ADS. NEWS WIIB.V IILSIXKSS IS BLOW, Al vKltllSB. THAT IT PAYS IS KVI nrVCI'l) 1V SUCCESSFUL MUSI M!OtSKS EVERYWHERE li GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW KIT READING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS AL.J THE T1MK TENSELY 1 0LD : :: u j: :: MEMI1EH OP ASSOCIATE!) PRESS Established la 1878 n The Const Mall. vot XXXIII. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1910 EVHNING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mill Coos liny Advertiser. 78. MmtB suf STAGE Warrant Sworn Out For Him in Stella Culbertson Case at North Bend. NO TRACE FOUND OF EITHER OF THEM -i Sheriff Gage and' Officers Throughout County Con tinue the Search. ..i Mr. Culbertson of Dnngor, tho father of fourtccn-ycar-old Stolla Calbertson who has myatcrloualy dltapp'ared, tills morning bwoio out t varrant In Justice Shustor'a court tt North Demi, charging Bhormnn Stage with enticing her from homo. ,Vo traco of either Stngo or tho ..l.i V.. Imnii f.tiMil af tnt nt limiiv1t ! '"LZT" .::,;,,:.,:;;";:. the county nro hunting vigorously for them. Slugo'a father still main tain! tvnt Ills son loft on tho Rrcnlc Talet last Saturday, two days bo fore tho Culbertson girl left homo, ftr Washington points. Mr. Culbertson nud his wlfo nro ilmoit dlttrnctcd ns n result of their Inability to find tiny trnco of their daughter. Mr. Culbortson line mado t rigorous senrch of North' Dond nnd Minhflcld nnd litis communicated tltb all tho friends of tho fnmlly hihli section "but ho hns not boon able to find nnyono who hns beard fronv or who hns seen his daughter ilnce ho loft home Monday morning' to attend school. Various reports nro In circulation concerning the mnttor, but nB usunl la inch ensea tboy nro not founded on facta. imouKiis no nnoin:. Sw York CoiuiuInMoij House Iakea nn Assignment. (B; Associated Press to Coots Day Tim os.) EV YORK. Oct. 14 Arthur I WITH Joseph, Frank MnOuIro, Herbert A. n permanent organization will bo of RoMnfela nnd Allot P. Cohon, toclc j fected. Tho following Is tho cnll for brokers under tho firm nnmo of j tho meeting and tho signers: Charles Mlnzeholmer & Co., Into this "Wo, tho uudornlgned, bolloVbig "ftcrnoon assigned for tho benefit 'that thoro Is neollttor a vigorous, eu l creditors. Xo stntemont of as- j thusiustlc, ropubllcnn organization or liabilities waa filed. Tho In Marshrjold for actlvo work dur-Ih-m has a meniborshln on" tho -Ex- Inir tho coming campaign, horeby rtsnge. flhin WU....f . . - "'UiiuidlUUrer ana Cm- ' DlOVes Vintimc nf PnL V ' " lislon With Car. Ml Associated Press to Cboa Day Times.) SEimiNG.o, Oct. 14:-ChnrIoa freight, manager of one of (he ? ,ns Drothora' potteries, and rf eml"Pea of tho firm5 wore In- "" killed when an.electrlc freight a,trUCk thelr auta mUe and a ofk l 0t hero Av mtu nomler e party was Injured. Tho auto , wrecked. XEWS OP COQUILLE. 0unty Scut X.8 ns Told 'by tho , Hcrujd, ... tlew Tellera was In from Falr- ferln C day last week nnd waa of" m,l0T Ba,e ft vory flne bear hlde I,.' ,he atsIstanco of Mr. Q. 0 Cros- ' wrmlnt doga ho had au'eceoded tlclS, S a laB0 bear In that r. . the coat of tw of w,hlch waa " nice fro mark.Morra8 roturned yesterday lthh Day' w,iero ll6 haa beon H ' , 8 mother since iior operation. lad, , rpmembered that tho old lj t suered tho loss of ono foot ceksPUtatln for BanSr0" somo aion. e:) IIe roports her getting oH' and Umt fhe Hmb U Rl" bl "D, and that aho will bo oj .;, return bonte about tho last J wis week. ' HI KILLED ' II AUTO CHASH IS OHAHGED ENTICING GIRL AWAY W L II SWEEPS A Many Towns Reported Dam aged, Inhabitants Killed and Crops Destroyed. (Ily Assoclntcd Press to Coos Day Times.) HAVANA, Oct. 14. A terrific tropical storm fu raging In this iintl surrounding provinces. It is foaved tho tobacco nnd other crop? nro greatly damngod. A torrlflu ttilu was accompnuled with u wind of hiirrlciuio violence, nitslucss In this city Is prnctlcnlly suspended. It I? reported that a numbbr of towiu 1a tlo "torlor wore badly damnged ui.1 ninny persons killed. MEETING OF L Will.Forpi Club Saturday Night at Chamber 'of Commerce Ramns. a meotliiK of tho lonubllcnns of ainr8h(lo,d ,mB bC0ll. cuMwi for .Snt. urdny ovonlng at tho Chamber of ConumuTo for the purposo of form ing a Republican club for tho rur jiobo of (assisting Iln tho campaign -for tho pnrty'a success In November. 