"JHUPWfi'P''1 -ivrm$im'mw " "f"i"'!T'ri"F r t -r . ifw jTf R n i a i H I n i a i a i 1 a i 1 2HE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1910 EVENING EDITION. PIl'Silrajra!ISl 501 await KJ ' pdi 1MIMt11I111I!I1) LKj fcU- ufcatt BWtty g" J& A rSiy High water j A. M. p. M. S giJw41 Wed'd'y. 10 0:27 8.31 0:251 575 F.J . ky -w Thursday 2(1 117 sn iiu 07 hk'J "V'yJKJ Prllln'- 21 2508 7.0 1:40 9,0 M'c Aff jJSa SUNDAY 55 :12 Q.5 3:'22 8.1 Wifl Y7T C..i. . Of Tf iSfcJ Low w,,tor C1vmUU ttt; . . . . i wur.ir'i - ' 1 liUrSOaVt UESfl Wcd'dV. 19 C:10 l.G G:BC 0.3 - mursuay u u:ou .u :-ii -l.ui iVQ Friday... 21 7:39 2.(5 8:30 1.0 VAfo4 Saturday 22 8:27 3.1 9:370.7 . fMk SUNDAY 23 9:25 3.110:370.3 sure of election as there Is a Ropub llcan majority of nearly 5,000 in the district. This Is his ill at visit to Coos Hay and ho was greatly pleased with tills section. .Pmjer Mi-etlug. The regular prnjer meeting of the Paptlst church w 111 ho held tomorrow, Thursday eve ning, at 7:30 p. m. A cordial Invita tion is extended to UU. Air. l'ntchet will load. North Benl News Capt. ndgar Simpson left today for San Fianclsco qii Business. Mrs. 11. r. Ross of Rosa' Inlet, U 111 at her home. I lJI All broken Lines of Wool Suits on Sale Friday and Saturday of this week .33 1-3 Pr. Cent Disc't. We have about One Hundred and Fifty of these Odd Suits, ranging in price from $ 1 2.50 to $25.00 -Not all sizes in all patterns but all sizes in some patterns-and we have determined to Close Them Out at a Sacrifice A glance at our Stote will con vince you that we need the room Till: WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and Thursday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. he- Iffl For twenty-four hours ending at IH3 p.m., Oct. IS, by Mrs. MlngiiB, special government moteorologlcnl observer: Maximum 07 Minimum 40 At 1:13 p.m 57 Precipitation 01 Wind Northwest; clear. CmiofM Trouble. Night Clerk McLaughlin at tho Chandler started to stir up trouble there this forenoon and Marshal Carter was called In to satisfy him. Ho was still recnlcltrnnt and tho latter had to use a little "porsunder." McLaughlin Is In the city Jail to sober. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Magulro and children of Broadway Mnrshflold, will leave this evening for Montana. Find Whcelei. Consldernblo alarm waB caused Inst night and this morning by tho leport thnl Gcorgo Wheeler, owner of tho launch Travel ler, hnd fallen into tho Pay nml was drowned. After n long search, ho was found In ono of tho "lloat houses" on tho wntorfront whero ho wns drying out, having been rescued by ono of tho occupnnts of tho "ilont Ing addition." Ho wns uninjured. Tho schooner Encoro Is at Old North Pond finishing taking on her cargo of lumbor. Mrs. Herbert Lockhnrt and llttlo daughter, Louisa, of Marshflold, wero North Pond visitors today. .t::m:m:mmmmtm:m:mmmm:m: Porcinal Nnfje . WVAUt A1UIA.O . :nj:im:tJtt:::m::::njj::::tmt:j:jj Mr. J. J. Bums of North Bond, who has been at Denver Hill for somo time, was a business visitor In Marsh flold today. Mill-to-Man Clothiers" WOOLEN MLL STORE Marshfield Oregon. V"I ?gfg;i ... ,- ,..' !' uiiu. ii ii . .,. IriJRj .: " i i mi '' t1 I 7" T" o'" "! !y v , i (jmmm: On Xfnport. Capt. Levi Snyder is now running as mato on tho New port which Is plying botweon Pan don and Marshflold. DP. WALTEP CULIN of Coqullle, Is I a Marshflold visitor today. JOHN PJUPPECIC of North Pond, wns In Marshflold today. Friday evening, October 21, n "Sailor Knot" socinl will bo given In tho First Presbyterian church of North Pond. Refreshments will bo served. An exceptionally flno pro gram has been ntrnnged. A sllvor offering will bo received. Every ono Is cordially Invited, Tho Mothers' and Teachers' Club will meet next Frldny afternoon In tho Central School building mt 3 o'clock. Pov. lllsoy will deliver nn address, subject: "Tho Moral and ln- tellectual Development of tho Child TIiIb will bo an Important mooting" ntul every onu Interested In our schools nro Invited to bo present. J. W. OAPDINEIt of North Dend, Is in Marshflold today on business. (o (o C(tiillle. W, J. Conrad and n numbor of MnrBhflold men went to Coqulllo today to attend tho ntinual session of tho Coos County Hoard of Equalization. Meet Tliuwday. Tho A. N. W. flub will moot Thursdny afternoon with Mrs. L. M. Noblo lnstend of with Mrs. W. T. Merchant, as was previously announced. C1LEN L. DAVIS, formerly of Mnrsh fleld, but now traveling for a Port land firm, arrived heto today. MPS. J. F. LEE, of Eureka, who has been visiting her parents In tho Coqulllo Valley, returned homo todny on tho Pcdomlo. I't t root I y In m Mi i i .oau r layers ATTENTION! THE F1PST COI8IDEltAtlON IN PLAYING FOOTBALL IS BELFPIOTECflON.,,'YdUVILL DB'VELL PROTECTED DV I Bearing . ii. ahietio suppohteu, comhined with ALL THE CONVENIENT FEATURES OF A SUSPENSORY. l'OR SALE AT THE I1USV COHXElt. PHONE 208. Lockharl - Parsons Drug Co. "T.he Busy Corner Marsh field,- -twr Oregon Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESKRVEH W TO THE ARRIVAL OP THE SHIP, KltSKRVATIONS Vflhli H CANCELLED AT THAT TI3IK UN 88 TICKET IS BOUGHT. I F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore 2S25H5Wjns2s2sasH5HSra ESH5as?jj25Es?j252 esaFasasHSHsasHs. -a-R-n-a--tt-n-a--- -a---n-n-fia-n-a-a-n-a- Home Addition To Easfcside NOW ON THE MARKET li:itSO.VAT-.Vlll the iK'rsoii who called at tho Cold Storngo ofllco Monday, Oct. 17, botweon tho hours of 10 and 11:30 a.m., kindly return tho umbrolln thoy took. LOST A gold cross mid iliuln, elthor In tho Orpheum tuentro, or on Front St. FIndor pieaso return to Times' ofllco. FOR RENT A sunny front room furnished for two, with or with out board, 'at 515 Uroadwny, cor ner Elrod. VAXTEI lly flrt clans cook, jkisI. tlon at camp or hotel restaurant. Room i over Times' ofllco. JOBS WANTED A. Lnndles, succes. sor to R. E. Plnogar, window and carpet cleanor, would llko to put you on his list. Good work; rea sonable prices. Leave orders with Howard, tho Jeweler. New ItcM-nolr. Tho Larson dredgo thin weolc will begin tho fill or a part of tho flat south of tho Smith mill where n concroto resorvolr with n rnpaclty of 20,000 gallons will ho built. In Arretted. Plumbing Inspector Trlbboy yesterday swore out a war rant for tho nrrest pf J. A. Luso on tho charge of putting In sowor plpo Illegally, doing tho work hlmsolf In stead of