THE COOS BAY, TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1 910-EVEHIMG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES Entered at the pustofflco at Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mall matter. Address all communications to coos bay daily times, Mnrsliflcld :: it :: :: Oregon M. C. MALONEY Editor mid Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor An Independent Republican nows papor published overy ovonlng excopt Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos liny Times Publhlilnjr Co. Dedicated to tho sorvlco of the pooplo, that no good cause shnll lack a champion, nnd that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day Times ropreicnts u consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall nnd Tho Coos Bay Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day nnd Tho Coos Day Times Is Its lmmodhtto suc cessor. SUBSCRIPT IOX KATES. DAILY. Ono year $C.OO For month , GO When paid strictly In advanco the subscription price of tho Coos Day Times Is ?G.OO per year or $2. GO for six months. WEEKLY. Ono year Jl.SO Official Paper of Coos County. orriciAD paper or the cm OP MARSH PI ELD. IIHPURLICAX STATE AXD COUNTY TICKET Kop. In Congress 1st Dlst. W. 0. HAWLEY. Marlon County Governor JAY UOWERMAN, Gilliam County Secretary of Stnto P. W. DENSON, DouglaR County Stato Treasurer THOMAS D. KAY, Marlon County Justlco of Supremo Court Four Year Torm HENItY J. DEAN, Umatilla County THOMAS A. McDItlDE, Clacknmas County Justlco of Supromo Court Six Year Torm GEO. It. 11URNETT, Marlon County FRANK A. MOORR, Columbia County Attorney Gonornl A. M. CRAWFORD, Douglnfl County Supt. of Public Instructlom L. R. ALDERMAN, Lnno County Stato Printer WILLIS S. DUNIWAY, Multnamnh County Com. of Lnbor and Statistics O. P. IIOPP, Multnnmnh County Railroad Commissioner PRANK J. MILLER, Linn County Stnto Engineer JOHN H. LEWIS, Mnrlon County Water Commlsulonor 1st Dlst, JAMES T. CHINNOCK, ' Mtiltnomnh County Circuit Judges JOHN S. COKE, Coos County DENJ. P. JONES, DouglaR County Rep. Coos and Curry County S. P. PIERCE, Coos County Rop. Gth Dlst. ED RACKLEFP, Coos County County Judge Cooa County E. A. ANDERSON, Coos County Sheriff Coos County JOHN YOAKAM, Coos County Clork Cooa County JAMES WATSON, Coos County Treasurer Cooa County T. m; DIMMICK Coos County Survoyor Cooa County A. N. GOULD, Coos County Coroner Cooa County Dr. .R. E. GOLDEN, Coos County Commissioner Cops County GEO. J. ARMSTRONG, Coos County Justlco of tho Poaco C. L. PENNOCK of Marshflold LEADERS VS. DOSSES. AT THE Now York Republican convention hold at Saratoga re cently Thoodoro Roosevelt gavo expression to a sentiment that de serves repetition In every town In l the union. "The leader leads, tho boss drlvc3. Tho leader holds his plnco by tiring tho conscience and appealing to tho reason of his follow men, nnd tho boss holds his plnco by crooked and under handed manipulation." This declaration wns mado by Roosevelt when ho was ongagod In llfo nnd death battlo with tho "old guard." Tho old contingent was con trolled by bosscn. Roosovolt Is n lender and his leadership was sufll clent to overthrow tho polltlcnl ma chinery of tho Republican party In the umpire state. Commenting recently upon Rooso volt's uttornnco nnd Its wldo signifi cance the Spokesmnn-Rovlow snld: "Tho boss drives from his scat of crooked and underhanded manipula tion, tho lender loads from tho (lam ing chnrlot of onllghtonod principles and sincere devotion to tho cnuso of mnn. "It Is the clonvngo of tho forces of light and dnrkness In tho polltlcnl life of America today, and It wns no more apparent In that hall In Sara toga than It Is in overy political gath ering In tho United States. "Thoro are In fact tho two domi nant parties in tho country today. Doss Woodruff nnd Doss Dnrnes nnd "Hot-Shot" Grubcr, who Btood boforo that blast of censuro, woro more dis tantly removed politically from Col onel Roosevelt nnd his followers than tunny tucmbors of tho Democratic or peoples or Independent parties who, though differing on some minor poli tical dotallB, 'ngreo with Colonol Roosevelt on the basic principles of uncompromising honesty nnd fair dealing. "Two very otmplo words, In fact, right and wrong, doflno tho dif ferences, between tho main political beliefs of today; nnd In a happy phrase Mr. Hooi.evolt struck this as tho key note of tho occasion. Tho boss drives for his RolDsh Interests, the lender lends for tho Interest of his fcllowmcn." X WITH THE t I TOAST AND TEA ! (JOOD EVENING. , t Where thoro Is much proton- slon, much 'hns been borrowed. Nnturo never protends. Lava- tor. WHY NOT YOU? If I woro a voice, a porsuaHlvo voice, Thnt could travel tho wldo world through, I would lly