'ffho call for tho meeting was circulated this nftiirnoon niul was liberally signod. Sovornl local speukcru will mldrcss Uio mooting following wblch reuuest that ovory republican desir ous of furthering this caueo meet with us nt Uio Chniribor of Commerce for tho purposo ot organizing n Mnrshflold Ropubllcnn club, Satur day ovonlng, Oct. U5, 1910, nt 8 o'clock. "J. W. Retnott, G. D. Solby. Tom Dennett, John-.C. Kendall, Aug. Frlz; zeon,"G. N. FnrrIn,.C. U Ponnock, C. A. Sehlbrcdo, O. O. linnd, P. K. Got tlns. R. 0. Graves. I). L. Duclclng- ham, H. E. Qulat, W. TT. Douglas, C. n Peck, Wm. -Grimes. P. E. Allen, M, 0. Moloney .and Duncan Fergu- son. Wealthy Man Drowned While ' 'Enjoying . Sport Near' - Seward, Alaska- - (Dy Associated Presa to Cooa Day Times.) SEWARD, Alaska, Oct.-14. H. D. Smith, n wealthy druggist of Nqr wcht Conn., who came' to Alaska to buut big game, and Alfred Lowell, tho eldest son of ono of tho founders of thla place, were drowned In Lake Konal, Oct, 11, while returning from n mooso hunt. With William Walk- or. a guide, they were crossing Lnko Small in a dory ana oucuuiuvu storm. WnvoS swamped tho boat 150 feot from shore. The bodies wore re covered. Meet Saturday. A meeting of St. Elizabeth's Guild haa been called for Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clocic m the home of Mrs. JI. C Maloney. B HUNTER OF 8IG RAMF IK I AST Alfonso's Premier Says Lib erals Lack Great Leader Necessary For Transforma tion in Government. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PARIS, Oct. 14. Tho Madrid cor respondent of Lo Mntln sendB his pn per nn lntcrvlow with Premier Can alejas, In which tho minister says thero Is no chance of n republic In Spain, ns the republicans JiaVo no great lenders and their ranks nro FLIGHT MADE English Aviator Demonstrates Flying Machine's Success in National Capital. (Dy Associated Prosa to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct, 1-1. ClauuV Grahnm Whlto, nn English nvlator, today flew from tho Dennlngs rnco track to Washington, n distance of threo miles, nud mndo n Hiicccsfful Inndlng In Exccuttvo nvonuo, be tween tho Whlto House, Stnto, Navy nnd War buildings. Tho flight was mado for tho pur poso of paying his respects to Gen- oral Alton, chief slgunl .officer of tho army. It caiiftoil consldornblo excitement nnd business In tho gov brnment buildings was temporarily suspcuScd. IS Rudolph Amstein, Formerly of Coos' Bay, Injured in California. Worn hns Just betai recolved here of a aeulouB accident that 'icfoll Rn dolph Awsteln, formerly n well known 'Coos Day rrrun, nt Pacific Grove, Calif., wblch may rosult In tho loss of th,o sight tif ono oyo. According to tho letter which was Just rectilvod by Mnuzoy Drothers, with whom ho was formorly engaged In tho btiindry business hero, Mr. hunting In the, vicinity of Pacific (Grovo. They separated nnd a flock of qUnll arose botAveen them. The friend fired nnd tho load of shot struck Mr. Amstein, who had beon concealed behind somo small bushes. Many of the -shot penetrrttod bis fore head and fncd. Ho 'whs quickly tak en to town 1iut ho wns -faint from Ion, of blood lioforo a phytflclnu could bo tec u red ., Ho Is getting along as woll ns cpuld bo exported, but It will bo Borne tlmo before. It can flo deter mined whether tho wounds will loavo any permanent Injuries. , IS Frank J. Gardner of Brooklyn, Former Legislator, Held ' ' For Crime. (Dy Associated Presa to Coos Dayi Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 14. Prank J. Gardner of Drooklyn, aAforr.ior Hale senator, was arrested at Sormtou, Pa., last night charged with Lie rt tempted bribery of Congressman 01 tof G. Foelker, also n furwur rftato ffiuti-.' lo vote against thf' antl-raio taif: bills at Albany In I'J'13, was luii'.pd today. Automatic guns at .Mluier's. N WASHINGTON QUAIL 1 WOUNDED INDICTED FOR BRIBERY OF SPANISH REPUBLIC hopelessly divided. Tho premier snys his own program Involving a strug glo with tho Vatican Is also disarm ing tho republicans. IIEI'OUT IS DENIED. Great llrltalu Ha Not Recognized lU'publlc of Portugal. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Oct. II. Thoro Is no truth In tho published report that Great Dritnln hns recognized tho re public of Portugal. T Atlantic Storm's Toll Tossed Upon England's Shores. Casualty List Long. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Oct. 14. Tho English coast la strewn with wreckage ns tho result of n, storm lnstlng two dayn. Tho casualty list Is a long one. KEVEItE ON n.ALTIO. Hunrlriluo Drowns Hundreds of Sail- oi-n on lliiltlo Sen. (Dy Associated Press to Cooh Day Times.) ST. PETERSRURO, Oct. 14 A. hnrflcano Bweptvcr tho oostern const bf tho Daltlc last nlgnt. enna- lng many wrecks and the loss nti bnxdlrcds of Uvea nmong tks nnTlors FflAUD IN ART ' IS DISCOVERED New York Importers Arresteil 4For Urider-Valuation of Masterpieces." Uy .Associated Press to Coos Day Timos.). :NEW YORK. Oct. 14 Customs offlclala nro actively engaged In ex amining works of nrt displayed Jn Uio iiallorlca of Duvon Drotbera, nrt dcalera nnd autlquarlanu, two mo in born of which firm, Houry J. Duven ftiid.DonJainln Duven, were arrosed yesterday charged with defrauding tho government of custom duties by means of under valuation, wblch Dis trict .Attorney Wlso said would amount to many thousands of dol lars. Tho United States government haa warranta out for the remainder or the firm, who huvo art galleries la tbo '.leading cltlea of Europe. MJlliona ot dollnnj worth of paint-' lugs and art works havo been vqia : to mtllionalro art natrons In this 4 country and It waasuggestod today that tlip customs officials may In vade theeo art collections and tern- porafllyiold tho maaterpjecea lnl Ing the adjudication of alleged frauds. Wlso aald tho fraudulent valuations havo been carried on for many yeaxe. Federal Authorities to Pass on Extradition to Italy of Wife Slayer.' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 14. Portor Charlton, confessed niurdorer of bla wife, Mrs. Mary Scott-Caatlo-Charl-ton, today waa ordered turned over to the federal nuthorlUea In tho pro ceedings which havo been Instituted for hla extradition to Italy. , Judgo Dlack of tho Now Jersey supremo' court made tho order Aluminum ware at Mllncr's. W W WOE AGE CHA IS TURNED OVER CLOTHES THIEF TODAY ANO l 1.V. NEAR EMBASSY c Paris Strike Waning and At tempted Crime Laid to Agitators. (Dy ABSoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) PARIS, Oct. 14. A powerful bomb was discovered by tho police today at tho foot of n treo In tho nvonuo near tho American ombnsay. Tho offlcero nttrlbuto tho attempted outrage to nnnrchlata who sought to put now ginger Into nn apparently dying railroad strike. Tho missile wnn tnkon to a labor ntory "where an examination showed its deadly character. FIND THACE OF Expect Indictments at Portland For lll-Treatmcnt of ' Dr. Stemler. PORTLAND, Oct, 14. For more than nn hour R, M. Tuttlo, business manager of tho Crystal Springs asy lum, whoro Dr. Laurel A. Stemler tvua tortured by J. Q. Arnold, tho head attendant, was In tho cuatody of Foreman Young nnd Clerk Wnl laco, of tho county grand Jury. Dur ing that porlod ho waa not allowed out ot their sight, lest ho communl cntu with any of bla employes nt the Mount Tabor Institution. Tuttlo waa witness boforo tho grand Jury yestorday nnd was ques tioned aa regards tho molliods In voguo In tho prlvato nsylum conduct ed by Dr. Henry Waldo Coo, Dr. Jtobort L. aillcsplo nud hlmsolf. Whether Tuttlo mado nn admission putting tho jury on tho track of cer tain Information It deslrod to - pro cure, or whothor ho assorted his In ability to onllghton tho Imiulsltors further as to soma phase of tho In vestigation is not known. n any event, when tho noon re cess wna tnkon, Foreman Young and Clork Wallace took chargo of Tut tlu nnd proccodod directly to tho CryBtnJ, Springs Asylum, whoro thoy Interviewed a guard rolatlvo to his knowlcdgo of Arnold's whereabouts. This