THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1910 EVENING EDITION. i Jfll''swiw(w, I Cravenette 1 Cjy "'V"jr?- V? a&f!mmAaft0emt Hats 12i. i! An a is'w&i or i-Ui p3.50 TiTo WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield . Oregon WHAT is YOUR WEIGHT? You cnn weigh oxnctly what you wnnt to weigh. You can bo itrotig, vigorous, full of llfo and energy by using NYAL'S COD LIVER COMPOUND, A pnlntnblo preparation .frco from fatty nuil nauseous matter, con tains tho oxtractlvo principles of .fresh cod livers combined with the glycerine of wild cherry, oxtrnc. of malt and other valuable medicinal Ingredients, PRICK 1 DOLLAR A BOTTLE. FOII SALE AT TIIH IIL'SV CORXER. PHONE 21)8. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marshfield,- Oregon ------- Have The Pioneer Hardware Co. V Connect up your Sewer, and do your PLUMB ING F.E. Hague, Pres. M. D. Sumner, Vice Pres. 330 Front Street ------ -- (TV Don't Miss the Best Time of the year for Kodaking The atmosphere is clear and vou wi have no trouble in taking good pic toes. Get, a Kodak at the Red Cross Drug Store We have Films and Supplies. A Want Ad will seL it for. yjotu MIXSTUEL show COMIXfl IImiuIoii II (inic Talent nt Mas-onlc Opera House Tuesday. Director Fenton of the Coos Day band, wliieh Is now conducting the Masonic Opera House, has arranged for the "Dixie Minstrels" of Daudon lo present their show here next Tues day evening. The show Is a home? talent production under the direction i'f Miss Dixie Loftln. They played Thursday ami Friday nights In Dan don and scored n big hit. Tho pro gram Includes some clever music and besides ninny new Minstrel Jokes nn it everyone Is urged to attend and help the band out besides seeing something good. IHifNB t;::K:t:::t:::tnt:x:n::::::::ttt::s:t:u::::r u j Personal Notes c:::::i?:n:m:m:::m:m::m::mm:mm:i S. D. CUTLIP of Coos Hlver, was In Marshfield today on business. North Bend News FOR SALE CliHTonler, range, oil heating stove, all Is good as now. M. D. 1'oyntz, flint C O'Connell bldg LOST Dolt pin near Flanagan 1Uii nett bank laBt night. Leave at People's Ment Market. FOR SALE Kindergarten toys. Now Is tho time to get Christmas toys for bnby. Mrs. Dradflold. '"" "nj'w ; Ml LOST A gold pin (lion fiend, eyes rubles, mouth diamonds), on Sher man Ave. between Logglo hall and Old North Dend. llccelvo reward at Myers Store. PERSONAI Fred meet me tonight nt 0:30 at Tho lllauco Grill. Hot bird ordered. "X" FOU UEXT Small furnished coi tago. 719 So. Fourth St. Phono 147-J. COOS BAY TIDES. OCTOBER High water A. M. Saturday 15I-3:2Gi T70 SUNDAY 1G 4:12 1.0 P. ML 4:001 2.3 4:44 1.3 OCTOBER Low water A. M. P. M. o:Co 10:49 Saturday 15110:00 SUNDAY 1C10:30 8.4 THE WKATHHK. OREGON Fair and Sunday. 7.7 8.1 tonight Selln Horse. Eugene O'Connell has sold his family driving horse to Herman Krueger. Mr. Kruegor nlso bought tho O'Connell buggy. Sails Today. Tho Nairn Smith did not get out yesterdny as was expected but snllcd this morning, Messrs. C. A. Smith nnd Arno Mcreen and Mr. and Mrs. Warner nnd baby were abonrd. Meet Tonight. Tho Republican meeting to bo hold this evening nt tho Chamber of Commerco for tho purpose of organizing a Republican Club promises to bo lnrgely attended. Several local men will mako Im promtu talks. JOBS WANTED A. Landles, succes sor to It. H, Plnegor, window and carpet cleaner, would like to put you on his list. Good work; rea sonable prices. Leave orders with Howard, tho Jeweler. WANTED Housi'koeiH'r or coniK.'- tent girl. Phono 280-J. WANTED Positions liy first class cook nnd waitress In camp, hotol or restaurant. Apply room gl, above TIiucb office. FOR SAW? A two-horse electric motor, small centrifugal pump nnd 300 gallon Iron tank. Same cun be seen by applying to mo nt North Demi. C. F. McCiillom. FOIt SAW; Two lots In Day Park cheap. Apply Herman Cordes, Union Cigar Store. FOU HAWSSHI" cheek on Filer's Piano Houso for fifty cents. Phono 100-L. m I UI I 1 1 I I J FOU SAWS Cheap; flno pigeon. Andrew ChrUtonsen, Ferudnlo.