I tu . it, r ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1 310 EVENING EDITION. tit i Lighting Up for the Kmmmmmmmptmmmmmwm:m:::::mmmm '.? COOS BAY TIMES o day Trade. .o tt it tt Entered at the postofflco nt Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails ns second clnss mall matter. ARE 4 4- tt WE ARE APPROACHING THE RUSH SEASON INTtnT LIGHT., ft liNU UL Ol4ltJU o Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, Mnr.shflclri :: :: :: :: Oregon NOWADAYS, LIGHTING MEANS ELEITIUCITV. -I m OUH EXPERTS CAN GREATLY ASSIST BUSINESS MAKING THEIR WINDOWS ATTRACTIVE TO Tun ,? ft M. C. MALONEY Editor nnd Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor Or a room? Or just adding a few new pieces of furniture. - WHO BUY. "" 'tUFLE An Independent Republican nows papor published ovory evening except Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos Hay TIiiich Publishing Co. !ii WHY DELAY REACHING OUT FOR .MORE lll'SIMsg. YOU FURN HING A HOMF JL JM. A A'W'ATA&UI O 9 Ml Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Hay Tlmos represents u consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Bay Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coo Day nnd Tho Coos Bay Times Is Its lmmcdlutc successor. 8UBSCRI1TION HATES. DAILY. Ono year , JG.On Per month fiO Whon paid "strictly In advance tho subscription price of the Coos Bny Times Is $5.00 per year or 2.50 for bIx months. WEHKTjY. Ono year . . . J1.S0 Official Paper of Coo County. OFFICIAL PAPF.lt OF THE, CIT1 I OF MAHSIIFIELD. REPUBLICAN STATU AND COUNTY TICKET tt ZZ tt 4 Whichever that may be, let us show you through our stock. A good look will do you good, and you will see very plainly taat we have the lowest prices, and that our terms are the best also. Perry, Montgomery & Co, tt O0 I y Telephone 17S nntl nsk for tho Now Business Dciartment THE COOS BAY gAs and electric CO, TELEPHONE 178. zz tt zztzztzzzztzzzzttittttttztzzzzzzzzzmtzntzttttttztztztztzzttttzzztzzittzttzzz Rop. In Congress 1st Dlst. W. 0. HAWLEY, Mnrloii County Govornor JAY HOWERMAN, Gllllnm' County Socrotiiry of Stnto F. W. BENSON, Doughm County Stnto Tronsurer THOMAS B. KAY, Marlon County JuBtlco of Supremo Court Four Year Term HENRY J. BEAN, Unintllln County THOMAS A. McBRIDE, Clackamas County Justlco of Supromo Court Six Year Torm GEO. II. BURNETT, Mnrlon County FRANK A. MOORE, Columbia County Attorney Gonornt A. M. CRAWFORD, Douglas County Supt. of Public Instruction L. R. ALDERMAN, Lnno County Stnto Printer WILLIS S, DUNIWAY. . Multnomah County Com. or Labor ami Statistic! O. P, HOFF, , Multuomnli County Railroad Commissioner FRANK J, MILLER, Linn County Stnto Engineer JOHN H. LEWIS, Marlon County Wnter CommUHloucr lnt Dlst. JAMES T. CH1NNOCK, Multnomah County Circuit JuiIkus JOHN S. COKE, . Coos County BENJ. I- JONES, Doui;las County Rop. Coos niul Curry County S. P. PIERCE, Coos County Rep. nth Dlst. - ED RAOKLEFF, . Cooa. County County JiulKo Coos County E. A. ANDERSON, Coos County,. Sheriff Coos County JOHN YOAKAM, Coos. County, Clerk Coos County JAMES WATSON, Coos County Treasurer Coos County T. M. DIMMICK Coos County Surveyor Coos County A. N. GOULD, Coos County- Coroner Coos County Dr. R. E. GOLDEN, Coos County Commissioner Coos County GEO. J. ARMSTRONG, Cooa County Justlco of the Peaco C. L. PENNOCK of Mnrshflold COMMON SENSE AND COURTESY. TH,E, increasing sonso of respon Blbly.iO(,uUlIq .Ber.vlco cor- poratlons to Jho.pooplo Is ono of tho most gratifying' Blgns of the times. There was a time not bo Ions ngo, when the curt comment of tho gruff old Commodore Vmulorbllt "tho public bo d d," was tho gonernlly accepted nttltudo of nil corporations toward tho people they woro Biipposed to serve. This posi tion hns been undergoing a change nnd with tho new ldenls In politics Is nlso coming an awakened souse of duty and responsibility by public sorvlco corporations that Ih to be commended nnd complimented. One of tho first apostles In tho now creed of courtesy In comforco is Mr. Arthur S. Huey, vlco-presldont of H. M. Bylleshy & Co., of Chicago, own ers of Tho Coos Buy Gas and Electric Company. Tho Times has hereto fore referred to Mr. Huoy's wlso policy of treating tho public ns part ners In the corporations with which ho Is connected. This latest action of Mr. Huey proves htm to bo In enruost in his offorts to Inculcate tho nowiftltlen that n public utility Is n public trust. He hns recently Issued a circular to all employes of tho 'ompnny In which ho addresses thorn ns follows: "As mombers of tho Byllosby or gnnlzntlon, you nro public ser vants la tho true meaning of the torm. "It Is particularly Important that every olllcor, ovory henil of depart ment nnd every omployo, pf what ever capacity, should reallzo this fact and rcgulnto his conduct ac cordingly. ! "Each ono of ns owes his omploy fent to tho public. " 'In all municipalities, whoro wo mmingo electric, gas and street rail way utilities, the people hovo select ed our organization to porform es sential service, or have consented to such mi arrangement. "Tho operation of n public util ity Is In the most positive sonso a. public trust, nnd Is so rcgnrdod by II, M. Bylleshy & Company. "Under theso circumstances, yon must renllzo thnt you enn do your full duty to your employer' only by doing your full duty 'o tho peoplo oT tho municipality where you nro oc cupied, "Tho employe who serves our companv beat Is the employe who serves tho public best. "This applies to nil departments of tho operating organization equally to tho mnnngors, tho stok ers at tho gas works, the trainmen on their cars, tho engineers nt tho power houses, tho men in tho oftlce, nnd those engaged In construction and othor outside duties. "To n great extent our organiza tion is judged by tho manners of Its employes. Therefore, you must cul tivate genulno courtesy nnd exorcise pntlence nnd forbearance on nil oc casions. "Those details of service which the public has n right to know, while perfectly fnmlllnr to yourself, nro often not understood by the men nnd women with whom you come Into contact. "Pnrt of your duty Is to reply to Inquiries for Information poiltelv nnd comprohonslvoly. If you nve unable to supply tho Information your self, the Inquirer should bo per sonally conducted (whenevor pos sible) to the person In authority who can. ' "You nro never too busy to fur nish the public with proper informa tion, nor to bo courteous in ruaunor, as wolLnJ In Nvords. In using the tdlophono It Is especially easy to be gruff and abrupt and to turn friends into enemies. "Courtesy nnd decent treatment are duo fully as much to those of small ftnnnclnl moans ns to the lar gest prospective patron. "Tho possession of a hnblt of cheerful courtesy, springing from nn honest desire to please, it is nn In vnlunblo asset to tho person who would ndvnuco hlmsolf In popularity nnd material welfare. It Is worth have moro thnu capital and nt times takes precedent of ability. , "But all of your good manners nnd willingness to make agreeable tho points of contact botween com pany and patrons nro of little conse- quonco unless they originate in n ' deep-seated consciousness of your obligations in tho public sorvlco. ' "The men In tho mechanical nnd In Homo of tho othor dopnrtmonts soldom or never moot tho public In an olllclnl wny. Tholr work lics-lu helping to back up our reputation with satisfactory actual perform ance. "Tho Btnndnrd of tho service should bo guarded ns scrupulously as tho standard of tho food supplied on your tnblo. Interruptions to tho ser vice should bo mado n matter nkln to the honor of ovory mnu upon whom tho sorvlco doponds. "In nil dopnrtmonts,, promises to pntronB nnd public should bo care fully consldorod boforo they nro made. In the light of tho fact thnt disappointment and dissatisfaction go hand In hand. "Thoso words nro nddressed to you, not necessarily hecauso you lmvo been negllgont, but to Impress upon you the importance nnd dig nity of your occupation, and to as sist you In understanding what wo expect from tho mombers of tho or ganization. "It Is my personal bellof thnt tlioro does not exist n body of em ployes moro loyal, enthusiastic and efllclent than the one which main tains our Ideas of progressive pub lic utility management. "Perfection, however, Is approxi mate nt best, mid In our endeavors, with so ninny customers to please, there Is always toward now achieve ments. "At this tlmo, as yon value our esteem, I ask you to give careful thought to the contents of this cir cular. "ARTHUR S. HUEY. "VIce-Presldont In Chnrso of Opern- tlon." i t.il jlJ' -. -" V'" '' r HOME LAND Co. Sec us for Investments on Coot Bny. We guarantee owner's price to be our price. Phone 7IL. 204 Frotic St. Winter is Coming ON, WHEN YOU WILL NEED MORE LIGHT. OUR FIXTURES ARE GO- l.VG FAST AT FRO.M TEN TO WENTY PER CENT LOWER THAN MANUFACTURING PRICES. THIS IS A SNAP FOR SOMEONE THAT HAS THE MONEY. Bank , STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF T1IE first Trust and Savings OF COOS BAY, MARSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, mo, RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discount . . . .iju.uio.'js "i" "uck pom In...!),, Overdrafts aoi.su o"iius ami undivided Bonds and securities .. .. su.itju.iu iuwi jj,i(. Unnklug house, mrauuro uijobui andUxiu.es CC.SlO.oO Cash on hand nnd duo X'rom baaki 33,568.61 HMliiil ms v Stt.$?KS. X Pmv wy Oar 5-Cruu ltmel Door Direct front Knclory to Yuu. 14 Sli' at $1.30 Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respoctfully nsk your patronago. PHONE 237-J. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo secured tho llvory busi ness of L. II. Hclsnor nnd nro pre pared to render excellent sorvlco to tho peoplo of Coos Bay. Caroful drlvors, good rigs nnd everything that will mean satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for n driving horse, a rig or anything needed lr tho livery Una. Wo nlso do n trucking business of nil kinds. Rhiuchuril, Re.ln . Blmichnrtl Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Aldor Streets. . v .Phone 1S8-J NEW LIVERY Fancy new rigs, good horses and :nroful drivers are now at the dls oosal of tho Coos Bny public at REASONABLE KATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhero any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. Now hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral pnrtlos W. L.'fcONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables South Broadway, Mnrshfleli' lir fp Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Mnrshlleld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovatei' and newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day,, week or pionth, Mrs, J. H. O'DONNELL, Prop. SASH and DOORS You set the best values and high et quality at prices like these by ordering from our catalogue, UUstua tyle banjrWlotr door. 1.00. IA-oiM door. 14$ t B8.00. Cot tare front window, BS.83 and up. K. 1). liurfdo door frnuiem, 7Be. K. D. plain wlndovr framo. 11.00. S-UKbt windows, check rail, 78c up. We have our own factory and aave rou. the middleman profits. Pack carefully and ship anywhere Send ui y.our Mt of ;mtortaJ. ,, tv . ASK rpH CAXAlAHivK No. 40 t ; HILLUMl . I IM rtr Av. Seattle. JU rT"inirnwiiiiMMi i imm-. , G. W. DungaR Undertaker .Marslitlehl. Oivgiui. Pmlois, J.X0 South. 3d St. Telephone, Day or Night, 103-J, HOTEL GARDINER, ;at Gardiner, Oregon, has been re I modelled nnd Improved and 13 under 'new management. Special accoinmo. dnttons for1 stage passengers- and for people doslrlng'a rest at the seashore. "You'll Like tho PlaeeV" J. B. SCHILLING, Proprietor. I0UI zuo,ooi.ui roiai titlJILIll we invue your attention to tuo rirong condition of thli buk ti shown by the Bworn sattomont, to-wlt: Cash resorve 43 per .cent of dtfofal Reserve required by law in per cent of fcjcfcl Rcscrvo lu excess of legal requirements 2S per cent of deal OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, Prcsldont. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. R00EI18, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashlor. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. C. W. TOWER, M C. HORTON, Vice President nnd Manajer. DOES A GENERAL BANKING AND TIU'HT M'SIXESi YOl'D BUSINESS SOLICITED. THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK". Wells Fnrgo Nevndu Nntlonal Hank, San Frsnelico, CtL The United State National Bank, Portland, Or, The National Park Hank, New York, N. Y. The Corn EycImiikc National Bunk, Chicago, 111.' The Bank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit LjronnnlN, Paris, Franco. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking centtrt K F.urope, Asia, Africa, Australia, Chins, Japan, North, Cenlril ui Couth America. Personal and commercial accounts kont aubfoct to ehKk ? CertlflcntOB pt DePQsRg Isnuod. Sdlo Deposit poxj for rest Draws Drafts on FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Bank In Cooa Coutty, KtulUslied In 180. Paid up Capital uui) Surplus, NU,000.00. Asnets Over Ilnlf Million Dnllnw, Does a general banking business and draws drafts on tb P of Ca'.lfnrula. S.in Francisco. Cl - Hanover National Osnk, K. ! First Nrttlonal Bank, Portland, Ore.; First National llan Rot- . ourg, ore.; Tbe London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, ii Also sells exchange on all of the principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to chect M depoilt lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: J. W. BENNETT, President. K. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier, J. II. FLANAGAN, V.-Prfs. -GEO. E. WINCHESTER, Ak&V INTEREST PAID ON TI.MT3 IKIOSlTfi. S2525W,45aid5S25caS2S2SH5iBai?SlSSaS2f J . 9 . t r, U a o a o Q Sails from Alnsworth Dock, I'ortlaml, nt 8 P. M., every Tudr- q Snlln from Coos Bay every Saturday at service of time. RcscrtttloM ulll na beiifhl later thiui Friday noon, unlesstlckcU ara purchi a " ""' S. .Kl. Miller, Agtf. , Ml , t .- Phone Mala 354 STEAMER BREAKWATER M it . tt I n i tt i :: tt tt i :: i i tt i t tt i a i R tt tt I R tt I tt i tt 7 tt t Give It One Trial Flour made from solected, Northwestern grown, Blue Stem wheat that's wb Olympic Flour is made of Is the Ws flour Imaginable. It Is always the same. Thore Is tho point it is- always the samo. When you use Olympic- '" can bank on your bread, biscuit and P'W You know that they are bound to be t best ever. , You know how to make good things an often you wonder why It Is that one w Ing is different than another. cause tho flour varies, probably, about the only reason there can be. Olympic. , r'i J ''J o i i H.W. PAINTER Marshfield J Si- ' -) Qr& ? --R.tt--tt--.rt--i.M-tt---,,,," ! ? 8 I 3 I S I 8 I 8 I ! i 8 'I S I 8 I 8 8 I 8 I 8 8 J q mtii MmtrnMummi a WK2