having a master plumber got n Ucciibo and do It. His hcnrlng wns rot for Friday by City Rccordor Ilut-lor. DR. J. T. McCORMAC expects to Ioiivo on tho Nnnn Smith In n few days for 8on Francisco nml Hono lulu whero ho will spend tho win-tor. MRS. SARAH HAINES nml her daughter, Mrs. Flanagan, loft for Snn Frnnclsco on tho Redondo to dny aftor n fow weoks' visit at tho Gcorgo Haines homo. Mliistit'lH n Sum. Tho Dlxio Minstrels at tho Masonic Oporn house last night under tho auspices of tho Coos Pay Pand, was a flnnnclnl and nmusoment success, There was n largo audlonco present find tho lib eral npplnuao would lndlcnto that It pleased tho peoplo. It was more vaudovlllo than mlnstrol, but It wns ontortalnlng. Kills Hear. Frnnk Rogers of Coos Rvor, yesterday caught a big boar In a trap back of tho Pcssey ranch, ft weighed 175 pounds after being partly dieted. Pruln hud been both ering around that locality and Mr. Rogers started after him and got quick results. Tho moat nnd hide woro brought to town this morning by Stophon Rogers nnd left at tho Union Mnrkot, whore It Is attracting much attention. WILL WRIGHT, stnto bank oxim Inor, and his nsslBtnut, Mr. Pou nott, returned todny nftor complet ing tho examination of six buks In thl.i hectlon and loft on tho Re dondo for California. MRS. J. A. TOURTELLOTT and daughtor, Grnco, nnd Mrs. M. A. Tourtellott who hnvo beon visiting at tho Geo. Gould much near Al lognny, roturned to California today. FOR SALE AutouipbH. 4-cyIlnder, 40-horso power, 5-pas?'enger, fully oquippod with acotylono hoadllghts, gabrlol horn, top otc. Cost new 13000. 'Will soirfor'cash or ox- , change for real estate at a barga Only $800. Apply to Dr. J. T. McCormac. FOR SALE New Iluln wngon, Cali fornia bed; 3 1-4 Skein. Phone 49X FOR SALF A two-horse elcclrlc motor, small centrifugal pump and 300 gallon Iron tank. Same can be seen by applying to mo at North Dend. C. T. McCullom, This addition fa Hiinniod tmmodlatolv East of new Eastslde Mill. T"e lo s are 100x211 and larger, about eight ordinary lots; and tt -..'s are I150.Q0 up for thos large, tracts. ThiB plat was filed recently, nnd we have only a few ts remaining unsold. This Indicates that the property Is Interest- Ds to purchasers, and anyone wishing to secure a lot Bhould act Promptly. Terms one-half cash, balance equal payments, 3, C, 9 aija " months4 Fpr particulars, sep n i K I :i i n :i UJFOR SALE Two lots ill Pay Paik aj cheap. Apply Herman Cordes, I . Iinlnn Hltrnr Stnro. I n i .4 Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. -. iiftomu tsiAttxinutu , Henry Seogstackon, Manager. FOR SALE Retail liiislnes.s prolP on business, seventy-five dollars per month, Address P.O. box 512. WANTED. Carrier boys tit delher The Times; must be at least In fourth grado at school. Inquire ai Times office. WANTED Engagements for my new Jones Hero. RenJ. F, Jpnes of Rosoburgi thq Republican upmlnoo With Judge Coko for circuit court judge, arrived hore this morning to spend a fow days in this section In behalf of his candldudy; Hb'belloves 'hat Judge Cok6 and lib are nearly OadlllfKvauto. gers any ' place. Will fako passen Prompt service. Phone D. L, Foote at Illanco ho tel, or Rob's