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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1910)
"i" "Wi TVr! TH COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1910-EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY T1MLS Entered nt the postoffico nt Marah Hold, Oregon, (or transmission through the mails as second class mall matter, Address all communications to COOS 11AV DAILY TIMES, Mnr.shfleld : : : : : : : : Oregon M. C. MALOXKV Kdltor and Full. DAX E. MALOXKY News Kdltor Saturday Evening Thoughts OOD KVKXIXH. Thuro Is n beautiful and an ugly way In which to say almost ovorythlng, and hnpplness do- liondB upon which way we take. Not only In words, but In nil 4 tlio little, common courtesies nnd duties of life, thlnlc of the beautiful way of doing each. D. L. Porter. WISMIXO SCHOOL WAS OVKH. Wishing school was over, there ho sits today, Dreaming with u longing heart of the lovo of play. TIrod of books and weary of the tasks to do, Wishing school wiih ovor onco wo did it, too! Wishing school was over, dolls to drcms and comb, Dreaming with a boating heart for tlio hour of homo; lind ouoiigh of lessons; wishing, as wo did, For the onwnrd yoars of life, with their secrets hid! Wlnhlng school was ovor, childhood In Its spell, Waiting for tlio silver volco of tlls- mlsnl boll; Longing, fusfllug, fretting, for tlio doys to como No moro slntos or lossons, no moro books to thumb! Wishing school was ovor, round the world they wait, Droamlng of tlio vlowlcss realm Just beyond tlio gato; Booing burning vIbIoiis, hearing song nnd. beat Of tho life of action in the mart nnd street. Wishing school was over wo nro yishlng still, Ohf my llttlo climbers up llfo's rug god hill! Longing, hoping, trusting, for tho ponco, tho rest After all tho striving, after nil tho zost. Wishing school wiih ovor, hero wo toll, wo wait, Winged with hopes of morning nt tho nzuro gato; Soldiers, teaniBtors, stntosmen, In tho class of strife Learning still tho rhythmic A II C of nro. Wishing school wns over, hero wo sit and cry, ' ' ' Hall tho dead nlrondy, hail tho noxt to dlo! lloll'of nod's dismissal, ring nnd let us bo Dust upon tho winding rond, wraths upon tho son. doesn't even scorn to havo tempta on to do wrong Ilko tho' most of us. Somehow or other ho is in tho midst of evil like n duck In wntcr; tho evil doesn't soak In, but rolls from his bock without hurting him lit the least. This merely moral mnn takes caro of his family nnd himself; ho docs his day's work woll; ho belloves in Ood and good; ho goes to church more or less; ho pays his debts. On the whole, he ought to bo a good neighbor nnd A good citizen, and yet thuro Is this great thing lacking while ho is good, ho is not definitely nnd positively good for something. That Is, ho merely hugs his goodness to himself along with tho delusion that this is enough for him to do; he doesn't put his good ness at work outside of himself and his homo for tho benefit of others. This merely moral man has good Ideals of citizenship, but ho doesn't take part in tho fight for thoso Ideals. Ho knows thnt religion has in it something to lift men up spiritually, but ho never seeks to Interest men in religion. He knows thnt overywhoro nbout him nro sin and ovll but ho never bestirs himself to remedy them. Ho knows thnt nil u round him men, women nnd children nro suf fering for want of tho things ho has to muko him comfortable, but it doesn't enter his thoughts to help them. Ho knows thnt tho world overy whoro needs public spirited, solf-snc-rlltclng men to work for Its uplift and betterment, but ho doesn't offer himself for such service. Tim merely moral man Just crawls Into his own llttlo shell of goodness and llos thuro iih uselessly and help lessly as u clam. Ho doesn't allow things from outside to Irritate or bother him enough to produco oven nu occasional pearl as tho clam docs. Merely mural men nro of llttlo value to it community. Tho community needs and wants men who. nro possessed of n right eousness that Is active, militant, fighting to muko others nnd tho world rightoous nnd better. Oooduess to bo roally good, must bo good for something. Uellef in the good to be real be llof must be linked with doing. As tho epistle of James puts it: What doth it prollt, 'my brethren, though n man say ho hath faith, and liave not works? Can faith savo him? If a brother or sister bo linked, mil destitute of dally food, And ono of you say unto them, Depart In peace, bo yo warmed and tilled; notwithstanding yo glvo them not those things which nro needful to tho