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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION. !! RECEIVES I I E ENDORSEMENT B. F. Jones, Republican Can didate For Circuit Judge Has An Excellent Record. 10 MEET AGAIN ON MESH republicans Will Perfect Per manent Organization of Club Then. TAPl' LEAVES BEVERLY. TOLEDO, Ore., Oct. 4, 1910. D. P. Jones, Renubllcnn cnntlldnto j for Circuit Judgo of tho 2nd Judicial District, was born on a farm near Layrcncc, Douglas County, Kansas, Tebruary 21, 185S. In 1SCG Ills father died, and lio camo to Oregon with his widowed mother, and set tled on the Ynqulnn Day In Denton County, whero the town of Toledo now stnnds. Ills mother died two years later, and for the next six years ho spent tho summer tlmo In working In the logging camps of Douglas nnd Ken ton Counties on tho Umpqun nml Ynqulnn Days, and going to school Jll tho winter time, ncqulrlng his edu- cntloit ill tl9 Public Schools nml at the Corvnllls College. He thou fol lowed Btoam-bontlng for ten yenrs, working from deck-hnnd to captain, nnd thus acquired n thorough knowl edge of Oregon's wntcr-wnys. Jle sorvotl ns County Clerk for" Lincoln County for threo terms, dur ing which tlmo ho studied lnw under the Into J lid go John IColsey; and In 1807 was admitted to practice In nil tho Courts of Oregon, nlnco which tlmo ho has been actively engaged in tho practlco of law. Ho represented Polk nml Lincoln Counties In tho Legtslnturo for threo terms, 1903, 1907 nnd 1009. Ho In traduced tho Demurrage Car 8hort ngo bill In tho session of 1903, which was defeated, nnd again In tho Reu nion of 1909 Introduced It, nnd, be ing n momber of tho Commlttco on TtnllroadH, had It Incorporated Into -tho nnllrond Commission bill, of -which ho was ono or tho strongest oupportors. In tho session of 1907, ho Intro duced what Is known ns tho Jones Treo Locks bill, appropriating $300, 000, conditioned that tho Govern ment would appropriate n llko sum :for clthor tho purchase of tho old or tho building of now Locks nt tho fnllH on tho Wlllninotto IHvor nt Oregon City. At tho snmo session ho Introduced a bill, nnd It beenmo n lnw, ropeallng tho former nttompted net of tho Legislature, nnd nets nmondntory thoroto, granting to tho Oregon Purl He Rnllwny Company nil tho tldo nnd overflowed Innds on tho Alsen, SUctr. nnd Ynqulnn Ilnys, comprising prnc tlcnlly nil tho water-front on thoso Days, nggrogntlng nbout 20,000 ncroH of tldo nnd overflowed lauds, on tho groundH that tho Legislature had no right to donnto Stato lnnds to prlvnto Individuals gr corporations; nnd for tho further reason Hint tho railroad company had not, In thirty yearn, paid nnv taxes on tho laud, or compiled with othor conditions of tho law, In 1908 Mr. Jonos filed two suits tieforo the Stato ttnllnmd Commission In tho Interest of the publle; ono against tho Pacllle Kvpress Company, nnd tho othor against tho Wells Par go Express Company, charging thnt their express rates woro unreason able, unjust and unlawful. These cafios havo both been decided against tho Express Companies, nnd their rntea reduced twenty por cont, thus saving annually to tho people of Ore gon many thousands of dollars, llo Is wol! qualified for tho position, llo was nominated without opposi tion, believes In tho Primary law, nnd n square denl for every ono, no matter what their position In life may be. J. S, Akin, Merchant. J. 11. Ross, Sheriff. Leo Wndo, Clerk. R. A. Arnold, Mayor nnd Post ' mnstcr. C. E. Hawkins, Lawyer and Doputy Prosecuting Attornoy. C. II Crosno, Secretary Lincoln Co. Fair. ' 11. E. Collins, Editor "Leader." O. 11. McClusky, Lawyer County Treasurer. W. C Copoland, Parmer and Lum bormnn. It. S Van Clevo, Merchant, (Paid advortlsoinont) Another meeting will bo hold Wed nesday night nt the Mnrshflcld Clum ber of Commerco to