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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION. i COOS BAY TIMhS Entered at tho poatofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second clns3 mall matter. Address nil communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, Mnrshficld :: :: :: :: Oregon M. C. MALOXEV Editor nml Pub. DAN K. MALOXEY Xcws Editor An Independent Ucpubllcau newts paper published every evening except Sunday, and Wooldy by Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho service of tho pcoplo, that no good caimo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not tlirlvo unopposed. Tho, Coos Hay Times represents n consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Hay Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall wns tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Bay Times is Its Immediate sue ccssor. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. DAIIjY. Ono year $6.00 For month 50 When paid wtrlctly lit ndvnnco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos ,Bay Times Is $G,00 per year or $2.50 for six months. WEEKLY. Ono yenr $1.50 Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF Till: C1T1 OF MARSHFIELD. REPUBLICAN STATU AXI) COUNTY TICKET Hop. in Congress lHt Dlst. W. C. HAWLEY, Mnrlon County Governor JAY BOWERMAN, Ollllam County Secretnry of Stato F. W. BENSON, Douglas County -Stato Treasurer THOMAS I). KAY, Marlon County Justice- of Supremo Court Four Year Term HENRY J. BEAN, Umatilla County THOMAS A. MeBRIDE, ClackamnH County Justlco of Supromo Court Six Year Term OEO. 11. BURNETT, Mnrlon County FRANK A. MOORE, Columbia County Attorney Oonornl A. M. CRAWFORD, Douglas County Supt. of Public Instruction L. R. ALDERMAN, Lano County Stato Prlntor WILLIS S. DUNIWAY, Multnomnli County Com. of Labor ami Statistics O. P. HOFF, Multnomah County Railroad Commissioner FRANK J. MILLER, Linn County Stato Enlnor JOHN 11. LEWIS. Marlon County Water Commlrodoner 1st Dlst, JAMES T. CHINNOCK, Multuomnh County Circuit Judges JOHN S. COKE, Cpos County 11ENJ. F. JONES, DouglaH County Rep, Coos and Curry County S. P. PIERCE, Cooa County . Rop. Dth Dlst. ' ED RACKLEFF, Coos. County County Jude Coos County K. A. ANDERSON, Cooa County Sheriff Coos County JOHN YOAKAM, Coos County Clerk Cooa County JAMES WATSON, C6os County Treasurer Coos County T. M. DIMMICK Coos County Surveyor Coos County A. N, GOULD, Cooa County Coroner Coos County Dr. R. E. GOLDEN, Coos County Commissioner Coos County OEO. J. ARMSTRONG, Coos County Justlco of tho Poaco a L. PENNOCK of Mnrahflold THE WOll1. )F A VOTE. UNDER our form of government every vote that Is cast has but rolatlvo worth only, save that which Is cast nftor duo and honest review of tho candidates and tho measures submitted; all others are but whimsical expressions of nn Ir responsible electorate for tho, most part nnd tho pity of It Is what they must be counted and accredited. While the franchise is the greatest, most valuable Item of tho freedom wo possess It Is tho worst abused and least regarded of nil. It Is used, In the wider sense of n license to serve a friend, to bolster n favorite, to bal ance nn obligation, to securo stand ing nnd favorable consideration, to make good with "tho gang," or to cam a tainted dollar, with rarely, If ever, a thought of tho tremendous fact that tho vote Is a fundamental Integer of government Itself. It Is not appreciated as It should be; nnd we sometimes think It Is too free altogether; that It should" be denied until time and training and education make it of ratlonnl valuo to tho man who is to cast it. This is an extreme vlow to take of so Im portant n matter, nud yet Its very Im portance urges the prescriptive Idea. Without regard to politics, It may bo snld, that about ono man In ten casts a really Intelligent vote, having In view the contlnunnco, lunlutcnnnco or establishment, of decent govern mental conditions; tho other nlno votes going their hnpazard way, on a thousand Idle and unhelpful, If not vicious, pretexts, to tho misfortune of tho