THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910 -EVEMIIMG EDITION. txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxittxxtxtxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxtxxxxxmxxxxxxxxxxtxtxttti 0 Your FALL SUIT or ' SAWMILLS it hoot sy DRYS DEBTJI3,000 Unpaid Warrants Total That Sum According to Clerks' Report. According to the soml-nnnual re port of County Clerk Watson, the totnl debt of Coos County, Septem ber 30, 1010, is $113,549.33. Of this, $100,399.10 Is unpaid general fund warrants, $0,023. 9G Is Interest on them $7,100.78 Is unpaid county road warrants. The Conulllo Sentinel says: "County Treasurer Dlmmlck has re ceived (ho receipt frorri the state tr asurcr for $1G, 000.00 which was forwarded to Salem last week. This represents the final payment of tho state taxes for this county for the year 1909. Tho total tax for tho year waB $33,471, the first Install ment having been sent to Salem In April." If you want good, results' from your Port organlmtlon, do not tlo the hands of your Commissioners by vot ing far tho Ilonnott amendment. Vote It down nnd lot It bo recorded by putting a X beforo No. 3C7. C. K Peck (Paid advertisement.) "WOMAN STPFHAHK IN COLORADO MrH. Francos W. Ooddard of Colo rado Springs, a noted worker for edu cational and philanthropic causes, no longer bclloves In "votes for wo jnen." -i In fin Intorvlow In May In tho Pro vldenco (MaB8.) Sunday Journal, she eays: "I have- voted since ISO 3, I Jmvo been dologato to City nnd Stnto -Convention nnd If I nm Rent to tho next Stnto Convention I shall go. I havo been a deputy sheriff and n watcher nt tho polls, and n mombor of tho Republican Stnto Commlttco from El Pnso County. Ab long ns I linvo tho frnnchUo, I consider It a duty to vote, but I would abolish tho prlvllogo tomorrow If I could, nnd so would tho best mou." The tondency of women to bring tho personal element Into everything, Mrs. Goddnrd contends, Is ono of the chlof olemonts of their fnlluro nt voters. Another clement. Is tho tend ency of women not to "stay out." She Bays, "I havo known women who -worked f&r tho Republican party ono yoar to work for tho Democrats tho noxt, stating nulto frankly that, 'tho Domncrnts gnvo us more money.' " And mpro than ono woman has re plied to mo, when I asked her how nlio wnH going to vote, that 'she didn't know till sho had naked her bus nand.' Mrs. Ooddard has been In the mlds' of tho fight and alio considers that ns n factor for righteousness, woman nuffrnKo In Colorado Is a failure, an! that thu prlco women must pay Is too Brent. Resides her political ofllres, Mrs Ooddard Is vlco-prosldont for Colo rado of Mothers' Congress; second vice-president of Y. W. C. A. of Colo rndo Springs; First Vice-President o' Doya' Clubs; Trustee of City Federa tion of Women's Clubs; Prosldont of Humane Socloty nnd only womnn member on nutl-tuborculosls commit tee of Colorndo Springs. Oregon Stnto Assoclntlon Opposed to Womnn Snffrnge. MRS. F. .1. RAILEY. Presides. (Pnld ndvertlsoment.) 1IASKET SOCIAL nt Swedish LUTHERAN HALT, Saturday even- ( Continued from pago 1.) lorv. I do know of several In- KlmteeH where lainllk's havo refilled to move to ltlaek Rock ow account ot (lie ltoiil-lcgglug imtl blind pigs. The Ion ii of Itlnck Rock lias laconic dem oralized and tough during the last year under tho present law. Prohibi tion has made sneaks and law-break ers out of ninny young men nnd boys. "Looil option mill licensed saloon" would mean u dry town In Itlnck Rock, nnd probably ell-regulated wi loons In Falls City. "Tho looso wiloon nnd protected rooms, under looso laws, Is damnable; hut prohibition, without