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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1910 EVENING EDITION, 8 w&v ::mm:::tmtmmmmmmam:nmm$nt:iii WWiiw... Rogers, third vice-president; Mrs. S. E. Cope, secretary; Mrs. Earl Good man, treasurer; Mrs. J, S. Lawrence, superintendent of library yul read ing room; Mrs. E. D. Sperry, assis tant superintendent. Coqullle Sen tinel. 4 4 Mrs. .1. II. Flanagan nnd Mrs. E. G. Flanagan will Issue Invltntlons 4 44 4 HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. 8: I; i (Continued on Pngo S.) ilny morning In the Episcopal church ly Rev. H. 13. Drowning. Miss Chnrlotto Mtircli, Miss Dnisy D. Hush nml Mr. Cnrl UnvlB acted ns sponsors, J ? l Ycstordny nftcrnoon the Mothers' nnd Teachers' Club mot In tho Cen tral School building. Miss Grace "Williams opened the program with n vocnl solo. Rev. A. S. Illscy gnvo the Invocation. Llttlo Marguerlto Jteynolds sang "Dcautlful Land of Dreams." Itcv. Hlsey, then deliver ed n scholarly nddross, subject "Mor al and Religious Training of Chil dren " lie said, the home, tho church nnd tho school constitute tho trinity of agencies responsible- for tho moral and religious education of children. Thcro Is no ultimata difference be tween religion and morality, tho for mer bolng, tho wholo of which tho latter Is n part. In rollglous teach ing wo must recognize tho great pe riods of child life, Infancy, childhood nnd adolescence. Tho latter Is most important for In It tho grcnt deci sions and awakenings of life occur. Tho homo Is the most lmnortnnt of tho three agencies In child training. I The homo makes tho man religion In tho homo the children cannot bo properly trained, Tho school has a sluuo In this great work. Tcnclicrs need not so much to tench religion as to teach religiously. Tho church wlth'ltB Sunday Bchoolu, press nnd different meetings Is responsible for n larger share In rollglous educa tion than It has hitherto taken. And .Miss Clara Myron read a paper on "Tho Development of Organ Playing nnd Organists before tho Tlmo of Dach." 4 4 The Eolscopal choir was enter tained Thursday evening at tho homo of .Mrs. Wm. llorsfall. Tho choir Is faBt becoming one of tho best In tho city.. Next Sunday, Miss Maude Painter will sing n solo as a featuro of tho musical program. Last Sunday, sang tho solo "One Sweetly Solemn Thought." 4 4 4 Mrs. Olivia Edmnn has gono to In a day or two for a bridge lunch- 4 4 Bandon eon to bo given nt tho homo of Mrs. I - tt .55 Mrs. P. A. Golden Is planning to entertain a number of iter friends .1. II. Flnnagan next Saturday crnoon. Marshfield "MoneyjTalks" "Cash Only" And Notice the Saving nml religious training of children Pnrkersburg for n few weeks' visit with friends, 4,4 Mrs. Win, Ford, formerly Miss Stella O'Conuell, who has been seri ously 111 of pnoumohln at San Fran cisco, Is repprtcd Improving. 4 4 Tho Sisters of Dothnny havo ar ranged to give n Hallo wo'en promo undo concert nt tho Odd Fellows hall Monday night, October 31, nnd In tend to iiiuko It tho leading uoclnl event of tho season. A lino or chestra Is to bo engaged, a swell dauco program arranged with n real "Country Fair program" ns a Without bIJo nltrnct'011- Tho details of tho a rru if are to bo worked out tins week and success of tho previous under takings of tho organization Insure tho success of this one. 4. .j. 4. Miss Evelyn Anderson, who has been spending tho Hummer In the East, will not reach homo as soon as was expected, probably not ro- nbout Port- on or about November G. 44 Mrs. Hugh McLnln loft today for Portland where- sho will visit for awhile, Joining Mr. McLnln there. Mr. McLaln has been making his headquarters In Portland during the campaign. 4 4 Tho Tuesday Night Whist Club will bo entertained next Tuesday ovc nlng by Mrs. F. M. Parsons nt her home. It was to havo been enter tained by Miss Mnudo Painter nnd Thayer Grimes at tho Painter homo, but tho mooting phrco has been changed. 4. .j Mrs. P. L. Sumner entertained tho Lndles Art Club at her homo In South Marshfield Friday afternoon. Tho nftcrnoon wns spent nt needle work nnd proved a most enjoyable ono. Tho next mooting will bo with MrB. Cowan on Friday, November I. MEN'S and BOYS' 1 EXCLUSIVE OUTER GARMENTS Combining Style and Low Price wo can only obtain tho proper moral I t"rn'"B to Co.08 ,mtn Christmas. Sho Is now nt when homo, church nml school nro . ,nn,K Mn,no' n,ltl wlM vlfllt 1,or n'8' working harmoniously together. After a brief Intermission, Misses Elizabeth Jennings and Edith Horn tor, Mrs. Erlo Wold, In California. 