(LlflflB Jta .ADS. tos NEWS B.V.BI!SINESS 18 BLOW, Al GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALTj THE NEWS ALmi TUB TIME TERSEIjY lOLI) t: :t t it tt .....TlSL'. TJtiVA U XD JO il- .Kl) HV SUCCKSSP1 BUSI- :g HOUSES EVERYWHERE t! MEMUEIl OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1H78 ns Tho Const Mall. 5.TXW. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY,' NOVEMBER 4, 1910 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull niul Coos liny Advertiser. 95 it'll BANK CASHIER ENDS LIFE AI HIM IN SEASIDE tfwantllHenninoei1 Blows Head I Off With Shotgun As Re- !Siiltv0f! Lotting. tsTITUTION1 ISIN 'VERY "BAD CONDITION leportetl That Deposits and Capital Used to Aid Rela tive's Sawmill. BRUTE KILLS FIliEFUGEE Woman Fleeing From Blaze Kicked Off Fire Escape By Unknown Man. (By. Associated Press, t. Coos Day lB, Associate! Io. to Coos liny) ' ... . . IllC from nil Inpnmllnrv II r In nitt. enSIDE. Ore," Nov. J. Etiwnrn . " . "" ""v W1" swaiui., . ton street tenement, .MrB. Rebecca hulnger, caanicr 01 mo acnsiuo Aohor WM fc fc , !nk, committed slilcldo In tho front cnp0 f0n threo stories mid killed. iri of his limo t0(,n' 'by blowing Tho nssnllnnt was unldontlfled nnd laishentl with n shotgun. It Is oscnpod. trclt of tho alleged looting of tho , Ink by himself nnd tiHnoclntes of, nil h ttpotUe. Tho Sensldo Lumber j Manufacturing Company, of Itbleh "Walter Hcnnlnger Is mnnnger, fceloiely connected with tho bank, ::1 It is alleged tho money nnd do- UlU of tho bnnlc, Including tho Enitot the city of SeaKtdo, wcro np-ro-riated from tho bank to keep tho at mill running. Walter Honnlnger . i A A . .. . a fiinilf AM 4 1lS 111 B tDO fcuSl l necuru iiuiun iui mu vim and money wna expected rrom him ycatcrdny but' It fnllod to LTlte. A few dnytj ago, tho pny FIVE KILLED IN EXPLOSION Miners Victims of Disaster Near Birmingham, Ala bama, Last Night. ti,cks of tho saw mill employes were (JJ AodnlC(I VrcaB to Co0B Dny cct rathcel for ono pretext or another, i Timn i Tttterdny somo eastern people who nuiMiNOHAM. Aln. Nov. 4. A Tne ngnrHig on buying tho-bank, nnln-inn in tho Inlnns of tho manned tho bookB nnd It Is nllegodyo,nn(,0 Co)(n nn(, Con, Comjmny JlvJ)t thtattho closo of tho Investigation ;ht kllod flV(J mon tv.r told Cashier Edwnnl Hcnnlnger, 'It was all up with hitn"-nnd they, ouiht in Chicago. Ml refusing to hnvo nny thing moro j tola with tho Institution. Tho bnnlc aammit Workers Settle Willi Two m unablo to meot Its domryuls- nnd II It alleged, Hcnnlngor tnen kiiicu liatelf. Hundreds of pcoplo hero tarried deposits In tho bnnlc. Tho (iwt condition of tho Institution will Firms. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Nov. 4. Following tho settlement of tho garment workers' tot be known until tho stnto bank . ,k ... two rm8 yestordny. tho tiiDlncr mnkes an Investigation. situation Is quiet today. NAVAL RESERVES DIULL. At their armory last ovenlng tho tto divisions of tho Nnvnl Iteserves W4 their first drill. Tho meeting , i held for the purposo of- complet- l5 tho details of tho organization. Ueatennnt Straw, -who Imb been as- VOTE YES ON XO. ill 8. Briefly summarized, tho argument In bohnlf of tho Normal School nt Monmouth results In this: All tho States, nnd tho National Govern ment, supply Normal School train- lined to tho command of tho two . Th ftVornco tnxnavor wants his , .... - -. . wtmons innilo tho necessnry appoint Etnti and details nftor which liloute- Mats 8tono nnd Grnves mado short ulli to tho organizations on tho sub lets of dii- and discipline. About