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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1910)
ADS. mmtB NEWS -HEX HL'SINKSS IS S SLOW, Al GET IT Will LIS IT IS NEW RY HEADING THE COOS IAY TIMES. ALTj THE NEWS AL.j THE TIME TERSELY iomi t: :: s: ,VYS IS EVI. VEIU'' successful nusi- DESCK" lV ;fi imtgia EVERYWHERE member op associated press Established in 1878 iih Tlio Const Mall. vou '"' MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1910 EVENING EDITION. ripuT DAPtTO A Coitsullilntlon of Times, Const Mull EIGHT PAUtb. nml Coos 1ny AllvlirllM.Pt 79. mm IS AHDERSGN BREAKS JAIL AND IS RECAPTURED TODAY Harshal Smith Finds "Clothes Line Raffles" After Brief Time. CITY JAIL LOCK FAILED TO CATCH Great Display of women's Wearing Apparel In Justice Pcnnock's Office. ii.nn Anderson, thu "Clothes Lino W who wns arrested yesterday Liter partly confessing to his mls- itdt and who uroKo jnu uoiwcon i 'o'clock ami i o'clock yesterday, wiih mipturcd tills iriornlng nbout 10 o'clock by Acting Marshal Lovl Smith. For a while, It was thought tlit Anderson htul made a clean get- ir and possibly escaped on ono of lieicvcral buntH leaving tlio Day this morning, but Marshal Smith got busy !ut evening and telephoned to ovory utln this vicinity. Tlio result was tlit W. C. Lund of Ferndnlof sight ed Anderson this morning nml phon ed the nmrnluil that ho wns headed totard town. Mr. Smith went out to Bttt him nml brought him back to JilL He will probably bo glvon a heur li( thli afternoon beforo Justlco fennock. In tlio Justice's olllco is tie greatest army of women's wear Itfipparel that Is to ho found out ride of n laundry. Outer garments M Inner garments, now ones, worn esti, clean ones nnd unwashed aro litre awaiting n clnlmaitt and as nldenco against Andorsoii. Walked Out of Jail. Anderson's escape wns rather ludi crous. Constable Cox brought him our from the mill nftor Acting Marshal Smith had tnhon tho mnt ler ty with Hon .MathJson and had tie latter comu over nnd fllo tho Mceisary lnformntlou. After Justlco Pnock had questioned him nwhllo, bordered Mr. Cox to put him In W pending tho securing of ovldenco ni the bringing over of tho cloth- tf lound in Anderson's room. Cox took Ander80u down to tho ft; Jail nnd nfter searching him Ju prcsenco of Acting Marshal Salth, nut him In tho cell. The wrch did not rovenl nny weapons t brought forth nbout $250 in w ana n check for f 16, Constnblo gave this back hint although "rshal Smith protested, ho says; After swinging tho Iron doors shut, Smith pushed tho bolts of tho WS lock nnd thought tho prisoner i secure. They left thinking tho ffiwner safe. At 5:30, Marshal Smith returned "we Anderson out to suppor nnd nad he wns gone. Engineor Delim it of tho Fire Department, who is 15 w city imll said ho heard An on rattling tho chains, but did " ee him go out. There was no e of him and Marshal Smith "wt he hnd picked tho lock but Js morning Anderson claimed ho ') bad to pull tho bolts out, tho 'Wag lock having failed to work. Not So Ignorant. Anderson when first brought he 'f ,Ju8,lco Pcnnock appeared l and maintained that ho could nnderstnnd English sufficiently y,, k"ow what wns charged him. t n, f W"8 CaIled ,n ns Rn ,n- tomlT and throKh him Anderson frT?d ho had taken tho clothing If0m thn Mo.i . cie -ion norao morely as a Whon !. ... U lUrfrf nrBt tnRen t0 iaU of Pn if"'' dlsnInyed a knowledgo Co. .i that 8tartled Constablo tuJ . Marshal Smlth- "Is this aaal J'" wns hU flr8t romark M followed by similar expres sed I tt,! In8l8te(l tht ho wanted oii v, s to nt ami wna toid ,,e i be cared for nil right. Then 5 mads Mo .... - bvuiway. tnred 7 very BUHen when reca' tean 0 morn,nS- He Is n largo too ' nV!r,8lx'foot nd weighing over I, ' nJ ' abt 30 years old. He feculla VklnK senlus, having