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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1910)
nwV F"VBTTrT'T 'iwswr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1910 EVENING EDITION. i TMi'WV!iW!JpJP"' ' tWDmtf mntomwmnmi0fi & m Cravenette Hats ml M. Ihi WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfleld . Oregon 5 -nAaUBMlAlrtaAlAtfMrita4bitadRafllMMiMMbiIMIMK Our Prescription Department llltlNO YOUIl PRESCRIPTION TO US. WE FILLED OSS PRES CIUPTIONS DURING THE MONTH OP SEPTEMBER. OUH SYSTEM FOU KILLING THEM IS PERFECT. DOUBLE CHECIC INO INSURES AGAINST ERRORS. WB USB ONLY TUB BEST PHYSIOLOGICALLY TESTED AND CHEMICALLY ASSAYED. I'JIUtMACBUTlCALS. THE VEIIY I1EST AND HIGHEST QUAL ITY TUB MARKET AFFORDS. WB GIVE OUU 11EST ATTEN TION AND EFFORTS TO THIS VERY IMPORTANT DEPART MI'NT IN OUR STORE. WB CALL AND DELIVER PRESCRIP TIONS IN ANY PART IN TOWN FREE OP CHARGE. the nrsv corner. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marshfield, Oregon liCTWBWBffll I'Jiiih'it iinriiMiiri- ' SEiTtTI'' I Slii'iuwiu . mhI n-a-a-a-a-a-a-n-a-a-a-a -- Pacific a i a i a i a i a i n i a a i a and All kinds of monumental work promptly nnd artistically oxo cuted. Call at our works on South Broadway. B - B - n - tj - a - n - n - ti - tt - n - a - a - B - W-tJH-H ... Beaver Hill Coal ; MOUNT DIADLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The beat Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo Brick and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE. fiOUTIT BROADWAY. PHONE 201. Notice of sale of improve- MBXT ItONDS. Notice is hereby given that sealed Proposals will bo received by tho finance Committee of tho Common Council of tho City of Marshfleld, "Coos County, Oregon, at tho offlce of the City Recorder of said City of JJarshfleld, In the City Hall of said City, until 4 o'clock P. M. of TUES DAY, tho 1st day of November, 1910, for the purchase of streot Im provement bonds to tho amount of '1.943 85, the said City of Marsh neld, Coos County, Oregon. All of said Improvement bonds to e In denominations not exceeding "00 and bearing interest at the te of six per centum per annum Best of All WtfrtaWWiTyBnEKm. At fl4tk PHONE UI)H. fall Spi iraying Tho season la now at hand for fall spraying, and nil tho fruit growora thnt expect to marlcet your fruit noxt season miiBt spray now, wo havo tho material. $3.50 Lime Spiny Spray and I lose Pumps Sulphur Spmy Spmy Spray No. Mntorl Pioneer Hardware Co ware S turn a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- -a-a Monumental Building Works II. II. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. rtt - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - n - a - rt - MMMM M M M tltltl C from date thereof, payable semi-annually; said bonds to bo dated tho day of Issuance and to mature In ton years thereafter, with prepay ment option thereon nt faco value and accrued Interest to date of any semi-annual coupon Interest period at, or after one year from tho dato of said bonds, upon giving notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation printed and pub lished In Coos county, Orogon, such notice to be published not less than twice during the month preceding such semi-annual period at which such prepayment thereof will be made. The right Is expressly reserv ed to reject any and all bids and upon all or any of 'such bids, or pro fepGMi Son lees at Empire. ICev. Rob ert 15. Drowning will hold Borvlco In tlio Episcopal church nt Umpire