I inenty-flro men were present Inst "enlng. Tho regnlnr drills -will In the futuro bo hold at 7:30 o'cloc? each. Monday ovenlng, In tho f u- tow all mpn not legally excused Bmt be present promptly on tho lour set for drill under penalties waiiy prescribed in such cases. LimtAUY NOTICE. The time for tio Saturday story ! ar has been changed from nine to wen o'clock, noys and girls plenso wember this and como at cloven all welcome, ten yearB of age find crer. COPPLE'S POSITION. S A. iCopple, the Domocratlc can Wate for .Tnlnt nnnrosentatlre iould bo elected. That, Coos Coun b hould havo tho ropresontatlve. Xwr If Mr. Cbpplo was sincere In tll! contention ho would have sought t!e nomination for Coos county alone 'l not tho Joint. Tho evident rea- Mr. Copple did not do this, I' wre was 6trong reason to believe jh,t E. nackleff would he tho Itopub Uca nominee and Mr. Copple did "twant to tackle him. (Paid by J. Barton, Secy. County Cent. Com.) NOTICE. A peclal meeting of tho stockhold r of the Peonlo's Co-oneratlve Co'm- Paiy will bo held Tuesdny ovenlng. . 0TImKa. ir - . ,. . --.vcj 1U iaiu; at me uour i child educated In tho host way pos sible Tho public school Is tho great lovolor of tho Nation, nnd tho bul wark of American Independence Tho host teachers posslblo nro nono too good for this work. Tho child of tho mllllonnlro rccolves tho samo cour teous treatment horo at tho hands of the trained teacher as does any other child. Tho nverngo man Is not ablo to omploy n special tutor; ho must dopond largely upon tho edu cation nnd training which his child rccolves In tho public school; boyond this but few over ndvnnco In their oducatlonnl work. Tho cost of this work nt Monmouth 1s 1mt n bagatelle, only four cents on ri valuation of $1000. If this meas ure 1s defeated, It means tho dupli cation of this property In somo city, nt a very benvy outlay of money to the ordinary taxpayer. Tho school must be located somewhere; it Is In a healthy vart of the state, easily ac cessible to tho State Capitol by dally boat and rail service, and Is directly connected with tho metropolis. Such schools ns these ought not to bo In large cities, for the work Is necullar In Its nature, and tho peoplo who attend get larger results In tho smaller towns. The best Interests of the tnxpayers, tho best Interests of tho nubile schools, the best Interests of the children of tho public schools warrants every voter In voting Yes on No. 31S on November 8th. 7 T TTT TTQ TAT TT THT r.ttD I x-::--t:-t:-:t---::--t:-- t---::--rt--t:-K---.w T-1E commercial situation In Coos Bay Is so simple, nnd Its problem so obvious thnt neither requires moro than mcro statement. This Is a growing community. All of Its enterprises nro in process of develop ment. Coos Bay 1b In tho snmo financial situation that nny great prlvato corporation Is during its formatlvo period, nnd thnt is tho necessnry ex penditure exceeds tho Income. And tho vital requirement Is continu ed, systematic nnd dopcndablo ro-lnforcement. To state, this proposition a llttlo moro specifically, money comes Into nny community from only two posslblo channels. Ono Is In roturn for tho products of tho soil, nnd tho other is In return for manufactured commodities. Any other Income Is mcro exchange for which tho "quid pro quo" must bo paid In ensh. Therefore tho vital need In nny commu nity Is thnt its mnnufneturing Institutions bo encouraged nnd developed nnd Its lnnds bo closely occupied nnd scientifically cultivated. Nature has endowed C003 Bay with ono of tho greatest natural har