a fwt ar 8hal,pd head nnd very largo i8hea,SmUh' wh nad omo e,k, 6t0,en from his honie a few 1st u1' 8Wore out a 8earc" wnr tle ci0(l , Permitted the bringing of loin. , s Uom Anderson's room w Jtlce Pennock's office.. BUYING LAND FDR RAILWAY Eureka Man Announces He Has Sold Tract Between Myrtle Point and Roseburg. That right of way for a railway Is being bought between Myrtlo Point and Eureka Js tho iiowb that comes from Eureka, a. W. Dungan this morning received n copy of Tho Eu reka Standard which contained tho following: "Kntlrond Is tho predominating tuple of discussion on tho streets of Murshllold. Tho people aro wild over It and aro positive Hint it will bo hut n short time before they will hnvo rail connection with tho South ern Pnclllc main lino up tho Wlllo mctto valley and ultimately with Eu reka," mild J. Krnuk QUI of this city. Mr. Gill returned yesterdny uft ornonu with his wife from a trip to Coos county where ho disposed of n portion of his ranch on tho Coqulllo river cast of Myrtlo Point to tho Coos Day, Mnrshllold and Hoseburg Electric Company, which Is buying rights of way to tlio Southern Paclllc main line, a distance of G3 miles. Mr. Olll stated that although tho residents of Coos county were de sirous of having a lino to tho Wil lamette valley, they would prefer rail connection to tho Muth by way of ICurekn and thence direct to Snn Frunclsco. In tho oplnlou of Mr: QUI It will bo but a short time before this move Is made." M FLEET FDR PACIFIC Coos Bay May Be Represented At Conference In San Francisco. It Ib likely that the Marshllcld Chamber of Commerco or tho Port of Coos Day will bo represented nt a conference of representatives or tho const cities which will bo held at San Francisco, Novombor 17, for tho pur pose of urging tho establishment of n battleship licet on this coast to protect the cities nml shipping In caso of war. Tho matter will bo brought up shortly. Tho San Diego Chamber of Commerco Is urging all tho commercial bodies of tho const to participate In tho meeting and In writing tho Mnrshlleld Chamber of Commerce says: "Our request for your cooperation, In tho Important mattor of maintain ing on this coast a battleship fleet, has met with tho approval of Gov. GUlott. It Is suggested and wo be lieve tho peoplo of tho coast will also grant tho duo consideration of nn American Merchant Marino at this convention. "Gov, Glllett has suggested San Francisco as tho meeting place on November 17th. Wo have direct ad vices from Admiral Evans stating that ho will do all in his power to further this most essential movement. "While It Is truo'that San Diego originated tho Idea ,of holding this congress, we realize that careful con sideration must be glvon to tho adop tion of a plan that will accomplish the purpose when this convention meets In November; wo therefore ask tlint von be nreiiared to give such as- slstnnco to this movement ns may He la your power." Ono woman announces that she has been married happily for sev enty years. Her method was to mind her own buslnoss. Very simple but too old-fashioned for popular use. James J. Hill Is In favor of a movement to conserve common sense. A good Idea. Don't let ihe trusts get control of It. " STANLEY KETGHELL FATALLY SHOT Champion Middle-Weight Pugilist Wounded by Farm Hand In Missouri Early This Morning. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SPIUNGFIELD, Mo., get. 15. Stanley Kotchel, champion middle weight pugilist, wns shot and prob ably fntally wounded this morning by nn employe on tho farm of It. P. Dlckerson, flvo miles north of Con way, Mo., where Kotchel had been slnco Tuesday for recreation. Tho employe used n target rllle. Tho cause of tho shooting has not been learned. A bullet went through Kctchol's lung. Tho man who shot hint escap ed, Dlood hounds are on the trail. A special train has been sent from hero to bring Kctchcl to the hospital here. Stanley Kctchcll's real namo Is Stalslaus Kieccl. Ho wns born nt Grand Itnplds, 23 years ago. About four years ago ho began lighting In minor houtB In Montnna, found hint Self to bo good nnd'went to Snn Frnu clsco. Ho whipped ono after another noted pugilists nnd .secured the tltlo of middle-weight chnmplon front Hilly I'aplte. Later Papko whipped Kctchell, but again lost his title to tho Grand Itnplds' wonde". Llttlo over a yonr ago, ho went out of Ins Steamship Leaves Early This Morning For San Francisco. Tho M. F. Plant sailed early this morning for San Francisco. Sho was scheduled to sail Friday evening, but tho loading of freight required moro tlmo than was expected and sho did not get way until today. Among thoso reserving passago on her were tho following: Mrs. nnlnes, Mrs. Ford, C. K. nrodbent, Geo. Banner, R. S. Rob erts, Louis Carlson nnd daughter, Geo Longford, W. E. Garrett, Mr. Tyroll, Mrs. Tyroll, Mrs. J. A. Tomtlllott, Graco Tomtlllott, Loulo Carlson, Mrs. Frank Meenos, Miss Julia Kruso, Geo. Heckman. D. Donovan, Mr. C. S. Hub bard, I. Gato, Jim Mnstor, Geo. Moon, Joe Leanaham, Frank Sill, Tom Lin dal. FALLS SIXTY FEETT Chas. Denison, Smith Mill Workman, Drops From Smokestack. Chas. Denison, a workman at tho C. A. Smith mill, this morning fell sixty feet from tho smokestack, struck on tho roof of tho building, nnd Is allvo to tell the tale. So fur as could be ascertained by a hurried examination, no bones wero broken by tho fall and ho was not seriously injured, However,, ho was badly Jarred nnd bruised. Denison was ono of tho men em ployed to put an extension on the smokestack and In some manner lost his balance and fell. He dropped within six Inches of tho edge of the pipe and had he struck it, he would probably have been cut In two, Ho struck on his hip. Ho was taken to Mercy hospital where the full extent of his Injuries will be ascertained later, but It Is not believed that his condition Is critical. When a married woman has noth ing elso to grumble about sho" ex presses regret that she Is not a school teacher, and free. Monogram Oil at The Gunnery. Best Brass Polish on Earth at The Gunnery. Try It. PLANT SAILS SOUTH TODAY cln83 to fight Jnck Johnson, tho lionvy-wclght pugilist of tho world but was beaten In rather easy fashion In twelve rounds. Slnco then, Kct chcll 1ms been Inactive. Ketchcll was shot by Walter A. Hurtz, a quarrelsome ranch hand. Tho bullet entered Kotcholl's right lung. So fnr no effort hns been mndo to probe for It becausa of tho pa tient's low condition. Tho shooting occurred whllo Ketchcll was eating breakfast. There wero no witnesses nnd as Ketchcll almost Immediately lapsed Into unconsciousness, tho exact circumstances ennuot bo learned. Hurtz nnd Ketchcll exchanged words Inst night. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) KANSAS CITY, Oct. 15. A tele phone messago from KetcheU's physi cians saj-B there Is llttlo hopo of Kct chcll's recovery, that nn Immedlnto operation Is necessary nnd an attempt V111 bo mndo Into this afternoon to remove him to Sprlngllcld. PUGILIST IS KILLED. lU'lze-Flght In Oklaliomn Result Fatally, (fyy Associated Press to Coos Day f v Times.) ENID, Okla., Oct. 15. In n fight nt Meuo laBt night, Frank Hall killed another, pugilist named Fisher In tho eleventh' round. LEAVE TODAY Steamship Sails This Morning For Portland With GjoodCargo. , Tho Drcnkwator sailed this morn ing for Portland with a fair pas senger list. Shu had n miscellaneous cargo of freight. Among thoso sntllng on hor wero tho following: Harry Wators, Win. Murray, M. O. Warner, Louolla Knno, Mrs. Bortha Knno. Dud Knno, Percy Dunn, G. W. Lnwronco, W. M. Sears, O. S. Wnll