nt 3 o'clock Sunilny nfturuoou. Play Sutiudny. Xoxt Saturday, the North Bend and Murshfleld high school foothall teams will play their llrst game this season on the Marshfleld grounds. Game Sunday. Tho Coaulllo In- FOR SALE Safe, olllce and house hold furniture, modern live-room cottage: a bargain. .1 W. Snover. roit sale- Rehfeld. -Belgium hares. r. W, LOAN WANTED 91,800 to 92,000 for threo to live yenrs. Good se curity. Address "G" caro Times. FOU RENT Two well fumUhod Hats. Phone 1CI-J, or Gunnery. FOR SALE Good rooming liouo, must sell on account of sickness. Easy terms. P. O. Uox 435. FOR KENT A Minny front room furnished for two, with or with out board, at 515 Proad way, cor ner Elrqd. FOR SALE Automobile, t-cj Under. 40-horso powor, S-pnttengor, full) equipped with ncotvltno hoadllghti, gubrlol horn, top, etc. Cost new $3000. WH1 soil for cash or ox chnnge for real estate nt a bnrgn' Only JSOO. Apply to Dr. J. T. McCormnc. FOU HALF A two-lim-M' electric motor, snmll centrifugal pump and 300 gallon Iron tank. Samo can be seen by applying to mo nt North Bend. C. F. McCu'iom. WANTED. Carrier ! to dellvei Tho Times: must bo nt least In fourth grndo nt school. Inqulro at Times ofilco. WANTED A work liorw, not oei eoven yenrs old, weight not less tlinn 1,300 lbs. P.O. Box 4S1. WANTED Engagements for my new Cadillac auto. Will tnko passen gers any place. Prompt servlco. ' Phono D. L. Footo nt Binned ho tel, or Bob'a Billiard Parlor. FOR RENT Small furnNhed cot tage. 749 So. Fourth St. Phone 147-J. FOR. HUNT. Six-room flat, pnitly furnished, bath and modern con veniences. Finost location lu Marshfle'd. Apply to Robert Mars don, Sr, posals, being rejected, if thoro should romaln any bonds unsold, the said bonds may bo thoreaftor sold at private sale by said Common Council of said City of Marsliflold, Orogon: but In no ovent to be sold at less than par and accrued Inter est. Said bonds aro nuthorizod by the laws of tho Stato of Oregon nnd ordinances of the Common Council of tho said City of Marsliflold, Ore gon, Assessed valuation of said City of Marshfleld, Oregon, Is $2,102,649. Bonded Indebtedness Is $54,000. Population Estimated nt 5,000. A cortlfled check for C per centum of amount of bid, or proposal must accompany each bid to be forfeited to said City of Marshfleld in case hill la accented and bidder falls to accept and make payment for said bond or bonds, covered tuerooy, within ton days from date of ac ceptance of said bid or bids. Each bid or proposal autimuieu to designate tho denominations of said bond or bonds desired. Bids or proposals received for any amount of said bonds; small bidders being given proferenco of purchnso. Proposals, or bids, with certified checks, to be enclosed in sealed plain envelopes without distinguish ing marks or writing thereon, oxcept tho words "Bids for Improvement Bonds of tho City of Marshfleld. Oregon." Dated this 22d day of October, 1910. P. HENNESSEY, A. H. POWERS, CARL ADBRECHT, Finance Committee of Common Council of the City of Marshfleld, '' Oregon. dependent Football team accompani ed by a lai-KO number of rooters, aro expected hero tomorrow on a special train to play the Marsliflold Inde pendents. A good game Is oxpected. Father Head. Word has been re ceived here from Mrs. W. J. Lal'nlme of Eastslde, who was called to Min neapolis by the Illness of her father that she arrived there too late her father having died while sho was en route. Restore Article. During the past week, Kcvornl havo