"IW,:,T", "" '"l"H';ry"?"" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1 91 0-EVENING EDITION. jlWflMillMOWHWgWlillll Cravene Tft WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshficld . Oregon Nyal's Mountain Herbs rr . ;--"' FQIl THE PREPARATION AT HOME OP A DELICIOUS STO MACH, KIDNEY AND LIVER TEA, AX EFFICIENT, MIL!) AXD AGREEABLE CUKE FOR COXSTIPATIOX, TORPIDITY OF THE DOWELS, IXDIGESTIOX, DYSPEPSIA, 11ILIOUSNESS, IXAC TIVITY OF THE LIVEH AXD ALL DISEASES OF THE STO MACH, LIVEH AXD KIDNEYS. PRICE Ur, CENTS. FOR SALE AT THE BUSY CORNER. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marsh field, Oregon s-n-n-n-ti-u-p-n-a-ti-n-n-u- n p T 1" eaver n MOUNT DIAULO AND JOSSON CEDENT. Tlio best Domestic nnd Imported lJrnhas.' Plastor, Llmo, Brick nnd nil kinds of builtiors juntorl.il. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201. I STEAMEFi ML F. PLANT 8 . . J Sails fnr-$an Franrkrn pvprv piphr rfavs. c TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP, & mtSEHVATIONS WILL HE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME UN- ( LESS TICKET 18 BOUGHT. i F. S; Dow, Agent. ,5'.'Pi?c?qC3C?q7i,tpcr?5?'S4t.--o COOS BAY" LIVERY 'We havo secured' tho'livory Tiasl Bftj of L. H, HolBtior nnjl nro pr Mted (p render exvelloit service tp Ik? people of Coos Day. Careful M'ere, good rigs ,nnd everything tkAt wJl mean satisfactory ervlco to PubHc, Phonp us f,9,r n driving "e, a rig or anything peeded in li llvfry lino. Wo also do a t'Jjeklnsr business of all kinds. UIuicliKrd, Rozin & Rlnjichnrd' Urery, iWiin'cf Saies Service. ' HI Plrst and Xlder1 'Str'eeiflr Phono 138-J MRS; aAltUR.ivswrTH l agent for t -UV,ES' 'A: STEVENS'CLOAK " &n syiTj-HQuEr ' of Clilcago. SKH nroaduay, North. N " rr 1 BREAKWATER HOTEL, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Jks been , thoroughly .en9y'atedf "! newly furnished.' Rooms reason .Vday.weeVornionlfc." ' lra J. H. Q'DnXtL. P.rop. REAL ESTAfE. I have some of tho best buys on Day. Can arrange easyjterms. Houses and buildings for rent. AUGUST FRIZEEN, " Central Ave. Mnrshfle'ld. Ore. THE LLOYD rthfle,i',i01,u,r ,ahu,'r ". Vtliet and AxmlntiUr crptlln tie- Hats Best of All Wt(HWTWWWIWll ma wrar . aitMo:aiimijgiBiBMRwnaBi.i PHONE 20!. - n - n - a - ti -i:a---K-tt- n-a-s oa Marshfield Ore &&?.'$SZ5iS?i&P dS2?S5SiSSS3SSSZSi DRtJ, W. (NGRAM, Pliyslclnu mid Srgc)n. Olllco 208-200 Coos lluliai-vt. iMiones Qtllce 1621; Residence 1622 J W. BENNETT, , r lawyer. Offlco pver Flanagan & Bennett Baul Marahfleld, . Oregon W' M. S. TURPEN, Architect. . " Over Chamber-of Commerce HSVTTfiaTRoorFixed 7JOW" ' ASee CORVM-Ui , WHEN YOU WILL NEED MORE LIGHT, py-R FIXTURES, ARftGOr V PAST AT FROM TEN If) , WKXtV PKR.fENTIWV'U WAJf. MANUFACTURING PRICKS. . THIS IS . SNAP FOR SOMEONE THAT HAS, THE MONEY. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. . Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE S37-J. $3.50 mm caw BAUER'S CLOSE CALL. Race Horse Man Known On Coos Bay Xcmly Creinnted. Ornf Dnbor, the well-known Grants Pass mcelforse handler, who wns nt the rnces here this summer, came near being one of tlio victims of the Shnnlko flro which destroyed nearly all of the buslnoss section of that little town enrly last Friday morn ing. Ho wns awakened In his room In tlio -hotel by the roar of burning timbers nnd found the building In flames. Tlie smoke wnB so demo and suffocating that he had