sor, Frank Roleau, Ethol Marror, Mrs. F. Williams, John Konnody, Mary Kennedy, Ccllna L. Wnugh, Chas. Kragor, J. R. Dunn, C. II. Albort. J. Lnwson, R. R. Mont gomery, Mrs. Montgomery, Miss Montgomery, D. F. Clarko, J. J. Troy, G. W. Waumbald, J. A. Ball, Chas D. Rolby. J. M. Dlako, Mrs. E. Llddell, O. F. Daldwln, D. C. Hunter, Mrs. C. Skinner, W. F. Plndergast, Hurry Fuog. Mrs. Kctchura, Russol Ketchum, T. A. Ketchum, Earl Kot chum, Lillian Ketchum, Luis Spra- guo, Mrs. II. J. Bollantojano, II. J. Ballantojano, John Nnrgwood, L. D. Hon, Mrs. E. E. Reynolds, Mrs. D. Rossltor. Mablo Mathloson, Honry Tatro, John Karl, Janet Dollur, Alton Stevens, Mrs. D. Schuyler, J. D. Ham lin. E. Llvlngton, Uus noil, James T n f Thnmna A ninHnrV M. Tsasa, J. T. House, Jos. Young, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Imhoff, S. L. Knight, Mrs. S. L. Knight, fi. L. Knight. Pacific Coast Towns Alleged to Have Padded Returns Issue Statement. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, DrcTOct. 15. President Taft and Director of tho Census Durand have decided to issuo tonight a formal statement covering tho alleged "padding" In tho popula tion figures for Pacific Coast cities. Enormous gains excited tho suplclon of tho census officials. An investiga tion .has resulted In re-enumeration being ordored In certain cases. For denning, blacking,- oiling, dressing and repairing harness, see E. L. llopson. 0 BREAKWATER H CENSUS N SOME CITIES STARTS OSS ATLANTIC IN DIRIGIBLE Dirigible Baloon Carefully Equipped For Endurance Trip Across Ocean. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) JERSEY CITY, N. J., Oct. 15. Tho dlrlgtblo baloon "America." In which Wnlter Wellmnn started ncross tho Atlantic today Is provided with provisions for a month. Tho only mentis of cooking Is n small oil stove. It is estimated tho engines can push tho baloon through tho ntr at tho rate of 26 miles nn hour. Europo Is 3,000 miles away. Tho airships gas bog Ib 228 feet long and cigar shaped. Its width Is 52 foot. Its carrying capaci ty Is estimated nt twolvo tons. Tho pnsBcnger car is 15C feet long. Tho "America" also carries a donkey en gine Beneath tho car hangs n boot 27 feet long to bo used If tho baloon Is wrecked. Strung beneath tho car is a 330 foot cqulllbrlator which takes tho plnco of tho drag ropo of baloons. Tho cqulllbrlator consists of n long steel cnblo to which Is attached thirty small stcol tnnks, each carrying 7G pounds of gasollno nnd 40 wooden blocks. Tho cqulllbrlator makes It' unnecessary to enrry ballast. Tho gasollno for motlvo power is carried under tho floor of tho main car. Out Over Sen. Another messago from Wellman states tlio start has boon mada for Europo. Tho vcssol Is procee'dlng nt twenty miles nn hour. At 12:30, tho wlroloss operator of tho "Amorica" Hashed this messago, "Going to sea. Wo nro forced to stop motors to get wireless outfit In working ordor. Now nblo to work wireless, nnd motors hnvo again started." It Is Intonded tho baloon shnll pall along nt n height of 200 feet. If It settles close to tho water, the wood blocks and tnnks would tloat and re llovo It of Bomo of tho weight. As gasollno Is required, tho stool cablo can bo pulled up Into tho car and n tank emptied. Altogether, tho "Amer ica Is as thoroughly equipped with nautical apparatus ns tho big ocean liners. After tho airship wont up, It dev eloped that Jean Jacob, tho French motor oxport, had bcon loft bohlnd. It Is said Jacob had some differences with Wollmnn over wnges. Wellman's First Message to Syndicate Who Financed the Project. (By Associated Press tc Coos Bay Times.) ATLANTIC CITY, N, J., Oct. 15. Tho first messago from, Wollman was to local men who backed tho enter prise nnd arrived at ono o'clock di rected to Joseph