had valu ables, keepsakes and other lost ar ticles restored to them through The Times' want ads. Several others have been enabled to ascertain tho owners of found nrtlcles. SelN Chicken. "Stop that want ad of mine because I havo sold all those chickens nnd can't begin to supply tho demand" telephoned N. S. Kctchutn this morning. Mr. Kot chum's experience with Tho Times' want ads Is the Bamc as tho others. Are Initiated. Thursday night, Marshneld Odd Follows Initiated seven candidates In tho Roynl Pur ple Degree. Tho Initiation wnB fol lowed by n spread nnd tho evening made a most cnjoynblo one. Tho candidates were Dr. It. 15. Golden, R. J. Pottle, Wm. RlehnrdB, Robert Swanton, Dan ICentlng, Oscar Gulov- son nnd Win. Deubner. X Word From Drcdw An yet, no word has been received ns to whether the dredgo Oregon snlled Children's Books Wo have Just received a largo con signment of children's books. Hav ing bought them nt an extra low fig ure we havo marked them according ly they rnngo In price fioni 10c to $2.00. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. Crosby & Homer, 1 1 1 Central Ave. "THE HOUSE OF BARGAINS." YOU CAN SMILE, TOO, IF YOU s watch for Our Bargain Day See next Thursday's Times, SURE. Anona Cash Grocery, J. W. UMSTATTD, Prop. llROADWAY, MARSHFIELD. THO MASONIC TONIGHT "FALLEN IDOL" (Imp. drama) "HE DIDN'T DIE" (Comedy) O PIECE ORCHESTRA TOXIGHT and SUXDAY XIGHT 10c Xny Seat lu the house 10c BETTER Than Ever FRIEND BROS.' SUITS $12 $14 $16 $18 $30 $22 $25 FIXUP OPPOSITE KREAKWATER OFFICE &cFwPfr rtjMEfHk "k '.. Zfj oft from Grays Harbor this week as was expected. Henry Sengstnekcn, sec- rotary of the Port of Com Bay com mission tho other day re-elved word that the dredgo was being delayed by a chnnge of captains, but It wns ex pected sho would leave there some dny this week sure. Several of the nion who will bo connected with her operations on tho Dny have arrived hero, a level man coining lit yoster- day. The Epworth League of tho Mnrsh fleld Methodist church Inst evening tendered a reception to tho pnstor, Rev. 11. I. RutlodKO. who has been appointed to this chargo for another year, nnd his worthy wlfo. A gen eral Invitation wnB extended to the congregation nnd tho attendance wns lnrKO. A short -program of music nnd recitations wns followed by In formal diversions and n flno supper. DID YOU KNOW Thnt A. M. PrentlsB wns a membor of tho famous Seventh regiment of New York City. Thnt before ho was head caBhler for Armour nnd Com- puny, the puckers of Chicago. Thnt Judge Sholbredo wns formerly a federal Judge In Alaska. Thnt I. S. Smith was once sheriff of Polk county nnd went to the loglslnture from thnt county. Thnt Jena Hanson wns n log- ger In this county when ho wns n young num. o North. Bend News A. O. KJellnnd Is building a Hn' houso on Ills ranch on Kentuck Inlet. D. II. Rnscoiii hns taken n flvo yoarH loaso on tho Shormun nvouiio rooming house nnd will conduct nn up-to-date hotel there. Newfl baa been recolved bore of tho donth of A. K. Iluttoberg who wnB formerly Interested In tho Coos Bay Manufacturing compnny'H von-, cor factory. He wiib on route from Pnsadenn, CnL, to Michigan when he wns Btrlckon nt Whitewater, Wis. Mib. Einmti Prescott of Lakesldo Is a daughter of tho deceased. SorvlcoB nt tho Proshytorlnn church, Sunday nchool, 10 a. in. At tho morning service 1 1 a. in. Miss Ida D. Mitchell will read Moody'fl Bormon, "Looking to tho Cross." C. 15. Society at 0:30 p.m. MIbb Cath erine Mondo, lendor. Evening