THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. I 'IE U380100 'AVaiIOW910"-EVENING EDITIOM. !: I . . . 1- t.u.. Hn.t r liMnlM ;r?,rr.,rjrmrj ? icr v.; ...... ,. .... . .. 5 W I I n I n E i, resumes his reading. wiin ma necusauy 01 iuihiuih-iiiib uo- - . - . t. -r r- --- ... . ... .- . - - I I 1 n V I l ll I I I ft II 7 .. 1.-.1 rn..u rH nil rtrrrra tnp rv Vin i. IUHOI HIL I L. M JOI1USUU I1UU luur iuku .-(,& . COOS BAY TIMFS Entoreu nt the postorrico nt Jlarsn-iBOrttn,, tiioniselves by going field, Oregon, for transmission noii8 n,t caBtinc n ballot for 'through tho mails as second clas? ,nen nnj nioastires tho party has on mail mnttor. 'dorscd. Tho Republicans of Oregon, with all' tho prestige and virtuo of their recorded majority, have named tho Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, Mni-Hliflcld s: :: :: :s Oregon mon they want In office; they hnvo r renllitod tho right to havo them, nnd M. C. MALONEY Edllor nnd Pub. jnro united In tho purpose of sealing DAN 13. MALONEY News Kdltor jtlio dictum by tho logical reiteration ill lllL'II iiniiiiirj uiu, uii i uuautij An Indopondont Hopublican news pnpor published eVbry evening except flundny, nnd Weekly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho service of week. This they can do if they stay on guard and fond promptly against tho unexpected, tho sly nnd inslduous attempt to bunco and bully and bam boozle on tho part of tho enemy nt thn tho last moment; they nro adroit at i pcopio, Mint no good cnuso shall lack such tnctlcs nnd every agency wo a chnmplon, and that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. possoss for disrupting nnd defeating such plays ust bo "dlcared for ac tion" nnd held useable on tho in- Tho Coos Day Times represents a stnnt. In all other nwys, wo have consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Hay Advortlsor. The Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Day Times Is its lmmcdlttto successor. SUHSCHIPTION HATES. DAILY. Ono year JG.OO Por month ' BO When paid strictly in ndvnnco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Uay Tlmcs Is $5.00 por year or $2.50 for six months. weekly. Ono year f 1.K0 them "on tho hip" nnd bent for n fall that will mean practical annlhl lntlon for tho minority In Oregon. NOT INCONSISTENT. 0 Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF Till: CIT1 OF MAHKHFIELD. HEPUHLICAN STATU AM) couxtv TicKirr Hop, In Congrobs 1st Dint. W. 0. 1IAWLEY. Marlon County (lovornor JAY 1IOWERMAN, Gilliam County Suorelnry of Stnto ' F. W. HHNSON, Doughm Colinty Stnto TronHiiror THOMAS U. KAY, Marlon County JubIIco of Supremo Court Four Year Torm HENRY J. DEAN, Umntllln County THOMAS A. McmtlDB, Clackamas County Justlco of Supromo Court Six Year Torm QUO. II. HURNETT, Mnrlon County FRANK A. MOORE, Columbia County Attorney Gouornl A. M. CRAWFORD, Douglas County Supt. or Public IustructloH L. It. ALDERMAN, Lnno County . . Stnto Prlntor WILMS S. DUNIWAY, Multnomah County Com. of Labor and Statistics O. P. HOFF, Multnomah County Railroad Commissioner FRANK J. MILLER, Lluu County Stnto Engineer JOHN II. LEWIS, Marlon County Wntor Commissioner 1st DIst, JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Multnomah County Circuit Judges JOHN S. COKE, Coos County I1ENJ. F. JONES, Douglas County Ren. Coos and Curry County S. P. PIERCE, 'Coos County Rep. 5th DIst. EI) RACKLEFF, Coos County County Judgo Coos County E. A. ANDERSON, Coos County ShorllT Coos County JOHN YOAICAM, Coo County Clerk Coon County JAMJ8S WATSON, Cup County Treasurer Coot county T. Jsl. D1MMICIC Cope County Surveyor Coo County f A. N. QOULD, 1 1 Coot County .' Coroner Coos County Dr. R. E. GOLDEN. Coon Couuty Panrntlulouer Coos Couuty QXO. J. AKM8TRONO, Coos County Justice of th 1'MN C. L. PBKNOOK of llarshfield NE OF tho Interesting and plenBlng developments that re sult from tho meetings of tho Mnrshflcld Republican Club Is tho doflnlto understanding of party principles. Antl-nssoinl)ly nnd nssombly re publicans meet on tho common plat form of party principles. This was demonstrated by W. J. Butler's speech Snturday ovonlng