ADS. : tm NEWS tfilfeV UL'SIXKSS IS SLOW, MX :l.,:,cv.. THAT IT PAYS IS KVI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW OT HEADING THE COOS 'JAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu THE TIME TERSELY 1 OLD j: :: :: rVCFD HV SUCCESSFUL 1JUSI "cU ilOt'SKS EVERYWHERE :: MEMBER OP ASSOCIATE!) I'llESS Established In 1H7H ns Tlio CoiiRt Mall. vot.xnI- MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1910 EVENING'EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nml Coos liny Advertiser. 87 wM 250 LIS SOUTHERN ITALY DEVASTATION fornado, Cloudburst, Tidal Wave and Volcano Erup tion Sweep Coast. LARGE AREA IS AFFECTED BY IT Combination of , Ele ments Wreak Destruction Near Naples. (D; Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) NAN.KS, Italy, Oct. 25. Tlio beautiful coasts of tlio liny of Naples tni tho Gulf Salerno and tlio IalnmlB ,t !h!a and I'roclda hnvo boon dc- mlcd by a peculiar combination of dements. The numbor of victims is Mtlmated at SCO persons nonetary loss is great. Tho disaster appears to liavo lieon ,uv ,..... ..... - the 'vork of n tornndo hnvlng threo centers, tho llrst over tho Island of hchli. tho second over tho town of Torro Del (Ircco, and tho third bwoop- Itr tho Quit of Salerno. Accompanying tho winds woro cloudbursts, tidal wnvo nnd a violent ilrruDtlon of Mount Vesuvius from n 'enter suddenly opened on tho sum- nltof tho long extinct Mount Epo bco, Island of Ischla. No Americana nro reported In tlio troubled zone. Tho government Is al ready organizing relief. AI.'IIOXAl'T IS KILLED. rnmlan Army Olllcer Victim f Wright aJitchhic. (13 Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) MAODE11URG, Prussln, Oct, 25. Lieutenant Monte foil with n Wright aereplano today nnd wns killed. Black Pugilist Fails to Wrest Honors From Barney Old field Today. (Bjr Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 25. Barney OMfield had no troublo in dofeating Jck Johnson, champion heavy Vlsht pugilist of tho world, whew that indlvldiinl today aspired to wt from Oldlleld tho honors of tho utomobllo track. Io the nrst heat, Oldflold beat Johnson a quarter of n mllo in flvo mlls. The time waa four mlnutos ad 44 seconds. In tho second nnd Mains heat, Oldfleld won by fifty Tuds In slower time. GUAND JURY 1JEGIXS. Will Indict Suspects In Los Angeles Times Chmj. ib7 Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WS ANGELES, Oct. 25. Tho fraud jury to investigate tho de action of tho Los Angelea Times Pant, with twenty-ono of Its em Wes, on October 1, and to indict aspects, if jt is round tho destruc un was wrought by human hands, impanolled today by Judgo "Wwell In the Superior Court. TIIE WHEAT MARKET. tDy Associated Press to Coob' Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Oct. 25. Wheat un hanged. CHICAGO, Oct. 25. Wheat clos ,, ls follows: December, 92 3-4c; '. 99 l-2c; July. 96 3-Sc. IAcOMA, Oct. 25 Export wheat lIlnA4 -t.iunj. KV, f0 ot 1-2CJ' Forty Red Russian, fold 8?i Club, 82c; SOc, lamps' at MILNER'S. IK JOISON 1 AUTO RAGE Reafl Toe TJme8. K - ARE LOST I MISS LENEVE "NOT GUILTY" Dr. Crippen's Paramour Ac quitted In Noted London Murder Case. (lly Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct. 25. Ethel Clare Lonovo wna acquitted ns accessory after tho fact in tho murder of Cora Hello Crlppcn, known on tho stage ns Hollo Elmoro. Ah n sequel to tho Crlppcn cnBO, 8 "tho high court.lnnicted n lino of ono Tho!. i...... i ,i..ii. ., (..Muni i..utnw UlUlllMIIlll UUIIillB Uli iioniofciwib J.MIlifi Pcrris for contempt of court by per- ...lilt.. l1. ....I.II.HilnH I m Attn T milling II1U IHIUIIUllllUII 111 ihu nuu- (,0Jl clironclo ot a Bt0ry nssortiug Dr. Cr.)0n lmtt nurchnsod hyoscln and hnd confessed to tho murdor ot his wife. Pcrris wbb ordered imprison ed until tho flue was pnld. HIT HATH TUB THUST. (lly Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 25. Tho Department of Justlco on October 31 will begin taking testimony in tho government's suit ngninst tho "Bath Tub Trust." ' C0A"T LEAGUE BALLSGORES Portland Wins Double-Header From San Francisco Monday. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., Oct. 25. Port land took a doublo heador from San Frnnclsco yestordny, tho second be ing nn oloven inning contest. A now sorlcs In tho Const Loaguo opens to day. Tho scores yesterday wore ns follows: At San Francisco R H 2 4 4 S First Giune. San Francisco Portland . Second Game San Francisco Portland ... (Eleven Innings). At Los Angeles t i II 0 4 Los Angelea Vernon . . HAS PROVEN GOOD JUDGE. (From Roseburg News.) Judgo John S. Coke, candldato for circuit Judgo from Coos county, and tho running mato on tho republican ticket of Hon. B. F. Jones, or uoug ifl ountr. has proved himself, dur ing tho recent torm of circuit court, not only a most courteous genuomnn, w n indco of rare ability who at all times dispenses Justlco in- a fair and impartial mannor. sir. wu haa won tho friendship of many, in this city during his brief professional visit who will bo pleased to lend him their support at tho polls November 8. Coko and Jones nro a most excel lent combination to sorvo the people of tho district ns circuit Judges and both should recelvo the support of tho republican voters. V. S. STEEL DIVIDEND. (By Associated Press Times.) Coos Bay vwv YORK. Oct. 25. Tho dl- nf the United States Stool t, todny declared tho reg ular quarterly dividend of 1 3-4 per cent on preferred., and 1 1-4 percent ' t m 1. .iAHinK alWl. on common stocK ior me 'ih.. ""--ing September 30. BEAR TRAPS at MILNER'S. FOUND DEAD Antone Drake Passes Away Suddenly and Coroner Gol den Investigates Case to As certain Cause. J. A. Drnko, gcnernlly known as Antono Drake, died suddenly about 8 o'clock this morning in the flont houso ot John Hongell on North Front street. Tho exnet cnuso of ilcntli has not been determined and Is being mado tho occasion of a coro ner's Inquest this afternoon, Coroner It. E. Golden determined to lnvcsti gnto tho mntter fully. Drnko hnd no relative hero so fnr ns could be ascertained this morning. Ho wns a well educnted man, hnvlng formerly been n druggist, but liquor got away with him nnd ho beenmo n Idle Wife Pouts When Hard Working Husband Wants to Stay at Home. CHICAGO, October 25. Women whoso husbnudit earn $2,500 a year have no business to keep n servant, according to Mrs. Id nil McGIono Gib son, editor ot tho Woman Beautiful. Sho addressed tho members of tho homo and education departmont at tho Chicago South Sldo club recent ly on "Marrlago as a Business." "Tho nvorngo oarnttiKi or tho sal aried man of tho United States is from C00 to $2,500 a yenr, and his wlfo has no mora business to shirk her part of tho marrlago contract by kcoplng n maid than hor husband would havo to keep nn automobile," said Mrs, Gibson. "Wo hear about the lax marrlago Ideas of modern France, but tho United States records show ono dl- vorco In ovory twelve marriages. Thore Is a reason, nnd that is the womon of America marry men and then look out for a good time, shirk ing tho responsibility of tho business of mnrrlod Hfo. They sit around tho house during tho day, and when their husbandB coino homo at night, tired out with tho hard day's work, they want to go out to spond the evening. Pont Breed Dissolution. "This often causes dissension. The husband is too tired and tells tho wife so. Then sho pouts. If sho had been attending to hor business, all day. as sho should havo been sho would hnvo bepn Just ns tired as he nnd ns rondy to stay at home. Thoy should bo partners in tho business o homo making." t. k Portugal Has Soldiers and Firemen Replace Freight Wagon Drivers In Capital (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LISBON, Oct. 25. Eight thousand express ond freight wagon drivers are on a 6trlko. Soldiers nnVflro men are being utilized for tho trans portation of tho necessities of Hfo. PERSONAL OVERFLOW. Mrs. Maud B. Watkins has return ed from Salem, Ore., nnd other north ern points. At Salem, she attended the W. C. T, U. meeting and attend ed" another convention at Portland. Rov. G. LeRoy Hall Is expected home Wednesday from Eastern Ore gon whore ho has been spending his vacation. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL went to Co- qulire' this morning to attend a ' meeting of tho Coos CouAty.