-.,- WANTED Vacuum carpet cleaning guaranteed to take out all dust and germs. Carpet will look like now after work Is done. Phono, J. S. Hayes, 231. , t 3 WAXTFII Girl for light housework Salary nnd good homo for yount girl going to school. Call up 147-L. WANTED. Carrier boys to deliver Tho Times; must bo n't least !u fourth grado at school. Inquire ai Times ofllce. WAXTFII Engagements for my now Cadillac auto. Will tako passeu gers any place. Prompt service. Phono D. L. Footo at Blanco ho tel, or Bob's Billiard Parlor. WANTED Good girl for general houso work. Good wages to 'right party. Phono 285. FOU RENT My houso at Kittyvllle, with or without grounds. Inquire of Eugene O'Connell. ' FOU SALE Two horses, two bug gies, two sets of harness, ono fresh Jersey cow, eighty chickens, ten tons of coal and ono year's feed for horse3, cows and chickens. In quire of Eugene O'Connell. WANTED. Experience! coal miners 1 and tlmbermon. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. FOU SALE Automobile, -l-cyllnder, 40-horse power, 5-passenger, full equipped with ncotvleno headlights, gabrlel horn, top, etc. Cost nev $3000. Will sell for cash or ox change for real estate at a bargal. Apply to Dr. J. T. McCormac. FOU UEXT. Six-room flat, purtl) furnished, bath and modern con venlences. Finest location in Marshfield. Apply to Robert Mars den, Sr, lluys Property. Willis II. Ken- inedy hns purchnsod tho property on South Broadway occupied by tho Capo Arago Soda Works, from Aug ust Llchtworck. Tho lot Is 50x140 and the price paid was $3,000 cash. It Is considered ono of tho best buys mndo In n long time. W. II. MORGAN of Daniels Creek, is In Mnrshflcld today. Mistress Nellie Lano la reported very 111 at Coqullle. C. E. McKcllips Is a business vls ; Iter In Marshtleld today. J. 11. KEATING of North Bend, is n Marshfield business visitor today. 'TIP" CORDES has returned, from tho Sand Hills with twenty-six ducks. DR. C. W. TOWER, leTt today for Coos River where ho will enjoy a few days' outing. JOHN F. HOPE, tho North Inlet rancher, Is looking nfter business In Mnrshlleld todny. C. A. SMITH, ARNO MEItEEN, Mr. Warner nnd A. II, Powers spent Thursday In tho vicinity of Al legany visiting the logging camps of tho company. WILL HUTCHESON, who lina boon critically 111 of stomach trouble at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Hutcheson, on Pino street for the past few weeks, Is reported con siderably Improved. T. J. THRIFT, cpunty nsessor, Is hero from Coqulllo on business. Ho Is arranging for tho annual scsbIoii of tho Coos County Board of Equalization which will open at Coqullle Wednesday. It Is under stood that there will bo many pro tests against assessments, tho valuations on many pieces of property having been Increased considerably over a year ago. Mrs. C. E. Nicholson of Marshfield, was u North Bond visitor Thursday. Mrs. A. II. ImhofT nnd daughter, Fay, leave today to visit relatives In Portland. C. II. Fnrlss, who left hore some times ago for Ashland, has been quite ill there. Chief Engineer Ike Freolnnd, of the Gardiner mill, Is visiting rela tives In North Bend. Mrs. Leonard Masters of Sum mer, visited friends In North Bend and Empire Thursday. Mrs. J. G. Horn, who has boon quite 111 at their homo on Shormnn avenue, Is Improving, Miss Vera Moody, a school teachor of Coqullle City, Is tho guest of her aunt, Mrs, Geo. Hnzer, todny. Mrs. F. J. Sherrard of Coqulllo City, came over today and will bo a guest nt the Robert McCniin homo for u short time. Atitolxt Fined. D. L. Footo wan haled boforo City Recorder Butler to day on tho charge of running Ills auto across a fire hose. Footo pleaded gulfty. saying ho didn't know It wns forbidden, IIo was' fined $5 and costs. Now Footo Is urging that tho other" regulations concerning autos bo enforced to tho letter. To Coqullle. Superintendent Tied- gen went to Coqullle todny to attend n meeting to perfect tho organization of tho Coos County High" School Teachers Association, tho object of which Is to promote nthlotlcs, oratory nnd high school work in general. Rules governing contests between schools will bo adopted and pupils using tobneco or nlcohollc drinks will not bo permitted to pnrtlclpato. A fair trial nnd your uionoy back If you don't got tho best photos with Aiuco films nnd Cyko paper. Walker Studio. Don't forget Chicken dinner from .t::itl to S o'clock Sunday evening nt tho lllauco Grill. THE ROYAL TONIGHT i - i HATES-MOXCHIKF STOCK COMPAXV. (I ieople-l LESLIE BATES 'Singing mid Talking Comedian Full program of Latest Pictures, Including 2 SELIO BOTH COMPANIES "MY FRIEND, THE DOCTOR" and "A COLD STORAGE ROMANCE" "MRS. BARGAIN DAY'S BABY" (Another laugh) KATHUYX BAKER Illustrated Song. Closing with tho side-splitting Musical Extravaganza THE BLACK STATUE GO to LEWIS' BECAUSE Wo have Installed at our SODA FOUNTAIN a swoll line of HOT DRINKS, sandwiches, tamnles, etc., for YOUR BENEFIT. Why trudge homo In rain nnd slush for luncheon when you Can get what you need In half tho tlmo and served In n way to pleaso you. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE VOU. Those warm day's creates n greater demand for our PURE ICE CREAM DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER. Lewis' Confectionery (Broadway, Marshfield. COASTER'S HOUGH TRIP. Tho launch Coaster arrived In to day from Rogue River after n rough trip of two days. Several passengors canto up on hor and during tho buf feting ono man whose numo could not bo learned today, sustained a broken leg. BIG HEX EGG. Ono of Mrs. Z. T. Johnson's hens laid n innmmoth egg ono day re cently. It measured 8 1-2 by G 1-2 Inches nnd weighing 3 3-4 ounces. Myrtlo Point Enterprise .MISS Fnyo BRIDGES, teacher of PIANOFORTE. Studio, Lloyd hotel. W. F. Denning nnd twIfo, of tho lighthouse, wcro North Bend visitors Frldny, being guests nt tho Win, Relchert home. i Mrs. Wm. Wentherly. loft Friday for ABlilatid to Join hor husband who has taken n position ns overBccr of n big ranch near there.' Geo. Bolster, who Is now located nt Klamath Falls, writes that ho has secured a good position thoro nnd that ho likes tho placo. ' - Tho schooner Hugh Ilognn, which came In from Snn Francisco the first of tho wcok, Is still anchored' nt Old North Bond waiting for tho Sluslaw tug. Mrs. Ernest San ford of Ten Mllo, wiib a North Bend visitor today. Hor boh, James, who had hls(arni broken u few weeks ago, has Just had tho plaster cast removed. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Tyr'oll of Stock ton, Cnl., who have been tho guests of Mayor and Mrs. Simpson for the past few weeks, returned to their homo on tho M. F. Plant. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. D. 8horrnrd and Miss Minnie Coy of Coqulllo City, came over today and will bo tho guests over Sunday of Mrs. Shor rnrd's brother, Thomns Perry. -tt-M--tt-tt--tt-M-tt-u-ttn-8-M--tt--a- B-W-M-t-8-3 t a i a i a i n i a i a i a i f a t a i a i a B-0 ALFALFA HAY Best Second Cutting Special Prices In 5-Ton Lots at Ocean dock f. s. DOW -B-B-B-U-n-n-B-H-B-n-B- B-B-B-B-B-B-B B-B-B-B-B-B t K I M I B B I a i B M i M I a B I B B I B ? B I B I B I B I B t B -B ma8mmBBlUBmHmmttttBBttBBttmBBBttUttBBUttBttBB: IT IS A MATTERtOP PRIDE kp& t--- " I I HOUR UtU- CO. u rr (FLOUR .snow murjrar . With tho makers of Snow Drift Flour. Thoy know that If tho housewife Is suro that sho gets tho same kind of flour In evory sack sho Is going to buy that brand evory tlmo sho orders. So tho makers of Snow Drift havo installed a model baking plant In their mill, Every batch of flour that goes through Is tested In the labora tory first, then a baking of bread Is madp. Every loaf of bread from every baking must bo uniform with overy loaf of bread from evory other baking. In this way tho : tnnkerB are suro tho flour Is tho same always. Tho caroful housewives tho par ticular ones Insist upon such a brand when thoy can procuro It. Snow Drift Is such a flour. H. W. PAINTER. IMdrshfield :: Oregon littBtttmmtttmujBBBBBBBtBBBm?BnnBnmBtmmnBBBmBBBu n.