nor vlco 7:30 p.m. Mr. J. A. Ward will glvo a soriuon on "Tho Modern Vlow Point In RollglouH Thought." Special music rondered by our Inrgo choir nt both services. Friday ove, Oct. 28, tho Mlzpnh Bible class will give In VI gor'H .building, oppoBlto Ilnscoms restaurant, n hot chicken dinner. Tho proceeds of opening up on Shorman nvouiio a public rending room. Din ner 35 cents. ALONG Till: WATERFRONT. Tho Nairn Smith Bnlled nt noon to day for Bay Point with n Inrgo cargo ,of lumber. Pictures and framing nt Walker's. OWI.S. All mombors are requested to nt tond mooting Sunday, Octobor 23. 1910, at 3 o'clock p.m. ahnrp. Re freshments served. By ordor of tho President. MISS Fayo HHIDGES, teachor of PIANOFORTE. Studio, Llo)d hotel. FOR HEXT Two rooms for house kooplng with gas rango $12 por month, Lloyd hotel. FOIt SALE Good paying business. Owner going, Bnrgaln for cash. Address "snap." enro Times. - a - a - tt - a - a - a - a - B - a - a - a - a - GOING SOME! Sperry's Best Drifted Snow FLOUR trntammmmmmmmmmmma All First-Class Grocers Have It. i a - a - - B - a - n - a - ii - - aa - 'ii - ii aaataaaiaaaaaaaaaaiaaamaaa i Personal NoLcs ri am:m:::s:m:::::::mm::mmmm:mmt JOHN HUME Is hero from Wedder buru on business. OTTO SCHETTER will leave to night for Portland on business. MRS. T. D. HENRY of Ross' Inlet, wns a Marshneld shopper today. OTHO HOPSON Is hero from Dan- don on business nnd pleasure. MRS. JOHN PREUSS Is spending a few days as the guest of Mrs. Carl Smedburg on Catching Inlet. A. 15. GUYTON has returned from ,t short stay nt his ranch In the Upper Coqulllo Valley. TOM HALL and R. A. Copplo will loavo Tuesday on a campaign tour of Curry county. MISS PEARL W ATKINS, who has been nt Coqulllo, was a MarBhnold visitor yesterday. SJio returned today. W. J. LAPALMI5 of Eastslde, Is in chargo of the Pettyjohn & Nlcols Company while Tom in'IcoIb Is In Portland. THOMAS VIGARS of Portland, n former resident of North Bond, is spending u fow days on tho Bay on business. MRS. R. II. HOPSON of Bandon, pnssod through hero today en routo north to Portland and other points. W P. MURPHY will loavo tomorrow for Ban Francisco to Join MrB. Murphy who hns been spending n few weokB thoro. MISS ETHEL TIMMOX& of Bandon, pnssod through here today on routo to Astoria whero oho will vlHlt friends. . J. It. SMITH of North Bond, and Geo. Lnngford of Oakland, who aro visiting In North Bond, woro Mnrshlleld visitors this afternoon. JESS DAY loft today for Portland wnoro no oxpociH 10 goi nuuwiur match hood. Tho bout between Dny nnd Al Nolll which wnB slat ed to bo pulled off hero within a few weokB, hna boon called off. COOS BAY TIDES. OCTOIJlill High wator Saturday 22 8UNDAY 23 A. M. 3:051 7.0 4:121 0.5 P. M. 2:301 9.2 3:22 8.7 OCTOBER Low wator A.M. P. M. Saturday 22 SUNDAY 23 8:27 9:25 3.1 9:37 10.7 3.1 10:37 0.3 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight nnd Sunday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE KE- PORT. 4 For twonty-four hours ending nt 4:43 p.m., Oct. 21, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government me- teorologlcal obsorver: Maximum 53 Minimum . . .......... 45 At 4:43 p.m 51 Precipitation 02 Wind Southwest and cloudy. Tako your SUNDAY DIXXER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PIIOX15. - - - a - 4 - a - a - a - a - tva - a sk - - w - - K - - w - n - K - - - ic - i K M t a a a i a . a- A. f a a i a i ? ? ? I M l hLA. jfr i i i nr aatiiii ftkii J&OtiXFJt A jj .. . AttLmJi .jvmjl ,