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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1910)
- - wwwi4" Ci ADS. tm NEWS ffil&V nt'SlXESS 19 SLOW, AU JnfflSB. THAT IT PAYS IS 15VI. vvcri) nv successful husi- Jg jiOL'SICS EVERYWHERE :: GET IT WHIMS IT IS NEW BY READING THE COOS MAY TITLES. 'ALL THE NEWS AL.j THE TIME TERSELY TOLD t: :: :: si t: MEM1JER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established lit 1878 ns Tito Coast Mail. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION. VOL XXXI II. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. 80. y ytt jjvft HILADELPNJA TIES FIRS! - GAME OF WORLD'S SERIES Defeats Chicago By Score of Four to One This Afternoon. OVERALL IS TAKEN OUT OF THE BOX American League Team Has Decidedly Best of It In First Contest. Score by Innings: Philadelphia HUE 0 2 10 0 0 0 1 01 7 1 Chicago 00000000 11 3 1 (Uy Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Ph., Oct. 17. i B; a score of four to one, tho Phila delphia American League tenni tool: I the first gamo In tho world's scries today from tho Chicago National League team. Tho wenthor was Ideal (or the gamo and It Is estimated that the paid admissions exceeded 10,000 ! ihlle a crowd of similar proportions ! tho could not gain access to tho field I tilted outside. Overall, Chicago's famous pitcher, tu taken out of tho box at tho fourth Inning and replaced by Mc-! Intyro. Philadelphia made tho best ' i ihowlng, possibly duo to having but- ter slab artlsta. The gamo In dntnll follows: Tlit fnnlng. Chicago Sheckard was tho first L Bin to bat and struck out. Schulto litjled to left but was caught stoal- h( second, Thpuins to Collins, Hoff- sin out on grounder, Collins to DlTlS. Philadelphia Strunk wns thrown cat, Stelnfcld to Clianco. Lord hit s high ono to Hoffman, Collins sin fled to left and went out on attempt-1 lag to steal to second,. Kllng to Slm nernian. Second Janlng. Chicago Clianco grounded to Bry, out at first. Zimmerman who look Ever's placoat second, hltn high toal to Baker. Stolnfolt gavo Bnkor chsnie and was an easy out to wtls. No runs. Philadelphia Baker hit for two to left uud was sacrificed to laird by Davis, tho luttor going out, Chinee to Zlmmcrmnn. Bnkor scor 4 on Miirnliv's slnclo to toft. Murphy stolo second. Barry thrown l. Stclnfeldt to Chanco, Murphy W'ng to third. Baker drovo hit be jeen first and second, Murphy scor " Strunk tlew to Shecknrd. Two rani. Third Inning. Chicago- Tinker was retired on n wautlhil stop and throw, Collins "Davis, Kline hit n iitirti nv nn. i Overall hit a hot grounder to Mfry and was retired nt first. - No rani, Philadelphia Lord hit for two es into right In tho center of tho '"d. Collins sacrificed, Chanco to merman, Lortl Going to third and wring on Baker's single. Bnkor out ""ling second, Kllng to Tinker. vub run. Fourth Inning. , 'caeo Shecknrd was an easy .. ' Barr' to Davis. Schulto walk Jftoflt. Hoffman struck out. tulT Up but Schulto went out wing second, Thomns to Collins. N runs. Chance brought Mclntyro to tho and sent Overall to tho bench. naaelphln Murphy thrown out, 0 er t0 Chance, Barry out at first f 8TUder to Stelnfeldt. Thomas Fifth T.. ..!.. pm.. "B. go Chanco wns easy out to Is. Colli ns nsslatlncr Zlmmer- Bin .i - rucK out. Stelnfeldt fanned. N runs. StrPnh"aae,Pl Bender struck out. ut o eW a baso on bal,B but went Xink n an attempted steal, Kllng to r Lord struck out. No runs. Tint Shth Inu,"B ail sent n high fly to center lit t8 au ea8y owt by Strunk. Kllng ottt,J?. MurPhy. Mclntyro struck I'adeJphiaLcolu " IU1K fcrma: ns out. Zim- n to Chance. Tinker stopped I BIG GIFT BY ROCKEFELLER Magnate Increases Donation Medical Institute to $9,000,000. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) NEW YOIiK, Oct. 17. It Is an nounced that John D. Rockefeller would this afternoon glvo tho Rocke feller Instltuto for Medical Research an additional $3,S10,000, bringing his donation to this Institution to ag gregato nlno million dollars. RIOTING IN CHICAGO. Twelve IVisont Injured When Ico Attack Mob. (By Associated Press to Coos Pol- Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 17. Shots wcro fired and bricks thrown, twelvo per sons wcro Injured and sixteen ar rested In n riot hero today when tho police attacked n mob of striking gnrnicnt workers. Nearly every I window In tho first floor of tho Hart. Schnftnor & Marx plant was broken. ''nw Baker's grounder, retiring hint nt first. Davis went out tho samo wny. No runs. Seventh Inning. Chicago Barry pulled down Slice- kard's high bounder, getting tho bat ter nt first. Schulto fanned. Hoff man batted grounder and was caught at first, Baker doing n romnrknblo piece of work. No runt. Philadelphia Shcckard took Murphy's long drlvo oft the ropes In loft center. Bnrry was retired by Chance, unnBslstcd. Thomns got n baso on balls. Bender went out nt first by Chance, unnsslated. No runs. Eighth Inning. Chlcngo Chanco hit grounder to Collins and wentoutntflrst. Zlmmer mnn fnnnod. Stelnfeldt flew to Baker. No runs. Philadelphia Strunk tossed out,. Zlmmermnn to Chance, Lord flow to Hoffinnn. Collins got n bnso on balls, and wont to third on Mclntyro's wild throw In nn attempt to catch him off tho bag. Baker hit n two bagger to right field, scoring Collins. It wns Bnker's third lilt In the gamo. Davis wos tossed out nt first by Mclntyro. Ono run. Ninth Inning. Chicago Tinker reached second on a single nnd Strunk's fumblo. Tlnkor scored on Kline's slnglo to center. Kane took a position off first to run for Kllng. Beaumont for Mclntyro wont out, Collins to Davis. Knno renched second on tho piny. Shecknrd struck out. Schulto got n bnse on balls with two on bases, Hoffman enme to bat but his hit to Bnker forced Knno out nt third, Bnkengettlng tho out. Umpires and Lineups. Tho batteries today aro: Bender and Thomas for Philadelphia and Overall and Kllng for Chicago. The umpires are Connolly on balls, O'Day on bases. The batting order was: Chicago Sheckard, lofl field; Schultz, right field; Hofman, center field; Chance, first base; Simmer man, second base; Stelnfold, third base; Tlllmer, short stop; Kllng, catcher; Overall, pitcher. Philadelphia Hartzell or Mcln nes, left field; Strunk or Lord, cen ter; Collins, second base; Baker, third base; Davis, first base; Murphy, right field; Barry, short stop; Ben der, pitcher; Thomns, catcher. Tho umpires for tho series are: Sheridan nnd Connolly of the Ameri can Leaguo and O'Day nnd Blgler of tho National League. SEATS ARE SCARCE. (By Associated ' Press to Coos Bay Times.) PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 17. It Is almost perfect weather for the world championship gamo. Standing room in tho grandstand sold at f 1.G0. C. A. SMITH FAVORS BOND ISSUE'HEAVY LOSS OF Big Lumber Man and Coos County's Heaviest Taxpayer Heartily Endorses Plan For Improvement of Harbor. The following letter Is relf ex planatory. It will bo good news to everyone to know thnt tho man who is tho heaviest tax-payer In and out side tho district of the Port of Coos Bny Is so heartily In favor of tho bond Issue for tho Improvement of this harbor. As Mr. Smith points out the help from the government Is only based upon tho fnct that wo must help ourselves. This now po licy of fedornl aid requires thnt tho different communities demoustrnto their fnlth In their, local projects bo fore nsklng for national help. Under