country, state, county or city, na tho case inny bo; tho voting sys tem of tho country lias become Iden tified with Its predilection for graft, and serves that Institution (nud nil but constitutional) end nnd nlm admirably. Tho conuuonoss of It has robbed It of Its primal- significance nnd forco and left It tho cheapest, and most universal, weapon for tho disruption nnd discredit of tho ndmlnstrntlvo -ondltlons of tho country. Everv thinking citizen knows this, nnd It should move them to bettor iibo tho prerogative in the nnnulmont of tho vitiating power suggested. It Is tho duty of every Intelligent nnd loyal citizen to employ IiIh voto to the best ndvnntngo of tho constituency ho stands with nnd to think deeply be fore he wastes It. Ho cannot recall it, nor change It, It Is tho momen tary duty of n single dny, Infre quently prescribed, and his best In 'ent must be thought out and de cided, In ndvaneo of thnt hour. And If his freedom, his hope of progress, of happiness, nnd tho good of his neighbors and his country, appeal to him nt nil, ho will voto honestly nnd helpfully nnd heartily for tho host men and laws then In the public eye. Anything less than this Is unquulIM- .tWITHTHE t t T0ASTANDTEAJ GOOD KVEXIXG. - PRINCIPLE. Every oDpor'unity needs lo be lool'cd at through the glass of pruv ciplc. It may mean, apart from con science, a chance of money, social position, power, but if it does not Eass muster morally it also means iss. Conscience is a man's best protection. sd treachery. The older a man becomes tho more ho nppreclatcs tho old saying thnt a man's days betray tho secrets of his nights. HOW TO KEEP YOUNG. It Is every womnn's duty to keep young as possible, but unfortunately, hIh' does not always know tho best way to llvo up to that duty. Avoid hurry, worry nnd getting flustered. Lonrn 'rolf-control. Anger Is a rap- Id wrlnkle-brluger. Ho tompernto. Moderation does not only refer to tho stomach. Over doing In any way makes for prema ture nge. Love tho open nlr. Fresh nlr Is not n fad; it is a necessity If ono would keep young. Got plenty of sleep. Nothing lines tho face like nights of wakefulness. Keep mentally alert. An Intellec tual back number adds years to her (I'lJv,' nge. Nothing makes for yui'i llt;i' a young mind, Bnve, por- Iwp', .) young l-enrt. I'jn't Id yourself get sluggish nnd li)dtff ront. Hero Is whero tho ben oflt of n.ussago, physical culturo i.nd a vital Interest In life comes in. Button Herald. THE OUTLAW. When my loop takes hold on n two-year-old By tho feet or tho neck or tho horn, Ho kin plunge nnd fight till his eyes go white, But I'll throw hi In ns sure ns you're born. Though tho tnut rope slug like n ban Jo string And tho lntlgoes creak and strain, Yet I've no fenr of an outlaw steer And I'll tumble him on tho plain. For n man Is n mnn nnd n steer Is a beast, I And the man Is tho boss of tho j herd! ! 'And each of tho bunch, from tho biggest to tho least, Must come down when ho says the word. When my leg swings 'cross on nn outlaw hawse And my spurn clinch Into his hide, Ho kin r'nr nud pitch over hill nnd ditch, But wherever ho goeB I'll rldo. Let 'lm spin nnd flop like a crazy top, Or flit llko n wind-whipped smoke, But ho'll know tho. feel of tny.row eled heel Till ho'a hnppy to own he's broke. For n mnn Is n man and liawso Is n brute, And tho hnwso may bo prlnco of his clnn, But ho'll bow to tho bit and tho steel-shod boot And own thnt his boss is tho man. ' ' Everything in Men's wear at Ihe lowest prices. All kinds of clothing to keep you dry and otherwise. FIXUP OPPOSITE BREAKWATER OFFICE Lighting Up for t,he Hof day Trade. WE AR1: I NO BUS I 3 APPROACHING THE RUSH SEASON IX THETr""" I 5INESS. liT' I NOWADAYS, LIGHTING- MEANS ELECTRICITY. BUSINESS ntrt) lH'nfiiTa r.w nr?rr?ATr.v 'aooiJ-ii vswiv i-j. . m w.. v.. ..- kuiox uim.xi'a ..,.. ---,skjxj Air v ,. MAKING THEIR WINDOWS ATTRACTIVE TO TUG prnp WHO BUY. . LE COOS BAY LIVERY We have secured the livery busi ness of L. 11. Helsner nnd nro pre pared to render excellent service to tho people of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything thnt will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed lr tho livery line. Wo also do n trucking business of nil kinds. BlniH'hanl, Itc.ln & Blaurlianl Llwry, Feed and Sule,x Scivlee. 