dlfllculty In getting out of his room, ho hnvlng bnroly time to gather his clothing and run undor tho flamoB. Tho man who porlshod In the flames occuplod the next room to Mr. Dnbor. WED IN KOSERUHG. At tho McthodlBt, Eplscopnl par sonnge, October 10i 1910, M. J. Mc Xiughton and Mrs. Barbara S. La Salle, both nntlvos of Now Bruns wick, wero married, tho How E. 0. Eldrodgo ofllclntlng. Mr. nnd Mrs. AlcXnughton will re side nt North Bond, Coos county. Itosoburg Hevlcw. KOIt SALE L. C. Smith Rouble barrel Hnmmcrless 12 gnugo shot gun cheap Herman Cordos, Union Cigar Store. ' FOR RENT Two rooms for light housekeeping, 237 South Broadway FOR SALE HoiiKohoM furniture cheap and house for rent. Enquire at 4C3 North Hroadway. FOR HALE Good puylng IiunIiicss. Ownor going. Bargain for cash. Address "snap." caro Times. FOR SALIC Safe, ofllro nntl Iiohm hold furniture, modern five-room cottage; n bargain. J. W. Snover. LOAN WANTED ?I,M0 to tfU.OOO for throe to live years. Good se curity. Address "G" caro TItnos. FOR SALE A two-how electric motor, smnll centrifugal pump and 300 gallon Iron tnuk. Snme can bo Been by applying to mo nt North Ilond. C. F. McCuRoin. WANTED. Carrier hoys to deliver Tho Times; must bo nt least In fourth grndo nt school. Inquire at Times olllce, FOR RENT. Six-room Hat. iii( furnished, bnth and modern con venleuces. Finest location in Mnrshflold. Apply to Robert Mar. den, Sr. Toasted Marshmallows and Spearmint Mints Aro tho two vory latest and llneBt of Stafford's Famous Confections'. Die; sound good, don't they? You will find thorn just ns good us they sound nnd n little better. Send u box home to her tonight. By tho way, lmvo you trlod those LOG CAIRN CREAMS Thoy are 'good. ' Always gomethliig new nt i. k -i VU . s- tt t t HWO STORK -5 cr" pr : T WMi!f9M SMwk. "Settle It Now settle ijf mm For constitutional amendment .giving to citlfPPRltSMfcft .. excluslye pofvej to license, , . jegxjlte, control, suppress, qx prohjbit trie sale of lntox lciK.ll.qiidrs. within the mynlcipality. 328 X Yes ENDORSED BY 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS OREGON HOME RULE ASSOCIA TION.! CIS Electric Building, PORTLAND,, OREGON. , (Paid Advertisement.) J i imam flMftG COOS BAY TIDES. OCTOBER High wnter A. M. P. M. " Date. It. in. ft. h.m. ft. Tuesday. 25 0:57 C.G G:47 7.5 Wed'd'y. 2G S:10 0.9 7:17 7.2 Thursday 27 9:04 7.5 S:35 7.3 Friday... 28 9:10 7.9 9:10 7.5 Saturday 29 10:21 8.2 10:32 7.0 SUXDAY '30 10:52 8.1 11:20 7.7 .Monday.. 31 1 1 : 22 7.7 OCTOIIEK Low wnter M. Dnto. Tuesday. Wod'd'y. Thursdny Friday... Saturday SUXDAY Monday.. ft. 4.1 3.7 2.9 2.1 1.4 0.9 0.5 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight nnd ' 4 Wednesday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE PORT. - For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 p.m., Oct. 24, by Mrs. t Mlngus, speclnl government me- tcorologlcnl observer. f Maximum , . . 07 f Minimum 3S At 4:43 ii.in 00 Precipitation .'