on tho beams nt the morning light, And speak to men with 'a gentle might, And toll them to bo truo, I would fly, I would lly ovor land and sen, Wherever a human heart' might bo, Telling n tale or singing a song, In prnlso of tho right, in blnmo of tho wrong. If I woro a volco, a consoling volco, I'd lly on tho wings of tho nlr; Tho hoinofj of sorrow nnd guilt I'd seek, And calm and truthful words I'd spenk, To snvo them from dospnlr. I would lly, I would lly o'er tho crowded town, And fly like n hnppy sunlight down, 'nto tho henrts of s'lfforlug mon, And teach them to look up again. If I were a voL-9, an 'mtnortal valco, I would, lly the earth around; And whoever man unto orror bowed I'd publish In tones both long and loud, Tho truth's most Joyful sound, I would fly, I would fly on tho wings of dny, Proclaiming poaco on my world-wide way, Ridding tho Bnddeued ones rojojco, It I woro n volco, nu Ijnmorjnl vojeo. Charles Mackay. TO THE VOTERS OF COOS COUNTY I am a cnndldnto for Coroner of Coos county, running strictly ns an Independent, nnd will appreciate any support that Is given mo. If elected l promise a faithful, honest nnd econ omical administration of tho duties of tho ofllce. W. E. DUNG AN. (Paid advortlsoment.) For the Ambitions-- 3 ntoerril? v&oucaiion by nail for ttiota who cannot attend In ivtoa, All wuruciiun, iticiuainj ouu eiauiliulnu. ia FUEU. For U'ich-r ttutUnU preparing (or college or uulrerl; t y, mou'Ii'i club, grans, eng'nwra and bom raakrra. No preliminary naxulna Uoo It twiulrtx). ThU wall court mcana opportunity tot you. Scut for a dortjttr bulletin to th f Di CorrPouB Stud Ifcrpartmaii1 DnlTarsltr of Oraa-an Ktusna - - - OrmtH CARD OP THANKS. Wo wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the neighbors nnd friends for their kindness and sympathy shown us on accouut, of tho loss of our boloved one, Mnt.-Fred Barnard. Wo particularly wlsji to thank the barbers pfMnrshflo)a and North Bend for their kindness. . Fred Unrnnrd, J. C, Hnynes, Frank Hnyncs, Dado tlalnes, Herbert Hnynes, Mrs. J. M. Arrlngton, Mrs. Dick Noblo nnd Mrs. Ed. Mm coy. NOTICE. Story hour tomorrow nt tho Libra ry for tho older children; Tho hour will bo devoted entirely to two good stories. Come and hear them. HALLO E'EN Will soon bo hero nnd you hnd better 5ht in and get all tho fun out f :t thnt you can. None nro too old to get a hearty laugh or Innocent "senro" out of our novelties. We havo Wiggling Noso lnntems, Jnck 0' Inn terns, Blnck Cat lanterns, Foxy Grandpa lanterns, Pumkln-Hond lnn tems, Candles nnd in fact nil the up-to-dato Hallowe'en novoltlcc. Prices nro vory low. Just look nt our window. COOS BAY CASH STORE GEO. X. BOLT, Manngcr. Front Street, Mnrshflcld. Fresh Goods Wo havo a flno lino of fresh fruit nnd vegetables for Saturday orders. GIvo us your order early and wo will too thnt delivery Is prompt. Here nro soino of them: Celery, . Cantaloupe, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, KeetH, KutulmguH, Turnips, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkins, Corn, Ripe Tomatoes, Given Tomatoes, I Green Poppern, Pouches, Dimming, Grapes, ' Apples, Oranges, Dntionns, Quinces, Black Huckleberries, Black mill White Figs. Etrn fancy Honey In frame). GOOK'S CROCERY 4TH AND CENTRAL. PHONE ISO, 1 1 1 CENTRAL AVE. Good Evening! HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forget that this Is THE laundry whoro you get tho best work, and prices aro In ovory ono'a roach. Call up and ono of tho driv ers will cnll and explain all details to you. All tolophono calls nro quickly attended to, because wo aro running wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT ISFACTION. .MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY, 'fouxejr Bros., Prop, Phono 2DJ. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo have secured thcllvory busi ness of L. II. Hclsnor and are pro pared to render excollout servlco to tho people of Coos Bay.' Careful drlvors, good rigs and overythlng thnt will nqan(satl8tactory servlco to the public. Phono us for a driving horso, n rig or anything needed lr tho livery lino. Wo also do ,n trucking business of all kinds, ltlniichiml, Itezlu & Blauchnrtl Livery, Food uml Sales Service, HI First nnd Alder Streets. Phono 13S-J 4sSs4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TMt. J. AV. INGRAM', Physician mid Surgeon. Ouiee 208200 Coos Building. Phones Office 1621; Residence 1622 J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. office tfver Flanagan & Bennett Ban Mnrshflefd, """ Orogon YM. S. TURPEN, "VV Ar-Milftv't. Oror Chamber of Commerce. Gosh, but that f ; ' b-oA 1'ASi'loois9oJ3e.'