two Circuit Court! counties should bo respected. For judges, Is causing somo confusion sonally,. I have known JluEgo Coko among tho voters as to tho number 'for semitcon years, and! Know him of Judges to oo elected. Tho lottcr of DlBtrlct Attorney Goorgo 51. Drown, to bo j. mnti of ititogrltyv aiut ability, learning nml ho will mako one of tho recently published makes clear tho, best Jwtluoa that evor prt'slded In i court of JiiBtleo within Ulv stato of Oregon. Tho peoplo who knowrlirm best ad mire him tho most. Ybrt have a right to vutu for twotjlutae nt tho coming No-omber oltttlun and ono of your votes should Uwctut; for Coko. Yours very truly, GKO: M. DROWN. ' This lettor oxplltltib. any dlfllcul-. ties tlloro may boMis Ur tho require- montB of tho Inw. nndutso rofors to tho oltglblllty and' eumpotency of Judgo Jnhn S, Ctike, Thero romnltis for us, then, to consider tho comiii toncy and staiullng-of the two camft datos from Douglas county, Judgtr J. W. Hamilton and' IH'nJnmln F. Jones. Tho cnndldnfy of JUr. J. M. Uton need not eutor lnti this nrtlclo-. Wo particularly want to refer to tho I08ltlons of JtidKtf Hamilton and tho Hon. Mr. Jones. It miitft bo conwdod by any candid mind thut Judge Hamilton ft a far superior man fit evory way. His long wxporronew on tho bnch, and his often tried Judgment In courc matter omtnently qualify him to be again elevated to tho position ho so ably flHi, in evory portion ho oc cupied before being madv a Judg( ho BtKjKBKBK&IBKIE&BBKKKEBKBBGnBBkvKERjJNBUKatiJBKKRBBBuHS&GBKi i ivioney a lave When you buy "Quality Merchandise." I ham., it ''for the man who knows'' fist spells Q U A L I TY. UAMI1TDM m ROKE FAVORED. wholo mutter on this point, ami wo publish It In fuITr nosoburg, Oro Oct. 20, 1910. Hon. A. F. Stvnrmr, Oakland, Orogon: My Dear Judge Deferring to your Inquiry concerning tho laws creating threo Judgeship In tho Second Judi cial District and touching tho nblllty and Integrity pf Hon. John S, Coko, I havo this to sayr Tho Second Judicial District IB tho largest Judicial district In tho state and comprises tho counties of Den ton, Lincoln, I.nno, DoughiB, Coos and Curry, Tho Inw provides for threo circuit Judges for this district. Tho law further provides that tho labors of thoso three Judge may bo divided as they may agreo between tlioniBoIvrs. Tho Inw also provided that "Ono of snld Judges shall reatdo ootith of tho Umpqua rlvor and west or tho Coast range of mountains during his term of ofllco;" this position Is equivalent to saying that during his term of ofllco ono of tho Judges shall resldo In Coos or Curry county, because these aro tho only two counties south of tho Umpqua river and west of tho Coast rango of mountains. Whllo tho law does not oxprosaly stnto that ono of tho candidates shall did his duty ably and well. Ho Is bo elected from Coos or Curry conn-'man of keen Judgment, with a thor- ty, yot It Is fair to assumo that tho ough knowledge of lur, which- has spirit of tho law contemplates that made him ono of tho best Jutfges In ono of tho Judges olectod shall, nt Oregon. His decisions .from tho tho tlmo of his olectlon, bo a rosldcnt bonch havo practlcttlly stood when. of Coos or Curry county. I taken to a higher court, which alone Y ir. fn in ftlw iftfnlr. nf rAna nml ffl nvlilotion nt lila unnnnnHm n 1 '! 11 13 Hill l UIW 1"'IU -" mm - -.