enforcement of tho law, (nnd enforcement seems Impossible,) is much worse. Tho les ser of tho two evils Is tho licensed sa loon, under proper regulation." Mr. Gorllngor'a nnBwer so offoct unlly disposes of tho Irresponsible as sertion mndo by tho Entorprlso thnt no further comment would scorn nee casnry. t Tho fnct Is, tho Independence edi tor Is tnlklng about something of Which ho hnB no porsonal knowledge Thoro to nltpgothor too much of this sort of nrgumon. In tho present con test -Inosc, Irresponsible statements which cannot bo backed up by n sln glo llguro or n word of truthful testi mony. Why not stick to rncts7 (Creator Oregon Homo Iltilo Asso elation, Portland, Orogon II. C. Me Alllstor, General Manager. (Paid Atl Ycrtlscmonti) It la expensive to try nnd mnko Harbor Improvements with n shoe string. Good Engineers do not re commend this Ronnott-Elljnh plan. C. R. Peck Pnld Advortlsomcnt. WASH THAT ITCH AWAY It Is said thnt there nro certain springs In Europo thnt glvo relief nnd euro to Eczema nnd othor akin dis eases. If you knew thnt by washing In theso waters you could bo relieved from thnt awful Itch, wouldn't you mnko ovcry effort to tnko n trip to Huropo nt ouco? Would you not bo willing to apond your lnat cent to find tho euro? But you need not leave homo for theso distant springs. Relict Is right hero In your own homo townl A slmplo wash of Oil of Winter- green, Thymol nnd othor Ingredlentc ns compounded only In D. D. D, Pro scription will bring Instant rollof to thnt terrible burning Itch, nnd leave tho skin as smooth nnd healthy ns thnt ot n child. If you havo not already tried It, got nt least a 2G cent bottlo today. Wo assuro you of Instant rollef. For sale nt Red Cross Drug Storo. o XX l! XX Sf o n xt 8 Xt . RAINCOAT NOW IS THE TIME TO SEL ECT SAME, WHILE STOCK 19 COMPLETE AND ASSORTMENTS GOOD. ALL WE ASK OF YOU IST0 COME IN AND TRY ON BENJAMIN CLOTHES. ' YOU CAN THEN SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BENJAMIN CLOTHES, AND OTHERS, BETTER THAN WE CAN TELL YOU, SEE HOW THE COLLAR LAYS, HOW THE SHOULDERS HANG, AND NOTE HOW NEW YORK CLOTHING, DESIGNED BY THE BEST TAILORS IN THE LAND, DIFFER FROM OR. DINARY READY-MADE. BENJAMIN RAIN-COATS HAVE THE NEW PRESTO COL LAR WHICH IS CONVERTIBLE, EITHER LAYING DOWN AS IN ORDINARY COLLAR OR STANDING AS A STORM COLLAR, REGARDING PRICES, YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CASH AND CREDIT STORES, MONEY TALKS it n BQ)aniin.C!othM Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. I MarshHeld OpyrifM 1110 8 8 r5andon tt tm:?:t$tttjtt$ttt:t:t:t:::t::::ttjt::ttjst::t::ttt:tt:t::tj::ux:5::tt:t:::::t:m u-a-----n------- a ing, Novomber B. A OOOl) time. come AND HAVE If you Hesitate to Have your shoes Repaired On account of looks, you don't know tho kind of .repairing wo dg. Wo promise In ndvanco to mnko your olr1 shoes look almost ns good ns now and nt n very HEASONAHLE COST. Unless you have nil kinds of good ehoe money to throw nwny, you should make tiu: old oxi:s last long as possini.i: AS Lot us show you how wo mnkc old shoos look llko now ones. AND HEMEMUEH Thnt wo sell tho best men's shoes on tho innrkct. Wo gunrnntco thorn to glvo satisfaction. O. O. LUND, "The man vlio does things right." So. SIS South Rroadivay, MartlilUld For Parties and Luncheons The ono thing needful nbovo nil else tho ono thing thnt ndds tho Hunt touch of dollght thnt mnken tho refreshment of n so cial nffnlr n success Is tho des sert. Wo nro prepared for thnt. Our DELICIOUS ICK CRKAM Mndo to ordor In bulk, bricks or In dividual portions. Also nil tho lit- tlo Dainties In confection thnt nro so necossnry. s.iri-:i ALMONDS CAXDY RlUltOX 1IALUS. 