-.Bonrd ' of. .Equalization. It Is expected that tho board will complete Its work by Friday, S IED GIRLS BRING DIRGE LISBON HAS BIG STRIKE ON IN FLOAT HOOSE'lULD SEND BALLOON common laborer. For a time ho was In. the employ of the Coos Bay Water company and later worked for tho Gas and Electric Company. Last evening with a numbor ' of friends, ho was out for a good time. John Hongell told Coroner Golden that Mr. Drako had not drank exces sively, though. Ho spent tho night at HongoH'B and this morning, Mr. Hongell stated ho noticed something was wrong, and quickly called Marshal Carter who summoned Coroner Golden. Tho body was not yet cold when tho coro ner arrived. Appearances indicated apoplexy or acute alcoholism wns tho cause ot death. Drake appeared to bo botweon 35 and 40 years old. Letters found on his person Indicated that ho hnd for merly been at Astoria and Deep water, WaBh. FILES PROTEST Southern Pacific and C. A. Smith Companies Object to DouglaS'County Tax ROSEBURG, Ore., Oct. 24. Tho biggest and ono ot tho next blggost holders of Douglas county lands pro- soutod petitions to tho board ot equalization asking for reductions in assessed valuations. Thoy nro tho Oregon & California Railroad Com pany (Southern Pacific) and tho O. A. Smith Timber Company. Tho railroad company owns 045, 017 acres ot land in this county, on which Assessor CnlkliiB has placed n valuation 'of $5,072,125, nn nvorngo Vnluo of $8.79 on aero. Tho Smith Company's holdings total 35.UUU acres, assessed at $488,415, an avor ago of $13,57. Thnt tho avorago acreage valuo Is greater on these lands than on thoso owned by tho railroad company is duo to tho fact that all of the Smith company's hold ings nro Umbered, whllo much ot the Innds hold by tho rnllrond nro not. In objecting to tho assessment tho railroad company uses tho following flvo words: "Excessive, unjust, un fair, illegal and disproportionate" Tho tnx agent of tho company, J. W. Morrow, Informs tho board by lottor that ho will nppoar boforo them por sonnlly next week to nrguo tho pe tition. Tho Smith Company protests Its assessment for tho stated reason that tho valuation Is on nn avorago of $1.80 per aero higher than last yoar whllo, it alleges, tho mnrket valuo of tho lnnds lias not increased at all. RED FLAG IN F Anarchists Issue Circular Threatening Lives of Cabi net Members There. (By Associated Press to Coob Bay Times.) PARIS, Oct. 25. President Fnl lleres and members of his cabinet are guarded constantly as a result of tho appearance ot an anarchistic circular condemning tho ministers to death because ot the conviction in tho courts of militant members among the railway strikers. LEAVE FOR PORTLAND. (From Bandon Recorder) Clint Malohorn, who lias been In tho general freighting business be tween Bandon and Langlols for a number of years, accompanied by his wlfo and little child, left today on their way to Portland, whore thoy In tend to make their homo In tho fu ture. Mft Malehorn leased his ranch for flvo Mr. Syphers. ... . i j . t . i -jrnwtfs r. .:. .i .. . f.-... ' 'WHEN voting for sheriff, experi ence counts, wno Has i wny w. W, Gage. I E QUEST OF MISSING NOTED GASE ENDED TODAY Trouble Between United States and Venezuela Settled By The Hague Court. (By Associated PrcsB to Coob Bay Times.) THE IIAOUE, Oct. 25. Tho In ternational Court ot Arbitration ron dorod Its doctolon In tho Oroinso claims caso today. Tho Bargo award wnn dcclnrod null on four polnto nnd tho Amorlcnn Compnny Ib awarded $4C,8C7 with threo por cont lntorcst slnco Juno 1C, 1903 nnd $7,000 coats. Tho Judgment Is to bo pnld by Venezuela within two montha. Tho tribunal rejected tho American con tention on other points In tho dis pute. The decision disposes of tho long standing dlsputo botweon tho United Statca and Venezuela. Tho Orinoco Steamship Company, n Now Jorsoy corporntlon, was grantod cer tain excluslvo privllcgoB by Vonezuo ln, which subsequently woro ropudlnt od by President Cnatro, nnd a suit for $1,400,000 damngca wnn bogun. Tho enso wns submitted to Dr. Ohnr- Icb Bnrgo who, nn umpire, February 2, 1004, nnd nwnrdod tho company damages ot $28,700. Tho compnny nppoalod to tho American govern ment which refused to accept tho de cision. Oregon and Daring Not Off Coos Bay Yet Rough Weather Outside. Tho d rod go Oregon and tho tug Daring which Io towing her from Grayu Harbor to Coos Bay had not boon sighted