in which ho proved thoro wns nothing inconsis tent In n republican being either ns sombly or anti-assembly before the primary nnd supporting tho whole ticket afterward. Mr. nutlor Is right. There Is nothing Inconsistent In this position. Thoro should be nothing embarras sing about It. nut In tho heat of Inter-party debnto tho pooplo often lose sight of tho fnct that it is In-tor-pnrty debnto, and Jump nt the conclusion Hint party linos nro ho ling broken down when thoy nro not. It cannot bo said ton nftcn that the progressiva republican movoment linn not been a movement In the di rection of present day domocrncy. There would be an end of tho pro grossho movement tho momont It was nnnotinrod- ns part of tho pro gram to defeat assembly candidates nftor they havo been rogulnrly ohoson nnd endorsed nt tho prln murles. Such an net is democratic nnd not republican. itntnttixntittttntntx GOOD EVENING. Why slander wo tho times? Whnt crimes Hnvo days and years, that wo Thus chargo thorn with Iniquity? Tho times prove good, bo thou But such thysolf, nnd surely know Thnt nil thy days to theo Shnll, spite of mischief, Imp- py bo. Joseph Beaumont. If thy desire It bo To seo JAY 110WKRMAN IS FIGHTER. A GOOD ItliPl ItLU'ANS HKT TOGETHER. THERE ua a ring of the rousing old time republicanism In tho talks at tho republican smoker Inst Saturday ovonlng. Some of tho ltttlo talks reached tho dignity ot real oratory lu their earnestness (Prom tho Snlom Journal.) Tho Hopublican candidate for gov ernor elicits admiration becauso ho is a good flghtor. Whon ho talks to n campaign an dlonco ho strikes tolling blows strnlght from tho shoulder. Ho does not spend his tlmo tolling tunny stories. To Jay Roworninn'ilfo Is real, llfo Is earnest. As a poor hoy In Marlon county ho wns not hunting soft clerical Jobs. Ho mauled rails and hauled cord wood for a living. Ho has hands nnd arms and n phy slquo developed by hnrd labor. In tho lcglslnturo ho was always dead in earnest for or against a proposition. ' Ho has come up from tho ranks of tho tollors through hnrdshlp, nnd represents tho laborer and tho prod ucer. Ho has held no lucrntlvo political Jobs and has not made any 'easy mon ey lu politics. Three dollnrs n day for forty days has been tho limit of fnt Jobs with htm In Oregon politics. Ho turnod down tho big trans continental railroads, and voted for trio people's railroad amendment. Jny lloworman Is n good fighter, with clean hands, on tho side of tho common pooplo, Tho Republican party Is fortunate In having, n fighter for fundamental principles ns Its candidate for gov ernor this year. A CAMPAIGN IDYL. (About 10 years nftor Kipling) A fool thoro was nnd ho sought Job. Even as you and I. His rashness would mnko tho nngcls sob, Wo cnlled him n fow things, but novcr a snob, Even ns you nnd I. Oh, tho pledges ho got and tho lies ho got, Even as you and I. Sometimes ho was cold, and some- tlmos ho wns hot; At tlmos ho wns cortnln; at times he wns not; And now we know ho was always "not" Even ns you and I. Oh, tho babes ho kleecd and tho babes ho kissed Even ns you and I. And tho votes that ho counted upon but missed Ero tlmo for tho balloting mndo him dosist. Ho surely was Jolly well glad to do- Blst Even ns you nnd I. Then 'tho words ho spnkt and tho drought ho break Even as you nnd I. And tho cure that he tool; for tho blto ot tho snake, And tho thirst ho nttempted In vnln to slnke Wo'd known nil tho tlnm whnt n failure ho'd mnko Even ns you and I. breakfast Sunday, and temporarily Injured his appetite. Glenn broko n noun nnd two verbs In nn argument but ho stuck In the gnmo Just tho samo. While Bleeping Saturdny night, Chlsholm Injured his snororuni nnd may never Biioro again so well. TO AN ELECTRIC LIGHT ' Twinkle, twinkle, little nrc, v With your very sickly spark Up above my head you swing You're n very ugly thing! , Whon the shades of night nrc como. And I'm working hnrd nt home, i Then It Is your "system works With Its splutters, Jumps nnd Jerks I don't care whnt people say, You'vo a bilious, greenish rny, And whoro'or they worship you Everything Is blnck nnd blue. Very likely you surpnss Candles, oil and even gas; Still, nllow mo to remark, I don't llko you, little arc! THE KICKER. IIANDON'S NEW PAPER. 1JANDON, Ore., Oct. 31. John A. Seabury and Mr. Crnlg of Aumsvlllo, Ore., nro In Bnndon and will start a dally paper. Their plant will ar rlvo on tho Bronkwntor, and they expect to got out their first Issue about November Otli, nnd It will bo cnlled Tho Englo. II NOTICE. All Coos County warrants, drawn on tho Gcnoral Fund, nnd endorsed prior to April 1st, 1909, will bo paid on presentation nt my ofllco In Co qulllo, Oregon. No interest will bo allowed on any of those warrants after October 2S, 1910. Dated this 27th day ot October, 1910. T. M. DIMMICK, County Treasuror. Clothes thnt nro not paid for do not mnko tho man. Many n solf-mndo man should bo heartily ashamed ot his Job. A woman really suffers In sllonco whon slto Is so hoarso sho can't talk about It. W. C. T.-U. Oratorical and Musical Silver Medal Contest GRAND TEMPERANCE RALLY TABERNACLE FRIDAY NIGHT NOV. I, H O'CLOCK Free House Wiri CAMPAIGN Tn nlncG the necessity of Electric Linhf uiw,n n.. J ",l,,m wreath an, we nave decided to make this Extremely Liberal Offer; VVL will vvmc n rivc-nuum UJIIAUE COMPlfT- WITH A DROP IN EACH ROOM READY TO LIGHT THE LOW PRICE OF ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH FOR mviKMiu. i.i.w .Mwwuwn unnuouivit FLIGHT City ucLicn. WE WILL WIRE A SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH A EACH ROOM AND MAKE YOU A PRESENT OF A HM SOME 2-LIGHT CHANDEUEF. FOR $1,25 PERMONTHff 12 MONTHS, OR A 3-LIGHT CHANDELIER FOR 31.35 P MUN I H, iv M' H3iii uiouuuiu nun. i-iuou ;nw$o ii enure Dill is fi witnin sixty aays rrom time jo'o is completed, This Offer Will Remain Open For a Short Time Only, THE COOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC CO, TELEPHONE 17H. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE ADMISSION, ADULTS lSc CHILDREN nc MEDALS DISPLAYED IN WINDOW AT WALKER'S STUDIO. first Trusl and Savings OF COOS DAY, MARSIIFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans ami dlucouula ... .$120, t16. 9S Overdrafts 25-L 80 Dunds and accurltlos .... 20.090.10 Uanlclug 1ioue, furalturo and llxiui-es GG.SfcO.SO Cash on hand and duo from baaka 82,906.51 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid la...tlfMMK Surplus nnd undivided profits 1,11! II Dopoelti lllllll ' A SURE SHOT. Ho Raw a door, blazed at It hot Tho hasty shot wont wldo; Rut tho' ho failed to Riildo tho shot, By jinks! he shot tho guldo. It. O. GRAVES. $ llr. TUIihru timouticotf that Ue IoInk t gty In tha'sojuiU lou l ho Utm. Myb ha will tj- lo gr. Thr r somo dt oum Ib (tut now. Somebody says thoro will ho no loafing In hoavon. Next thing wo ex pect to hear that tho gold-pavod streets havo no shady sldo. Thero was a young lady named nnnkor, Who slept whllo tho ship was nt anchor; Sho awoko In dismay Whon sho heard tho mnto say "Now hoist up tho top sheot and Bpankor." non nooTH. HEAL ESTATE. I hnvo somo ot tho host buys on tho liny. Can arrnugo easy tonus. Houses nnd buildings for rent. AUGUST FRIZEEN, 58 Contrnl Avo. Marshfleld, Oro. Everybody In tho world should bo happy. The young havo tholr dreams and tho old havo their pleasant mem ories to keep .thorn 'company. LIGHT AND J.IFK. The sen Is bluo When tho sky Is fair, Uut of aslion huo When tho clouds are Uiert. It Is dark nnd grsy In Jho rylM6 llht Of leaden day Or a mooitliMi nlftet. ' We live and learn. Apropo whip we auuounoe tat the oleatlAo dlaeorery has been made that a eow'a atemaob tucna couaulete ly over vcy time ahe eats a full WML So life teeme brlfht weu the eky (i clear. of 'But notftlnt'e, right When there to ne beer. H. J. HoKBOWN. Ours la a slortoua oountry. It la doubtful l( there la auother la the world that cau produce aa many at tractive unmarried women who are capable of oarulng a gootl llvtug tor a husband. SHIRT WA1BTS nnd S.WE.VTI5RS nt COST for ono week only nt LADIES' EMPORIUM. DECOYS at tho Guunory. l.VJl'RKD WYKIU. The frlenda of CoQutlle aay their team would have made a better allowing if the team had beeu in bet ter form. A few minor accidents re oently tended to cripple them some. Among those affected were the fol lowing: While Collier was gazln out of .i car window on his way over from Co qulllo. Sunday morning, ho Injurod his optlclitus gazorum. Ho wns not ublo to seo tho goal nnd will not be able to gazo again for several weeks A Rolloul was reading up tho now HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardlnor, Oregon has beon re modelled and Improved nnd Is undor now managomont. Special accommo dations for stago passengers and for people desiring a rost at tho seashore. "You'll I.IUo tho Place." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. Total $293,651.01 Total !i Wo invito your attontlon to tho Ftrong condition of tbli bank u shown by tho sworn sattoment, to-wlt: Cash rosorvo 43 per cent of i?& Rosorvo required by law 15 por cent of d?it Rosorvo in oxcoas of logal requlroments 28 per cent of dejd"a OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN 8. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACICEN, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Coehlor. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES, DR. C. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON. Vice Prosldent and Manager. DOES A GENERAL HANKING AND TRUST UUSI.VES& YOUR IIUSINESS SOLICITED. FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladies should bring their Dresses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS HAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josophson, Mgr, 180 South Ilroailmiy, Murslifleld. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician niul Surgeon. Olllio 208-201) Coos llull&lsx. Phonos Oftko 1G21; Resldenco 1G22 J HE.NNETa', Lawyer, Ofllco over Flanagan & Ronnatt Bank larhfi9ld, Oragon W.AI. S. TU1JPKN, Architect. Ovor Chambor of Comnmreo. THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL RANK. Wells Fargo Nevada NnfJontI lUuk, San Franeiieo, W. The United BIntes National nlc, Portland, Or. Tho National Park Hank, New York, N. Y. Tho Corn Kvchniige National Rank, Chicago. Ill The Rank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Ijvnniuilu. Purln TTrnnrn. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking cenwri U irAm 1.1. a -i ..- ... .t. 1 nT.-tv, rntrii 'w Draws Drafts on Europe, Asia. Africa. Auitralia. China. Janan. North, Centra Couth America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to eheet Cortlflcntes of Deposits issued. Safe Deposit Doxeiforre FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAR3HF1ELD, OREGON. Oldest Rank lu Coos County, Established in 1880. Paid up Capital and Surplus. $80,000.00. Assets over Half Million Dollars. )hg jjajt 1 Does a general banking business nnd draws drafts on w ?. of California, San Francisco. Cal.: Hanover National D"; 'i. First National Dnnk, PortHnd, Ore ; First National ua" 'L hliri?. nrf Th n.wlr.,, l.itnt Q..1, TJnnV TAd.. London, f't T Also sells exchange ou all of the principal cities of Eut ton Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to enw f dfpo3lt lock boxes for rent. , . OFFICERS: n .. I t' J)' "KWKTT, rrt-alclent. 1'. WILLI AMS, Cashier. I J. II. FLANAGAN, V.-Pres. GEO. E. WINCH ESTKR. Mu INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. --y 0 NEW LIVERYjl STEAMK BREAKWAlBj 1 Fancy new rigs, good horses and careful drivers are uow at the dis posal of the Coos Bay public 'at ItltASONAULlt HATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horsos boardod and rlj? eared for. New hoarse and special accommo-' dntlous provided for funeral parties W. L. CONDRON Livery & Feed Stables South llroadway, Marslifleld. TuesW' SnlUfiom AIiihuorthDock, Portland, t 8 P. Jf., every fl Salht from Coos liny every Sntimlnv nt service of time. Rcservot 0 j v . . . - j( )j will not be held later than Friday noon, unless tickets are purd J W. F. Miller, Agt,. Ffccne Fftla 3S-I Coos BayKosebiirg Stage- U Dally stage between Roseburg a ml Murshtleld. Stage lea Sunday nt 7 p. 111. Faro, $0.00. v..nD OTTO s' HETTER, Agent, O. P. BAJJJJ 'Cl 120 MARKET AV., Marehflcld. Agent, ROSEIJWa. PHONE 11