- -k.T THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1910 EVENING EDITION. 4 n ARGUMENT glvnn to tlio public in dotnll. over, tho OI)Borvor docs not (Continued from pago 1.)' for a consldernblo tlmo boforo tho county wont dry hnvo paid up their old accounts slnco tho saloons wore voted out. Fourth That tho loss from drinking men's accounts. under wet rulo was no greater than tho loss from tho accounts of peoplo who did not drink. Fifth That tho monthly pur chases of goods by men who drink nro apparently no heavier now than they woro when tho county was wot. As names and figures can not bo printed from theso merchants' led gers without divulging private af fairs, tho Observer's readers will readily undoratand why detailed ptn- toments nro not printed hero. This nowspnper Is trying to 'bring out nctnnl conditions ns they exist In Tolk county today, to tho end that -when men voto on tho prohibition question In November, they may be nblo to voto Intelligently, nnd for .this rcoBon It would llko to print what It knows about somo of these merchant's outstanding accounts. But nny render will thoroughly un derstand why the results of Its In vestigations nlong this lino nro not IIow m I n (I -printing a fow figures from Its own offlco records, knowing that such fig ures will provo of Interest to nil. A newspaper docs business with nbout nil clnsscs of people, nnd tho accounts found on Its bonks nro fairly representative In a showing of this kind. Two years ngo, tho publisher of this newspaper leased his plant nnd voluntnrlly retired from business for n year. After collecting tho nccounts Ouo him from his regulnr customers nmnng tho business concerns nf the county, ho found remaining of his advertising nnd Job work ledger nc counts amounting In tho nggrcgnlo to Mlfl.lfi. It must bo sorrowful ly admitted thnt by far tho greater part of this amount was owed by persons who did not drink. Do not look doubtful when you read this, nnd do not chnllongo tho truth of tho statement unless you nro willing for us to provo whnt wo say. Tho Observer Is sticking to facts In this campaign, nnd It Is Insisting thnt ovoryono elso do hlo trnmo. Ho nldos, nono of theso nccounts hnvo cvor been pnld, nnd If you doubt our word, como Into tho ofllro nnd let us know thnt you menn business, nnd wo will gladly oll you theso ac counts nt 10 conts on tho dollar. Ilut, as wo started out to sny, nsldo from tho accounts of rellnblo business firms, wo hnd on our books UG.1f In scnttorlng nccounts when wo rotlred from business In tho sum inor of 190S. A goodly portion of our sparo tlmo during n year's vaca tion was gpont In an effort to clear 'our books of theso accounts, ny sondlng out numerous statements, by suing some, threatening to sue others, nnd conxlng still others, v liavo collected $91.05 of this "old Tiobb" In tho last two yenrs, leaving a bnlanco of $325.10 still outstand ing. All theso accounts hnvo been standing out tho entire 27 months Tolk county hns boon dry, nnd nil show tfco snmo totals today ns thoy showed 27 months ago"; not one dollar hating been pnld on nny of 1hcm. It Is rnthor a sorrowful show ing, especially for tho abstainers on tho list; but It Is true. To nny por- on who douhta It, wo repeat our of for to dlsposo of n lot of theso nc counts nt bargain-counter prices -Although common honesty prompts -tis to warn possible customors that -thoy aro not bargains. Lot us pursue tho subject farther. A fow days ago, a morchant of more or less promlnenco In Dallas, show ed us his books to provo his asser tion that collections hnvo been no "better In Tolk county during 27 jnonthB of "dry" rulo than they were prior to that tlmo. "Hero," ho said "Is a book containing nccounts more thnn two years old. T.et us look nt tho first fifty accounts and seo how many persons hnvo paid up slnco tho county wont dry." Suiting tho ac tion to tho word, ho turned through tho first 50 pngos, nnd how many pnld accounts would you guojs ho found? Ho found Just two. Forty eight nccounts on which not one dol lar had boon paid In 27 months! And judging fronv Its thickness, this led ger must hnvo contained not less thnn 250 or 300 accounts. Tho Ob server will venturo tho opinion that one would have to argue with that morchant nbout a day nnd a half to convince him that dry rulo mnkes men more prompt In pnylng their debts. Asking to classify theso account ns nearly ns ho could from Ms per sonal kuowlcdgo of tho habits of tluj men contracting them, tho morchant handed us these totals: Duo from nbstnlners from liquor, $219. 