THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1310 EVENING EDITION. eacfir m GHIU 5Pf n ), W 'III ill: ILlJ J & Ul Necessities F0U oflife are going higher in price every day, but we are selling The Florsheim Shoe at $5.00 and 6.00 per pair, and you never have had or will get more for your money A complete showing at $5 WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to Man Clothiers MARSHFIELD - Comfort in Cold Weather is A HOT WATER BOTTLE THE BUSY CORNER CARRIES A COMPLETE LINK OF THE I)i:ST HOT WATER DOTTLES IN THE MARKET. EVERY HOT WATER DOTTLE SOLD IN OUR STORE IS MADE FROM PURE AND FRESH RUDDER. PRICKS FROM 91.25 TO t?:i.r0 A DOTTLE. SEE OUIt THE Dl'SY CORNER. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marshfield, Oregon wsvmcrmnmuim'.z ataarysin mini 'iiiwiiihi utaanasmmami mam m mwiiiiiri jcjt a . -u&mximcmm rtHrami me 'jHEFAoJ .l COMMODIOUS Steamer Redomdo (KQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR 'lltlPS CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT HETWEI V COOS DAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIO .S FOR PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND INTER-OCEAN TRANSP. CO. FIFE DLIHI., SAN FRANCISCO. FOR INFOH- , .MATION PHONE U-J o 2H5. SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS DAY OCT. 20. AT O A. M..INTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. nmn3SBi3i u-n-H-R-n-u-a-n-a-Jx-H-n- Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster. Lime Brick and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201. s SB fifeSwi The Some feu) alylea $6 - OREGON WINDOW DISPLAY. PHONE 20H. BUY A CRAVEMETTE fflflppiii J It will save it's cost m clothing Priestly Craveneties $16 $18 $20 $25 OPPOSITE HHKAUWATKR OFFICE ---- -a-a-n--n-n- r-:- SEND APPLES . FORJXHIBIT Coos County Will Be Repre sented In Hill Railway Exhibition Car. Coos county will bo vepresonted In tlio exhibition car of Oregon pro ducts which the 11111 lines will send throughout the East this fall and winter by five sample boxes of np plos which are bound to mnke the thousands of easterners who will see them look twice with wonder ment. Tho npplos nro now on ox- hlblt at tho Marshfield Chamber of Commerce. Somo tlmo ogo. tho Chamber of Commerco was requested by tho HIU lines to contribute) something (hat could bo shown In tho "Oregon Ex hibition Car" and P. M". . Hnll-Lowls, fruit Inspector, was asked to secure somo apples. He did so and per sonally packed them. They arc not unusually largo npples but aro n fair samplo of tho regular commercial ap ple and prettier fruit would bo hnrd to secure anywhere. Thoro Is n box ench of Dell Flower, Soek-no-furth-er, Northern Spy, Peck's Pleasant and Ilnldwln. GUNS to RENT Tho Gunnery. FOR RENT FURNISHED Modern downtown house, 7 rooms nnd bath. 1C1 Third street, near Cen tral Avonuo. Rent reasonable. Possession November 10. r.0ST I. ). (). F. emblem phi. Threo links. Howard for return to Times' office. FOR RENT Five-roam furiiMicil npnrtmont In O'Connoll building. FOR SALE A two-home electric motor, small contrlfugnl pump and FOR RENT Well furnished lints. Phono 104-J, or Gunnery. FOR SALE A kitchen range. .Hits been used ono year. Phono 25B-J FOR SALIC 2 hilK hi Diiudon, u snap If taken boforo N'ovombcr 20, nro nccossed at $100.00. Will soil at samo. Address Dox 47, Dan don, Orogon. FOR RALE Snmll ctml hciiter. Cheap. Call 298 Front street. FOR HENT U-room house In En I sldo $5.00 por-month. Phono 202X FOR SALE Household furniture cheap and houso for rent. Enquire at 4C3 North Droadwuy. FOR RALE Safe, nftlco mill home-1-old furnlturo, modorn live-room cottngo; a bargain. J. W. Snovor. 