this arrangement, the Umpqun Is receiving government assistance that would never be granted except on tho basis of the people themselves putting up dollar for dollar of tho government appropriation. Mr. Smith's-letter follows: "Editor Tho Times: "I understand thnt tho question of issuing bonds for tho Improvement of the hnrbor will bo voted upon nt tho next election. Fooling nn In terest In tho up'bulldlng nnd pros perity of this community, nnd real izing the great opportunity for the building of n city on Coos Bay ns I j do, I tnko the liberty to express my, convictions of tho grent importnnco I in tho Improving of Coos Bny. "I understand there Is au earnest feeling among somo of your pcoplo that tho government having nlrcady taken hold of tho Improvements will continue to mnko such Improve ments until wo hnvo n flrst-clnss hnrbor fully completed. I firmly be llovo thnt If tho possibilities of Coos Bny for n hnrbor will contlnunlly bo held up before congress, tho govern ment will from tlmo to time mnko some appropriations, but I am as firmly convinced of tho necessity of oursolves helping along, especially as far ns tho work inside tho harbor Is concerned. "It Is of grent Importnnco thnt con sldernblo work bo dono In the deep ening nnd widening of tho chnnnols Passed Out of Touch With Wireless Stations Yesterday and Is Presumed to Be Far ..Out Over Ocean. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 17. Wireless stations along const tjils morning had nothing to report as to tho progress of Wellmnn's dirigible. Shortly aft er noon yestordny, tho "America" pnssed out of wlroless touch with tho Marconi station at Slasconsott nnd since then no word has been re ceived from Wellmnn who in the nb senco of other information Is nssum 0t tn bo continuing his northenst- Accident Occurs On United States Torpedo Destroyer Truxton On Pacific. ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Oct. 17. Threo were seriously Injured by the explosion of tho salt water eva porator on the United States torpedo destroyer Truxton, off Santa Bar bara yesterday nnd were brought hero today. Frank L. Howard, a fireman; Hnrry W. Bnlley, a machi nist, and Thomas J. Klnernan, an electrician, were injured. Change- Meeting. The A. N. W, Club will meot with Mrs. L. M. NoblO next Thursdny Instead of with Mrs. W. T, Merchant, the meeting placo having been changed on account of Mrs. Merchant being busy preparing 'for her party next Saturday , afternoon. 0 WORD FROMW IHHht ! AN EXPLOSION as rapidly ns possible, both for the purpose of attracting railroads, as well ns for tho accommodation of trnfllc for the- Increased population which we nil hope for nnd expect with tho ndvont of such rnllrondB. We all nppreclnto that tho fGO.OOO npproprlnted by the Inst congress for tho dredging Insldo of tho Bay will bo of considerable benefit. Tho work accomplished with this amount can hardly be expected to amount to nioro thnn the deepening of tho nar row, crooked channel which wo now have, which will hotter accom modnto our present trnfllc. "Realizing ns we do thu possibilities for n good hnrbor In Coos Bay, wo must tnko advantage of this pos sibility by gradually widening this channel nnd making n hnrbor In which tho ships of tho Pacific and all tho other waters of tho world enn tnko advantage, run In and out with perfect safety, nnd In which thoy can swing nt anchor when found no- cossnry. When it is ndvortlsed to the world that wo aro actually en gaged In tho work of making such n harbor, people will appreciate this fnct and come hero and tnko ndvnn tago of tho opportunities which such n hnrbor will glvo nnd help In tho upbuilding of tho city which !b bound to build