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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1910)
vyfw r1 inmyyVjr ADS. rnil'S IJL'SISESS IS SLOW, Al VKUTISE. THAT IT PAVS IS 13VI Ipvcri) HI' SUCCESSFUL HUSI JrtqllOCSNS EVERYWHERE .: Established in J 878 ns Tlio Const Mnll. UDELPHU -WHS SECOND GAME 1 National League Leaders Beaten By Score of Nine to Three. BROWN BATTED OUT OF BOX IN SEVENTH Coombs Walks Several But Keeps Hits Pretty Well Scattered. Scoro by Inning Ciltago II II 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 13 Philadelphia 00201000 0 14 3 IB; Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 18. By , Koro of nine to three, Philadelphia took tho second gnmo of tlio World's championship series from Chicago todar. Drown was batted out of tho lox In tho seventh Inning and wns wplaced In tho eighth by Ritchie, ht It was too lato. Doth Drown and Coombs lombs woro each. Dur- lld, walking sovoral ht lho enmo. Cooinbs wna In ji touplo of pretty tight places, having three men on bases but In both In tunces ho saved himself. The wenthor wnB not ns good ns jMterday which might oxcubo somo of tho flagrant errors. There was a great crowd out. The gamo In dctnll: Flint Inning. Chicago Shecknrd got n baso on hlli and was forced out nt second, Collins to Harry, on Schulto's ground er Hotmail got a baso on balls. Chance grounded, ndvanclng Schulto tad Hofman. Zimmerman Bncrlflced to Strunk, Schulto Bearing. Stoln Mdt fanned, Ono run. Philadelphia Strunk fnnnod. Kilns missed tho third Htrllco but jot tho runner nt flrut. Lord was tossed out, Stolnfoldt to Chance. Col l!ni singled to contor, nnker out, Drown to Clmnco. Collins Btolo sec ond. Ko runs. Second Inning. Chicago -Tinker wns Bnfo nt first ta Davis' error, nuker making a per fect throw. Tinker was doubled up lth Kllng on tho lnttor'n lino drive to Collins, nrown was tossed out, Collins to Davis. No runs. Philadelphia -Davis lifted n fly to Hofman, and Murphy got n baso on lulls. Harry forced Murphy out nt wond, Tinker and Chance- complot- J tho double.--No runs. Third Tuning. Chicago Sheclmrd got n baso on Wis. Sclml'e was snfo at first, Davis dropping Coomb's pretty throw. Hof ttan vent out on a pop up to Davis " an attempted Bncrlflco. Schulto given a sacrifice hit on Davis' "for, Schulto was given n sncrlflco 'i on Davis error. Clmnco struck "t Zimmerman made n long drive to Lord.Vo runs. Philadelphia Thomna reached "ft on Stolnfeldt's error. Coombs "ruck rtit. strunk'B Infield hit was "'. On Lord's hit to Zimmerman, "fink was forced out at second. mas and Lord both scored on Collins double to loft. Baker was W at first on Zimmerman's asslst-e.-No runs. Td Who xena rn faf Vnnr niv rn. " W V VV4V u ow '"8 home as Stelnfeldt Jumbled Shee t's pretty throw to third. Stoin- was given an error and Shcc " an assist. ' Fourth Inning. Chicago Stelnfeldt lifted a fly to "trunk, Tinker sineWi to rnntor. 'Her Was nncv m., rri,, tn rVil- lint ' ""'""" l" '""' "" on an attempted steal. Kllng . fenned.-No runs. Philadelphia Davis wns thrown M I flr3t by Tmkor- furphy lifted Ish ,01 to Chance. Barry singled rltfct 8eCnd 0n Thon,ns 8,nSl0 to sat. Barry took third. Coombs truck ut for tho second time. No lns. Fifth Inning. Coomh.SO"Drown reacl,ed flrst on leco 7 ,u,nuie- Coombs made a f9 t fUmWo nnd Sheckard was lth flrSl SheclIlrd w8 credited WLrt Bacrlnce- Bth runners d "V Da i U ba8e on Schulto's sacrifice u unassisted. Hofman got a MARSHFIELD, OREGON,, TUESDAY, OCTOBER C GO TODAY ACCIDENT OEE POINT REYES Steamship Nevada Reported In Distress and Half filled With Water. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) POINT REYES, Cal., Oct. IS. Tlio United States Weather Ilurcnu station hero reportB the steamship Novudn Is lying In distress oft the const horo. Tlio vessel Is apparently liuir lllled with water and Is en- I Coring to make San Francisco from which port she Balled October 10 for Seattle. baso on bnlls. Chance canio to bat with tho bases full, but Hied out to Murphy and on a beautiful throw to tho homo plntfl. Drown was doubled ,,, ThoninB getting tho put out. x0 runB Philadelphia Strunk Btruck out. Lord singled to right. Lord was forced out nt second, Tinker to Zlm niormnn on Collins' grounder. Col lins stolo second. linker walked. Collins scored on Davis' slnglo to loft, mo latter getting to second and on tho throw, linker went to third. Murphy wbb thrown out nt first by T'nker. Ono run. Sixth Inning. Chicago Zlmmormnu got a baso on bnlls. On Stolnfeldt's fly to Col IIiib, Zlmmormnh whs doubled up nt first. Tinker Bent tho ball to loft flold for two bases. Kllng filed out to Strunk. No runs. Piillndolphln Darry fnnnod. Thomas got n baso on balls. Thomas wont to third on Coombs' slnglo to contor. Strunk struck out for tho third time Lord's high foul wns taken by Chance. No runs. Seventh liming. Chicago Drown fnnnod. Shec knrd doubled Into tho right flold ' crowd. Schulto How to Strunk. Hof mnn got n baso on balls. Shecknrd scored on Chniico's slnglo to center. Hofmnn being hold nt second. Zim merman's groundor forced out Chnnco, Collins to Uarry. Ono run. Philadelphia Collins got ti bnso on bnlls and Dnkor singled to right. Collins reached third. Davis' two bagger Into loft scored Collins and put Dakor on third. Murphy doubl ed In tho snmo direction, scoring nnker and Davis. Durry sacrificed, Drown to Chnnco, placing Murphy on tlrfrd, Thomas singled to left, scoring Murphy. Coombs wns out at first by Chnnco, unassisted. Strunk doubled to right, scoring Thomas. Sheckard muffed Lord's nv. nml Strunk scored. Lord wont out Bteallng, Kllng to Tlnkor Six runs. Eight Inning. Chicago Stelnfeldt doubled to loft, Tinker .lifted to Dakor. Kllng got a baso on balls. Beaumont bat ted for Brown and struck out. Coombs passed Shecknrd. Three men were on bases when Schulto flow to Collins. No runs. Philadelphia Rltchlo went In tho box for Chicago. Collins doublod (nto tho right flold crowd. Collins took third on Daker's outsat first, Chance unassisted, .Davis went out .. i . ' C- t-VXi&.tY MinllV at first, Change unasshXtedl Murphy wna thrown ' out, Stolftfeldt to Chance. No runs. Ninth Inning. Chicago Hofman singled to loft. Chance wns thrown out, at first, Col lins to Davis. Zimmerman doubled to left, scoriug Hofman. Stelnfeldt was out, Barry to Davis. Tinker got a baso on balls. Kllng hit to Barry and tho latter stopped on second, forcing Tinker out. Ono run, Lineups mid Officials. Combs nnd Thomas wore tho bat- tory for Philadelphia, Brown and Kllng for Chicago. Tho batting order was: Chicago Sheckard, loft; Schulto, right; Hofman, center; Chance, first; Zimmerman, second; Stelnfeldt, (Continued on page 4.) fflBVfr'' w& MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS WEIiHH AND Effort to Fly Across Atlantic Ocean Failure and Passing Steamship Saves Daring Ones. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 18. A wiroless messngo to The New York Times, from Cnpt. DowM, of the Royal Mall steamer Trent, Bays tho trent picked up Walter Wollmnn nml tho crow of tho "America" nt 5 o'clock this morning. Tho nlrshlp had been nbandoned. The rescuo wns In latl tudo 35,43 and longltudo C.1S. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) On board Trent by wiroless to New York, Oct. 18. Tho crow of tho "America" In abandoning tho craft lowered thouiBolvcs Into tho life bont which swung beneath It. They then enst tho llfo boat off and Marshfield Woman Succumbs to Complication of Ills This Morning. Mrs. Fred Dnrnnrd, formerly Miss Myrtlo HnlncB, died nt their homo nt tho corner of Second steet south nnd Curtis avenue thin morning after n short Minors of complications. Death was very sudden and enmo ns n great shock to her husband, romtlves nnd friends. Mrs. Dnrnnrd wns mnrrled only n fow months ngo, her husbnnd being employed at Drad field's barber shop uir tho post offlco. Besides her husbnnd, sho Is sur vived by several brothers nnd Bisters, nmong them being Dado Unities, Prank Unities, Herbert Unities, Mrs. K. E. Mnrcoy and Mrs. R. C. Noblo. Tho funeral will probably bo hold tomorrow, but arrangements havo not been completed for It. Hearing of Noted Murder Case Begins In London Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct. 18. Dr. Hawley II. Crlppon was today put on trial for his llfo charged with the, murder of Cora Dello Crlppen, the Amorlcnn nctress, known professlonnlly as Bollo Elmore. FUNKIJAL Wi:i)Xr-SI)AY. The f unoral of Mrs. Fred Barnard will bo hold Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from F. E. Wilson's under taking parlor, tho Rev. H. I. Rut lodge officiating. Mrs. J. M. Ar rlngton of Myrtlo Point, a sister of tho deceased, is expected hero from Myrtlo Point to attend the funeral. Mrs. Barnard was 28 years old. THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press t'- Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 18. Track wheat, prices: Club, 82c; Dluestem, 86c to 87c; Red Russian, 81c; Val ley, 88c; Turkey Red, 82c to S3c; Fortyfold," 84 c. TACOMA, Oct. IS. Milling wheat Dluestem, 89c; Club, S3o; Russian, S2c. Export Bluostom. 89c; Fortyfold, 87c; Club, 85c; Red Russian, S3c. FOR SALE Retail business profit on business, seventy-five dollars por month. Address P.O. box 512. Automobile Storm Coats at Good-rum's. IS. BARNARD'S SUDDEN DEATH DR. CIIPPEN IS ON TRIAL MttttB 18, 1910 EVENING EDITION. PARTY RESCUEDlSOUTHERN PACIFIC OFFICIALS wero afloat in tho sen. Tho airship relieved of tho weight, shot up high Into the air and wns rapidly blown awny. The transfer of the Wollmnn pnrty from tho life bont to tho Trolit was effected with much difficulty. (By iVssoclatcd Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 17. Tho posi tion reported by Captain Down Indi cates Wollmnn anil his crow wero picked up nbout 150 miles duo cast of Capo Hatteras on tho North Caro lina coast. A wireless from Cnptnln Down rends, "At 5 a.m. today wo sighted Wollmnn's nlrshlp, tho "America," In distress. Sho slgnnlcd by tho Morso codo that sho required assistance After thrco hours man euvering with fresh winds blowing, wo got Wollmnn with his entlro crow nnd tho cat. They woro hauled Bafo ly on bonrd. All nro woll. Tho "Amorlea" was abandoned In 35.43 north longltudo CS.18 1-4." AT L Chisholm and Fox of Coquille Team Hurt at Myrtle Point Sunday. In n football gamo at Myrtlo Point Sunday, between tho Coqulllo nnd Myrtlo Point Independents, two Co qulllo plnyers wero seriously Injured, according to Information received by Iris Elrod.' Chisholm, ono of tho Coqulllo ends, sustained n brokon leg and Half-back Fox siiBtalncd n dislocated nnklo. Dcsplto tho Injury of tho two plnyers, Coqulllo won by n scoro of 17 to 0. It Is not bollovod that tho injury of tho two Coqulllo players will af fect tho gamo botwenn tho Coqulllo and Marshfield Independents lion next Sunday ns Coqulllo hns n nuni- bor of substitutes. Tho Mnrshflold team is practising hard for tho gamo nnd expect to mnkp n good showing. E OF Coroner Hearing Evidence In Dynamiting of Los Angeles Times. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 18. An In quiry Into the cause of death of those In the dynamiting of tho Los Angeles' Times building was begun today by Coroner Hnrtwoll. It Is expected that sovoral days will bo consumed in tho hearing of evidonco of wit nesses. In ajl twenty-one aro known to havo died, CHICAGO WJIKAT MARKET. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay ' Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 18. Wheat closed as follows: December 94c; May, ?1; July, 9Cc. WRIGHT 18 CONVICTED. Roseburg Automoblla Thief Found Guilty By Jury. ROSEBURG, Ore., Oct. 18. Chick Wright, who was tried by a Jury in tho.clrcult court on a chargo of lar ceny of an automobile, was convicted with but little difficulty. The Jury deliberated less than 30 minutes and reached a verdict upon tho first bal lot. Wright's partnor pleadod guilty, tho two having been caught at Mnrshflold. 3-In-l OIL at MILKER'S. Leader loaded Shells at MILXER'fl Because tho initiation goat broko his leg a Seattle man Is suing tho Woodmen of tho World for 147,500. Query: f be gets it who will get bis goat? I 0 A Consolidation of mid Coos Hay MAKE TRIP 'P'tWN''SA ST. IS IN DANGER Business Section Is Liable to Be Flooded By Heavy Storm. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ST. AUGUSTINE, Fin., Oct. 18. Tho business section of tho city la flooded. High wntcr Is pouring over tho sen wall driven beforo u terrific gale. It Is feared it will sweep tho city. So far thoro has been no loss of llfo. riJAlt HEAVY LOSS. Kntl of Florida Pculumiln Cut OiT 1'Yoni Outside. (By lAssocIated Press to Coos Bny Tim oa.) JACKSONVILLE, Fin., Oct. 18. Tho end of tho Florida ponlnsuln, south of n lino from Tnmpn to St. Augustlno is cut off from commu nication bIuco 0 o'clock Inst night when tho wind was blowing 70 to ninety ml lea. That tho property damago will bo heavy .is Indicated by a fow brlot bulletins from tho stricken district thnt cnino through boforo tho wires failed. Southern Pacific Has Crew of ' Men Estimating Possible Traffic. Messrs. Fltzhonry nnd Cnrmlchnol with a crow of sovoral men nro busy In tho vicinity of Allegnny ostlmntlng the timber and posslblo other sources of traffic for n railroad. They are In tho omploy of tho Southorn Pacific and It 1h prcsumod that their mission Is to gain nddltlonul data or to sub stantiate estlmato nlrcndy given. Not much information concerning tho exact operations of Messrs. Fltz honry nnd Carmlchaol nro obtnlnnblo excopt that It Is known that thoy started out of Eugono, wont ovor tho Sluslaw routo and aro now covering tho torrltory around tho Umpqua nnd Coos Bay. FIND TRACK OF OI L. Gas Struck by Drillers Near Bandoii Prospect Good. Tho Bandon Recorder says: "Tho Mlocono Oil nnd Gas Company Is pushing tho work of drilling tho oil well on Bear Creek with nil posslblo rapidity; tho woll is now down near ly four hundred feet, nnd Is still be ing pushod along with all tho speed pbsslblo. Tho drillers aro now In a sandstone which Is of tho snmo qual ity as tho Coblinga oil flold has, and tho prospectB for a good flow of oil are getting better all tho tlmo as the woll goes down' deeper. "Lato last evening It was learned hero that tho drillers had gonb through tho sandstono and were how Iifto sand, and had found a small quantity of gas, which makes pros pects all the brighter, Tho gas would Indicate an oil formation, and practically assures tho finding of oil, probably In largo quantities, nnd those In chargo are now much moro hopeful than ever beforo of ultimate success." Being n Bachelor. In his essay on "Tho Bachelor Tax" Mr. Dooloy corrects tho mis taken fcmlnlno Idoa that mon nro unhappy because thoy havo no ono to darn tholr socks, "Th truth la a man is not unhappy because his socks ar-ro not darned, but becnuso thoy ar-re." When tbo bachelor goto a holo in his hosiery, ho throws thorn away, says Mr. Dooloy, but tho poor married man has to woar them darn ed, and you can know him by his hobble a block away, Exchange. SECURE DATA FOR RAILWAY NEWS GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW IIY READING THE COOS MAY T1MJCS. ALL THE NEWS ALu TUB TIMK TEHSELV 'I OLD : :: :: i: :i Times, Const Mall Advertiser. 