bors on tho Pacific const. It only remains for mnn to nccopt nml pro tect this God-given heritage. To do this Coos Bay must bo mndo a port of entry for nil ocenn-going vessels. This enn only bo dono under tho systematic direction of organized effort through tho Port Commission or similarly organized association for tho advancement of Coos Bay. Mnnufneturing on Coos Bny ts a yet morely sporadic. No system atic, concerted nnd persistant effort has been mndo to nttrnct manufactur ing Institutions to this community. The result la thnt wo hnvo for sale no manufactured products to spcakof excopt timber nnd tho crying need of tho retail business of Coos Bay Is payrolls. Nearly all of tho staple commodities could bo profitably manufactur ed on Coos Bay. With nn nbundnnco nnd almost lnoxhnustlblo supply of coal that menus cheap power, thoro Is nq roason why furniture, shoes, clothing nnd n hundred other lessor Important products should not bo manufactured hero, but tt nil deponds on n hnrbor that will ndmlt ships thnt will tnko theso products to all parts of the world. ' In point of civic enterprise Coos Bay and Mnrshftold nro far behind Portland, Seattle, Tacomn, San Francisco, Los Angolcs and other const cities that nro going forwnrd at rapid strides. Two reasons exist for this condition; ono Is thnt tho vory bigness of this section nnd tho richness of Its nnturnl resources anesthetizes Its own pcoplo. Thoro mny bo n physiological, or atmospheric, or psychic, or mystic, or somo other rcn Bon for this, but without nny attempt to discover tho why, that It Is n fact there Is no doubt. Tho other reason Is one far less credltablo to tho people of this com munity nnd thnt Is thnt tho business men of Coon Bny do not entirely trust each othr nnd somo of thorn llvo In mortnl terror of n cortaln solf-constltutud dictator whoso too has been felt undor tho cruppor of many nn otherwise valorous Coos Bay citizen. In short, nmong Its othor Infirmities, Coos Bny hns a bad case of tho "Fraldy cats." It Is a pity that tho men of this community who hnvo possessed tho dotormlnntlon to build up, ngnlnst nlmost Inconceivable odds, tho splen did Institutions of this city; mon who havo sweat crimson through or deals that would havo crushed men who woro less than supormon, It Is n pity that theso samo mon should go Into n panic nnd run from n foml- nlno recrudesconco of tho Earl of Gloucester, and run from a broom stick. Why does not somebody hnvo tho courago to stnnd still and lot tho blow fall, only to discover thnt, nftor nil, this particular warrior, in a renl collision, can always bo depended upon to throw down tb" butcher knife, and pull hntr. Ab a matter of fact It is benonth the dignity nnd solf-rcspcct of tho business mon of Cops Bay, nnd infinitely unworthy of tho future of this great community to nllow Ua progress to ho stnyod clthor by an un worthy sontlmont of mutual distrust or by a yet moro unworthy fonr of a common foo who desorvoB no fear. Tho right nnd courageous thing to do Is for tho cnpablo and resourceful men of this community to get togothor nnd bo occupy thoireolvcs with tho great probloms which nro loudly calling for attention that they will hnvo neither thought nor caro for tho things unworthy that lavo halted tho prosperity of this Community. ,nr,n,-,nJ-JJiJ. MAY SOON END HONDURAS REVOLT All kinds MILXER'S. of Alarm CLOCKS at SHOULD we have representation eleht nAi.,. .. ... ..,-t ',. n nr nnrt? If you want --- -j miri ht rna ornrn nr rnn iiiuvu .in m - -" ----- .ompany In Marshfleld, Oregon; for Vs Purpose of filing Supplementary rteles of Incorporation and tho "aendment of the By-Laws. F. S. RIBBB, representation for all, vote for R. A' for. r-nnnlo. Jo ht-Hepresenumvu Coos and Curry. W. J. Rust. Pd. Adv FIHE Place SCREENS at MILXER'S. Commander Hayes of States Gunboat Expected to Handle Situation at Amal pala Without Bloodshed. (By Associated Preos to Coos Bny Times.