&cM0c4l- Tolophono 178 nnd ask for tho Now BubIiiosb Department. THE COOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Winter is Coming ON, WHEN YOU WILL NEED MORE LIGHT. OUlt FIXTURES ARE GO 1XG FAST AT FROM TEX TO WENTY PER CENT LOWER THAN MANUFACTURING PRICES. THIS IS A SNAP FOR SOMEONE THAT HAS THE MONEY. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage PHONE 237-J. NEW LIVERY Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful driver aro now at tho dis posal of tho Coos Dny public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with dnvors ready for any trip nnywhoro any time. Horse; boarded and rigs cared for. Now hcarso and spcclnl accommo dations provided for funoral parties W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables South Broadway, Marshlloli' Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Murshlleld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated nnd newly furnished. Rooms rnnnnn. able, by day, week or month. Mrs. j. h. O'DONNELL, Prop. G. W. Dungan Undertaker Marshflold, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South tltl St.. Telephone, Day or Night, 103-J. taaJ3CiitiB32lJaai HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has been re modelled and improved and Is under uew manngoment. Special accommo dations for stage passengers and for people desiring a rest at the seashore. "You'll Llko tho Place." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE. I havo Bomo of tho best buys on tho Bay. Can nrrango easy terms. Houses and buildings for rent. AUGUST FIUZEEN, 08 Central Ave. Marshfleld, Ore, Havo your Job printing done at Tho Time- office. Light Makes These Words Stand Out Plain. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE first Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS BAY, MARSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and dlscouuts . . . .$12u",G10.9S Capital stock paid !n...JlCMHH Ovordrnfts 254.80 Surplus and undivided nonds nnd BPeurltloM 20 000.10 profits MINI BnnklUK houso. furalturo and Uiiurea GG.S'-U.GO Cash on hand and duo from banks S2.9GS.51 Total 1203,651.01 Total f.JJ.Hlll i Wo Invito your attention to tho shown by tho sworn uattoment, to-wlt: Cnsh rosorvo 3 por cent of depotlu Rosorvo required by law 15 per cent of depoiSi Recorvo in excess of logal requirements 28 por cent of depoilti OFFICERS AMI DIRECTORS JOHN 8. COKE, President. ' JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTAC1CEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY ICREITZER, Cashier. W. 8. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. C. W. TOWER. M. C. HORTON. Vice President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL HANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. T THE FIRST NATIONALBANK I OF COOS BAY 7 STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK. f Wrlla Fargo Nevada NnfJonul lUuk. San FrancUco, CaL ? Draw: iTh Ul,,teU 8,fl,ea NUobji1 Uuuk, Portland, Or. O n . ) Tho Nttoimi Pnrk Dank, New York, N. Y. I, Ura,ts ) The Corn ExcliniiRe National Bank, Chicago, 111. OQ The Batik of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonnals, Paris, Franco. , In addition wo draw drafts on all princlpat banking eentri n Europe, ABla, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Central i Gouth America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to eheet ? Certlflcntes of Deposits Issued. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. FLANAGAN & DENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Bank In Cooa County, Established In 188. Paid up Capital mid Surpbis. K0,O00.OO. Assets Ovor Half Million Dollars. hs nlti Does a general banking business and draws drafts on tm -,ii - r.. ." -. . .. ' nana. f. ' ui viu'iiuruiu, san r rancisco, uai.; nanover nM-' w Rote First National Bank, Portlind, Ore : First National -an!j ' u,j. burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, b Also sells exchange ou all of the principal cities oi -ur''T gli Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to cnee deposit lock boxes for rent. . ... OFFICEHS: , . . 'l . w. BENNETT. Prtldent, J. H. FLANAaAN,V..Prea, INTEREST PAID ON TI.ME DEPOSITS. noOff' STEAMBI BREAKWATER Sails h-oin Alnsworth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. evcrJ' TofsdJl' Snlh, from Coos Bay every Sattnday nt service of time. Reservation will not be held later than Friday noon, unless tickets are I'urcl W. F. MUler, Agt,. 2525253 -T31T3CJC-J Cn Pn en r-ir-., Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Pbone 3131. Dopositi 1SI.SII4 strong condition of thli bink n K. F..WILLIAMS, Lasi"- GEO. E. MNCHE8TER. A-U w- ... ieJ. Phone Mam j g &S1S8& ,,r.r-nr-5r-lC-jePIL52S2?HSt!- HOME LANU .. faMk A ..... na C" See us for intesnaw- a Bay. Waguarteaowp be our price. f V- Phone 741. j r . -i.