perfect th or ganization of the Mnrshflcld Repub lican Club. This was decided at a preliminary meeting last Saturday evening when nrrnngoments were mado to sccuro a larger nttondnnce, nnd concerning some of tho minor de tails of organization. Saturday night's meeting was not lnrgel attended but thoso pot-sent were unanimous In tho decision thnt tho club should bo formed. W. U. Douglns presided as temporary chair man nnd Clnttdo Nasburg ns tempo rary secretary. In order to insure n largo turnout nt Wednesdny night's meeting Jnck Moreen, Tom Dennott, Mr. Kendall, Geo. N. Parrln, O. O. Lund nnd Duncan Ferguson wcro named as a commlttco to circulate n membership roll. D. L. Ducking- limn, M, C. Mnloney nnd C. I. Rclgard woro appointed n commlttco to draft by-laws, etc., to bo submitted to Wednesdny night's meeting. There wua uoiuo discussion ns to whether tho club should havo n membership fee. Some thought It should In order to raise funds for tho campaign expenses nnd others thought tho membership should be free nnd thnt tho funds for the cam paign expenses should bo raised by contributions. It wns ilnnllj decided to leave this question to bo decided nt Wednesday night's meeting. A meeting of tho Coos County Republican Central Commlttco Is to bo hold tit Coquillo today to perfect nrrnngoments for cnrrylng on tho campaign nnd tho results of this mooting will bo reported Wednesdny night by Committeemen Alien, Fer guson and Sehlbrcdo. At a previous meeting of tho County Contrnl Com mlttco, Judgo Sohlbredo wns olected stnto committeeman for Coos county A campaign flnanco commlttco wns chosen as follows: Myrtlo Point L. A. Roberts, L. D. Pulford, L. M. Supleo. Coquillo A. S. Hammond, J. C. Snvngo, W. C. ChaBo. Marshlleld Win. Grimes, J. W. Dennett, Duncan Ferguson. North Ilend Judgo J. H. Guorry, A, H. Dorbyshlro, C. E. Mnybeo. Dilution Col, R. H. Rosn, Chas. JmulcBon, Stovo Gallior. Pu-slclcnt (Jhes I'p UN Summer I Homo Today. (By Associated Pjoss to C003 Bay 1 Times.) I BEVERLY, Mass., Oct. 17. Pres ident Tnft bade good byo to Beverly 1 his summer home, today rind motor ed to Doston to take li' train for Now I York whero he will stop' two days .and then go to Washington Thurs day morning. !Mn udob 3U vft V"" """" II fclipM (By CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. (Bj Assoclnted Press to' Coos Bay . Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 17 .Wheat clos ed r.s follows: Decomber, 01c; May, 11.00 1-S. 1 L THE WHEAT MAllKET. (By Associated Press to Coos Buy Times.) , PORTLAND, Oct. 17. Whent unchanged. Associated Press to Cooa Bay Tlnfes.) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 17. Double-headers wcro played In the Coast Leacuo Sunday, resulting ns follows: At rortlnnd First game, Los Angeles 3, and Portland 2; second game, L.ot Angeles 1, nnd Portland 0. At Sail Francisco First game, Snn Fta-it'lsco 2, nnd Onkland Oj second game, Snn Francisco 3, nnd Oakland i. At Vernon First gnme, Sncra mento.2 and Vernon 1; second gnmo, Sncrnmonto 0, nnd Vernon 1. TACOMA,,, Qct. 17. Milling whent: Blue stem. S9c: Club, K3n to S3 l-2c. Export wheat: Blue t" At- Portlnnd stem, 90c; Club', S Icj Red Russian, S2c; Forly-fold, SSc to S9c. Satin day's (Sanies. Tho gnmes In the Coast League, Saturday resulted as follows: -'' world's norm LAST LINES. VTO coward ioul li mine: " No trembler Is (ho troubled nhero. t sco hcavcn'B glorle ahtnc. And faith ililnci equal, firming mo from fear. f OOD, within my broant. Almighty, over present Doltyl Llfo, that In mo has rest, Aa 1 undylns llfo havo power In theol Emily Uronto. G TO THINE OWN SELF DE TRUE IVn thy thouRhts no tongue. Nor any unproportloncd thought his act Uo thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. Thoso friends thou hast and their adop tion tried, Qrupplo thorn to thy soul with hooks of steel. But do not dull thy palm with untortaln raent Of each unhatched. untledced comrade, ilownro Of cntranco to a quarrel, but, being In, Ooar 't that tliu opposed may bowaro of thee. 3Ivo every man thy ear. but row thr voice. Tako each man's censure, but reservo thy judgment. Costly thy habit ns thy purso can buy, Uut not nxprossod In fancy; rich, not gaudfc For the apparel oft proclaims tho man. And thoy In Franc of tho bost rank and station Aro most select and generous, chief In thnt. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Tor loan ft loses both Itself nnd friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of hus bandry. This, abovo all-to thlno own self bo true, And It must follow, as the night tho day, Thou canst not then bo falso to nny man. Shakespeare. R - Portlnnd . . 3 Los Angeles 0 At San Francisco R San Francisco. ... G Oakland -1 At Vernon ' ( R Vernon 3 Sacramento 0 Second Game. Vernon r 0 Sacramento 3 (Five Innings), I It Wi SRI A j Pjl IM-t-SSIK'' livmift'' mm Mir mi ' nv4 if Ft mill Mm 4 mm I''1 f ifim li 11. rM n 1 mm J HpwiMffll hi iS'f s! U WWm On U RVfRP TMjK M Mil 1 W'AWI ?? iTtI Evi III II rtAHHI t Through a l-to-0 victory ovor Los Angeles Thursday, Portland made n now baseball record by going through 07 cousccutivo Innings with out having a run scored against the team. While this record Is not en tirely authentic, It wns said that the Pittsburg National league team for merly held the record with C2 Innings. PRIZE PISH STORY. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 17. What promises to bo tho prize fish story of tho fnll sen- COUNTY SEAT NEWS. Notes of Coqiilllo City I'iiIiIInIicU in tlio Herald. Born At Drawley, Cal., to Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Nosier, a daughter. William Prazenbach, tho sculptor, has tho foundation laid at Dnudon for n now shop nnd headquarters. Tho Infant of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lano Is quite III, and Mr. Lane is on his way from Gardiner, whoro ho has been working for soma tlmo, Married, by tho pastor nt tho Wlckham hotel, Monday, tho 10th, Mr. Vivian Sanford ami Miss Mlnnto Myers. A number of friends of tho lirltlo and groom witnessed tho ceremony. MIks Jonnctt Dollar, a niece of D. II. Dollar of this city, arrived from Portland Thursday to bo with Mrs. Dollar, who has been quite 111 for sev eral days, but who Is Improving at present. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Nodco Is heroby glvon that scaled bids will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Mnrshflold, Coos County, Oregon, until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, tho 18th day of Octobor, 1910, for tho Improve ment of that portion of Anderson nvetuio West from tho wcBt lino of Broadway street South to tho center lino of Third street South In tho eald City of Marshfleld, according to tho plans and specifications on fllo In the offlco of tho Rerordor nnd onon to tho Inspection of all persons Interest ed therein. A certified check of flvo per cent of tho amount of the bid must ac company each bid, to bo forfeited to said City of Marshfleld In caso bid Is ncccpted and bidder falls to enter In n contract within ten dnys from Into of nccoptnnco of said bid. 'Tho Common Council resorves tho right to roject any and all bids. Dated this 7th day of October, 1910. JOHN W. BUTLlJlt, son comes from Grcshnm, whero snlmon trout nro Jostling each other in ascending tho Sandy River., Ono trouthful fisherman brings In tho report thnt tho trout aro so thick on tho rlflles thnt they trip anglers who nro wading In tho shallow places, and In somo cases tho men havo been thrown off their feet by tho swarming fish. It Is an ensy matter, under such circumstances, to catch large numbers of tho finny rascals nnd tho creels of tho Grcshnm sports nro bulging with salmon trout. Havo your Job Tho Times offlco. printing dono at PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dn. J. W. INGRAM, Phyalclaii nnd Sturgeon, Do You Know DEHYDR0 ? IN CANS but not canned. DRY but not dried, , r7"' By mechanical process tho water Is tnken out of tho host of frosh veget ables and fruits, without destroying tho volatile oils or dollcato flavors. Ask us for n FREE booklet nnd free samplo of this latest tablo deli cacy In lino foods. Phono or call tomorrow. Aftor finishing Us part of tho work of making tho fill for tho rail road whero tho Johnson mill trestle was burned out, tho steam shovel was tnken through this placo to Mnrshflcld. J. M. Elwood, whom wo reported and moving to Mho Bay last weok, had I lensed tho dairy farm of Mrs. Jane Oilman near town nnd will not tnovo to tho liny. Mrs. Gllmnu and son George, nnd daughter, Miss Flor ence, will go to Arizona. OIHco 208-200 Coos Ilulldlaj, Phones Office 1621; Residence 1622 J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. orrtco over Flanngan & Bonnett Bank Marshfleld, Oregon TV7M. S. TURPEN, W Architect. THE BAZAR HOUSE OF QUALITY. Phone 32. Over Chamber of Commerce. A RELIABLE HAIR TONIC That Cures Dandruff Is put up by Miss E. Donnolly. For sale at McCmr'a Ideal Pharmacy, or nt Miss Donnelly's residence KII5 Central Ae. Pliouo 71. LAUGH! WELL I GUESS Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Plume 3121. I 'ou'd laurU too If von had Just HEAL ESTATE. cleaners nnd It looked ns good as I hnvo boiuo of tho best buys on now llko initio doos. No It's no tho Bay. Can arrango easy terms. secret, tho work was dono by tho Houses and buildings for rent. i Murlitlelil Cleaning nml DyeWorks, AUGUST VRIZEEN, 270X. 1S6 So. Broadway. 68 Central Avo. Marshfleld, Ore. I Ladles Garments Specialty. HOME LAND Ca See us for Investments on Coos Day. We guariutee owner's price to bo our price. IMione 74L. 24 Front St, MAGUIRE'S TRANSFER. Hauling of every description. Stand at "Busy Corner." Phone 29S. Office phone, 201. Dealer in wood and coal. u-tt-tt-n-M-tt-tt-n-a-a-tt.a.j,. For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Bay Ice Co OS & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. SI. nnd 2 1 M. Phono 73-J. JJlfttdBenJsInt-Cj, Hiwyvn Quality the Highest AutheRtic New York Style These arc the twin features which tell the story of Benjamin Clothes Made in New York It is simply enough TOLD, but to appreciate what it really MEANS, go to your local Benjamin dealer and make a thorough investigation learn JUST WHY our garments have a reputation for quality and style, which circles the world, For your own enlightenment "try on" a few Autumn models note the perfect tailoring and the restricted fabrics, i While the highest in quality, you can purchase a Benja min Suit or Ovorcoat for $20,00 and upward, "New York Fashions," our Autumn and Winter booklet, sent on request. Alfred Benjamin & Co. New York Agents forJNETTLETON SHOES Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshfleld "MONEY TALKS" Bandon THE FAST AXI) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WILL .MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSEXGKIW AXD FREIGHT RETWEEN QOOS HAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS 3IADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND INTER-OCEAX TRANSP. CO. FIFE DLDG., SAN FRANCISCO. FOR INFOR MATION PHONE 44-J o 285. SAII FOR SAN FRANCISCO FRO.M COOS RAY AT 12. AC)., OCTOIIBR 10.IXTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO,'ai Beaver Hill Coal -a-a-a-a-n-a-a-K-a--.- .MOUNT DIARLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The beat Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR Oil-ICE, SOUTn BROADWAY. PHONE 201 .-- A Want Ad will sell it for you I i ' o ,y r U JM.-'J'JH-Jji