1C; from modcrnto drlukcra, $72. CD' from men who sometimes drink to excess, $20.50. It must not bo thought by nny person that the Observer Is trying to provo thnt abstainers from liquor nro less prompt In paying their debts thnn others, for wo do not bollovo thnt they aro. Neither will this pa per admit for an Instant thnt men who drink In moderation nto lees prompt In pnylng thnn aro tho men who refrain from all forms of nlio hollc beverages. Let It bo' under stood that wo refer hero to classes, not to Individual cases for w must all sorrowfully admit that th;ro arc horrible examples on both aides. Tho writer has found, In n business enreor covering n period of more thnn twenty years, that tho man who Is honest nnd really wants to pay his debts will find somo way to pa' thorn, whether ho Is a drinking man or a teo-totnler. Ho may not bo able to pay tho whole amount at one tlmo, but If ho rcnlly desires to pay, ho will not lot 27 months go by without making somo effort to re duco tho totnl amount of Ills obliga tion. "Whoro thcro Is a will, there Is a way. , Moat men who drink liquor, even In moderation, would probably bo better off without It. Wo shnll not nrguo for nn liiBtnnt that thoy would not. Whnt wo aro trying to provo hero Is thnt thorn Is absolutely noth ing In tho argument that men pny their bills hotter In a dry county than they do In n wot county. Wo bollovo thnt If all of tho ledgers In tho business houses of Dnllas could bo examined today, It would bo 'found thnt collections nro no better nnd no worso thnn they woro two yenrs ngo, nnd wo bcllovo It would farther bo found thnt, taken class for class, tho laborers who tnko their drink pny their bills qulto as prompt ly ns their brothors who abstain from tho uso of liquor In nny form. Tho Observer only rcgrotB thnt It Is not nblo to print moro figures In sup port of this opinion. It hnn told the truth concerning tho books In Its own ofllco, nnd horo In Dnllas to night Is a morchant, well known to you ns an honest nnd Worthy man, who knows thnt tho figures printed from his books nro truthfully nnd accurately set forth." (Advertisement pnld by Oregon Homo Rulo Association, II, C. Mc Allister, genernl manager.) W,KHV w.a:r gfl?S? wcrz I mmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmtt Your FALL SUIT or RAINCOAT NOW IS THE TIME TO SELECT SAME, WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE AND ASSORTMENTS GOOD. , ALL WE ASK OF YOU IS TO COME IN AND TRY ON BENJAMIN CLOTHES. YOU CAN THEN SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BENJAMIN CLOTHES, AND OTHERS, BETTER THAN WF CAN TELL YOU, SEE HOW THE COLLAR LAYS, HOW THE SHOULDERS HANG, AND NOTE HOW NEW YORK CLOTHING, DESIGNED BY THE BEST TAILORS IN THE LAND, DIFFER FROM OR. DINARY READY-MADE. BENJAMIN RAIN-COATS HAVE THE NEW PRESTO COL LAR WHICH IS CONVERTIBLE, EITHER LAYING DOWN AS IN ORDINARY COLLAR OR STANDING AS A STORM COLLAR, 8 '-zzw?- 11 3sy ii,.."N..tMf."Vii II V) ' ?',ft.SilAS5i'XiR. XX i-HcWgii ff J0P m. 'ff- ' XX XX REGARDING PRICES, YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CASH AND CREDIT STORES, MONEY TALKS ii ii gcQ)arr(in Clothes' .Alfred BinJ.rilncGftyjJU. C,rlfM 1110 Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshfield Bandon :mmmm::mmm::mnm:m:mm:mmj:mm:mmm:mmm:m:mmwwMi i Tho Dnznr will FURNISH you with nny fancy npples of nny size or vnrlety elthor for homo uso or for shipment to friends. Special as sorted APPLES for Christinas gifts. XOXK HETTEH can bo had. XVSPTJP""" njmpirif qjiiy SPARK Colls Tho Gl'XXERY. 