141 First nud Alder Streets. Phono 13S-J WHY DELAY REACHING OUT FOR .MORE IUSI.i:ss? Telephone ITS nud nsk for tho Now Business Department THE COOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. TELEPHONE 178. .MISS E. DOXXELLY Graduate MiuMie Gives Scalp Treatment. Ph. Ti. STATEMENT OF COXDITIOX OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS BAY, MARSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, mo RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. LoanB and dlscouuta . . . .$12t!,GlG.9S Capital stock paid In. . . $100 OOB n Overdrafts 254.80 Surplus and undivided When the devil nt rest undernenth my vest Gets up nud begins to paw,' And my hot tnnguo strains nt Its bridle-reins, Then I tncklo tho real outlaw; When I get plumb riled and my sense , goes wild, And my temper hns fractious growed, 'f ho'll hump his neck Just n trlflln' speck, Thon It's dollnrs to dimes I'm throwed. Tor n mnn Is a mnn, but ho's part ly n beast Ho kin brag till ho mnkes you deaf, But tho ono, lono brute, from tho west to tho enst, That ho kalnt qulto break, Is hlmse'f. Charles Badger Clark. NEW LIVERY Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers nro now nt tho dls uosal of tho Coos Bay public nt REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhoro any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties W. L. CONDR.ON'S Livery & Feed Stables South Bronduny, Mnrshllcld FLASHES FROM THE' WIRE! A book of Sermons by DAX SHAXXOX. Price. Fifty Cents. Address Vlsnlla, Calif. 4 Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Mnrshucld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or mouth. Mrs. J. H. O'JIONNELL, Prop. a THE QUIET OBSERVER SAYS: ABUSE OF THE INITIATIVE. Editor Times: It Is a gross nbuso of tho rights guaranteed by the Initiative nnd Re ferendum Amendment to the Oregon Constitution to bring up woman auf frago at overy general oloctlou. This measure wns submitted In 1910 and benten by a plurality of 2137. In 1900 It was again proposod and wns beaten by 19,173. In 190S It wns ignln on tho ballot and It was beaten by a majority of 21,049. Notwithstanding these repented de feats, more decisive at each election, tho same measure Is again on tho ballot this year. The ballot title is misleading and Indicates n proposal to give votes to tnxpaying women only, but tho mensure to be voted ou Is the snmo proposition which the uooplo have so ofton nnd so recently ondomnod. It should be voted down this year by an Increased ma jority, especially because of tho fraud undertaken to bo perpetrated ou the pcoplo by tho use of a false and mis leading tltlo on tho ballot. OREGON ASSOCIATION OPPOSED TO WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Mrs. Francis James Bailey, President. 4 "Wo enn get a pretty fair Idea of somo Coos Ray folks by tho amount of writing they try to got on n postal card." G. W. Dungan Undertaker Mnr&lifleld, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South SId St., Telephone, Day or Xlglit, lO.VX THE DAYS OF YOUTH. i Let us labor In the morning, for -'twill soon be afternoon; let us hus tle' In tho vineyard, for tho night Is coming soon, when the old and enry dotards sit beside tho fire and .croon and time Is mnrchlng on. Lot's Improvo tho golden moments that cavort upon their way; thore'U be time for idle dreaming In old age's wintry day; while the morn of life Is with us let us put up lots of hay, for time Is mnrchlng on. I Jmvo seen a county poorhouso where tho paupers sighed and wept, for the wasted years behind them, when high carnival they kept, when they hold their late carousal while the weary tollers slept, nnd time is mnrchlng on. I have seen dead people plauted without sign of tears or ruth; they wore hustled to the boneyard like a box of Junk, In sooth; nnd they al wuys were the people who had fooled away their youth; nnd time Is march jug on. Ah, In youth tho golden moments seem n boundless, endless store, and we waste them as tho chil dren wnste the pebbles jon tho shore' Ono by one tho moments leave us. aud they come to us no more, and time Is marching on! , j Walt Mason. Use The Time' Vfant Ads. HOTEL GARDIXER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has been re modelled and Improved and Is undor now management. Special accommo dations for stago passengers and for people desiring a rest at the seashore. "You'll Llko tho Plnee." Ju1 SCHILLER Proprietor. Bonds and securities .. . . 