"!Wr'"V THE COOS BAY TIM ES, MARSflFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910 EVENING EDITION. Cogs bay times I mmmsmmm :: - -- . . - v 1 it I -. FREE Entered nt tho postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls ns second clns? mall matter. Address all communications to COOS MAY DAILY TIMES, Mnrsliflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon M. C. MA LONE Y Editor and Pub. MAX E. MALONEY News Editor OFFICIAL PAPER OK THE cin OK MAHSHFIHLD. An Independent Republican nows popor published ovcry ovenlng except Sunday, and Weekly by Tlio Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho people, thai no good caiiBo shall lacl a champion, nnd that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho C003 Bay Times represents n consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mali and Tho Coos Day Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall was tho first dally estab Ushed on Coos Day and Tho Coos Bay Times Is Its lmtncdlitto sue-ccsaor. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAIliY. Ono year ?G.0 Por mouth 50 When paid strictly In advanco tho subscription price of tho Coos Bay Times is $G.OO por year or $2. CO for six mouths. WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 Official Paper of Coos Comity. I JUDGE COKE'S CAXDIDACY. jtOOS COUNTY should cast Its H solid voto for Judge John S. XJ "' Coko. Ho Is n Coos county I 99 t o $ n o o . s I 0 i JZ DEMONSTRATION Duntleyfs Vacroim Tomorrow Afternoon Going & Harvey's Show Window iium iiiiiniiiii iiim in iii ii iiiiiii mi ii i ii ii mi i mi iiiii iii iihiib ii i'r-iii n TiTirrnriTTn the modbin method hou SEWIff) i i n o Free WE ALSO desire to call the attention of those inter ested in floor coverings, Portierres, Draperies, Couch zt Covers, Lace Curtains, etc., to the fact that Mr. Geo. H P. Story, representing the largest house m Lhese lines, is now in the city with samples, and we would be pleased to have you call and inspeet them. man. Ho Justly ranks as ono of tho loo w mm hj$'- v''MI v . ill wpysSyfej 0 ' i 7a m. IH Win CAMPAIGN To place the necessity of Ciectric LIciht wllUn fhn M t ui reacri ot all, wo have dcc'ocl lo ma'co t'is Extremely Libera! Offer: VVL will wine rt nvc-nuuivi i.UMAKE COMPlFTt WITH A nROP INI FAflM RnflM RCAnv 7,. , i..rLt,t ,,,,.. ,. ,.w, ,., w,,w,. ,.vwm uunui iu LIUH r, M THE LOW PRICE OF OWE DO LLAR PER MONTH FOR MONTHS, THIS INCLUDES A HANDSOME 2-LIGHT CHaIi. utLitn. WE WILL WIRE A SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH A DROP IV EACH ROOM AND MAKE YOU A PRESENT OF A H SUMt 2-LlUHl UHAflUfcLlfcri hUK 51.25 PER MONTH FOR 12 MONTHS, OR A 3-LIGHT CHANDELIER FOR $1 35 PER MONTH, 10 per cent discount from these prices if entire bill, is paij wiiimi sixty uuys iiuiii iimu juu is completed, This Offer Will Remain Open For a Short Time Only. THE COOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. TKLKIMIOXK 178. ...... .. ... ..., I...1 1l ..... I w of tho county. Ho lias onrno.i mat $ It you art looking -tor 3. particular pattern, color, etc., now is it rojHitatlon I'.irotiKh a carour of ninny oo 1 f r j oars ilurltiK which hu ban doiio valn- ablo mul coiiltunt work for the nd-j0 Mkncontont of Cook liny nnil Coon ' finintl c fnnu nnnillt linu nanuH ttml t t county, Con county linn never hnil ZX n cltlzon who wnx mora willing or nioro loyal than John S. Coko In ii holdliiK tho lutoroHts of thU commu nity. Ho Ih ono of tho boflt JiuIros on tho hunch In Oroxou. Hlfl record alnco IiIh npiiolutuient liaa b'oen nn cuvlnblo ono. Of tho utrlctoflt Into Krlty nnd n scrupulously clonn llfo he the' time to get it & HARVEY C( wo save You Money Complete House Furnishers. 'UfU'flHi mmtimmmTOmmmmimjTO:mwmwj X v 99 $$' , So! l o first Trust arad Savinss Bank CAPITA H I'TMiV PAID. OF COM MAY MAltSIIKII l.l), OKIKiO.V. i . .8100,000 JO OFFICKIIS JOHN S. tOKK, President. JOHN F. VlAM,, HKNRY SKNGSTACKKN.' STEPHEN C. KOUEIth AMI DlltKCTOIlK DOItSEY ICKEITZER, Caihler. W. S. CHANDLER, U'?i I.IAM OIHMES, DR. C. W. TOWER, 1ii i It 1l1tiiit MAifnml nf nil liiltn .... ...