300 gallon iron tank. Samo can bo seen by npplying to mo nt North Dond. C. F. MrCuRoui. WANTED. Currier boys to deliver Tho Times; must bo at least In fourth grndo at school. Inqutro at Times ofilco. 'OR RENT. Six-room flat, imitl) furnished, bath and modern con vonlences. Finest location In Mnrshfle'd. Apply to Robert Mar den, Cr. WANTED Tho public to Know thai wo have 8 of tho best flro Insu rance Co.'8. Why not let us In sure your property Instead of car rylng your own risk. M. A Swcotman & Co. LAUG WELL I GUISS you'd laugh toq -If you had Just got your-old suit back from the cleaners and it looked as j'o.1 ra now like mine does. No it's no seerot, the work a done by the Mniwlifli hi Cleaning and Dye Works. Phono 270X. 1S6 So. Broadway. Ladles Garments a Hicelnliy. DREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St,, Mnrshflehl, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or month, Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL, Prop. FOR SALE Rhode Nlniid Red hens. Phono 301X7 Mrs. J. II Price. rapCMi COOS BAY TIDES. OCTOllhll High water A.M. I P.M. mm Date. 111. in. I ft. h.m. I ft. Mondny..31ill:22 7.71 OCTORER Low water Date. Monday.. 31 A. M. I P. M. h.m. I ft. I h.m. I ft. r. : 1 0 l.B R:B2 0.5 Hand Infected Dr. W. A. Toyo Is suffering from n slightly Infected hand, n wound being pulsonod somehow. It Is not serious. Hitys Lois .Ins Ludwlg has pur chased two lots In Hunker Hill from August Frlzoqn nnd will orect a home there. Dcruhnrd Kullorud has purchnsed four lots and expects to build next year. Get Many Varmints. Sonntor Chaso and A. X. Gould of Coqullle, passed through hero today en route from the Gould ranch on Coos River where they hnve been hunting for a few days. They secured threo deer, two coons nnd two wild cats nnd somo good strings of fish. Clarke Is Home. Francis II. Clnrko, president of tho Coos Day and llolso Railway, nrrlved homo vln Myrtle Point todny noon. Ho came In on the stage Hue nnd being tired as n result of tho hard trip went di rect to his homo. Ho will pj-obnbly mnke n statement as to developments In tho project tomorrow. Speaker Duty. Cnhaa I. Rel gard nnd Judge Guorry loft todny for Coqullle w'hero tonight they will nd dress tho voters In behalf of the republican ticket. W. C. Chaso of Coqullle, and Judge Wntklns will ad dress a meeting In North Doud to night, tho ropubllcnus there nrrnng lug for a moving plcturo performance to get out the crowd. Smith Coming. W. J. Rust, soo rotary of the Coos county domoorntle eontrnl cominltteo, hrs been advis ed Hint R. G. Smith of Grunts Pass, democratic candidate for ropresontn tlvo against W. C. Ilnwloy, will del iver nddroBRcs hi Myrtlo Point, No vombor !, In Coqullle Novembor fi nnd In Mnrshfleld and North Dond Novembor 7. Goes to School. Rolllo Wntson, tho Western Union Messenger boy, who was held bo out of school In vio lation of tho compulsory education Inw, returned to school today nnd tho mntter will bo dropped. W. II. Watson, tho boy's father, says that Rolllo's health has been poor nnd that ho wns hotter off out In tho open nlr than when confined in tho school room. GETS NEW JOD. dipt. Qulniin Succeeds Cupt. Emery Ah IntqH'ctor. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 31. Cap tain Johnstono II. Qulnnn has glvon up command of United Stntes rove nuo cutter Tnhomn to take up now duties as superintendent of construc tion nnd nsslstnnt Inspector of llfo saving stations In tho 13th Light houso District, with hendqunrtors at Portland, Or, Captain Qulnan, who takos tho place of Captain Howard Emery, at Portland, loft by the morning tniJn for Portland. SHIRT WAISTS nnd SWEATERS ct COST for ono weolc only at LADIES' EMPORIOL Satisfactory Shoes This Is n money snvlng store, but wo never save monoy at tho oxpense of quality. Wo first insist on qunl Ity nnd then tho lowest possible- price for tho best quality. Our Shoo De partment is foundod on this prin ciple. Wo guarnnteo ovory pair of hoos to be the htt for the price and tho nrlos Is always reasonable Look at tuU List: MoiiV !)",. Shoes, Stt.W) to 8"5. Men's Work Shoe S2.W1 to $.. Men'n IHiih Top Shoes, 8.1.W) t( 7..iti Uovm' Khoex iM,r,0 to $.ru Uoj' ) Hah Top shoos, $;J.oo to Sii. Vouth'a Deem KIiim-h f 2.11(1 to 8H 2.' Youth's Hljth Tojw U.7H to $M.2."5 THE BAZAR HOUSE OF QfALITV. Phone ilii. rrf.iif mr-r- -" ' ' i.ifM.jnwHm rup I I flYn x'rtifl'l'l poiMiwr fa mil) tncLwiiy 1(llel A11 llriliir ,ew nJi'Iean. Velvet ami IxiiilnUier cariu tit ver room. 1'niir lort of uillil pumfnrt lUici relueJ to U), 7.Vouil II 00; week 'i Oli lu 15.00 Aim a fi-vv tiiuf kcuji'mj ufarl rniimsllh ga rmiRud, IPiIOiht luou li Vf llailm Take- butt -iuioi Mr tKUKO. I'roj :::m::::::::::m:jjj:ujm:::Jtr I Personal Notes j M::n::::J::J:5::tmm:::tj::ntn:t:jj HALLOWE'EN. It Is tho night when gobbllns stnlk And banshees on the terraco walk; When Bad, sepulchred spirits duro To seek n breath of midnight nlr. Through dnrkonod hnlls when tlny- Hght fades Thoy glide to greet their friendly shinies While pumpkins grin. Oh, fenrsomo sight 1 llownro tho ghostlos dnnco to- nlghtl Within tho mirror holding high A cnndle gnzo with steady oyo; Obsorvc nbovo your shoulder poor Tho one you'll wed within tho year, And Inter, hi a fateful game, An npplo peel will spell the namo Of ono you love. Hut rend aright! Take carol Tho spooks aro out to night! Hut Lovo and Youth go hnnd In hnnd A-llltlng Into Laughter land Wliero Bpells are thrown from ten der eyes Visions that In their glances rise. Aro happy sweethearts' flresldo dream With hopo nnd gladness all n-glenm. Goblin nnd ghost havo taken lllght! Tho fairies nro abroad to-night! KATE MASTERSON. W. J. CONRAD left Inst night for n few days stay nt Falrvlew. MRS. S. A. VOAKAM of Coos'RIver, Is In Mnrshlleld on business. J. J. CLINKINDEARD of Coos River. Is n Mnrshlleld business visitor. J. H. SOMERS has returned from a business trip to Snn Frnnclsco, P. M. HALL-LEWIS, Coos county fruit Inspector, was down from IiIb Catching Inlet ranch today. GEO. M. DLACIC of North Doud, wns n Mnrshflold business visitor to day. IIILLIS SHORT U In from Ton Mllo nnd roportH thnt there are many ducks there. Ho killed fifteen cnnvaHB-backs Saturday. MRS. GEO. F. MURCH left on tho Nnnn Smith Sunday for Snn ''"Tin cIsco from where sho goes to Min nesota' for n sevornl weoks' uUy. ATTORNEY REUDEN MARSTERS nnd wlfo hnve. returned from Mnrshlleld whoro thoy went n fow days ngo In responso to n tolo gram announcing