up on such n hnrbor. "I AM CERTAINLY PLEASED THAT THE PEOPLE WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE UPON THE ISSUING OK $.100,000 OK BONDS KOR THIS PURPOSE, AND AS TIME (JOES ONI RELIEVE WE WILL ALL K.EEL THAT TIMS 1H A SPLENDID INVESTMENT WHICH WILL RETURN (1REAT DIVIDENDS TO THIS COMMUNITY. "By tho wny, permit mo to con gratulate Marshfleld and Coos Bay, as well as this Rcctlon of Oregon, upon tho splendid results of your Chamber of Commorco In advertis ing so splendidly tho possibilities of Coos Bny. I doubt it thoro la any section of tho country ns innccesslblo ns this is nt present ns woll ndvor tlsed nil over tho United Stntes as Coos Bay. I slncoroly hopo that tho gentlemen who hnvo given so llbornl ly of their tlmo to this work wll bo backed up by tho wholo community. Respectfully, C. A. SMITH." E wnrd flight with tho British Isles ns his destination. HA LOON RACE IS ON. Ten Will Content For Big Prize at Kt. Louis. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) ST. LOUIS, Oct. 17. Tho Infla tion of ,ten bnloons entered In tho Iuternntlonnl race for the James Gor don Bennett cup and cash prizes, wns begun enrly todny. Tho first bnloon will go up at 4:30 this after noon. Tho others will follow at flvo minute Intervals. Germany and tho United States are represented by three, pilots each while Franco nnd Switzerland hnvo two nch. OF AJUTINY Several Guards Reported Slain In Outbreak at Alcatraz Military Prison. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. IT. It Is roported that a mutiny occurred In tho federal mllltnry prison on Alca traz Island, Snn Frnnclsco bny. It Is reported that several gunrda wero killed. It Is Impossible to verify tho ro port through mllltnry chnnnols horo. Tho commnndant of tho prison re ports direct do Washington. In bnllast for this port, tho steam er Bnndon sailed at 8 o'clock last night. Sho wh tak;o out a cargo of lumber for Olaon & Mnhony. Tho Bnndon hns beon plying; between San Francisco and t,o Coqullle river. Portland Journal. II MAN CMS PROPERTY w HOWE IS DEAD Noted Author Passes Away at Home In Boston at Ripe 'Old Age. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) BOSTON, Oct. 17. Julia Ward Howo Is dead. Sho wns tho author of tho "Bnttlo Hymn of tho Rcpiib-' He," nnd many other famous con-' trlbutlons to lttornturo of recent yca- i JBIIM IN EARLY TODAY Brings Big Shipment of Machi-; nery For Black S and Gold Operators. Tho Rodondo arrived in early this morning from Snn Francisco after a good trip up tho coaat, having mndo tho run In thlrty-thrco houru. Sho had a good passenger list and con siderable freight, Including n big shlpmont of machinery tor tho Idaho Black Sand Gold Extracting Com pany which is going to open n plnnt near Gold Beach. President John son of tho company, Is horo to supor viso tho Installation of tho plant. Tho Rcdondo will sail nt 12 o'clock Wednesday noon for Snn Frnnclsco. Among thoso arriving on tho Ro dondo woro tho following: It. 8. Wright, A. J. Button, Dr. O. W. Endlcott, C. M. Qulmby, Mlus Lot ,tlo Crnln, Mrs. Ernest McCrary, Joseph Kotz, Miss Doll a Manila, Miss Ruby Bolmont, Miss Nan Ro mnndln, Jnck A. Kolly, O. Kocdlngu, O. Austin, T. Long, C. J. Lomnn, J. Bninll, S. A. Johnson, A. Nellson, 11. Williams, L. B. Prny, a, Johnson, H. Henly, A. J. Kills, B. PJckard, It. Mack, H. P. Thompson nnd 17 stcor age. IS TD Hans Anderson, "Clothes Line Raffles" Held By Justice Pennock. Hans Anderson, tho "Clothes Lino Raffles" was today bound ovor to the grand Jury by Justico Pennock on tho churgo of larceny from a dwelling. Ho will ho taken to tho county Jail to await tho action of tho next grand Jury. Tho charge Is a penitentiary