-w u .. Qr Uml l0n0 roRlon know hi in nnd nl cIuhtos nro proud , . ., , ..,. qi, , A , ,, , ,. ,,,,.,, of rolntlvo obscurity. Such n ninn to do lil iti honor nnd to call him tholr ,, . .. ,. ,,, ,,,, . , wns tho Imiuortnl Lincoln, tlinn frond.. C003 ay has never had a yo c,osor ,0 clthon nioro wllllB and loyal than ' of thoM t,)o wor,(, comU. Jolin H. couo. , oil his frlonds, nor hold In hlshor .U..U..K ... .....K....U.. -uh uuu ostco Ul080 whom Is very popular. In all tunttors affect- ,' , ,,, ,.,.. -,! . ,, , . ... d fforonces of political faith caused Iiib his homo city, county nnd stnto . , . .,. ,, T. ... ,,..,,'.. , , to bo construed his onomles. Lot all ho Is In tho forofront when colobra- , . . , ,,,,, ,,.. ,. . . , . , iof us, of whntovor political convic tions of n public nnturo nro to bo1., ,. , , , ..., , ... ,,,,., ., , tlon, unlto In support of JudRo Coko, hold, nnd his ndvlco Is oarnostly nnd . ., , wn .n mnn nf .. . oaKorly sought for In matters ot this. 1od , , J..aiclnl torn kind. I . ', , .... .. H'I Ullll'lll, lUllilUll IUU.I..KB, unit III.- assnllnblo citizenship, n just and learned Judge- of tried nnd proven compctonco, nnd Indenlnblo ntn,"s for n nlnco upon our Circuit bonch. And after wo havo elected Judge affairs of Htnto, that ho shall have T!fflSi!S2San5ffi M. C. HOltTON. Vlco President aud Manjger. ODD SCHOOL KI.KCTIO.V. STUMER BREAKWATER Sail., from Alusworth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. M., every Tuesday. Sallo rrom Coos IIy every Satunlay nt service of time. Reservations will not bo held Inter than Friday noon, unless tickets are purclmsed. W. F. MUler, AgL. pkono Main 35.L t&s5stG5ss&H!55?Jasstt5?sttVtts& DOES A OEXEItAL HANKING ANIJ TIH'ST HL'SINES3. YOL'It IIUSINKSS HOT.ICITEI). "1 Safe Deposit Doves for if nt in our t teel lined, lire and Vaults nt 9:1.00 nnd up per milium. Imp;lr ftoi If THE FIRST NATIONALBANK Draws Drafts oa One 3 Ian the Whole Tiling In Ono Oroptn DMrlot. ItOSEIHMin, Oro., Nov. 1. Prof. II. J. Itoblnott, who lives with his I1n)..8 r0prosontntlvo In inmllv on n homestead In tho Cn-'jlujcury( vut ureoic district, uu nines oast ot .Coko wo may well bo proud of Coos I our atnto this city, Is porhaps tho only man In this county, mnyho In tho stnto and tho ontlro country, who ovor hold a district school meeting all by hlm solf. Ills district Is No. 124. Tho mooting wns duly advortlsed ahond Inst Soptombor. Out of tho olght taxpayers In tho district only ono put In nn npponranco. This wns Prof. Itoblnett, who proceeded Immediate ly to tho transaction nf business. Ho elected hlnisolf chnlrmnn, then as clork. Thon ho olectod threo direc tors: Mrs. II. J. Itoblnott, Vn. Morris and S. S, Morrison, tho last named hnvlns; rofusod to qualify. All this wns dnno by ballot, nnd tho proceedings woro proporly recorded In tho mlnuto book. An opinion from Attorney General Crawford tolls Prof, Uobliiott thnt tho "meet ing" wns n loenl ono In every wny. Tho district hns six chlldron of school acre, nnil tlvo of theso nro of Koblnott's family. Six of tho eight taxpayers of tho district are bache lors. Arrangements nro undor way to begin n six months' term of pchool, which Prof. Roblnott expects to tench. P. M.NIALL LEWIS. Marshfleld, Oct. 31, 1010. NO OlTltllKAK IN SPAIN. Humors of Troulile Tlieiv Are "With out Foundation. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MADRID, Nov. 2. Rumors of re volutionary outbreaks In Spain, partl culnrly Darcouln, nro without founda tion. Cnlm la reportod throughout tho country. HOW'S Till? Wo offer Ono Hunilreil n-ltr llew r1 foi nnyHou(C'Hlttrrli that citiiiioi bo curtii by lUU'it'iilarr I'uro. V. J. CIIKNRY & CO., Tohilo. O. Wo, tho umlfntiiiicM. hvo ku i K J. Ohf. ney for the lt IS rl mul believe him ier leilly honorable In all biulne.s irantactioiii and ilnmu tally ablo to carry out any ubllga tliina iniulo by hli llrm. W.llU. Kinnan A Maiivin, Whol Mlo PriiKKUtv.ToUMo.O. llall'a ratnrrh Cure 1 ttikea Internally, act Hit ill. wily uk.i. the blofrl hmI iuiuoui mr tae. tf tho m.lein To.llmo' aU ent tree l'rlce 75 ivuu per bottlo. SoM by all ilrugKttt Talc. Halt' family l lll to, ci n.llputlon. NEED OF GOOD .H'DGlvS. Editor Times1 , Anont tb .Tudlcirv. b It remem bered, thnt tho world's groatost tn