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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1910)
iiawwiiriMWmiriinMM -jWf-T ' " ' i h I Vm Easy in Any Position x( X. Prescribed Medicine Is Best I When you nro sick enough to bo tho proper medicine. So bo mire yourself, for Belf-medlcntlon Is a risky proposition. Go to a Rood physician nnd let lilin prcscrl need medicine don't t,ry to doctor to have the prescription properly compounded. Bring It to tho "Busy Corner" nnd tho medicine you will got will bo the finest posslblo Mint enn bo prepared according to that prescription. Tho "Ilusy Corner" will cnll nnd deliver prescriptions In nny pnrt of tho city frco of chnrgo. . FOU SAMS AT T1IK IIUSV CORNER. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marshfield, Oregon STEAMER M. F. PLANT J I Sails for San Francisco every eight days. a TICKETS ItESEHVEP UI TO THE ARRIVAL OK THE SHIP, C 3 IhCSKUVATlONS HE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME UN- rv H J.KSS TICKET IS IKIinilT. F. S. Dow, Agent.1 a &S1Sl5?S2ip5?S?!?'Z"3?;tS?S25F. a-a-u--o--ti-a----- IHome Addition NOW ON THE MARKET m tuis auamon is situatea immeuiaioiy ausi 01 now cusisiuu aim. ( ? The lots nrn 10OT911 nml Inriror nlinut elcht ordinary lots! and B , - ... .. . w..t j ...... , y.uv.vv uj. U n.vo v..-. a This plat was fllod recontly, nnd wo havo only a fow 8 lots remaining unsold. This Indicates that tho proporty Is interest- B hig to purchasers, and anyone wishing to securo a lot should act a Promptly. Tortus ono-hnlf cosh, balanco equal payments, 3, C, 9 I and 12 months, For particulars, see J Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. ? General Agents EASTSIDE . F0t SALE Automobile, 4-cyllndor, Q-horeo power, 5-passonger, fully equipped wth acetylene headlights, tabrlol horn, top, otc, Cost now 13000, will sell for cash or ex change or real estate at n bargnl 0l'y J8Q0. Appjy to Dr, J, T. McCormac. -' ,. t Kn S.I,E-x,.w linln w.igon, Cull iornlabed; 3 1-4 Skein. Phone 49X Fou SALEA two-liorso electric mtor, small centrifugal pump nnd s0 gallon Iron tank. Same can be seen by applying to mo at North Ded. C. F. McCullom. lt BALE Tho lots la Hay Park Jhap. Apply Herman Cordes, rnlon cigar Store. ANTED Vacuum carpet cleaning guaranteed to tnko out all dust aiil germs. Carpet will look llko new after work Is done. Phone J. S. Hayes, 231. WANTED. Carrier boys to deliver The Times; must bo at least In 'ourth grade at school. Inquire at Tunas nrtino . -. ' .J ANTED-EageV for niy new &&&&$& THE COOS BAY TIM ES, JT HAS NEVER BEEN a question with us how cheap we could sell clothes irrespective of quality and make, but it has been, and is our business to sell you, for the least money, the best clothing that can be produced. DUTCHESS TROUSERS arc one of our strong lines. They express our store policy in the splendid service that they give, outwearing other trousers usually sold for more. They arc made by very reputable peo ple and every pair is backed by a money warranty JO Cents a Button: $1.00 a Rip. FROM $2 TO $6 A PAIR. Woolen Mill Store "MILL-TO MAN Marshfield, phone uos. m L, Marshfield Ore PSa.f?S7S?.TaS?i"BS?. iF?&SiS25?S?Si52Si -a-o-n--n-o o-b-b-b-h-h-u To Eastside B -.-.. - . I Henry 8engstacken, Managor. B Cndlllno auto. Will tnko passen gers nny place. Prompt sorvlce. Phono D. L. Footo at Blanco ho tel, or Bob's Dllllard Parlor. WANTED nool girl for general house work. Good wages to right party. Phono 265. FOR DENT My house ut Klttyvllle, with or without grounds. Inqulro of Eugene O'Connoll. FOU SALE To horses, two bug gies, two sets of harness, one fresh Jersey cow, eighty chickens, ten tons of, coal nnd one year's feed for horses, cows and chickens. In quire of Eugeno O'Connell. WANTED. Experienced coal miners and tlmbermon. Apply Reaver Hill Coal Co. FOH RENT. Six-room Ant, iwtl furnished, bath and modern coi venlences. Finest location In Marshfield. Apply to Robert Mars den, Sr, run 1 1 nvn VoriflM' vru,r Fmll' Infc LLUIU ll0(.i, Aii furniture uc nd clean. Velvet nd .xmtWer wpc In very room. Four Morle. of sot hi wwfort lla et reduced to: dV.50c.75ond 11.00. week, S OO to 13.00. AUo a few ImuMkeepIng Prt ne nt. Itf m raneej. V2.00 per month t r tatlil. Take bun t depot. Ur, Hrldge. "tp Get what you want when you want It through The Tlrnee Want Ads. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1910 CLOTHIERS" Oregcn TRADE LOYALTY. No word nppeuls more strongly to the nvernge person thnn loynlty. Wo nil love to be spoken oft ns loynl to family, frlendB, country nnd to our Ideals. Wo should nlso Include our homo city. There Is no doubt of our sincerity In this nnd we would feel very much 'offended were It questioned, but Is I this loynlty always of tho right sort; 1 Is It Intelligent nnd active or Is It iBomctlmcs n Bentlmeutnl nnd pleasing I fancy with which wo delude our I selves? I Tho happiness of tho peoplo of n city depends largely on the prosperity of tho community ns n whole, nnd this prosperity depends In part upon the amount of money circulating there. The moro monoy tho peoplo send nwny for things they enn buy from their own merchants, tho poorer the community will become nnd, con versely, tho moro they spend nt home, tho more tho plncc will thrive. Do thoso who patronize distant mall order houses ever think of tho hnrm done? If nil the good people In Boston, for Instance, should (guoro tho local merchants nnd for ono year buy nil their supplies In Chicago, Duffnlo and Now York, there would bo "For Snlo" signs on tho city hull, Young's, tho public library nml tho old North church. Tho same prin ciple nppllcs to nil communities. Patronage of homo merchants Is tho life of n city. Thoso mall ordor houses by offering nttrnctlvo (?) premiums with Indifferent goods, havo drawn from us largo amounts of monoy which, If spent nt home, would havo helped to pay for schools, paving, lighting nnd general civic Im provement. Outsldo business houses do not pay any pnrt of our city taxes. Dut, "Huslnoss Is nuslness," some say. Yes, but business Is more than that, It la reciprocity, and It should bo apparent to ovoryono that busi ness dealings with thoso who nro working for tho same local Interests ns oursolves will bo far moro produc tive of good, than trading with peo plo who nro far away, who buy noth ing from us and whoso Only Interest In our community Is tho amount of monoy thoy can get out of It. Do you recnll whon times havo been hard that thoso tnnll ordor houses ovor oxtonded you credit to holp you over tho hard places? Will they? Not In n thousand yenrs It's nonoy down, or no goods, Tho locnl merchants nro tho ones to whom wo nust then turn for assistance, but how enn wo do so with good grace or reason unless wo support thorn In prosperous times? They are alert, Intelligent nnd progressive-, and, If .given tho. oppor tunity, will sell bettor goods nt tho same, or lower prices than tho mall order houses can or will and deliver thorn at once no exnross charges, no long delays,, no dlsapoolntmonts, Let us cense, then, enriching a few poonlo In whom wo havo no sort of Interest, at tho cost of lasting Injury o our own community. Try support ing our own homo business for a time. Surely, loyaltv, In this Instnnce. means spend your money at home. MRS. FARKIXOEn, Teacher of Piano. ' Homo Studio, South Broadway. Phono 270-J. SUSS EDNA LARSON ' Piano Instruction Tel.SSMt. O A FOR CAREFUL CLEANING I Ladles should bring their Drosses, (Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS DAY" TAILORING CO., J. W. Josephson, Mgr. 180 South Broadway, Miirsufleld, COOS BAY TIDES. OCTOHElt Highjvatcr J A. M. P. AL J Saturday 151 3:2G 1.0 4: 0GI 2.3 SUNDAY 10 4:12 1.0 4:44 1.3 e f QCTODElt Low water A. M. P. M. Saturday 15 10:001 7VTI 1):5C 7.7 SUNDAY 10 10:30 3.4 10:40 S.I THE WEAT1IEH. (Dy Associated Press.) Oregon Occnslonnl rain to- night nnd Tucsdny. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 p. in., Oct. 1G, by Mrs. Mlugus, special government mo- teorologlcal observer: Mnxlmum CI Minimum 40 At 4:43 p. in 00 Precipitation none Wind SouthwcBt; cloudy. HORN. LEWIS To Mrs. 13. P. Lewis, of Fresno, California, nt Mercy ho8 pltal, North Head, Sunday, October 17, 1010, a daughter. Mother nnd child doing well nnd Qrnndpn Tom Howard Is Just ns proud over his new grnndJnughtcr ns If she were tho only ono In tho world. MILLEIt To Mr. nnd MrB. Mnrlon C. Miller of Dora, Oregon, n son, Monday, October 17 Mrs. Miller Is at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dennett Swnuton In Mnrflhlleld. HuyN Shop. II, A. Edlln nnd