81. TO COOS COUNTY Traffic Manager Miller and District Freight Agent Lounsbury here. MERELY INSPECT THIS TERRITORY Came In Via Drain and Will Make Trip Out Via Florence and Eugene. R. B. Mlllor, trnillc manngor of tho O. R. &. M. N nnd II. E. Louns bury, district freight ngent of tho Southorn Pnclfle for tho torrltory bo tweon Ashland nnd Portland, nrrlv od hero thin morning to regain n couplo of ilnys. "Juot moroly on n llttlo trip of ItiBpcctlou," Hnld Mr. Lounsbury when soon at Tho Chnndlor at noon. "It hns been sovorul yearn olnco I visited this section nnd I wnntod to como In nnd Mr. Miller nlso want ed to sco It. Wo nro going to visit Bnndon, Coqulllo nnd Myrtlo Point besides tho towns on tho Bny and then return north via Florenco nnd tho Sluslaw. "Wo camo In vln Drain and Gnrdl nor nnd whllo It was a mighty pretty country, riding on n Btngo or boat Isn't nenrly as nlco ns on n Pullman. Then wo had to got up at 2:30 thle morning to catch tho Btago and yos torday morning wo had to mnko ail nwfnl enrly start. Howovor, Mr. LounBbury llkoa tho country nnd tho Idenl weathor this morning wns moro than plcnslng to him and Mr. Mlllor. Thoy wero mot by Gonornl Man ager Mlllla nnd Agent Mlllor. Thoy expect to lenvo for tho North Thurs day. Mr. Mlllor was pretty busy anil could not bo Been, but Mr. Louna bury doclnrod thnt their visit did not portend tho Immodlnto construc tion of n rnllroad to Cooh Bay. It was suggested that tho arduous trip ho hnd from Drain hero ought to result In hfs ropnrtlng favorably for tho Immcdtnto construction of tho Coos Bny lino and ho lnughod and snld It would. "A mnn hnB to really seo a coun try boforo ho enn tell much nbout It," continued Mr, Lounsbury. "You enn study roporls nnd Btntlstlcs un til you nro wonry nnd then you can't slzo It up llko you can when you seo It with your own oyoa." "I don't really bollevo that any ono In Oregon knows whon you nro going to got a rnllroad," Bald Mr. Lounsbury when ho wns told that any rnllroad construction nowa would bo mighty good news to Cooa Buy. "I noticed a Eugono dispatch a fow dayB ago tolling of sovoral dif ferent Burvoylng pnrtlca busy In that section," ho continued with h amllo. Aftor talking a llttlo whllo about tho timber resources of this section, Mr. Lounsbury remarked that Coos Bay had somo mighty boostora nnd said that ono mnn this morning told him without cracking n amllo that "Boventy-flvo por cont of the standing timber on tho Pnclfle coast wns tributary to It. ho could not accept theso -figures, InvesMgnto Routca. Whllo It haB not been officially given out, It la generally bollovod that tho trip of Mr. Miller and Mr. Lounsbury 1b for tho purpose of gathering additional information for the higher officials of the Southorn Pacific who aro to determine whethor or not tho compnny will build to Coos Bay and when. Tho fact that they camo In via tho Drain routo and aro going out by tho Sluslnw-Florenco-Eugono routo lends color to the roport that haB been going the rounds that ono reason for tho Southern Pacific de laying construction to Coos Bay Is n dlfferonco nmong tho officials as to which routo shall bo Belectod. Tho roport has It that General Mnnagor O'Brlon and other Portland officials of tho Southern rnclflc want tho Coos Bay lino built from Eugeno via Florence or Smith river whllo Vlco prosldont Calvin nnd othor San Fran cisco officials of tho road nm urging that tho road bo built via Drain as originally started General Managor O. J. MlUIs Js busy compiling data and other In formation concerning tho possible traffic for a road to Coos Bay. k jg; U-A-flHfafcrf