20,990.10 Banking house, furnlturo nnd Allures CC,8L0.50 Cash on hand and duo from banks 32, 90S. 51 profit Deposits .Mll 1SI.SH.ii Tot1 1203,651.01 TOUI , o Invito your attention to tho ftrong condition of this bank at Bhown by tho sworn sattemont, to-wlt: Cash reserve.... 43 per cent of dW!U Reserve required by law 15 nor cent of d Recorvo In excess of legal requirements 2S per cent of dpoi:i OFFICERS AXI) DIRECTORS JOHN 3. COKE. President. JOHN F. HALL HENRY SENOSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROQERB, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. vV. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. O. W. TOWER, M C. MORTON. VIco President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL HANKING AX I TltUST IIUSI.VESfl. VQUJl HUSIXKSS SOLICITED. I THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BAXK. Wells Fnrgo Nevada Nntlonal Bank, Son Francisco, CsJ. The United States National Bank, Portland, Of, The National Park na,nk. New York, N. Y. The Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, 111. The Bank of Scotland, London, England. Tho Credit Lyonuals, Paris, Franco. In addition we draw drafts on all principal banking eentsri ! Europo, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Cental irf Bouth America. Personal and commercial accounts kopt subject to chock Certificates of Deposits Issued. Snfo Deposit Boxes for rent Draws Drafts on FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAR3HFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Bank In Cooa Cousty, EhiiIiIIsIuhI In 1889. Paid up Cnpltnl nml Surplus. $H0,000.00. Assets Over Half Million Dolhim. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the But ' of California, San Francisco, oil,; Hanover National Dank, N. T. First NttIonal Bank, Portland, Ore.; First National Bank, Row- ( ourg, ure.; me London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, buuni Also sells exchange ou all of thn nrinninni cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Bf deposit lock boxes for rent. , ... OFFICERS: . BENNETT. Iul.lo... 11 1, UMT.T.IAMS. Pnslllor. ' f , J " .F.''V'N GEO. E. WINCHESTER, Asst. to. t INTEREST PAID OX T1MR iiRPitaiTS. sssnssESfcsasanscSBsssHSEssas 0 STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alnsworth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. M., every TudJ. Sallu from Coos Bay every Saturday nt servlco of time. Keserratlo" jj "Ml not be hed later than Friday noon, unless ilckets are purchV?!1- j W. F. Miller, Agt,. , . ' . Phone Mate 35-L 2 ' -... l5252SZCTTOraSE!nS25?-TC t 1 V SJ BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF RELIABLE BUSINESS IIOUSE9 AND BUSINESS MEX W MARSHFIELD WHO HANDLE GOODS THAT nAV no niTiiin,cr.n am WAIH PRICES OK MEX WHOSE WORK MAY BE DEPENDED UPON. IT WILL PAY YOU TO PATRONIZE TflEM IMother's Restaurant Is better prepared to serve you thau eer befcre. Coimneiclul Ae., bet. Front nud Broadway, MurMilleld, Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Piumb'fng and Heating Marhtild, Ore., Phone 773 GET YOUR JOB PRIXTIXG DOXE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Enve lopes, Cnlljng Cards, etc. STADDEN All kinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak On tehlng. "1 f ' r ,- .. .. , , Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office J. .. KOONTZ Machine and Repair SP GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Wor At Holland's boat shop, Jfjn? ' " D,sTfeJt, Warsnneia,