...nono Wind Northwest; clenr. $ Council Tonight. Tho Marshllold city council will meet this evening to take up various municipal mattors. Naslmrg Nniue'l. Claude Nasburg wns at a meeting of tho creditors In tho L. A. Froy Bankruptcy caso from North Bend named as trustco to close up mnttor ns rapidly as pos slblo. Go to Wedding. C. F. McKnlght of Mnrshflold, will bo groomsman nt tho Llljcqvlst-Shcrwood nuptlnls in Coqulllo tomorrow. Among tho oth er guests from Mnrshflold will bo Tom Uonnott nnd J. D. Gobs. Gardiner Man Wed. A mnrrlage license wnB Issued yesterday to Pe tor S. Rico of Gardiner, nnd MIhh Huldn E. Johnson of Eugcuo, but who recently enmo from tho Enst. Tho prospective, groom is a forest rnngor. Eugono Reglstor. Ctm Pottponed. Tho honrlng of tho caso of tho city vs. J. A. Luse, charged with illegal plumbing, was continued, by City Rocordor BtiUor yejterdny for opo week, tho nttornoyr In the-' caso being busy In other THE MASONIC , TQPHT "BUCKING BRONCO'S" ' . '(imp.) ' "VENGEANCE" 'THE CONJUROR" TWO EXTRAS SIX-P1ECE ORCHESTRA EVERY NIGHT - EXCEPT TUESDAY.' 3,090 feot of films. 10c -ADMISSION . 10c - 1 vrXz3 OP f inn 1 ' t .'W.tAlV,-'' $ I A. M. P. h.m. ft. h.m. 0.0 12:12 1:41 0.3 1:14 2:09 0.5 2:50 3:09 0.7 3:52 3:57 1.0 4:30 4:39 1.3 5:10 5:19 l.G 5:52 courts. Mr. Luse is fighting the chnrgo preforrod against him by In spector Trlbboy. Many Geese. More geeso aro fly ing over Mnrshflold today than nt nuy time this fall. It Is declared that tho largo flight Is indicative of n heavy storm northwest of here, To Get Teacher. Superintendent Tledgen of tho Mnrshflold public schools, Is arranging to securo mi ad ditional teacher from California to tnko tho second or third grndo at the High School building, there be ing too many pupils in Miss McGn hnn's room for ono tenchor. Iicavei On Trip. .Tudgo John S. Coko loft Saturday for Lane and Bon ton counties in tho Interests of his candidacy for tho circuit bench. Thonco ho will proceed to Coos coun ty to hold a tornv- of court. When court reconvenes hero Novombor 23 .Tudgo Hamilton will preside. Rose burg Review. KHIh Three Real's. Stanley nnd Ed. Olln of Libby, havo killed three bears with their varmint dogs this fall. Tho last ono wnB secured Fri day west of, Libby. Ono secured a fow wcolis ago weighed ovor 250 pounds aiul was ono of tho largest killed In this section In a long Mino. Tho Olln vnrmlnt dogs nro snld to bo among tho best In this country. PROGRESS. Each year tho millinery show MnkcB life seem somewhat sunnier Tho hnta can bo no lnrgor, so Thoy try to mnko them funnier. T.' E. M. a-ln-1 OIL at MILNER'S. THANKS FIRE DEPARTMENT., I wish to express my thnnks to tho .Marshllold Flro Department for so quickly responding to tho flro nlnrm from tho dqpot Sunday night. I less than ten m I mi ten after the alarm was turned In, they wore nt the scono of tho flro nnd rondy to ex tinguish it If tho forco nt tho Hhopi had not nlrondy had It undor control I consldor the work exceptional mil' wish to express my commendation o' It. C. J. MILLIS, GenornI Manager Coos Bay, Hosobur- and Knstorn Rnllway and Nnvlgn tlon ConRinny. WANTED BUYERS FOR THREE SNAPS. Corner front with wntorfront, size 50x240 SO.nOO 50x140 on Second, nenr Golden, $1,000 1 Block and tho last ono In Homo Addition to Eastsido, - about 212x030 ,8000 Tlieso aro, all inouey-mnkors. See Title Quarnntoq and Abstract Company, Honry Sengatnckon, Mgr. WASH THAT ITCH AWAY j. -, It is said that thoro. nro certain springs in Europo that gtvo rollof and euro to Eczomn and othor skin dls C41B08, If you know that by washing in 111080- waters you could ho rollovod from .that awful Itch, wouldn't you mnko c.ory, ofjfort to tnko a trip to j'luropo nt pneo? Would you not bo willing to spond your last cent to And the euro? nut yp,u need not loavo homo for tlieso dlstaut springs. Rollof is rlgh' hero In your own homo town! A slmplo- wash of Oil of Wintor greon, ThyniQ and othor ingredlonts as compounded only In D. D, D. Pre scription will bring instnnt rollof to that torrlbjo' burning itch, nnd luavo tho skin as smooth and healthy ns that of a child. It you havo not already trlod it, get at least a 25. cent bottle today. Wo assuro you of Instant relief, For salo ai,Red Cross Drug dtoro. Road Tho Times Want Ads, T m ,. w m. 9 a a m-.'