THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910 EVENING EDITION. ii llTJ 'WiLiijii m i i i p , RSiiSWiffi 4lo3AntSJrT PyTrCVi SiVpl .MlixiiiiW??!7???TTl pifflHMHMia KSMDM. rV'JS, Wl Me m m - m ria m n&a: 9 &! Cs? octoiieu ygj A I SMW Wl' J .1 ::t::::tt:t::mm::t::::tum:um:utr Personal Notes ! s:::::::m:::m:j:mm::mi:mm:m:w: w WkSxJt I 15 Iwffl All broken Lines of Men s AI1 Wool Suits on Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this weeL 33 1-3 Pr. Cent Disc't. We have about One Hundred and Fifty of these Odd Suits, ranging in price from $ 1 2.50 to $25.00 -Not all sizes in all patterns but all sizes in some patterns-and we have determined to Close Them Out at a Sacrifice A glance at our Store, will con vince you that we need the room High water A.M. P.M. " Thursday 20 1:17 8.0 1S04 9.7 Friday... 21 2:08 7.C 1:45 0,6 Saturday 22 3:05 7.0 2:30 9.2 sunday 23 4:12 q.g 3:22 8.7 October Low water A. M, Ivm" Thursday 20 C:59 2.0 7:441- 1.0 Friday... 21 7:39 2.5 8:3G 1.0 Saturday 22 S:27 3.1 9:37 0.7 Sl'NDAY 23 9:25 3,1 10:37 0.3 TOM NICOLS will leave Saturday for Portland on business. QUO. E. PEOPLES of Coqullle, Is In Mnrshfleld on business. been visiting a brother at Vancouver. 10D. ERICKSON returned toda from n tbreo mouths visit In Minneapolis MRS. T. It. ROOKE of North Bond, was u Mnrahflold visitor today. MRS. F. W. LEI2FE, whoso husband will huvo supervision of tho work of tho dredge Oregon on Coos Day, arrived hero toddy from Tho Dal les and Portland to Join her husband. , THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) , OREGON Fair tonight and Friday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- FORT. ' P For twenty-four hours nndlnir nt 4:43 p.m., Oct. 19,' by Mrs. Mlngus, special government mo- tcorologlcnl observer: Maximum 70 Minimum 43 At 4:43 p.m CI Precipitation nono Wind Northwest; clear. . ROBERT MAUSDEN, Sr., returned today from n business trip to Portland. W. SNEDDON left today for Rlvcr ton whoro ho will remain for n month or so. MRS. G. It. GULOVSON nnd children arrived hero today from Portland to visit relatives. F. S. DOW will leave Saturday for Portland and other northern points on business. MItS. V. D. PIPEU, of North Coos River, returned today from a throo weeks visit with her sister In Ro seburg. Sho reports a most on Joynblo trip, but was glad to got back to Coos Day and its enjoyable cllmato. C. F. McKNIGHT returned today from n trip to Portland nnd WHla metto Valley points. .1. II. nitlDGES expects lenves today for Portland ami other northern points on business. 'Mill-to-Man Clothiers" WOOLEN MIX STORE " Marshficld on. UbI ml Ti'ii 'rn fc2JBwiM ff .,,... JJ Vl Yvtir Service Tonight. Rov. J. Rlchnrd Olson will conduct services tonight nt the Hunker Hill school In both Eng lish and Swedish. Files Nomination. W. E. Dungnn has filed petition ob nn Indopcndont rnudldnto for coroner of Coos Coun ty and his nanio will appear on tho ballots nt tho November olcctlon. MISS MAMIE GULOVSON hns re turned horn a short visit with relatives In Portlnnd. RODERT MAUSDEN, Sr returned this morning from nn extended trip through tho Wlllnmetto Vnlley towns nnd other portions of Cen tral Oregon. Ho also visited Medford whoro ho called on W. F. Unu, formerly of Mnrshflold, who Is conducting tho leading hotel nnd Is very prosperous. , C. C. GOING loft this nftornoon by nuto for Portlnnd whoro ho hns boon summoned ns n wit ness ngnlnst Mr. Crawford, tho for mer Mnrshflold lnwyor, who Is to bo tried In, federal court thoro for representing hlmsolf to bo a fed eral olflcer. Tom Nlcolfl and Georgo Wheeler havo also been summoned ns" witnesses ngnlnst Crawford. MItS. OLIVIA EDMAN has gono to Pnrkorsburg where sho will visit for a couple of weokB. MRS. CONDIE of Pnrkorsburg Is In Mnrshflcld visiting friends nnd looking nfter business mnttors. GET FIVE YEARS. In The Busy Corner Says III .!.. I II Mil ADVICE IS LIKE CASTOR OIL EASY TO GIVE HUT HARD TO TAKE. TH'S IS NOT APPLIED TO CO-JELLA CO-JELLA IS CASTOR OI ti SOLIDIFIED TO THE CONSIS TENCY OF JELLY, FLAVORED WITH ORANGE AND TASTES JUST AS GOOD. WHEN GIVEN TO CHILDREN MAY BE SPREAD UPON imEAD. ONCE TRIED, NEVER DENIED. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT. " piudiriw CENTS. FOR SALE AT THE IIUSY CORNER. PHONE 208. Lockhari; -Parsons Drug Co. "Tho Rxsv Corner" ' .Ma'rsiifleia, " " " Oregon In Relented. Tho night clerk at tho Chandler, who caused somo ruc tion yesterday, was released this morning by Mnrshnl Cartor on tho promise of good behavior. Through an error his name wnB given ns Mc Laughlin yesterday whon It should havo been Woods. WANTED Hoy nt Stuffotd'H. FOR SALE Good rooming house, must, sell on 'account of sickness. Easy tonus. P. O.' Uox 435. FOR SALE SUtyllv'o good laying hons, must bo sold ht onco. A rare bnrgaln. Apply Immediately at Ketchain's second hnfod store, Hreakwator building, Marshflold, Ore. AhUt ' H f a. 'VVKSSHHR.Ieudliii; I d OUT T l(onoer IlunUvitrojC'or r i-j Afi y gJK, Fall Spraying I ri The season Is now at hand for fall spraying, and all tho fruit growers that expect to market your fruit next season must Bpray now, wo havo tho material. i Llmo Spmy Pumps und Hs Spray Sulphur Siimy Spmy Spray N'o Mntorlnl Pioneer Hardware Co Isrdare Stro fe -( ' i h if ft Want Ad will sell it forj-Ou 1 1; ite k jK v PEJISOXAI Will the person who railed nt tho Cold Storngo olllco Monday, Oct. 17, between the hours of 10 nnd 11:30 n.m., kindly roturn tho umbrolla they took. FOR RENT A sunny front room furnished for two, with or with ' out boon, at 5f5 Droad'way, "cor nor EIrod. WANTED lly first class cook, iosl. (Ion nt camp or hotel restaurant. Room 1 ovbr(ftmo8v 'office. FOR SAtiE-Automou'lio, .cylinder, 40-horso power, 5-passenger, fully equipped with acotyleho headlights, gabrlol horn, tODt,etc. Cost now 3000. Will Bell for eash or ex. change for real estate at a bargal Only ?800. Apply, to Dr, J, T. McCormac. FOR SALE New Ilalu wngon, Call fornla bed; 3 1-4 Skein. Phone 49X OMrlnN Ix'nvt. Trnlllc Manngor Miller nnd II. E. Lounsbury, district freight agent, of tho Southorn Pncl flc who hnvo beon looking over this section, loft today via Gardiner nnd Floronco for homo. They did' not glvo out any information concerning tholr findings horo. Mr. Lounsbury luis Just beon ndvnuced to assistant gonornl freight agent of tho South ern Pacific and O. R. & N. MISS MAMIE MAHONEY returned todny from n fow weeks' visit with' frlondB nnd rolntlvoa In Portlnnd nnd vicinity. It. LACKSTROM, who has beon spending n few months In Portlnnd nnd other northorn cities, nrrlved homo today. CANDIDATE FOR CLERK.- Thomas Williams, of Gardiner, hns filed n petition with tho county clork requesting Mint his nnmo bo printed on tlu) ballot as an Independent can didates for Justice of the peaco of tho Gardiner precinct. Affixed to tho petition nro tho nexessary number of Blcnaturos. Rosoburg News. Wo have Just received tho largest shipment of stump blasting powder that has ever coino to Mnrshflold. Those who, nro In need of this should call nnd boo us, Our price Is right. Mnrshflold Hardware Compnny, Phono D. L. Foote nt Blanco ho tel, bt llob'd Billiard Parlor.' MRS. 0. A. DENNETT nnd Mrs. It. K. Ilooth hnvo Issued Invitations for hrldgo Thursday nftornoon, October 27. .IAS IIOONE loft Inst night for Mc Klnlcy whore ho will visit for n week or so with Walter Lawhomo nnd hunt some big gnme. MRS. LEVI SN'YDER, who wns called to Coqullle by tho death of it rela tive Is oxpectcd hero tomorrow on routo to her homo In Portland. Roseburg Auto Thieves, Caught Marxhileld, Sentenced. HOSEUURG, Ore., Oct. 20. Ralph Casey and Chick Wright alleged au tomobile thieves, who woro recent ly convicted of stealing a red run- nmount belonging to the Hnrdlng Land Compnny, wore sentenced to 5 years each In the stnte penitentiary by Judge Coko In tho circuit court. Neither of tho men appeared Affected by tho sentence, nnd smiled ns they wore led from tho court room. . 