body; what doth It profit? Kvon so fnlth, if It hath not works, Is dead, being alone. Amlol snys In his Journal: "I bo Ilovo thnt ouf hlghor nature Is our truer nnturo," nnd that "tho highest Idea wo can conceive of tho principle of things will bo tho truest." That Is, think up, not down. A man's fate follows his thought. If that Is low nnd menu, so Is his life, nnd so it is, It makes no dlfferouco what tlio outward form may bo. It Is olio's duty to have high ideals, Thoy nro sure to onnoblo cio'b life. They glow In conduct nnd bfllno out in onthuslnsm, heroism, lov. prayer, They mnko tho renl man. Every man enn lunko his own life beautiful, Just .is Ood made the world beautiful by expressing Himself In it. This cannot bo attained If tlioro Is tho supremacy of low, material con colts. Tho groatost psychological fact ovor written is that of tho Blblo: "As n mnn thtnketh in his heart so Is ho." Not In his head, through his loglu and ronson, but In his heart, whoro his dreams, his longings, his Ideals aro. These mako tho man. This doctrine Is us close to life ns ' making pig Iron or moving tho crop. A man wthout Ideals Is worse than no account. Ho lives llko n beggar on n princely estate. CONFUSION OVKK .ll'DOKSIIIP. There seoms to bo somo mlsundor itnndlug among voters as to how they should vote for Judges In this Judicial district nt tlio November election. It docs not scorn to be well understood that this district now has three Judges Harris at Eu- At'iie, Hamilton nt Hoseburg, mid Coke ut Mnrshflold. Formerly this llstrlct had but two Judges HarrlB and Hamilton, but tho Inst legisla ture provided for n third Judge nnd In providing for tho third one tho law declares one shall resldo In Lnno county, one in Douglas mid the other In Coos or Curry. Now the term of two of tho threo Judges Hamilton nnd Coke has jxplred mid t'.-olr successors nro to be elected. I:i other words wo nro to Vote for two Judg.s In November. There are 4 candidate running for these placed Hamilton and Jones, Douglas, and Coke and Upton, of Coos. In order to comply with the law without creating nny confusion, voters should vote for either Jones or Hamilton for tho Douglas county por'.ton nnd fop Coko or Upton for tho Coos-Curry section. If Jones and Hamilton should both be elected It would necessltnto one of them moving to Coos or Curry county, or should Cokovaud Upton be chosen one of theso would hnvo to move to Douglas county Jones nnd Coke are Republicans, Hamilton n Demo crat and Upton an Independent If the people want two Republican Judges, they should vote for Jones and Coke. Uugetio Register. THE MERELY MORAL MAX. WE ALL know him the mere ly moral mnn. "" Ho dooan't do wrong not bo you can notice It, anyway. Ho Tho Times deslros to add to this clear and concise statement of the Judicial situation that Democrats de siring to vote for Judge Coko may do so by casting their party ticket Including Hamilton and then mark ing Judge Coko's nnmo. Give us all tho time you can In framing your pictures. Walker studio Tho Bazar will FURNISH you with any fancy apples of tiny size or vnrloty either for homo use or tor shipment to' friends. Special as sorted APPLES for ChrlstmaB gifts. XOXK nBTTER can be had. REFLECTIONS OF A STEAXWKlt. Editor Coos Bay Times: I nm a stranger. I came hero at tracted by the advantages of your section as advertised In printed mut ter sent out, newspnper items here and there, and correspondence with some of your real estate firms. The conditions, boiled down, were llxed in my mind nbout like this: "Good hnrbor, so situated us to bo necessary entrepot for largo and rich territory.' Can bo made first class nt reasonablo cost. Extensive resources In immediate vicinity. Prospects for cntiy railroad connec tion reasonably certain. Unusual growth of bay cities during last four years, IndlcnUng n spirit of hustle and confidence In tho people." Everything desired to Insure the growth of u city, with tho produc tive industries nnd commerce that imiBt center ut such n point, seemed to bo bore. Surely enough to wnr rnut an Investigation; hence my Ar rival on the scone. Everything seems to check up with tho representations mndo to mo, so far as appearances go. , Be lieving Hint, in tho lust analysis, the commercial bencllts of such re sources its you hnvo depend upon the spirit nnd hustle of tho peoplo ex ploiting them, and that tho highest opinions of n plnco may bo oxpectcd from Its representative citizens, slnco one's location In u city in dicate preference nnd civic pride, I sought confirmation ot my good im pressions from u considerable num ber of your cltlzona. I tried to meet such as I thought might be considered representative, In tho various lines, largo and Hinafl, mid among "old timers" and now comers. My faith was strengthuued by tlio majority. What of tho real? Let mo sot down, vory brlelly, n summary of the opinions handed me by "cortalu among thorn." "Harbor will never be Improved. Portland has stranglehold on tho suite mid will keep all other sec tions down." "Been hero twenty yours waiting for a railroad. None has come. Therefore, none will ever come. (Q. E. D.)" "Came hero sl- moiitlm ago on promise of railroad. Will glvo It about six months longer nnd tlion mo for the old home." "Cost ot living outrageous." "Prices of real estate out of sight. Hlghor .than In Portland!." "Port Commleslou composed at lucompotelits. Wants to ruin tlio peoplo with tuxos." "Taxes bo high It don't pay to own property huro. Caused by too much needless Improvement, extra vagant city council, etc." "Chamber of Commerce run In Interest of small clique Advertise u lot of hot air and thou havo noth ing to show when peoplo come," But why continue? Do you real Izo what dollghtful thrills run up and down tho spine of tho hopeful stranger, while picking out such truths from tho, tangle of false re port handed him by tho snnguino? It is true Hint somo degroo of Intel ligence nnd Judgment should bo supposed to exist In tho strangor, but don't you know that capital, Inrgu or small, is' the most cowardly thing In tho world? "The hills nro always green afar off," nnd when strnngors como Irto your town there is always tho tendency to go a llttlo farther. It Is easier to e.wito this tendoncy than to rope and throw Mr. Stranger, by kindness or othorwtse, and tamo him to stay with tho herd, nnd when he hears such Btatomonts ns I havo, fear, abovo reason, may put panic In his heart. Is it posslblo that there does not oxlst in your community that unity of spirit and purposo thnt is tho pride of every ambitious town aspir ing to metropolitan proportions? To borrow n religious figure, is thoro need of a wholesome nnd sweoplng baptism of graco among you, that the doubters may bo brought Into tho fold? Whatever differences there may bo on trivial points of doc trine, you must be united in support of tho cardinal articles of your fnlth, or your power is decreased. Would It be profitable to turn tho attention of the faithful to this fact, nnd ex hort them to have n enre for tho doubters, and, In the ovent or failure to mako them see tho light, to lot them know thnt thero Is Just nnd proper scorn oven among the breth ren? STRANGER. j...jj.4....M..H.A4-h'H44 IMARSHFIELD SCHOOL NEWS j 4 j..j..j....M.v-K,M44'M"r,,M Daniel Boone storlos furnish tho morning exercises in Mrs. Kutley's l'lOlll. 2-18 pupils of tho Central "building were neither abient nor lute dur ing the past month. Mrs. Geo. Shelley nnd Mrs. CVR. Flanagan wore cullers nt MIbs Rush's room this week. Grade six Is abend In tho "spoll- iImviis in grades six nun Bevou ai the South Marshlleld building. Seventh grade Btudonts nro much' Interested In History. Each student Is preparing a reference note book. Pupils out of school on account of Illness nro: Arthur Stephana, third grade; Edward Johnson, fourth grade, Marlon Horsfnll, ilrst grade. BABY FOODS umBJ-'iiu'jJuuiiLrrgrr WE HAVE A FRESH STOCK OF MELLINs FOOD, s0 ,.n.,i,itir i " ESKAYS' FOOD ...:......... NESTLES' FOOD . . . . PEPTOGENIC MILK IMPERIAL ORANUM BORDEN'S' CONDENSED MILK t I i . 91.00 axd U BOcANDMj $IJ)0 SOcCtf ROBINSON'S BARLEY. ROBINSON'S" GROATS. TAYLOR'S ARROW ROOT. A Now International Encyclopedia with 1009 Year Book has been added to tho equipment of the school. They mny bo found at tho South Marsh field building. Tho, Mnrshflold high school stu donts nnd teachers aro today enjoy ing n picnic at the Bench. The Alice 11 was chartered for the trip nnd left early with a capacity load. Along with the work In music, nnd along with the'rir? flnaaloal pro ductions, the old folk nongs do sound good, Tho pupils of somo rooms slug them ns though they thorough ly enjoyed tho dlvorsion. Elglttb Blade pupils subccrlbo for 20 o.ipti'S ol Current Events, n pn por or eurnnt topics and adapted to young people. These papors mnko Interesting current event discussion. IN FACT EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY- FItKSIl AN'DCLEl RED CROSS DRUG STORE PHOXK JI2..1. All organization to bo known n the Coos County High School Asso ciation, wnB effected nt Coqullle re cently. Tho olllcor8 for the year nro: Pros. A. G. Rttbb, North