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. Even In event of an attack on tho foreigners United nt Amnpaln, it is not expected horo that tho Gunbont Princeton will find It necessary to shell tho town. In stead Commnndor Hayes will prob ably sond mnrinos nshoro to tako Leader Valladaros into custody which act, it Is bolloved, would ond tho revolution. Tho gunboat York town Is due at Amnpala tomorrow to relievo tho Princeton. COAST LEAGUE DALL SCORES San Francisco and 'Vernon Defeat Oakland and Portland. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., Nov. 4. Yes terday's games In tho coast league resulted as follows: At Vernon " Vernon . . 1 " Portland $ At Oakland R Oakland 4 Sanfran , 4 c At Sacramento " Sacramento. o n Los Angeles H 18 HOW can we have good roads, and eat honest work? Why by voting for Judge John F. Hall; seo his' record. W. J. Rust Paid advertisement;- Have your Job prlntlugMone at The Times office. AIR GUNS at MILNER'S. Government Will Stop Mani festation Tomorrow at All Hazards. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MADRID, Nov. 4. Tho govern ment announced today It would pre vent all hazards tho monster labor manifestation arranged for tomorrow at Barcelona. General Woylor has a big force of troopa at his command but theso will bo roluforced by 1G, 000 additional soldiers. NEW YORK AND COAST IN OF W 1 0 L OF A 1 North Atlantic States Swept By Cold Blast ' Today. Butcher at Cedarburg, Wis., Kills Son and Wounds Several Relatives. (By Associated Press to Coos r Times.) CEDARBURG, Wis., Nov. 4. LoulBlIorftunn, a butcher, shot and killed his twclvo-yonr-old son, wounded his wife, his brothor, Ern est, and tho lnttor's-son, Wnltcr, to- day. Hoffmnn was arrested. HEAVY SNOW IN SEVERAL SECTIONS BIG MEETINGS ARE PLANNED Republican Rallies to Be Held Saturday Evening and Monday Evening. A whirlwind finish with speaking In moot of tho precincts Is Chalrmnn Solby's plan for closing tho republic an campaign. Good meetings hnvo boon hold nonrly every night this week and moro will ho hold tomor row nnd Mondny evenings. Saturday ovenlng, tho Marshfleld Republican Club will hold a big ral ly In tho Odd Fellows hall with L. J. Simpson, T. T. Bonnott, I. S. Smith nnd C. I. Rolgnrd na epcakors. Othor mootlnga Saturday ovenlng will bo ns follows: Emplro Goorgo N. Farrln. Lakeside Chns, E. Mayboo. Lako at North Inlot Hall A. II. Derbyshire Nowport-Llbby J. C. Kondnll and Pat. HonncRsoy. Speaking Monday Night North Bond L, J. Simpson, A. II. Dorbyshlr.0 and others, Myrtlo Point Chns. I. Rolgnrd nnd R. O. Grnves. Coqulllo Judge Geo, Watklns nnd L. A. Roberts. Bnndon Casslus R. Peck and Tom, T. Bennett. Business In Many Sections of Pennsylvania Stopped By Blizzard. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) NEW YORK, Nov. 4. A Btorm of midwinter Intensity prevailed nfong tho Atlantic const Inst night nnd to day. Wire communication In many directions Is Interrupted. Deep snow Ih recorded lu many places In Now fork nnd PcuuBylvanln, Sovoral ves sels aro roportcd In distress but bo far no serious disasters havo occur red. Tho wind Ib blowing n gnlo today. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) BALTIMORE, Nov. 4. Snow wan gonoral throughout Maryland last night nnd this forenoon, PROGRAM FOR CONTEST. MAY FLY TO PARIS. WHY should Railroads bo watch ed? Because of their record; who" can do it efficiently? Why, Hugh McLaln, ho Is honost, capablo and untiring. W. J, Rust-rPaid Adv. I(l 'you wqiit Coos, Bay. to amount to a mtio ' rog-pona," vote ior me Bennett amendment. (C, R. Peck Paid advertisement.) Trip Young Welshman Attempts Irom Loudon. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Tlmos.) LONDON, Nov. 4. William Wil lows, a young Welshman, who re cently mado a flight of ICO miles ono night In a small dlrlglblo airship built by himself and who csatbllshod tho British record, ascended at Wormwood-ScrubbB this afternoon and hcadod for Paris. HAD IN PENNSYLVANIA. Heavy Snow In Pennsylvania Brlngti nuMmtui to Btnmliitlll. (By. Associated Presa to Coos Bay Times.) PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 4. Ono of tho worst November storms in years prevails today. Reports from various sections of tho stnto Indicate a heavy snow Is falling and business in many places Is at a standstill. EXPRESS STRIKE NOT ENDED. Companies HcfiiHO to Recognize Union of Drivers. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 4. Recogni tion of tho Union Is tho stumbling block in tho settlement of tho oxpress strike Two of tho companies do claro thoy will treat with tho strikers only ns former employes. Tho pros pects of pcaco so promising yester day seomod decidedly poor today. WHEN voting for sheriff, experi ence counts. Who has it? Why W. W. Gage W. J. RuBt Paid Adv. Arrangement) Completed For Exer cInon at Tnlieniarlu. Tho program for tho W. C. T, U. gold modal contost nt tho Marshfleld Tabornnclo Friday night, wnB com pleted today. It b oxpoctod thoro will bo n Inrgo attendance Tho pro gram Is as follows: 7:30 Chlldron'H demonstration. 8 o'clock, prayer. Duot "Beautiful Flog," Ellon Andorson, Edith Allgor, North Bond. "O, Volco of tho Breakers," Jno. W. Motley. "What Mnttora It To You," El len Rudnns. "Mothor's Voico," Alpha Mauzoy. "How to Curtail tho Liquor Traf fic." "Tho Tomporanco LlghthouBO," Chns. Rehfold. "Tho Fathor'a Prayor," Jno. Fer guson. "My Mothor's Whlto Ribbon," Edith Allgor. "Tho Wodorn Cain," Mary Han eon. "Tho Mother's Prnyon" Ellon Andorson. "Tho Dofonso of tho Alamo," Erlo Bolt. Judges decision. Songs "Flower of Liberty," "In Honor Amorlcnu Flog." Contest class. Prosontntlon of medals. Benediction. STRAWBERRIES IN OCTOBER. C. II. Donacn brought In somo strnwburrlos this morning, somo of thorn monsurlng ovor threo Inches In tlrcumferonco. Mr, Donnca Just aot tho plants out In Mny. Strawber ries in October would mako Eastern ers roll tholr eyes, but to us horo in Oregon thoy aro a more common thing. Bandon Recorder. STILETTO pocket Knives will al ways hold an odgo at MILNER'S. REMEMHER tho Auction Sale Sat urday evonlng nt tho No'rwoglan hall, by tho Norwegian Lutheran LADIES' AID SOCIETY. 1847 Rogers Bros, and Community SILVERWARE at MILNJCR'S. TO THE TAXPAYERS AND VOTERS If you want a Harbor that will bo a credit to us and build up a City, voto for tho $300,000 bond lasuo pay able In twonty yonrs when tho valuo of property embraced In tho bounda- rlos of tho Port will bo worth 20 times tho prosont value and tho re demption of bonds will not bo no ticed by tho tnx-payors. Voto Y03 on No. 308 (C. R. Pock Paid Adv.) Foot Scrapora and DOOR MATS at MILNER'S, PLUMBING Have your plumbing dono by PIONEER HARDWARE COMPANY, M&:k. ... uiuXb v . .Lu. u