man la aald to havo Informed thorn that Arnold Is still In hiding Jn oj- noar Vnnpouvor, Wash. Lnat Saturday, ho said, Arnold tolophoncd hlra Vancouver. Ho wont thero nnd waa told by tho nssallnnt of Dr. Stemler that ho might bo cap turpd and taken boforo tho grand Jury and In such caso ho would like advlco aa to what hp sliquld ray. According to this fjuard Arnold Is either unnblo to lenvo' Vancouvor because of lack of funds or feara that the tralD8( &to being watched and, thai ne win no apprenenacd if no is seen by tbolVancpuvor authorities, Tin? guard appeared aB a wltnesa be fore tho Jury thla morning, but whether ho divulged any more than ho la-roporfed to havo' Informed tho .foreman, and tho clerk yeatOrday can not be ascertained. ' Tuttlo waa again a witness boforo the Jury tbla morning, testifying from tbo time tho guard left the Inquisitorial chamber" until the noon receaa. Ha evidently keenly appre ciates tho position In which ho la placed, having to bear tho entlro bur den ot tho Institution In tho tem porary nbsonco of Drs. Coo and Gll- Jeaplo It la admitted by Jho authorities that tho hcada of tho Institution also may bo Indicted for tbo cruel treat niont of Dr. Stomler. To get ducks uso Mllner's car tridges. Try Tho Times Want Ads. HOIS MISSING MN ADMITS HIS GUILT John Anderson "Cornered" by Ben Mat his on and Forced to Reveal Theft. ROOM IS FOUND FULL OF GARMENTS Women's Clothing of All Kinds Found Believed to Be Kleptomaniac. John Andersen, a young man em ployed In tho sorting aheda at tho 0. A. Smith mill, wns arrcatod thla uftoruoon by Acting Marshal Levi Smith on tho chargo ot purloining n varied assortment of women's clothing during tho lnat fow months. Ills room nt tho Hunker Hill Hoard ing IIoubo wna found to bo almost filled with womon'a wearing upparol. Anderson's nrrest followed tho dis covery by Don Mnthlson, ono of tbo mill foromnn, that Anderson hail Rtolon somo women's clothing from tho Matlson homo last ovonlng. An derson visited n friend who la bonrd Ing nt t)io Mnthlson homo. Later, nftqr hla doparturo,' It was found that some valuable new clothing ot Miss Mnthlson's had disappeared. Thla morning Mr. Mnthlson "cor nered" Anderson nnd chnrgod him with tho theft. It resulted In Andor son going nnd getting tho clothoa nnd returning thorn. Then others searched Andorson's room nnd found, n box filled with women's clothing nnd nlso a dresser full of It. Somo of It waa now, somo clean na though It had Just been wished nnd somo of It looked ns though It hnd beon inkon torn tho "dirty clothoa" bag. When thla wna discovered, Ward M. Dlako of the. company telephoned to Lovl Smith for nn officer to coma nnd got Anderson. Mr. Smith ap poaled to Justice Ponnock and Con stable Cox, but they would nqt not unless somo ono npponrod and sworn out a warrant against Anderson, Flunlly Mr. Smith took tho caso I nib hla own hnnda. Andorson Is Bald to bo rather weak minded and Is nllogod to bo a kleptomaniac. It Is bpltovod that ho la tho ono who haB stolon tho largo amount of clothing that baa disappeared from clothes lliioa hi Mnrshflold during tho last sovoral months. Many Bodies of Colorado Mine Disaster Victims not Yet Recovered. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) 8TARKVILLE, Colo., Oct.. 14 Tho bodies of four more victims of tho Starkvlllo mine explosion were recovored today. Twenty-nine aro still missing. Tho bodies recovered today aro In an advanced stago ot decompoaRtqn, THE WHEAT MARKET. (Dy Associated Tress to Cooa Day Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 14. December wheat closed nt 95o; May, $1.00 7.8; July, 9C 5-flp. PORTLAND, Oct. 14. Track wheat prlcoa: Club, 83c; Dluostem, S7o to 88c; Red Russian. 81o to 82c, Vnlloy, 87o; Turkey Red, 82c to 84c; Fortyfold, 85c. TACOMA, Oct. 14. Milling wheat Dluestom, 90o; Club. 8I0; Russian, 82c to 83c: exnort: Dliistom. 90c: Club, 84o; Red Russian. 82e; Forty- fold, 88c to S9o. For cleaning, hlaoklng; oiling, dressing nud repairing hnrnoss, see E. L, llopsoii, Dlack Roof Paint 00c per gallon at Mllnci-'s, TWENTY-NINE AGE MISSING j 'Wfe nMAuljpK -r-U