4 4 4 Miss Maude Painter expects to gave u plnno duet, following which ' le B0" for Oklahoma where she a business scbhIoh was .hold. ,, ! 4 4 Last evening, Capl. and Mrs. Wnguor gavo u "Sailor Knot" social nt tho Presbyterian church for tho benefit of tho Ladles' Aid Society. TI10 following imislcal program was blvcn, oncli number being much ap preciated nml encored umriuyo solo Mr. Smith. Vocal solo'-M;yJiniph Coke. Trombone nolo oTFTWorrell. Vocal solo Miss Ellen Anderson. will upend tho winter with friends nnd relatives. Warren Pnlntor nnd wife and baby of North Demi, returned homo yesterday after n few weeks visit with relatives nml friends in Cali fornia. 4 4 4 Mrs. Kern arrived in North Rend Prldoy from California to visit hor daughter, Mm. 13, 11, .lotted, 444 w Every mm wns furnlshea-strlng ' " "u ' n nnd between tho. musTcnl numbers "'b-nnd Miss LettloLar8oj will bo Capt. Wagner taught the audience QUlotly oloninUcd at tho homo of How to tie knots of nil kinds, reef h brilou "n,;o",B; Mr tl M"" knot, true lovers knots, hangman's '"Hi1" Lnr"' Monday. October 21. IcnalH and numerous others. After 0n y "r ' he amllies and the program refreshments vvro wv- " , J" wl ' U ' " "'" cd In tho basoment. A vote of thanks 1 . . - wns given Mrs. Wagner by all pros- j cut and thrco cheers for tho captain , for n most cnjoyablo social evening. 1 1 f. CUItHY COUNTY Tho POLITICS. Gold Reach Globo says: "Don't voto for n Coos county man when you can voto for a Curry coun ty mnn." 4 4 4 4 4 "" 4 4 4 PHOHIIUTIOX HLTCEEDS IX KANSAS. I will soy that Judging from tho litigation beforo our court 4 tho prohibitory law was onforc- cd nt first with some dllllculty. Public opinion and greater ex- perlenco, however, appears to havo overcome that dllllculty and tho law, although trans- 4 grossod occasionally, Is now of- tt ti Special Offerings In Suits this week-three different Groups at $15.00, $18.00, $25.00. The new Fall Suits we are showing at the above prices are SDlenrliM object lessons of how the f most stylish suits can be developed from vvorlhv materials and yet the prices kept down to moderate sums. If it Were not for our Many Advantages in Buying and the fact that wo Sell so Many Suits. This would be Impossible. Visit the other Suit Stores and thcnJcomc here andwe are sure your t new ouk win ue one rrom 1 ne rmD loimng & c noe L,o, ttntmttuutnttttttttimttutmtmttmntintntttmtttmtmm fectually enforced nnd with no more opposition or dllllculty than other laws prohibiting and punishing ordinary of fenses. Tho closing of tho sn loons nnd Joints has had an ex cellent effect upon tho morals nnd material Interests of tho pcoplo of tho state. Among tho consequences of prohibi tion nro better homes, happier l ' Mrs. M, II, Mulloy left on tho Breakwater for Portland whero sho will Attend n reception given In honor of her daughter, Sister M. Fedalls formerly Miss Cathlcen Mulloy of this city. .1 Tlio lirulKO Club was entert On Tuesday evening a number of i8t Wednesday evening by M tho young friends of 'Miss Clara a. Coko. Only club mombors wero Myron, called to surprUo her, tho j )ruKOiit. Tho prizes wero won by occasion bolng hor nineteenth birth- M,.Bi ,It H Kf,u,nBnn nnd Mrs. W. S. day. Tho evening was pleasantly chandler. Tho club will bo entor spent with games and music, and , talnod' a week from next Wednesday u nniniy inncneon was sorvoa. tiios. ,,iKi,t by Mr8. J 11 Kj,,nKn,,. tendance, Tho .Evergreen Drldgu Club waH entertained last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Christine Kruso In West Mnrshllold. Tho prUo was won by Mrs. J, Albert Matson, a guest or the club. Tho club will meet ugnln next Saturday with Mrs. Jas. llolaudson, this week's meet lug having been postponed. fr Tho Drldgo Club was entertained families, higher standards of Intelligence nnd education, and 4 of course, a great reduction of crlmo. No statement or proof Is needed to support tho claim thnt these results follow tho :: :: 8 n 8 tt tt B r, ! :ttnttti5m:inmn:m Capt. Dan Morgan Smith Former Assistant CorporationCounsel of Chicago, and one of the most brilliant speak ers of the day, whose services are in demand from one end of the country to the other, will speak in this city at the The MASONIC OPERA HOUSE Friday Evening, Oct. 28, on present woro: Mr. and Mrs. 11. 