Dllllard Parlor. WANTED A boy for oik in store. Inquire nt Stafford's, olther store. MISS RUTH CAMERON and Miss Ethol Tralnpr, who have been spending tho summer with Mrs. L. W. Lnngdon, left today on tho Redondo for Los Angolos, Cnl., when thoy will spond a fow wooks visiting boforo returning to their homo In Oklahoma, NOTICE TO WOMEN OF WOOD CRAFT. All mombors of Coos Day Circle No: 1C4 nro requested to nttond tho funoral of Nolghbor, Stncoy E, Noah, Thursday. Alort loaves Marshflold at 12:30 p.m. DID VOU KNOW. That II. S. Pouobrnko wns a photographer In tho early '70's nnd took tin types at fifty conts each? That James L. Forroy wns n carpenter many yenrs ngo7 Thnt Postmaster W, P. Cur- tls was formerly at sea nnd .was fin oillcer on a vessel, Thnt Henry Songstncken con- ducted n drug store nt Empire 4 and a general storo nt Utter City beforo the latter place wont out of existence? Thnt JUhn Pear nt ono tlmo hnd moro cash than anyone else on Coos Pay. Ho kept it In a brick vnult and wns at tho time tho only ono who could mnko big loans to business men? Thnt Dr. Hnydon wns a mom- bor of tho famous Savage Club of London? Thnt II. W. Palntor wns cash- lor of a bank nt Guthrie, Okln., and sccrotnry of tho Oklahoma State Hankers' Association bo- foro ho camo to Coos Pay? That C. F. McGeorgo was for- morly n gruln denier nt Drown City, Mich.? That O. O. Lund wns donutv uhorirf nnd a poltcomnn In Wis- cousin boforo ho enmo to Oro- gon? i SUPPORT THE TICKET. Just recolved a FULL LINE of CHILDREN'S COATS In PEAK CLOTH and plain at MYERB' MARSHFIELD STORE In Coos Pulldlng. Savd money by Tlpiea advertisers. patronizing The Tho Mnll has not beon and Is not particularly friendly to tho assembly Idea, Howover, tho primary election settled tho differences between tho various factions ofthopnrtynnd there Is now nothing for nny Republican to do but support tho ticket Tho assembly Is no longer nn issue. Lot US get busy and elect the Republican tlckot from top to bottoiu Stayton Mall. VOCKirr flashlights. The Gunnery. Wo havo Just recehed'tjio largest shipment of stump blasting -Kmder thnt lias ever come to Marshflold. Tliosc who aro )n need o( this should call and see us. 'Our price Is right. Marshfield Rurdwuro Company, iH-H-lt-tl-H-tt-ri-n-H-tt-H-M-n Mtl-m.tt -.t1-f-M, t j. i( . r -,-- .. , FOR RENT. Slt-room flat, imitl) furnished, bath and modern con vonlonces. Finest location In Marshflo-d. Apply to Robert Mars den, Sr. WANTED Woman to do hoiihowoik by tho day. Mrs. Fnnnlo O'Don nell at Preakwater hotel, Noth Front street. THF 1 1 OYn Mr1HeM' popuinr Fmll inc lluiu ot jt , (urulture rprt lid cletiii. Velvet and Amlntitr curpeU In Trr rJqra. Four torlf pt 3H1' wnjtort Hatc rcilnted In day, ', 7&1 "H1 00; weelj, 2 0u to ITO0 A lo g TV hotif -ire$pMViprt. ntnU wit ira rnnnei. 112 00 iwr munh Vim ttkthi Tkt bunt, l 'lejiot, Urn. UtlJuei. Viop I I ? ? ? ? ? a i a ? i n t a i n i n t a I i ' a i ? a i a Shot' gun SHELLS at Tfto qunneryf m w? GOING SOME! Sperry's Best Drifted Snow FLOUR. ' r All First-Class Grocers Have It. r n t XT I n i a A. ' i n V a f ? M I a H-8--K-n-B-H-B---K-H-R- --- K"-H-H--ir v-4vM4v v m 9 m w - vftt-tt-tt-tt-n- r.. S'tHjtbJIf&z .