H)IJ .(TTH THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1910 EVEM1NG EDITION T A HIT- ORKING EVERY DAY TO MAKE THINGS BETTER TO IMPROVE OUR SERVICE TO YOU TO HAVE THE BEST CLOTHES IN STYLE AND QUALITY TO MAKE THVT0V WpHPf -. i ir w "V w w I ' EVERY MAN AND YOUNG MAN FEEL THAT HE IS GETTING ' THE BEST AT ALL TIMES. IT HAS EVER BEEN OUR CUSTOM TO CALL A SPADE ASP ADE AND WE HAVE FOUND THAT BY ADHERING STRICTLY TO THIS PLAN WE HAVE MADE OURS A WINNING i i SHOP. If you have a certain amount of money to Invest In a suit or overcoat We'll either give you a garment which we are certain will give first-class ser vice or we'll be honest and tell you that we cannot meet your price. We have never done things in a hit'or miss fashion and we never expect to. Our good treatment of customers has made a name for us i which we are very proud of. ' . "', . Ill II c ' -,,,, V ; i u HI ' , r r "Stein Blocli Smart Clothes" fit in to better advantage with our policy than any other make of clothes. In price they range from $20,00 to $40,00, In quality there is no side stepping no letting down in any feature, ' ' " '", 'mk XV A V: 9 -i''i"wwyy ' i It it'll iWf '1 i h v lj i fm "i K r m I nmMUBBMiww .-aanaanaanu ' ''l.'r A- THIS LABELSTANDS FOR 53 YEARS :OF KNOWING HOW vr.fcAoocxvxxxxvftttyvyxvxtt' TXS&i&xi&M'ai&rf MAQNE5 & MATSON COOS BAY TIMES Entorcd nt tho poBtofflco at Marsh flold, Oregon, fur transmission through tho iiiutla na second clns mall matter. Address all communications to COOS UAV DAILY TIMES, Muroliflclri :: :: :: :: Oregon M. C. MALOXKY IMItor ami 1h1i, WAX K. MALOXKY News Editor An Independent llopubllcan news paper publlshod ovory ovonlng oxcopt Sunday, nnd Weekly by l'lio Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Dodlcated to tho Bervlco ot tho pooplo, that no good cuuso shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed, Tho Coos Hay Times roprosents u consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Hay Advertiser, Tho Coast Mall was the first dally ostnb llshod on Coos Hay nnd Tho Coos Hay Times Is IIh Immodiuto suc cessor. " Official Paper of Coos County, OWiriAIi PAl'KIt OF Till: CIT OV MAHSIIKIKhl). ni'vixo iiy WKiairr. TUB buying of foodstuffs by wolght Is being agitated ns u plan to affect the cost of living problem In favor of tho housewife and en able her to como nearer getting tho worth of hor money. If it will do either or both, It should bo adopted without dolay, providing It entails no Incidental hardship that would offBot Ita benefits. Hut would such a plan produce Ithesi results? Theoretically, one Is ' Inclined to answer yes, for It does seem thnt one would bo paying only i for what ho got by buying by weight and not monsure, or nrtlcle. Yet, whero tho plan has been In vogue hns It accomplished this? California has always bought by weight, ovon potutoos, fruit nearly everything In the edible Hue, and yet tho people of California 1 avo b.nm caught by tho hlgh-cost-of-living wave along with the rest of us. In Cuba, it Is said, tho plan works with good re sults, It being applied ovon more thoroughly there than In California. Bgg3 are bought by tho pound In Cuba nnd tho Amertcnn advocates of tho plan proposo that we buy eggs the samo way. That might bo tho ultlmnto solu tion of this "fresh-egg" problem; who knows? Frosh eggs nro not ns heavy as somo others, which might bo n clue. Hut'could tho whole saler ns well as tho retailor manip ulate prices on tho wolght system as well as any other? On tho sur faco the plan looks nil right, and those who are advocating it declare that It Is but somehow It falls to strike tho ordinary person as more infallible than the established usage. Secretary Wilson of tho agricul tural department predicts thnt the cost of living will go higher. Let It go higher, l.lfo Is worth all It costs. GROT S Preachers used to preach long nud loud sermons to attract attention. Now they uso tho simpler method of saying something sensational. It's a great disappointment to a woman to discover 'that what she thinks is a secret Is a matter of gen eral Informatlonjln the neighbor, hood. IN SEATTLE Court Order Issued Against Mayor Gill and Associates. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 16. An order restraining Mayor Miriam G. GUI, Chief, of Police Wappenstoln and tho city health department from rec ognizing and protecting tho district Inhnblted by degraded women and Is suing certificates of health to them was signed by Judge Mttcholl Gilliam in the Superior Court. The order en Joins the property owners of the dis trict from renting the property for unlawful purposes. The court refus ed to Issue n umndnto to tho mayor and the chief of police to close the district holding thnt the court lacked the power to mako such a mandate. Tho proprietors of the disorderly houses were also enjoined. Sheriff Hodge 6ays ho will enforce tho order. This menus hundreds of white, negro and Japanese women will be driven from the buildings near the railroad stations. Gill recently ordered tho women to be removed to large build-' Ings In another section owned by ' politicians closely allied with the co administration, but a sut Is pendng to restrain their operation In that dis trict also. Tho old district, U Is alleg ed by the public welfaro league, yield ed half a million dollars la tribute HUE KILLED BJ TRAIN Lake Shore Workmen Run Down On Bridge Near Sandusky. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) SANDUSKY, Ohio, Oct. 15. - Tho bodies of tlvo men of bridge repair gang working on a Lake Shore brldgo west of Sandusky, were fnnmj Mil., afternoon near tho track. Thv i..i been run down by a train. wox-T ciiAxm: name. Kplscopnl House of Deputies Decides Against It. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CINCINNATI, Oct. 15. The pro posal to change the nnmo of the church to the Holy Catholic church lost by one vote In the House of De puties of the Episcopal convention today. Some day genius will arise and make a fortune by harnessing the energy now wasted on the average salt shaker. money to tho police since last March and a recall campaign against Mayor GUI' is nowjn progress based on his alloged maintenance ot the "plague spot." ! M M PARIS STRIKE NEAR SI DID YOU KNOW That E. A. Anderson wns n pioneer liveryman of Coos Hay, anu thnt he served as mayor of Marshfleld? That F. S. Dqw wns reared In Illinois and served an up- prentlceshlp ns a dry goods clerk In St. Louis? Thnt Hugh Brown was for- merly a railroad official In Missouri nnd Arkansas? That It. F. Williams was formerly in tho meat business In Marshfleld boforo becoming n banker? 4 That Frank Marhoffor of Bay City was formerly head sales. man of the Hobbs-Wall general. 4 viwiuuuiBB store at crescent City, California? 4 That W. T. Merchant former- ly had charge of tho Gardlnor Mill company's store at GardI- uer? That P. M. Hnll-Lewis, Coos county fruit Insneptnr , . . merly city enslneor of Hnn.i a -- . .,vv. 1 mver? That August Farley for yenrs ran tho only barber shop on Coos Bay? That C. F. McCollum ot North Bend wns purser on the Arago when she was wrecked on the North Spit upwards of fifteen years ago? 4 Thnt A. C. Gabornacho re- turns to Coos Bay after com- Pletely circumnavigating the globe since he left hero several months ago? h0 js probably the only man on Coos Bay who has gone around the world l ' v ; Railways Grant Minimum Scale of $1 Per Day to Strikers There. (By Associated Press to CXJ W Times .j . PARIS, Oct. 15. TUe " tho railroads Involved in the jk t have agreed to grant a "" I wage of II a day to employeJ I lines running out of ran. scale 'will go into effect January . and constitutes the chief conce demanded by the men. HOLD UP THAIXS. uir (By Associated Press to Coos Times. 1 ,,r r M vi Paris. Fran . .- ... 1......1..0H striker o0" UCl. ID. uvuiiuu-"- x. up three trains, including e presses from Paris and DW nnd dragged off and saU";a ti crews, insulted the pawengert uncoupled and damaged the ca Try Tho Times Want Ada- .. . A llEMAIlwTHAin TOXIC Tliat Cures lanl Is put up by Miss E. Donnellr. sale at McCrary's Ideal Pharmaer. at Miss Donnelly's reBldenc-- 85 Central Ave. " , Read The Tlmea' Want Ads. , ,