1010 Football ltriiKS. Tho Gunnery Dl'AUAK Sportsman Clothing abso lutely waterproof Tho (luiuiery. Have your LETTER HEADS nnd HILL IIKADS printed at THK TIMES SALMON EGGS at tho nunnery. For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk 7 Bean-Pot Cheese and) Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Phono 7-J. tmt::mmjmm:mmmjmmm:i:mmj:r.mmmnmmm:m:mtmmmtm:mm:. ??. .. Not Touched by Human nands SjdProm tho tlmo tho hard kernels of wheat nro cashed. Snow Drift Flour comes to you lu ns clean and puro n condition ns ono can Imnglnc. Every batch of Snow Drift thnt goes through tho mill is tested beforo It goes out. ,Rrcnd Is mado of It in tho mill's bako shop. Every batch of hour has to mako perfect brend elso It doesn't go Into tho Snow Drift sacks. Thnt Is why tho housowlfo who uses Snow Drift, all tho tlmo always hns highly suc cessful results lu her baking of brend, bis cuit nnd pastry. iioun mis co. I tftflSSS ' ."A B ia liAJow Djurjrar. .) H. W. PAINTER. Marshfield ' :: Oregon cjmmmnm::nm:mtm:n::::::::ti:nnj:m)m:jtjn:::ninn:tt:inntmmm irc5aSE52S25fc5a5252S2S25iLSHSHS2S2S!i-iSE STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TIOKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OP THE 8HD?, RESERVATIONS WILL nE OAXCELLED AT THAT TIME UN LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore HzsBsarara.1 'PSiSiSiSiS2s?sssi7tv tszsssssdsiszszsz aswHsasararesssEsa COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo secured tho livery busi ness of L. II. Ilelsnor nnd nro pre pared to render excellent service to tho people of Coos Hay, Careful drivers, good rigs and ovorythlng that will menn satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for n driving horso, n rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Wo also do a trucking business of all kinds, lilnnchiml, llczla & lllanclmrd Livery, Footl ami Sales Service, HI First nnd Alder Streets, Phono 13S-J Winter is Coming X, WHEX YOU WILL XEED MORE LIGHT, OUR FIXTURES ARK GO NG PAST AT FROM TEX TO WEXTV PER CEXT LOWER THAX MAXUPAOTURIXG PRICES. THIS JS A SXAP FOR SOMEOXE THAT HAS THE MOXEV, Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PIIOXE 237-J. Have That Roof Fixed XOW See CORTHBLL Plume 3121. HOME LAND Co See us for Investments on Coos Bay, Wa guarantee owner's price to bo our price. Phone "4L. 304 Front St. G. W. Dungan Undertaker Mnrshflcld, Oregon, Pnrlors, 180 South 0J St., Telephone, Dny or Xlgut, J05-J. COMING DIXIE LOFTIN in "PAID IN FULL" A 4-Act Drama that run Two Years in New York MASONIC OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, Nov. 2 Seats on sale Monday, at The Busy Corner. Good Evening! HAVE- YOU AXY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forget that this U THE laundry whoro you get tho best work, and prices aro In every ono'a reach. Call up and ono of the driv ers will call and oxplaln nil details to you. All tolephono calls aro quickly attended Jo, because wo aro running wo wagons. OUR GUARAXTEI-ris YOUR SAT. ISPACTIOX. .MARSHFIELD nAXD AND STEAM LAUNDRY. I&uuey llnw., Prop. Phono S20.J. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J Settle It Now Settle It Right For constitutional amendment giving to cities and towns exclusive, power to license,, regulate, control, suppress, lor prohibit the sale of intox icating liquors within the , municipality. 328 X Yes ;'endorsed;by 40,000 oregon citizens OREGON HOlE RULE ASSOCIA- TION. (118 Electric Hullding. PORTLAND, OREGON. (Paid Advertisement.) t-n-n-n-R-a-tt-a-.n--tt--tt.n--a-a-n.-att--,,,,"l'! i Y Home Addition To Eastside NOW ON THE MARKET This addition Is situated Immediately East of new Eastside Mil Tho lots aro 100x211 and larger, about eight ordinary lota; an prices are $150.00 up for theB 'largo tracts. This plat was filed recently, and wo havo only a Iew lots remaining unsold. This Indicates that tho property Is ,nt'res J lug to purchasers, and anyone wishing to secure a lot should a promptly. Terms one-half cash, balance equal payments, 3, ( and 12 months. For particulars, seo Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. J General Agents EASTSIDE . Henry Sengstacken, Manage ta-a-"' 9