W. Balus, president of the local syndlcato which support ed tho project. It read "All did nobly. Wo are doing our best to repay your loyal support. Wollman." Joseph Salus flashed tho following messago to all ships within Well man's zone with request that thoy transmit It to him as soon as possible "Walter Wollman, on board airship "Amorica": Great work. Ono of tho achlovomonts of tho contury. Plaudits from ovorybody. Our best wishes and God speed to yourself and Vanlman. With your family and will stay with them until wo hear that you havo reached Europo. Please, continue to flash, Joseph Salus," Ulster Guaranteed pocket knives nt Tho Gunnery. DESCRIPTION OF 'AMERICA" SEND THANKS TO BACKERS BALLOON TODAY Walter Wellman and Party Starts On Daring Trip This Morning. LEAVE NEW JERSEY v IN A DENSE FOG Wireless Reports That Aircraft Is Making Good Progress. KEAIl HURRICANE.. (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA CITY, N. J., Oct. 10, Vord has been received hero from tho Weather Bureau 6f Washington Hint tho West Indian hurricane Is coming up from tho south. An effort Is bo- lug mado by Wellman's friends to reach him and warn him to 4 keep clear of tho truck of tho storm. ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Oct. 15. Tho long deferred attempt of Walter Wollman, Journalist, aeronaut nnd explorer, to cross tho Atlantic In a dirigible airship was begun this morning nt an early hour when tho baloon "America" left tho hangar and disappeared to tho eastward In a heavy fog. At 11:15 a.m., tho first wireless from tho America was recolved hero "headed north east" It said, "All well on board, machinery working flno. Good bye, J, Irwin." Wireless Oporntor Miller Just bu foro noon had ngaln spoken to tho Amorica. Tho purport of tho mes sage was that Wellman and crow had decided to mako tho dnrlng attempt to reach Europe. "Wo nro hooded duo northenst but hnvo not taken nny observations nnd will not know our oxnet location until noon," It read, Tho America's wireless has a radliiB of about ono hundred miles. It was 4 o'clock this morning when Molvln Vnnlmau, chlof engin eor, nnd F. Murray Simmons, nav igators, announced that tho "Amor ica" was fit for her flight. It took sovoral hours to got tho dlrlglblo out of hnngor, nnd it was 8:30 o'clock when tho craft loft tho ground for hor voyngo. About ono thousand persons had gathered to witness tho start. It was not known whon tho machi nery wns started, whether tho actual flight to Europo would ho under taken. It depended upon how Woll man found things when ho got Into tho nlr. That ho found ovorythlng satisfactory is Indicated by tho wlro loss announcing tho dlrlglblo Is off for Europo. It Is Wollman's ldoa to follow tho routo of tho largo Europo bound steamers. Thoy will Ball up tho coast past Now York then turn east across tho wide Atlantic. Whnt llttlo wind was blowing when tho "America" started camo from tho west. There aro six mon in tho nlrshlp: Walter Wollman, M(elvln Vanlman, chlof engineor; F. Murray Simmons, J. K. Irwin, wire less oporntor; Albort Louis Loud and John Aubert, assistant engineor. 'ALL'S WELL" REPORTER. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. IB. Tho As sociated Press recolved tho following wireless from Wollman this nftor noon. "On board tho airship "America," crossing tho ' Atlantic; 1:45 p.m., the sen is smooth. Wo aro not crowding tho motor hard. Averaging about fifteen knots an hour, All going well. Wollman." GETS MORE SHOES. O. O, Lund' hns Just received a big shipment of shoes that everyono who is Interested In good footwear should call and see. They aro worth a spe cial trip whether you Intend to buy now or not. Tako your SUNDAY DINNER at The OHANDLER. Special monu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE.