Stttwa ADS. NEWS ,.t.i(i to nr,ov. All Hill (JET IT WHILE IT IS NEW HI HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS AL.j THE TIME TERSELY 1 OLD : :: :: : rri)'lV SUCCESSFUL husi- Ua iioL'SKS KVKHX w iittitu : : ! MDIBEIl OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established in 1878 isinuusiieu in joia 1lADOLlrir-i r rnr- ns The coast ainii. wlAKbHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1910 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES, a coiwoiiciniionof Timcn, cont muh 8 0b.AA'" 85. lllli . l'W9 IHIJ ilUtVIIIVlt ' DEATH PENALTY IS IMPOSED : ? flag .a pw" ' ,. - zz, .. V i wry s - m WINS FOURTH OF OlElLLODN FEAR CHOLERA WORLD'S CHiPlSRIP SERIES IS LOCATED IN NEW YORK . From St. her, New Chicago Catcher, Brings In Winning Run In Tenth Inning. OWD GOES WILD OVER LAT. VICTORY L Starts For Chicago and Brown Finishes Bender For Philadelphia. SCOHi: lY INNINGS. L'jddphla " UO 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 03 13 1 IT elco " " 10 01 0 0 0 0 1 ll 10 14 IIS; NO SCORE Portland-San Francisco Play Great Game In Latter City Friday. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., Oct. 22. B Portland nud San Francisco ployed a phenomenal tlo game In tho Coast League yesterday at Snn Francisco, neither being ablo to scoro up to tllft (Mill nt tlin fnlifdintilli Itmliiir kiiioelatcd Press to Coos Day , whcn tho gnmo ,md tQ b(j cnllcd IIIUCS.; .... ncco,m flf .tnrlMK'RB. Rim Fran. CHICAGO, III., Oct. 22. A long cc0 ...... ,om. ..... ,, orMnm, :,! by Archer, who replaced Kllng ' cBht In tho fourteen Innings. :iltd tho but for Chlcngo In tho Tho other games In tho CoaBt t .......... ....... .!.... .. ...I. crld'i Champlonsiiip series today, " ii-mmim us iuuuws: ojjht la tho winning rim In tho yh Inning. Today's. gatno was tho i:J(it (ought of tho scries and tho lod vent wild when tho winning br wa brought In ns they did ten Chicago tied tho scoro' in tho m Inning. ! wero doubled, Render to Uakor to I -Kins" Colo pitched for Chicago Davis. Stclufoldt (low out to Struuk. Aircraft Missing At Sacramento R H Sacramento G 11 Oakland 1 10 At Lob Angeles II II Vernon , 7 11 Los AngdCB 1 7 ij whl'o lender, tho Indian, llrleJ for Philadelphia, ICllug was It oat of the game entirely, batting r Cole In tho eighth Inning. In tho its, Drown replaced Colo- In tho H , Ono run. riflli Inning. Philadelphia Thomas grounded via tho Zimmerman and Chnnco route. Render singled to right. ' Strunk hunted safely. Scheeknrd nb- (The weather was inlrly good, tho sorbed Lord's fly. Collins went out i breaking through tho crisp fnll . In tho funic vicinity. No num. ik this morning when tho thormo-, Chicago Tinker fanned. Archer .ter registered 42 Tho grounds wont out on n grounder, Raker to Da- tre la fairly good condition, al- vis. Colo fanned. No runs. sough n llttlo wet in places from Sixth Inning. ttlfrday's rain. Philadelphia Rakor walked. Da- The teams go to PJilladolphlu to-, vis sacrificed him at second and was ijbt on a special train whoro thoy hlmsolf out, Colo to Chnnco. Mur- liH rl-y tomorrow, tho weather phy singled too hot for Stelnfloldt, fitting. placing Rakor on third. Raker was Manager Chnnco had tho honor of caught at tho pinto, Stelnfloldt to Ar- Agios In tho scoro that gavo Chi- chor. Hnrry wns safo on a floldor's Rfo a chanco to wlu in tho tenth choice. Thomas singled, filling tho plug. lu tho ninth, Chanco was bases. Render filed out to Schulto. .and tho Chicago fans folt rollov- No runs. II, but they almost went wild whon Chlcngo Harry captured Shock- p umpire ruled that Chanco hndjard's long drlvo. Schulto's slow :wrieiy got in front or tno bounder wont ns n lilt, uormnn pbed ball, Thon Chnnco landed i popped to Rnkor. Schulto out stenl- I' It for a thrco bagger and Schulto ing, Thomas to Collins. No runs. Louis Contest Lands In New York. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Ray Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 21. Ono of tho missing baloons, which left St. Louis Monday, has been heard from. A telegram wns received hero today from Emll Messncr, pilot of tho Swiss baloon "AsurcB" which Landed 32 miles northeast of Rlscotnslng. FIRST GAME RERE SUNDAY r In, tying tho score. Tbegamo In detail: Piritt Inning. Philadelphia Strunk out. Stoln- Nt to Chance, Lord flow out to ptkard. Collins out, Chnnco to N. ho covered first. No runs. Chicago - Sheckard .wnlked. Wiilte fanned. Sheckard stolo sec- N and scored on Hofninn's bound- ' or third. Chnnco forced Hof- t out nt second nnd wns hlmsolf Wired out at llrst because Hofmnn rferad with the throw. One run. r'y m Hot man was Dakor to Col in. Second Inning. Philadelphia Rakor slnuled. Da- tinned. Schulto look Murphy's :' Daker out stealing, Archer to r.-.o rmiB. i-Mcagozimmermaii flow out to "Hr. Stttofeldt grounded out. 'WT tO TVlvIn Tl.,l, ,nll,o,l r out stealing, Thomas to Col- -o runs. Third inning. Philadelphia Barry sent half a " tonls to various nartii of tho O&BdS. anil Mien ron ... Bfoln. WttO Chr.. m. .. We 10 Chance, rton.lot. i,nt n hnsn fU, and scored on Strunk's a third and was out, Sheckard to SWn.ldt.One run. Ultago Archer fanned. Cole Wtt,' Thomaa dropped tho ball J . w Co, out "t first. Sheck ' Eew to Strunk. No runs. Phn r""lth I,,n,"K- I Hi. -uoru mnnea. uoi iu on m. . .. u,. v;oinn3 crosseu mo e bu, wag g(nt bac) tQ thlrd un EfOUna rul03. rinvla fnnnnd. Seventh Inning. Philadelphia Strunk fanned. Ar cher droppod tho bnll but throw Strunlc out nt first. Zlnintormnn throw Lord out nt first. Hofmnn enptured Collins' fly. No runs. Chicago Chnnco out, Rondor to Davls.v Zimmerman singled to loft. Dnvls droppod Stolnfoldt's spinning foul. Stolnfeldt fanned. Zimmer man out, steallngf Thomas to Collins. No runs. .Eighth Inning. Philadelphia Raker beat out a grounder to Chanco ns Colo wns too slow In covering first. Davis walk ed. Murphy sacrificed, Chanco to Zimmerman, placing Rakor on third, Davis on second. Rrrry was hit by a pitched ball. Rases full. Dakor was forced out nt plato and Thomas doubled at first, Colo to Archer to Chanco. No runs. Chicago Tinker flow to Collins. Aa-chor out, Collins to Davis. Kllng Is batting for Colo. Raker threw low on Kllng's grounder and Kllng went ito second on tho error. Kane went to second to run for Kllng. Sheckard flew out to Lord. No runs. Ninth Inning. Philadelphia Drown Is pitching for Chicago, Dender out, Stolnfeldt to Chanco. Strunk sent a pop up but Archer ran into Drown, knocking It out of his hands. Lord forced Strunk out at second. Tinker to Zim mormnn. Collins out, Drown to Chnnco. No runs. Chicago Schulto doubled to right. Hofmnn bunted but was touched out by Davis, Schulto taking third. Schulto scored, tying tho scoro. Tho first ball pitched hit Cant. Chanco hut tho umnlro ruled that ho had "tttr and Collins scored on Mur- popped Into It. Schulto thon scored ' double Into tho inf flni.i rrmvd. 'when Chance tripled to deep contor. Tho noiso was terrific Zimmerman popped ,up to Harry. Dakor reached over "tho stand au,d captured Steln feldt's fly,. One run. , r ... ' ." Tentn innuig. Coquille and Marshfield Inde pendents Will Meet at Depot Grounds. Preparations for tho first footbnll gnmo of tho season wero completed nt noon today when tho probnblo lineups of the Marshfield and Co qulllo Independents wero secured. Tho gnmo will bo pulled oft nt tho dopot grounds In Marshfield Sunday afternoon nt 2:30. Tho Conulllo tenm Is coming over on n special train In the morning nnd It Is expect ed that they will have n big delega tion of rooters with thorn. "Wonry" Chandler hnB.beon select ed ns ono of tho ofllclnls. It Is not known who Coqulllo hns chosen ns Its official representative. Tho lineups of tho two teams nnd tho weights of tho plnyors are ns follows: Position Marshfield f b A Dlnnchnrd, 1GB rb II Rrlggs, ICG or O Morrlssoy, 185 I h Cowan, 1G0 or Knowlton, 148 Johnson, HG qunrtor Flanagan, 14G Glenn, 10G suh-qunrtor Ilollonl, 170 r g Merchant, 1G0 IlollonJ, 1G4 1 g LRlnnchnrd, 170 Nosier, 145 1 t Elrod, 1G0 Patterson sub. 1 t Chlsholm, 1G2 r t Johnson, IG8 Shoup, 150 1 o Abrnms, 1G2 Miller, 102 r o Abbott, 170 Illto, 125 sub. end S Rrlggs, 110 Health Officers of Port Decline to Let Italian Vessel , Stop There. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 22. Health of ficers decided today after considera tion of tho statement of tho ship's surgeon thnt n woman passenger on tho steamer Taormlna whoso body wns burled nt sen hnd died of chole ra. Tho steamer nrrlvcd yesterday from Genoa nnd Nnples nnd hns been declined quarantine or Inspection. stssfffrssss LEAVE TODAY 0 BREAKWATER Coqulllo Howell, 100 Collier, 178 Swnln, 1G1 Oredlng, 1G5 CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. ... V '""' l,1 ioit iiom crowu. ''. ,aned Two runs. ' eai,iT"SohttUe tfPSlod'to et. i'n- ' t ,0 tn'rd whon Hofman to?man jvgnt to oo hot for Da8. -Schulto scored 1. r - -". unan weoi io a, Hnfmni (Dy Associated Press to 'C003 Day , Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 22. Wheat clos ed as follows: December, 92 3-4; May, 99c 1-2; July, 9 Go 1-4. PORTLAND, Oct. 22. Wheat un changed. Steamship Sails This Morning For. Portland With Good Cargo. Tho Rrcakwntcr sailed this morn lug for Portland with n largo pnscou gor list. She hnd a fulr cargo of freight. Among those leaving on tho Rrcnk water wero tho following: Tom Nlcols, Tom Myrtoll, Mrs. Pearl Miller, F. S. Dow, Mrs. Emory, D, Lnngenborg, Mm. Gunn, Win. Roach, Joseph Kays, Mrs. KayB, Mrs. R. F. Wyntt, Miss Wyntt, Mrs. Tope, Eva Wyntt, Wnlkor Mooro, G. E. Horn, Mrs. Morris, J. Whor, F. Ernst, D. Grnham, J. Wnlkor, Tom Chnr voiiB, II. HlckB, II. Wllllums, F. Lang, J. Gunn, R. W. Rico, Amelia Btruf-- fort, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. J. J. Fos ter, J. J. Foster, W. O. Hownrd, F. A. Lludh, A. II. Noycs, MIsa Ella Drown, J. E. Sater, R. R. Hopkins, Mrs. J. F. AdnniB, F. Tokovec, John Rutlcdgo, Cnrl Wnlkor, Mnwolto Col llor, Ruth Collier, Mrs. Colllor, P. O. Collier, J. E. Short, Mrs. Mulloy, August Fnrloy, Mrs. M. Anderson, Victor Andorson, Joseph Anderson, Anna Andorson, W. II. Turner, Mrs. H. McLnln, Mrs. Oensllng, Miss C. Mason, M. P. Hnrnn, D, D. Mulligan, J. G. Hunch, Mrs. McGuInn, C. G. Powors, John A. McGuInn, Geo. L. Wheolor, A. M. Plnco, Mrs. A. M. Placo, Miss Ethol Tlmmons, A. R. Rohles, Mrs. A. R. Hollies, Mrs. C. P. Ilopson, Mrs, C. Mnlohorn, C. Mnlohorn, It. F. Luttroll, Harry Lut TRY TO BOY EASTJF BAY Report That Railroad Company Is Negotiating For Prop-' erty There. Win. King, who wns In from his rnhch nenr Cooston today reports that tho pcoplo of that section nro confident thnt parties who hnvo been cndcnvorlng to buy somo reaches In thnt vicinity nro representatives of a railroad company. During tho last fow dnys, strenu ous ufforts have boon mudo by cor tnln pnrtlcs to purchaso tho ranches of Mr. Rny, Mr. Smith nnd several others whero tholnnd lies low or fntrly level. Somo InBlst thnt tho negotiation J nro in behalf of tho Southern Paci fic which haB showed considerable activity during tho Inst couplo of months. American Physician Quickly Found Guilty of Wife Murder By London Jury. MAINTAINS INNOCENCE DESPITE EVIDENCE Miss Leneve Will Next Be Tried As An Accessory to the Crime. or Kruegor, 140 M Kruegor, 148 I trell, II. CI Luttroll, Mnblo Luttroll. MrB. II. C. Luttroll, Mre. S. C. Shor rnrd, Mrs. Parrott, Mrs. Ponnlson, Mra. Lovl Snyder, C. W. Parker, J. II. Flynn, Jess Dny, C. W. Young, Hugh Phillips, M. F. Kopnor, Nick Wngnor. ENGLISH PRINCE DEAD. Hi-other of Queen Mary Pusses Awny Todny. (Ry Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) LONDON, -Oct. 22. Prince Fran cis Joseph Leopold' Frederick of Teck, a brother of QneeH Mnry, died today. ,nnnnnn nrXixru foul. Davis doubled to right'. Davis was caught at thlrd.-Tlnkor to Steln feldt, Murphy being, safe on Holder's choice. Darry fanned. No runs. Chicago Tinker popped to Darry. Archer doubled Intojeft. Drown out, Darry to Davis, Archer taking third. Sheckard singled to center, scoring Archer and giving tho Chicago win ning score. Today's Lineup. Tho batting order as given In at noon was as follows: Chicago Sheckard, left; Schulto, right; Hofman, center; Chance, first; Zimmerman, second; Stelnfleldt, third; Tlnkor, short; Archor catcher; Cole, pltchor. Philadelphia Strunk, contor; Lord, loft; Collins, second; Dakor, third: Davis, first; 'Murphy, rhjh Darry, short; Thomas, catcher; Don- dor, pitcher. ' BIPLANE FALLS I WHEN? 7 I Philadelphia Xrchtck'Daker's' , W TOD SCIIIUVEK HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM FATAL IN- IS Old Resident of Coos Bay Passes Away at Mercy Hospital. of Coos Rny, died nt Mercy hospital nt 3 o'clock this uttornoon. Ho had boon ill for many months and it wob known that ho could not long sur vive. Death wns duo to a complication of Ills and old ago. Ho Ih survived by a daughter, Mrs. P. L. Pholnn of Myrtlo Point. An ndoptod sou, Rush Nnsburg, also re sides hero. Tho funoral arrangomonts hnvo not been made. WILL HANG NOVBMHEH 10. t (Ry Associated Press.) LONDON, Oct. 22. It WUB nnuounced this evening that Crlppcn will bo bunged Novcm- ber 1G. Tho trial of Ethol Clnrn Lonovo ns nssessory nftor tho fact In tho murder of MrB, Crip- 4 pen will begin next Tucsdny. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Oct. 22. Dr. Crlppcn was convicted of tho murdor of his wife nnd sentenced to death. Tho Jury wns out thirty minutes. When the Jury brought In tho ver dict, Crlppon was asked if ho had anything to sny nnd replied, "I still protest my'lnnoceucu." Addressing the condemned man, Lord Chief Justice Alvorstono said, "You hnvo ben convicted on ovi donco which enn leavo no doubt In tho mind of any rcnsounblo man that you cruelly murdered your wlfo and then mutilated tho body,., , " "I ndvlso you to entertain no hopa' thnt you will escape thojiojuequouco of your crlmo. I Imploro you to innlto your penco with tho Almighty God." ' -. . NOW IT'S THE "WEDGE SKIRTS NEWS OF MYltTLE POINT. NoU-h of tho People Reported In Tim Enterprise. Mrs. Goo, Wight of Portland, Is visiting at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lowollen. Mrs. T. Shormnn has rooponod her bnkory In tho building two blocks south of tho postoulco on Fifth street Mr. nud Mrs. Gcorgo II. Guorln left on Monday's stngo far Cnllfomla whero thoy will spend tho winter. Tho young mon of Myrtlo Point aro doing their best to organlzo a band. Anyono wishing to Join should apply to J. II. Holmes. Sam Snyder, sbn of A. II. Sny- dor of this plnco, died in Snn Fran cisco Wednesday, of pneumonia, word to that effect having been con- Ivoyed to his Myrtlo Point relatives JURIES AT HELMONT PARK j by wire. The body is to bo brought up from tho city on tho noxt boat 4 AVIATION MEET TODAY.' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day """. . Times.) DELMONT PARK, N. Y Oct. 22. j Whllo practising for tho Inter national Aviation Meet which opens this afternoon, Tod Shriver In a Dletz biplane lost control of his ma chine and fell fifty feet, smashing tho machlno and practically ruining the englno. Shriver was bruised and cut about tho face. HOW? ' ' T.TJV FHVT COATS, Tailored Suits and ono plece dresses. At tho LADIES' EM POIUUM. HALLOWE'EN HALL. Tho Firemen aro planning to make tholr Hallowe'en masquorado on Saturday night, tljo 29th, tho event of the season. Genororis. prizes aro. offered tp couples who will partl- and intermont is to tako placo at Norway cemetery. Captain Panter brought up from Rocky Point Wednesday evening his new river boat, tho Dora, which has been building there this summer. Tho now boat contains tho machin ery formerly used on tho Echo, but tho now boat Is larger and bottor In every way than tho Echo, and will bo a valuablo aid to tho river traffic between this point and tho lower rivor, Captain Pantor Is also ar ranging for tho bettor handling of freight. A now hoist has boon In stalled at Coqulllo nnd anothor hoist Is on tho ground to bo Installed at this end of tho routo. Ha has now two now boats and with tho now hoists will nfford lino conveniences for tho handling of tho rivor business. WIIY? -n- V Shnped Opening In Purls Garment Give GlhupM'H of Stocking. PARIS, Oct. 21. Paris' latest fashion wrinkle Is tho wodgo skirt, successor to tho hobble skirt, which It rosombles. Its most striking fon turo, which gives It tho nnmo, Is n "V" shaped opening in front. Although tho skirt Is nnrrow at tho bottom, this wedgo nllows tho wenror to walk with campari Ivs oobo. Tho opening can bo mado largo or small, according to tho tnsto of tho woaror. It Is n combination of tho hobblo skirt nnd tho sheath skirt, which cnuscd so much stir, but had only n short vogua hero. Ab tho woaror stops Into n carrlago or on a car sho Is likely to afford something moro than a gllmpso of her dainty shoo nnd stocking. NEW KLECTRIO PLANT. Moro Jiih'o to bo Furnished to Myrtlo Point. Owing to a lack of about halt a mllo of hoavy copper wlro for tho main powor lino, tho electric lights wero not turned on last week us had boon expected, but it Is expected to givo servico' In a fow days ' moro. Thoso who hnvo vUlted tho new plant say that It Is very finely equip ped and it IB expocted that excellent servico will be given. Myrtlo Point will not got its full service for about a month more, because two largo transformers, to bo used on this end of the line have not been received. Ono of theso Is to step the current up to 0,000 volts at the Coqulllo end, nnd tho othor at this end will reduco It to 2,300 volts Just outside of town, thus bringing sufficient power to town for nil purposes. Myrtlo Point Entorprlso, SHOULD WE? COATS, Tallorod Suits and ono pleco drosses. At tho LADIES' EMPORIUM. , clplteMMyrtte Point 'Interprlce, . 4 'TFTii:: ', Tnko your SUNDAY DINNEH at TJio CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by, PHONE. -.M.H in and Zimmerman jri-J t ej aA t .-