off Coos Bay at noon today. Keeper Will Donning of tho Capo Arago Llghthouso was keeping a sharp lookout for hor and roportod that ho had boon unablo to catch sight of tho cratta ovon with a strong glass. It was roportod this morning that tho Daring and tho Oregon had beon sighted off tho bar yesterday, but this was without foundation. A similar report was that thoy had paasod Coos Bay and put In at tho Coquillo. Tho sea must bo rather rough. At noon, Einplro roportod that a north west galo was prevailing thoro. Owing to tho rough wcathor, moro or less apprehension la folt hero for tho Oregon as sho Is not overly sea worthy. ANOTHER COAST CRAFT. (From Bandon Recorder) Tho Randolph loft Thursday on her first trip to Port Orford ond Rogue rlyer. Bho is a flno little oratt and will ply along tho coast regular ly 'botwecn tho ShiHlaw and Roguo river, and will stop in at tho ports botween. - Wednesday evening, at tho homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Tucker, Harry Armstrong and Anna Tuckor were married. Tho groom is In tho employ ot tho Life Saving Servlco, and tho brldo Is woll and very favorably known, having lived In this city tho most of her life. Thos, Coates, who lias beon laid up with paralysis slnco Christmas, was down town Wednesday in his wheel chair. This was only tho sec ond time, ho had ventured on since his stroko. WHY should Railroads bo watch ed? Becauso of their record; who can do It e'fllclently? Why, 'Hugh McLaln, he Is boucst, capablo and untiring. NO SIGHT OF DREDGE OR TUG AERONAUTS St. Louis Men Have Novel Plan For Rescuing Crew of "America III." PREPARATIONS ARE BEING MADE NOW Canadians Also Active In Ef fort to Succor Lost Americans. ' (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) ST. LOUIS, Oct. 25. Preparations to solid a bnloon with supplies after Hnwloy nnd Post, tho crow ot tho missing "America III," woro haston- od today. Louis Von Plnil will pilot tho relief bnloon. PREPARE FOR RICSCUE Gather Data For Sending Out -Parties to Henrcli Fur Acroiiuuts. (By Associated Press to Coob Bay Times.) OTTAWA, Can., Oct. 25. Tho work ot systematizing tho search for Hnwloy, Post nnd tho "America III," Ib woll under way. Edmond F. Strat ton ot tho Aero Club of Amorlca, la preparing n map from tho data al ready rocolvod. It will Indicate tho courso tho baloona nro known to hnvo crossed Georgian Bay and from thoso deductions will bo mado. Strat ton Is confident n dollnlto trnll can bo established which will lend to the rescuo ot tho missing noronnuts. Mr. Strattoa says It would bo ridiculous to send out expeditions until this data Is on hand and proporly sum marized. Tho "Amorlca III" was fill ed with food for four days and mate rials for securing fish and game which nro plentiful In all parts of tho region In which tho "Amorlca III" la supposed to hnvo Inndod. TO THE RESERVES Hope to Have Two Divisions of Oregon Branch On Coos Bay. At a meeting at tho Chambor ot Commorco last ovonlng, forty-eight men signed up for tho First Division of tho Orogon Naval Resorvo horo, Aftor talks by Lieutenant Stono, R. O. Oravos, Mayor 13. E. Straw, Rev. J. Richard Olson nnd othors, it was decided to try nnd enlist tho Socond Division at onco so that tho muster ing In officer cau organlzo tho two on his trip hero soon. It is suggested thnt tho Coos Bay Concert Bnnd members might enlist In a body nnd thus afford a musical organization for the resorvo, This is being taken up today, ELECTIONS IN GREECE. King Dissolves National Assembly There. (By Associated Press to Qoos Bay. TImoa.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. A dis patch to the Stato Department statos that tho King of Greece haa Blgned a decree dissolving tho National As sembly, Tho presont government will roinaln In power ponding tho now elections ot December. SHOULD wo havo representation of all or part? It you want representation for all vote for R. A. Copplo, Jolnt-RopresontaUvo for Coos and Curry, Leader loaded Shells nt MILNEU'S HOW can wo hnvo good roads, and got honost work? Why by voting for Judgo John F. Hall; soo his record. Savo monoy by patronizing The Times advortlsors. Have your calling cards printed at Tho Times offlc. , -9 1;tlfj JON or .fcJW ' v iAJi-