11UILDING AT MYRTLE POINT. RODERT MACGENN. a son of Cnpt. T. J. Mncgonn of tho Ilrenkwnter, nrrlved horo today from Portlnnd. Ho expects to mnko his homo horo. iFOR RENT Small furnished cot- I tago. 749 So. Fourth St. Phono 147-JV ' ' ' FOR RENT Slv-room flnf,' irnrtl) , furnished, hath and ruodorn cote venlonces. Finest location In Marshflo'd. Apply to Robort Mars. I .Tan C. . " ' UUM, t WANTJ'I) Woman to do housework by-tho-day.- Mrs. Fannlo O'Don-. noil at Droakwator hotel, North l'rorit street, FOR SALE A two-horse electric motor, small rentrlfugal pump and 300 gallon iron tank. Saino can bo seen by applying to mo at North Bond. C. F. McCuHom. FOR SALF Retail buMness profit on business, fovonty-flvo dollars per month. Address P.O. box 512. WANTED. Carrier boys to deliver The Times; must be at least ln( fourth, grado at school. Inquire ay Times office. ' ,inc t.LVJiu IJo , A furnlture rcw ml clcHii Velvet and Amlnltlor carpt In fr p'oin Ko'Jr torl ol tolM romfnrt R'e ml'i'ol to dty.SOo, 7Vand ll.OOi week, 2.00 o tyM. Alo ilcw Imiuckevi'lnt; aptttt iiientf wit- nttinnei,,4UJi perntnntli , free tatlii. -Take tA)..t 1rot, Mr Hrldvea ' Plop THE ROYAL TONIGHT "THE ROMANY WIFE" (A Gypsy romance with boautlful scenery.) "THE TRAMP" (Comedy) "THE ARTISAN" (A drama.) Others to make a full '3000 feet of . "" fl'np' iJIqtt'res-. ' ; "" " .Many Now Hlnicturt's Erected There Thin Venr. MYRTLE POINT, Ore, Oct. 20. Quito a number of now houses nro being orectod In Myrtlo Point nnd vlcliflty. Tho Dement rcaldonco which Is ono of tho handsomest In tho county Is nearly completed, Dan Uollou, who recently routed his largo cattlo ranch to California cnt tlo men, Is building n tine residence nt tho edgo of town. A numbor of other now houses hnvo boon orectod In town nnd sovoralnowhousoscstnb llshod on tho Rosoburg stago road, oxtendlng tho built up area of tho city considerably. A now sowor sys tem Is also being built' In' Myrtle Point. QUARltEL OVElfwOMAN. i t Assailant of Stanley Ketchell Given EvriiK4i For Crime. SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Oct. 20. Walter A. Murtz, who shot npd kill ed 8tanIoy Ketqliot, va captured nt tho home of Thomas Haggard, ona mile from Niagara, Mo. Hurtr waB takon to tho Wobstor county Jail at Marshflold, whoro 1)0 is being closoly guarded. Kurtz, In telling tho story of tho shooting, asserted that Ketchol mndo Insulting remarks to Ooldlo Smith, n cook employed nt the farm. Ho said words passed hotweon Ketchol and hlmsolf nnd hq thon domnndod that tho pugilist throw up his hands, Whon tho champion refused to do this Hurtz doclarod ho was so fright oped, knowing Ketchol carrlod n ro volvor, that ho flrod, aqd without fully ronllzl'ng what ho had dono, fled, Local officers assort that Kotchol's II. DBWART, a formor Unlvorsity of slayer admlttod that his real name Mlnnosota man, but Is now om- wnl Wnltor DIplo'y; thai his homo ployod as a reporter on tho Now j waB a VeHh. Cltyt JIjp., and tha4i9 . York Tribune, .arrlvpd horo today was n doso'rtor front, the. United w to look this section over. Ho has Slates' army. i. ------ ----!--' AUG. FARLEY will lonvo Saturday for northern points In hopo of get ting rollof front tho rheumatism which has boon bothering him for somo tlmo. CHAS. B. 8ELUY nnd wlfo nrrlved homo on tho Brenkwator today. Mrs. Solby has spent tho summer with rolatlves In Oklahoma and Phlladolphla. M. E. MAGUIRE nnd family loft On tho stngo today for Rosoburg. Mr. Magulro has disposed of his trans fer business horo and oxpects to sook a now location. MIL. LANE, who Is now employed nt tho Gardlnor mill jutBsod through horo on routo homo last night from Coqullle whoro ho -was callod by tho lllnoss of his llttlo daughtor. -p-tt-jp-tV-n-fl'rtl-ar-H-a-s a i a a tv a i 3 t 3 i ?' k a t a i 11 a ? f' n t U JJAW ( i f.ii VL "7. GOING SOME! ' T Sperry's Best Drifted Snow FLOUR. t 4 AJlEirt-CIass Qrocers Have It. I i M I t f I I V ft- I . n t a i n i 9 i 1 n i ? n i M i WANTED engagements for my new, uaaiuac auto, win mno paBsen- Jti. -. j i. 1n rLWJ e O a gers any place. Prompt service. ' AtftousioH, Adults lUc, Ihndren 5cj--al-a-n--fj-u--RK-H- K--K-n--n -H-8-tt-W---