1). Ostlind, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert pon, Mr. nnd Mrs, Ness, Mrs, Chas. 8tauff, Misses Clara Myron, Ksther Johnson, Itoso Myrcn, Edna Larson, Inez Johnson, May Myrou, Messrs. Fred Pnyno, A. N. Lofgren, Will Kkblnd, Arthur Wllld, Victor John eon, Enoch Holmbcrg, Ed. Johnson and Milton Carlson. Mrs. C. J. Mlllls nnd her guest, Miss Ednu Lewis, expect to leave next weok for Portland whoro they will meet Miss Mnblo Claro Mlllls who is expected to return from hor lslt In Now York then. f Mrs. ltobort McCann of North lloiul, has been upending tho week nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. E. It llodson, on Coos lllvor. Miss Allro Uutlor Is oxpected home poon from California whoro sho tins been visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, who has been visiting her sister at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Is expoctod homo In a day or two, stopping nt Uosoburg en route to visit friends. . Tho Cluunlnndo Club mot Wed nesday morning with Mrs. Wm. Horsfull Jr., the director, for their weekly rehearsal and program. Mrs. M. II Ullveu and Ms. L. K. Pallln jjer woro added to tho membership. Tho memborH of tho Motor Float Club of North Ilend, enjoyed a moonlight excursion to tho bench last Tuesday evening. Seldom has tho moon shono with grcntor bril liancy 'qr tho weather been moro favorable and It was Immensely en Joyed. Tho Wonjan's Study Club of Co qullle, mot at Mrs. V. nellont's homo Saturday, October S and tho follow ing otllcer8 woro elected: Mrs. P. Uolloul, president; Miss Claro Par tridge, vice-president; Mrs. Lnw rence, second vice-president; Mrs. closing of snloons nnd tho offectlvo enforcement of tho prohibitory law, They nro tho 4 natural nnd incvltnblo results nnd theso have been realized in 4 Knnsns. Yours very truly, W. A. JOHNSTON. 4 Chlof Justice of tho Supremo 4 4 Court of Kansas. 4 4 (Pnld advertisement 4 4 4 tt 44 :: 4 44 44 4 14 I A.A. 44 by Mr. A. O. Walker.) 4iJ 44444444444444 WHY NOT DECORATE Your tables for that Hallowo'en party with some of our Hallowo'en novelties? (Dig assortment) Cilnxs Candlesticks Vases Odd Pieces of Hand. Painted China llavllaud China and various othor articles that will add to tho beauty of any homo. 4' 4 4 4 " PROHIBITION IS MORALLY WRONG" Capt. Smith's address on this subject has been delivered scores of times, and has gained him the plaudits of tens of thousands of his listeners. It is an interesting, fasci nating and eloquent discussion of a subject that effects every home. :: :: :: Admission Free Cnpt. Smith will spenk nt North Ilond, Octobor 27; at Coqulllo, October 29; at Bandon, October 30 and at Myrtlo Point, Novembor 1. ::tn:tn:ntn:tn?n:::4::m4n:nn:?n:n:nnint:tt:nntnttu Trade hero and save money. COOS BAY CASH STORE GEO. X. HOLT, . - Manager. Front Street, Mnrshtlcld. ONCE AGAIN WE CALL YOl'U ATTENTION TO Sl'XSKT VANILLA MANY OV YOU ARE NOW USING IT. TO THOSE WHO AUE NOT, WE SAY; THY A DOTTLE, AXD IP YOy AUE NOT DC LIGHTED WITH THE El'LL, HICH YET DELICATE FLAVOH OK Sl'NSKT VANILLA WE'LL CHEERFULLY REFUND THE PRICE. U.le, 30e, $1.00 and $1.7.".. BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS. "THE QUALITY STORE." Let LUND Save You Money Do you rcallzo whnt It costs you n year for shoes? Better think It over nnd then seo Lund. Ho has somo of tho best shoes, tho dressiest shoes, shoes that nro easy on your feet and protect your health by keeping your foot dry and they nro guaranteed which sells at as low prices as others sell Inferior grades of shoes for. Drop In and examlno and shoes and leather, and remember LUXD DOES . FIXEST SHOE REPAIRING AT THE MOST HEASOXAHLE 1UUCES. Give Lund ti chance ut your old ones Comfort In shoes has a direct bearing on tho person's disposition. No shoo is as comfortnblo as an old ono. As long ns Lund keeps your old shoes looking llko new, why don't you got hotter acquainted with him. As long as Lund better work with up-to-date machinery at low prices, you ought to let him save you mon- p'. ROOF PAINT JUST RECEIVED A LAIuJk COXSIGXMEXT OF THE FINEST ROOF PAINTS MANUFACTURED. 50c and $ 1 .00 per gallon WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF PAINTS, BRUSHES, 1XCLUDIXG FLOOR PAIXTS IXSIDE AND TERIOR FIXISHTiS. LITTLE SUXSIIINE IN YOUR HOME. OILS, EX- O. O. LUND, The man vtho does things right." i. UI5 South llrondway, Mnrblilleld Havo your Job printing done at Tho Times office. r PUT A A Want Ad will sell it for you J U