1J0X IJOXS lo suit your color scheme Always something new nt I a i t: t n i a i a n t a i a t tt u i B I a t n i i a i t: i a i xt For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FRi:i3 DKMVni'.IES H A. M. mid - P. M. Phone :t.l. I a i u i n t n n i n i H I iX t a i n i t: i rt i o i t: n i n i it i i: i r i :ttmnm:::mmtttf4mmmmu:m$:mmmmm:mwm:mM o xt BIG BARGAINS In House Furnishings tx Mirrors, Nicely Framed, Window Nets, per yard, Bed Spreads, cut corners. Blankets, largest size, tt tx V . CO 20c to $4.00 - 20c to 35c $2.00 to $4.00 $1.25 to $7.50 Povtierres, per pair, TWO storks 2,10 Front Kt 140 (Vtitrnl Arc 11REAKWATKU IIOTEb, Front St., Mnrshfleld, Or., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has boon thoroughly renovated nnd newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, weok or month. Mrs. J. II. O'DONNEU., Prop. Winter is Coming .x, vm:x vor wiiiii xi:i:d .more I.U.HT. OL'R Kl.Vri'IiES ARE () XO l.'AST AT FROM TEX TO WEXTY PER rE.Nf I.OWE15 Til AX siAXi'FAcrrmxo prices, this IS A SXAP FOR SOMEONE THAT HAS THE MONEY. Coos Bay Wiring Go. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237-J. LAUGH! WELL I GUESS you'd lnugh too If you had just got your "old suit back from tho cleaners nnd It looked as good as now llko mluo does. No It's no secrot, the work wns done by tho Maitdillt'ld Cleaning ami Dye Works, Phono 270X. ISC So. Hrondway. Ladles (iiii'iiieulH a Specialty. - $2.00 to $10.00! Ruffled! Swiss Curtains, pair, 90c to $1.50 it EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE CASH OR. CONTRACT NEW LIVER.Y Fancy now rigs, good horses nnd careful drivers nro now nt tho dis posal of the Coos liny public at REASONARIiE HATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers rendy for any trip nnywhoro any tlmo. Horse boarded nnd rigs enred for. New boarso nnd special nccommo datlons provided for funeral parties W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables South Rroadwny, MnrshnVlil COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo secured tho livery busi ness of L. II, Hclsner nnd nro pro pared to rondtr excellent servlco to tho people of Coos Ray. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything thnt will mean satisfactory servlco to tho public. Phono us for u driving horce, a rig or nnythlng needed h tho llverj line. Wo nlso do u trucking business of all kinds. Rlniicbaid, ltiv.ln & Rlaiicliard l.h ery, Fwil and Sales Sen Ice. 141 First nnd Alder Streets. Phono 138-J re Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3121. Perry, Montgomery 8 H :: :: & to. :t:$nnuts:mun:mnmnuimnnntt PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r-vR. J. W. INGRAM, -' Physician nntl Surgeon, Olllce 208.200 Coos Rulldlajf. Phones Office 1621; Residence 1622 J W. 11ENNETT, Lnwyer. Office over Flanagan & Dennett Bank Mnrshfleld, Oregon. " 1. 1 i'i WM. S. TURPEN, Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J HOME LAND Co. See us for InvcstmeutP on Cooi Bay. Wo guarantee owner's price to bo our price. Phono 7IL. 30 1 Front St. REAL ESTATE. I hnvo somo of tho best buys on tho Day, Can arrange easy terms. Houses and buildings for rent. AUGUST FHIZEEN, 68 Contrnl Ave. Mnrshfleld, Ore. Settle It Now Settle It Right For constitutional amendment giving to cities and towns exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, ( or prohibit the sal of intox- I lcatlng liquors within the , municipality. ' !328XYe - ENPORflED BY, 40,000 OREGON CITIZEN OREGON HOME KULE ASSOCIA TION. (118 Elect lie Ruildlng. PORTLAND, OREGON. (Paid Advertisement.) -ll A Want Ad will sell it for you I iJA