tnifn, thnan ejm lisvo rlOI to highest omlnonco In tho counolU of mon, havo often como ot humblo ori gin It Is nn Indication of a man's lack of mentm copo, worth of char acter, or capability, or Integrity, of purposo whon olovnted to tho Tilgh places In tho administration of the Good Evening! HAVE VOL ANY IAl'NDHV? It so, do not forgot that this U "HE laundry whoro you get tho best work, aud prices nro in every one roach. Call up nnd ouo of the driv ers will call and explain all details to you. All tolophono calls aro quickly attended to, because wo aro runuina wo wagons, OUH GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT ISFAOTION. MARS11FIELD HAND AXI) STEAM LAUNDRY. (I&azey Ilro., Trop. Phone 909-J. THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WILL .MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT HETWliL'N COOS RAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MAHSHFIELD AND 1NTER-OCEAN TRANSP. CO. FIFE RLDO., SAN FRANCISCO. FOR INFOR MATION PHONE ll-J o JI85. SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY, NOV. 1. AT 0 A. M.-INTEH-OCrAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. o-t:--n-n-n-n-n-a-n-u-n a-a-u-a-n-a-na-n-n-n-a-a-a i Home Addition To Eastside I I NOW ON THE MARKET I ? a t ? i K . a i a a i a a i This addition Is situated immediately East of now Eastside Mill. f Tho lota nro 100x211 and larger, about olght ordinary lots; and a prices aro flGQ.OO up for thes largo tracts. This plat was filed recently, and we have only a few i. lots remaining unsold. This Indicates that tho property Is Interest- lng to purchasers, nnd anyone wishing to socure a lot should act V promptly. Terms one-half cash, balauce equal payments, 3, 6 9 V and 12 months. For particulars, see ' a Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. General Agents EASTSIDE . Henry Songstackcn, Manager, a a-a-a-a-a- -u-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- m-A Panfir fwnrjisrnonfal vav.1 iv. if vriiuiiiVjiilUI i iuttve J P and Building Works II. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIEI.D, ORE. All kinds of monumental work promptly and artistically cutod. Call at our works on South Broadway. OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL RANK. ' Wells Fnrgo Nevada National Hank, San FrancUco, Ctl The United States National Rank, Portland, Or. I Tho National Park Rank, New York, N. Y. The Corn Evchango National Rank, Chicago, 111. The Rank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonnuls, Paris, Franca. In addition we draw drafts on all principal banking eentin l Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia China, Japan, North, Cantrtl aid Gouth America. Personal and commercial accounts kept aubjtci to check. Cortincates of Doposits Issued. Safo Doposlt Doxes for rent. FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK MAHSHFIELD. OREGON. Oldest Hunk in Coon County, Established In 1880. Paid up Capital and Surplus, $80,000.00. Assets Over Hiilf Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the D of Ca'lfornla, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanover National Dank, N. First National Dank, PortHnd, Ore.; First National Bank, Row burg, Ore.; The London Joint Stock Dank, Ltd., London, Enjlaaa Also sells exchange on all of the principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Bi' deposit lock boxes for rent. ' OFFICERS J. W. DENNETT, President. ". P. WILLIAMS, Cashier. J. H. FLANAGAN. V.-Prea. GEO. K. WINCHESTER, At. & INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- n-a-a-a-a -a-a-a-a-u-a b-81 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSOX CEMENT. The best Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brick nnd all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH llltO.inu'AV. PHONE 201. 5asaSSS15rlS25E5aSrlS2a5ZSHSZ5?iaiSMasZSr J exe- -a-a.w--a.a-tt-a--a-.a.m.a-a-a-a-tt-a-a-a.a-it-a-4- STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESERTOD UP TO TOE ARRIVAL OF THE BUff, fc RESERVATIONS lm re CANCELED AT THAT TDIE W h iiKBH TICKET IS BOUGHT. F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore 52SZS2SZS25H5ES2SHi2S2S2HS2S2MEBESESHS2SSZ5Ei2ESe-SS