fam ily of Hay Park, will leave tomorrow for Ilnudon whero Mr. Edlln has pur chased tho foundry nnd machine shop. He lias boon employed nt tho Smith mill and Iiub made ninny friends hero who wish him success In his new undertaking. For Y. M. C. A. Tho promoters of n Y. M. C. A. for MnrshfloM havo decided to wait until next April bo fore launching tho campaign. C. A. 8mlth hns promised them n lot nt tho corner of Sixth nnd Commorclnl ns a alto for tho building. It Is planned to raise $25,000 for n build ing nnd equipment Wedding AiiiilwrsurlcN. Yes terday marked tho fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lou Drown and tho twentieth nnnlver sary of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. N. Dolt. Although thoro wbb no formal cele bration of tho ovont, tho worthy couples wero recipients of congratu lations from their many friends. Father Died. A. J, Dutton, Jowol er nt tho Red Cross, has returned from Arkansas whoro ho was callod by the Illness nnd death of his fath er. Mr. Dutton died nbout flftoon minutes boforo htu son reached his bodBldo, passing away whllo tho lat ter was en routo from tho dopot to tho home. Death was duo to paraly sis. . Injuries Not Severe. Chas. Donl son, tho workmau who fell Blxty feet from tho smokostnek of tho Smith mill Saturday, Is getting nlong nice ly, his Injuries consisting only of bruises and a Bovoro Jarring up. That ho escaped Instant death was prob ably due to hla falling on a platform tho spring of which broko tho force of his fall. Hack From Row-burg. Marshal J. W, Carter arrived homo yestorday from Roseburc whero ho was sum moned as a witness In tho case of rthe automobile thieves. Ono of thorn pleaded guilty anu tno outer was on trial when Mr. Carter and Dllly Wado loft for homo. Lovl Smith, who has beon acting marshal resumed his place on tho Alice II today. Undergoes Operation. -Tho fol lowing Item concerning John K. Kol lock, who Is luvolved la tho Mnjor Kinney holdings will bo of In terest hore: "Attorney John K. Kollock, who underwent n serious operation at St. Vincent's hospital yesterday, Is roported somewhat im proved. He parsed a rathor Bleep loss night, but Is resting moro com fortably." Is Improving. ' Thos. Williams who sustained a broken leg while coming to Coon Bay ,on tho Coaster, is at Mercy hospital and getting along nicely, The Injuries wero sus tained while crbsslng out over Rogue. EVENING EDITION. River bar which was very rough, causing sonio of tho casks to break lose and one of them struck Williams. There were thirteen nbonrd the Coaster, Inc ..ding mm mm ..,..... ..u ... ....v u , uiK'iii'iii-u. Coming Here. 11. F. Jones, regis ter of tho United, States Land 'Of fice nt Roseburg nnd who is n can didate for circuit Judge, writes friends that ho will visit Coos county nbout November 2 In behalf of his candidacy. AssesMcd In South. Wo wero In formed this week thnt tho Steamer Urenkwntor Is nsaessed nnd pays taxes nt San Francisco. The Inform ation was gained through our nc commodntlng countj- nssessor, T. J. Thrift. Coqullle Sentinel. To Gel Minister. As yet, the Mnrshllold Presbyteiinn church hns not secured n successor to Rev..F. It. Zugg, who recently resigned. Rev. Xugg wnB to attend n meeting of tho Presbytery nt Pendleton this month and will endeavor to Bocuro n new man for this charge New Hell Huoy. Ilonry Sengstnc ken, secretary of the Port of Coos Day, has Just been ndvlscd by Com mander Elllcot thnt the port's peti tion for n bell buoy to murk Dnltl moro rock nt tho entrnnco to Coos Day has been grnnted. Commander Elllcott snya It will bo'CBtnbllBhcd nbout November 15, 1010. Plan For Football. Tho Mnrsh llold Independent Football team wan out for practice ycBtordny nnd made a good showing. Next Sunday, they will play tho Coqulllo Independents hore. They havo arranged for four games with the Coqullle team, tho other threo of which will probably be played Thanksgiving, Christmas nnd Now Yenr's. Get Flue Apples. An exhibit of un.iBunlly lino Hello Flower Apples from n North Coos River orchard Is attracting much nttontlon nt tho Mnrahflold Chamber of Commerce ns Ib nnother exhibit of Coos River UenutlcB from tho orchnrd of Stephen Rogers, Tho donor of tho Hello Flower npploB did not Bond In Ills name, so tho fruit cannot bo Inbelled ob being from any imrtlculnr orch nrd. ADVERTISED L17ITER LIST. List of uuclnlmod letters romnlu lug in tho Marsh field, Oregon, poBt olllco, October 15, 1010. Persona calling for tho unino will please say advortlscd and pay ono cent for ench advertised letter called for: Mrs. C. A. Battoy, Mrs. Geo, J. Ilattoy, Chns Ilowmnn, Jnn Burgess, Mrs. R. L. Dwlght, Albert Dnvls, Miss Emerson, Mr. Chas, Flyun, Oeorgo Grnnfers, Atto Hnglund, Chnrloy Gustnfson, Domenlo Guloro tlo, Andrew Hansen, Mrs, Anna Han sen, William Hock, David Hughes, Gunhlld Johnneson, T. A, Johnson, W. L. Jones, Ltnyalnr Kajojoposo- you, Lawronco Knlb, Clarenco Ken nedy, A. It. Loo, L. R. Lowla, John T. Lowls, Warren McDonald, Goorgo A. Mitchell, Jack Murphy, Mrs, N. J. Nelson, Androw Nolson, Adolph Po torson, Mrs. G. Potterson, Lestor Rhodes, Frank Stophens, A. II. Smith, .Professor F. Smith, Richard Thompson, Earl VougliBberg, Miss Margarotto Wobstor, A. 13. Wilson, J. E. Wilcox. CQNCKRT TUESDAY NIGHT. You nro cordially Invited to at tend a Vlctrola Concert to bo glvon nt tho store of W. R. Hnlnes MubIc Company, Tho factory representa tive la now hore and with a new list of records. You can hardly afford to miss this, it you onjoy good music, Got what you want whon you want It through The Tlmos Want Ada. -B-B-tt-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-X GOING SOME! Sperry's Best Drifted Snow FLOUR V AH First-Class B - T - K - B - K - W - - W - K - K - K - K - mu:wm:Hmimmu:atBKtaBMHtt- : rr I T.r . ... i rerSOJUal IwfCS H gnt::t::t:t:snt:u:itt:tmmmj:tt::m D QQSQ ,eft UUa for (iun0i OTTO WAHLMARK spent Sunday with friends In Coqullle. W. 8. WRIGHT arrived In today on the Redondo to make this territory for his house. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM has returned from n trip to Portland nnd Wil Inmctte Valley points. MISS GENEVIEVE TELLEFSON ex pects to leave this week for San Frauclbco to visit friends. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL loft this morning for Coqulllo to attend tho annual meeting of the Coos Coun ty Board of Equalization, J. W. BENNETT and family nnd W. U. Douglas nnd family wero nmoug the unto parties thai drovo to Arngo lighthouse yesterday. W. J. RUST and J. D. McNeil loft this morning to attend n meeting of tho Coos County Democratic Central Committee nt Coqulllo. DR. STRAW nnd wife, Dr. Dlx, C. E. Nicholson nnd wife, E. II. Morrls Boy nnd wife were among tho Marsh field people who spent Sun day nt Sunset Bay. MRS. SARAH HAINES nnd Mrs. Flanagan, who havo beon visiting nt tho George Bailies' homo, ex pect to lenve on tho Redondo Wednesday for their homo In San FranclBCo. C. 13. McCOY and family will leavo Wednesday for Callfornln whero they expect to mnko their homo. Mr. McCoy hns been employed at tho Smith mill, but hns been In poor health and hopes that a change of cllmato would prove beneficial. Mr. Dutton, .JEWELER, nt RED CROSS Drug 8toro has returned from East to FIX YOUR WATCH. . t i1 .,,' ARAGO NEWS. Thero was prayer meeting In tho Wlllowdnlo church house Thursday evening. Tho Ladles' Aid wero to meet at Mrs. Marlon Clinton's last Wednes day, but owing to tho wonthor thoro wore only n couple of ladles who camo. Elton Stophens of FUhtrnp, left hero Friday aftornoon and went to Marshfield whoro ho took tho Break water for Portland. Ho Is going thoro to nttond tho Bohnko.Walkor Business Collogo whoro he wont to school at for threo months last win ter. He Intends to bo gono for about six months. Tho 20-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith of Prosper, died Inst Sunday forenoon and was burled In tho uppor Flshtrap comctory last Tuosday, Tho little ono has beon (II for threo or four weeks with spinal meningitis, Mrs, Smith Ib a Bister of Mrs. Adn Fist of this placo. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith hnvo lived hero. Wo havo Just received tho lurgest shipment of stuniP blasting ponder that has uu-r come to Marshfield. Those who are lu need of this should cull nud see us. Our price Is right. Marshfield Hurdwnro Company, Have your calling cards printed at Tho Tlmos office , Try Tho TImea Want Ads. -B--B--B-- -B-B-B-tt-B-3 i a t B t B I B I B t B I B I a V B I n t M I B I 7 i M Grocers Have It. K - K - K - - W - B - nH - K - K - - ! - - Ii