-.. ..vw . (km wnnvvjHiWH n 11 t j Carry county to elect ono ofho'rand though n democrat he has re- roaldonta as Judgo. ooivoti nis electrons regardloos of lien tno logismuiro ennc(eu wiu ihuij-, huicii rccugmzea nis wortn n , , law erontlnc tho third Judgeship of tho position he oceun'es. He is.. the Second Judicial District, tho gov- moreover, a man of pergonal lutogrl- refuses to give up until satlsflod of mllton nnd Donjamln F. Jonosi In any ornor of Orogon soiocteu a resiuout t.v, goon naous ana n useful citizen his defeat for tho Judgoshlp. It may particular favorable to tho lnr- i - - -.. This 11 S STRAUSE & BROS.' HIGH ART GWOTE& 1 PACKARD SHOES " -DEMTS' GLOVES I v CLUETT SHIRTS; HEIDCAPS EVERWEAR GUARANTEED HOSE COOPER'S UNDERWEAR GANTNER & MATTERN KN1T GOODS STETSON & KINGSBURRY HATS l KEISER CFTAVATS AND OTHERS n jj You can't beat it. Come in and have a look Your Bosom Friend, . J F3KJBS8PWWWWWM-'Mwfc1KBi1fcfcMfc1BT J3BSSWSSXL of Cooa county for tho appointment. In every walk of life. bo cald right horo that knowing tho and wo earnestly i,nnn . ,u... Ho appointed Hon. John S. Coko, In Donjamln F. Jones wo fnll to position tt Mr. Dourno on the pri-that tho peoplo will realize thl3 dif- wno nan pnicui-uu ms ihukismuh ivuui iuuuuk uiih ins mm uy wary mw, ii wouiu navo oeen more feronce and return Judgo Hamilton DUA1N NONFAUDIb ItKlU'DLICAX within tho bounds of Coos county for comparison, for tho ofllco to which fitting to have refused to affiliate and also Judge John S. Coko to tho ueany iwumj jun.a. nimi u uub" imro. iiu la inacucHiiy un- " mo ABBuuiuiy peopio in, tne positions thoy havo so ablv flllod . i . . - tAUvertlsement paid by C. F. Mc- ' ' '' oiiwiw "".'"co i,aii ueon tried out as circuit Known as a lawyer, and his election campaign. Even In this ofllco he SONS WHY CIKCU1T COUNT Jl,(1se. following his appointment In would bo truly nn experiment. His falls to display any unusual compo- February 1909, tho people of Coos fltnosa for tho office can only bo tency. Wo happen to know that in JUDOKS SHOULD Dh UL-Mil.OT. nlui Curry counties, by an ovor- measured from a political standpoint, j tho legal papers which come to this KI. Knight,) I hut. Owing to the increased con o. tor nnd eggs Emperor l,', 0J nry has been raised from . to fS.175,000. Mr. Carnegie urges the P? llvo within their Incomes, tried It and finds that he suffer. Inconveniences. It would be Interest-US : JJ. Just how many men " (i, cal mass meeting nie" -.,- A Kansas miitm. ,,- . i. i whelming vote In tho primary elec- nnd whoro all his knowledge can be ofllco In tho lino of business, gross heart Isn't as serious a tlon. expressed a wish that Judge comprehended In belnsr a henchman incompetency Is exhibited, nnd it i'itnmnni,..n..i.i. . . .'auer n,8 (From Tho Drain Nonpareil Ropub-.John S. Coko bo olectod as tho Judgo for a political personage within this ' believed that the office should belflgures In sorloiis court Dro rtf ' r nTatorles told by the ape"1, llcan Fapor.) to resldo In Coos or Curry couuty. state, and to whom he is Indebted bettor managed la the future There much ofte . . ' ?Y ?.B8 . The olectlon which U bo soon to -The wishes of the peoplo of the coast for the office he now holds, which he.iB no comr.tjjA tjeoerj Judso HaTiyou, wll uqUco, vuoie, xtmi' Wn' 2n jJJ,r. ..' vmi iiV' in Man ijiiiigiiiii