offenso and Deputy Prosecuting Attornoy LHJeqvlst who camo ovor will push tho caSo against Anderson as ho bollovcs him to bo a "bad actor." Today Anderson admitted tho theft of tho varied assortment of women's apparel which Is piled on a tablo In Justico Pennock'a court awaiting claimants. Ho said that ho had takon them while Intoxicated that evory tlmo ho got a "skate" on ho was seized with a strango deslro to steal clothing. Ho dented having sold any of them. C. A. Johnson and others have Identified part of tho clothing as garments that had beon stolon from their homes during tho past; few months. Many of tho more valuablo garments thnt wero stolon cannot bo located In tho goods recovered and this leads to tho belief that elthor Anderson has disposed of them or has associates who did. N LIFE AND IN CUBA STORM Hurricane Sweeps Island and Terrific Rain Floods ' Cities. WIRES DOWN AND DETAILS LACKING Storm Now Speeding Up Atlantic Coast and May Grow Worse. (By Assoclntcd Press to Cooa Bay Times.) HAVANA, Oct. 17. rho terrific tornado continued throughout tho night nnd raged this forenoon with Increnscd fury. A henvy Iosb of llfo and Ininio-.iBO property damaged Is reported. Wire communication to tho Interior In cut oft nnd tho situa tion outside tho city is In doubt. Bntnbauo la reported sovernl feet under water nnd ninny Uvea lost. A report from Regln la that many persona were killed there Shipping Interests hnvo suffered severely, and many snllors uud longshoremen nro reported drowned. Tho greatest Mionetnry damngo Is In PInnr Dol Rio. Tho sugar cano crop suffered aovoroJy. All trnfllc In tho city1 nnd harbor was suspended todny. Scores of lighten) nnd other small crafts were Rwampcd or wrecked against bulk heads. All vessels In port aro double anchored nnd tho steamers aro under steam. OUTLOOK 18 BAD. Storm Along Atlantic Coast Growl Worse. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) MIAMI, Fla., Oct. 17. Wnrnlngi woro sent by the Weather Buronu to Atlantic const points to propnro for sovoro wenthor. .Considerable dam ago nlrcady hns resulted nnd worso conditions nro expected. LEFT MYRTLE T Marshal Carter Finds Clue to Sherman Stage and Stella Culbcrtson. Marshal J. W. Carter, who has Just rcturuod from Rosoburg, reports that whllo at Myrtlo Point yostorday that ho learned thnt Stella Culbortson and Sherman Stage, tho North Bond couplo wIiobo olopoment cnusod quite a furoro last week, had loft thoro on n stago last Tuesday mprnlng for Rosoburg. Marshal Carter did not know of tho olopoment until he reached Myrtlo Point and proceedod to Investigate it. According to the Information that Marshal Cartor was nblo to, gather, Stage secured a room nt tho Guorin hotel Monday under an assumed name. At thnt tlmo, It wns not known tho girl wns with him, her prosonco not being known until Tuos dny morning. Todny Marshal Carter forwarded to Sheriff Gago the warrant which Mr. Culbortson, tho girl's father, swore out in Justice Shustor's court InBt week. It Is presumed that Sher iff Gngo will endeavor to havo tho young couplo located and brought back. May Return" to Council. It was rumored today that Pat. Hennessey, who recently sent In his resignation as a member of tho Marshfleld city council had beon prevailed up to re conBldor and servo out tho balance of tho year. Mr. Hennqssoy stated today that ho had not fully made his mind "hi'iF admitted that ho had tho mattor tinder consideration. FOSS IS CHOSEN. Chosen Democratic Onndldnto For Massachusetts Governor. (By Associated Press to COos Bay Times.) BOSTON, Mnsa., Oct 17. Eugene N. Foss was choson ns tho demo cratic nominee for governor, ' A, . .AtT-tlfc J WHytittU;- .JsgXfc.. .. .ii - f -