tho BorlotiB ill ness of tho lnttor's fnther. Roso burg News. , .MUTINY ON ARCATA. Vesncls Formerly On Coon Hay Run N,ov In Alaska- Trade. A dispatch from Seattlo says; "Tho steam . schooner Areata, from Kuskokwlm, arrived nt Unnlnskn ro contly with tho cnptaln in Irons, tho crow having mutliiod. Olllclnls nt Unnlaskn roloased tho master nnd pormlttod tho vossol to proceed to Ban Frnnclsco." Tho present copunandor of tho Ar eata Is unknown horo. Tho Areata was on tho Coos Dny-San Frnnclsco run for nearly twenty years ami Is well remomborod by tho oldor rosl donts of tho Dny although sho has not made n trip horo In sevornl years. Tho LADIES AID of tho Methodist Church, will hold n HOT TAMALH suppor ELEOTIONVday, Novoinbor 8 In tho Coos building. DINING room open at 4 P. M. -u--tt--n--n-tt-ti-u-ii-- GOING rrys Drifted Snow O Bsif lWWi,W&'S?'.KS3ES2rE32& All First-Class --K-jj--K-tj--K-rrj--n- North Bend News Mrs. A. W. Myers hns boon 111 nt her homo for tho pnat fow days. Miss Annlo Peterson of North In let, Is tho guest today of her sister, Mrs. John Frcolnnd. Tho W. C. T. a. will meet Wed nesday nftornopn nt 2:30 at tho Presbyterlnn church. Miss Gibson of Lnnglols, Is spend ing tho week .vlth her cousin, Mrs. E. C. Mather, nt Old Noct'h Demi. Mrs. Louis Metzlor, formerly of North Dond Heights but Is now at Ashland, Is quite ill. Tho l'rosbytorlnn Ladles' Aid will hold n special mooting tomorrow aft ernoon nt 1 p. m., at tho church. All members nro urged to conio pro pared for work. DID VOU KNOW That Geo. W. Sholloy waB nt ono time head buyer for tho largo wholesale, houso of Peck, Wollmnn & Co., of San Fran- cIsco. That Mrs. A. II. Stutsman was a cousin of Wm. D. Allison, Into U. S. Sonntor from Iowa. That A. T. Haines hns dls- covered thnt fly pnpor makes an excollent sticking plnstor. 4 NEWS OF rtHAGO AND VICINITY. Miss Hope Allico hns been having tho Gormnn Measles but Is now Im proving. School has reoponednt tho Uppor Flnhtrap school with Miss Corn Mll lor iib tonoher. Tho Lndlos' Aid Society mot at Mrs. Albert Schrodors last Wednes day to BOW. Rev. Lynn of tho Mothodlst church nt Flshtrnp held meetings In tho rhuruh nt thnt plnco every ovcnliiR Inst week. Thoy nro plnunlng on giving n basket social for that churoli somotlnio In tho near future. Miss Ludy Krnutz of Arago, and Elton Robins of North Fork, wero united In mnrrlngo Sunday, Octobor 23 at tho home of tho bride's pnr ents, Mr. nnd Mrs, Krantz of Ara go. MYRTLE POINT NOTES. f News of tho District ns Reported hi the Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. John Strong wel comed n lino new boy to tholr home on Thursday, tho 20tb. Rov. 0. E. WIlllnmB of Albany will bo horo Friday, Octobor 28th, and will tnko chnrgo of tho Chris tian church. W. L. Krantz of tho Grnvol Ford country brought In tho largost po tato that hns beon notod this son son. Usually tho mammoth potatoes are formed of sections and knobs, but this Is almost porfect In shapo, though somewhat cracked up nt ono end, duo probnbly to its rapid growth, and It Is probnbly hollow in pnri, uiougn it wcigucu -i jouuut and 3 ounces. Its largest clrcutn feronco menouromont Is 2E 1-3 Inches, and tho smallest way It measures 14 1-2 Inchos. TROLLING Outfits Tho Qunnory ------ n-H-H-ij-u-a n i a t n i u t i it t H SOME! I n I n i V n i ji i i n i Grocers Have It. u pw--n-n- -nn---- Best u R. ---