.m.w. Bmi'Sf.i?. . t ? uvi iiv Sperry's Best Drifted Siibw V '4 FLOUR All First-Ciiiss tu:::uam:nH:mtmm:mr" Personal Notes i :::mn::::m:::jn:nn!j:::::n:jum:mu AL NICHOLS was 'In from Libby on business today. A. J. MENDEL loft today for the Co qullle Vnlloy on business. CAL. BRIDGES nnd wlf of Coos Rlvor ate In Marshfleld today. J. II. FLANAGAN will lonvo shortly for California points on business. J. A. STEMMERMAN of Allogany, was a Marshfleld business visitor today. I. WILSON of Libby, has been spend ing n fow days with ' Marshleld friends. MRS. CHRISTINA OHMAN of Ban don, 1b tho guest of Mrs. Reed In Mnrshflold. MRS. CARL SMEDBERG and Mrs. Georgo Ross of Catching Inlot, nro Marshfleld shoppers today. MRS. C. J. MILLIS entertained a number of friends nt n picnic party at Cooston yesterday. A. G. RAAB, superintendent of tho Marshllold schools, wbh a Marsh fleld business visitor yesterday. JAS WATSON, county clerk, roturni od to Coqulllo this morning nftor visiting friends hero nnd taking lodge work. WANTED Competent man to wnrtc ranch nenr Marshfiold, on shnres. Phono A. 13. Polloxfeu, 1C0-J, Mnrshflold. M'SS ALICE BUTLER nrrlvod homo on tho Hoeoburg Btngo last ovo nlug nftcr an oxtouded stny In California. MISS EVA SCIIROEDER has roturn cd to Coqulllo nftor n few days visit with MIbs May Stauff. Sho will return to Portland shortly. Give Social Tho II, Y. P. U. of tho Mnrshflold Baptist churoh, wll hold a Hallowo'en social Friday eve ning, Octobor 28, nt Hodmen's Hall. C. R. PECK and wlfo oxpoct to lonvo the latter part of tho weok for San Francluco and California points on n business and pleasure trip. OTTO SCHETTER, who expected to got nwny Saturday night for Port land, has boon dolayod and will not leave until some tlmo this; weok. TOM HALL and R. A. Cop pi 0 loft to day for Curry county whoro thoy will spond a fow days in behalf nt Mr. Copplo's candidacy for joint representative LYMAN WOLF, who wont to Coos Hay some weoks ago, returnod to. Florence tho first of the weok and Is again working nt tho Jotty. Florence West. HENRY CARLSON ofPortlnnd, Ore gon, who has rolatlves nnd frlondn on North Inlot, recontly undor weut a successful operation for ap pendicitis, Ho will conio to Coos Bay about tho first of Novombor to locnto permanently. GEORaE ROTNOR of tho Woolon Mill Storo, leaves Saturday for Portland on a goods purchasing expedition j also to meet a ropre sontatlvo of tho famous Hart. ScUaffqec & Marx lino of clothing which th W.oolen Mill will, carry next season In addition to tholr prcsont Jlnes.- tn-Mk!"') h. - IT- vk. m m.sciSS! mm.r : 1 i5LkcyiSS''-3' j, .'!. .IlJil ) It, r a Grocers Haxc It. oumr; 7 sr 1 m t x 1 n n 1 ? 7 n i, 7 i x 1 !. Turkish Bafchs PHONE 2 14-J wom. Pour ixditiW $li cpmtof .V 'I' 4 3, r-.-.l- "'' i 1 n mcc it. ,,r'iwit.,,i 1 ,i . . , tyri v nfHIHIlHHrr-llrllH-.Kr-Tflr u t.i " 7 '""K"! I h.w per aoin x-jrv V W buu U4Mt. Mr. BH4i. f to? V -- - 1i'lS-V- If I io tt 7, W-0- Tft ?d W Mw