Bend; vice pros., Miss Lulu Portor, Coqullle; secretary, Prln. J, F. Grubbs, North Bend; treasurer, F. A. Tledgon, Marsh field. Pupils of grndo bIx deserve credit for tho assistance thoy have render ed In framing pictures for. their room. Three pupils of this grndo made 90 por cont nnd nbovo In nil their tests for tho first month. Tho threo pupils nro Lawrenco Hortou, Albln Lnckstrom, nnd Emit Back mnn. But three pupils ot this grndo havo been nbsent tills year. Tho following pupils nro now nr rlvnla during tlio pnst two woeks: Eugono, Aubrey nnd Orrln Stnddon from Willlnmsport, Pa.; Clinton, Bornlco, JJontrlco, and Leono Amn dort from Llvlngstono, Montana; Cnrl and Horaco Rahskopf from Spokano, Wash.; Bornlco Pntchet from Spoknne, Wash.; Hutton O'Connor from England, Hfls&l liff& wmmm vm irH l i iTsrjr ss s .a tm i n i iii.x iKmtit 7 J KajL mm MfeivoaM-'nuufJ ota Jmi v M La- I Things of special Interest in tho prlmnry department nro: First grndo number work with pog boards nlso mnt weaving; aecond grndo drawing work on booklets for October memory gems, nlso Indian vltlngo Bceno; third grndo study of Jnpaneso customs nnd tho construc tion of n Jnpnneso corner with chnlns nnd Inntorn decorations. ALOXfi THE WATKRFHOXT. I A revision of tho regulations cov ertng tho Fryo oratorical contest Is being made. A committee to do this work has been appointed, con sisting of Superintendent Wlmborly of Myrtle Point; Miss Lula Porter, Coqullle, nnd Miss Nolllo Montgom ery, Mnrshflold. Tho revisions will not bo radical owing to tho fnct that Coqullle has .won the memorial cup two years under the old regulations and In nccordanco therewith can l'eep tho cup ns her own If she wins It again this year. Tho M. F. Plant yesterday had n new nftor-houso Installed at the ship yards to replace tho ono damaged n few weeks ago by a heavy sea on tho bar. Tho Plant will sail Sunday at I o'clock for San Francisco, The Coaster wilt sail today for Rogue river with a largo cargo of freight. Tho Washcatore arrived In yester day from Bandon with a cargo of J lumber for the North Bend factories. Meet Monday NIB,t Lieut. Stone of tlio Oregon Naval Reserve, who is organizing divisions of It here, has called a meeting of prospective mem hers to bo held at tho Marshfleld Chnmbor of Commerco rooms at 7:30 Monday evening. The full details' of tho Naval Reserve will be explained. Over 100 havo signed tho preliminary membership roll. ta6C&& m AeneH and mUeeCCmm d&6ifn& Ht& fieaw Cw6 and ekit feet. ftAahif taSCeb In eotwMlad MH4-tion de&im6- n weatlb&ied od. efoffioft4&d in boCid oah fftoto p idbed tfahee to Uw 'dhaMh ' fieveCed fienvfa Mate wWMr &wf v&tk uCld oak ffiwfifo and iwt eoit tjMn 'etetfantty ufrlbo&M) atfoaetUie jo the faomz attkify tioU vttth the CilUe Uieed-, fojf f and pay a CittCe now and tken W ouhr window ioh- eoueheb. GOING & HARVEY Complete House Furnishers LEGAL NOTICE. In tho matter of tho application of tho Linn and Lane Timber Company, a Corporation, to register the Title to the SE 1-4, NW 1-4, NE 1-4 SW 1-4 and SE 1-4 SW 1-4. Section 28. Twp' 37 S R. 14 W., W. M., Oregon. William II. Morse, Ella Merrill formerly Etta Lockhart, and heirs of A, J. Moody, deceased, nil to whom It may concern: TAKE NOTICE Thnt on tho 19th dny or October, A. D 1910, nn application wna filed hy said Linn and Lane Timber Com pany, a Corporation, in the Circuit Court of Coos County, Oregon, for Initial registration of tho title of the land nbovo described. Now, unless you nppenr on or be fore the 28th day of November, A. D H10. and show cause why such ap plication Bhnll not be granted, the same will bo taken ns confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the said application, uu j on wui bo forever barred from disputing tho same. This 19th dny of October, 1910. , , JAMES WATSON, Clerk of tho Circuit Court for Coos County, Oregon. mLTako your MUXDAY DINNER at ArNDLER SPal menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTD2S by FBQNE. Sajpl ' il OIL SUPPLIES mi,. n rtnv Oil and Company under the manage" i J. W.Flanagan will contlnu to dlo the Union Oil CompW line, distillate, benzine and cw , nt their oil house across WJL,) which place they have jnotea office. ' Phono 303. ' . - uiit !" run-1 1 nvrr MaMtfleW pi' " rf, : rHE LLOYIJ notel. Au 10";,,j ml clean. Velvet and W 9lort Tery room. Four rtortei of ' w t(A I Butet reduced to- day, Mo. 'f ?",., p. w?U with nW;STO?rMi ' i iUkV UUHI"M " SS . SMITH cloak! oatlu. MRS. M. R agont for .r,,nTra a STEVENS AND SUIC DOUSE, of Cli'c0- 178 Brcdwy Jfoflh' r V (' .nSJ